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The Liberal Atheist Agenda and the Denial of Self

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posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 01:06 AM

reply to post by OOOOOO

I've plenty to look forward to, thank you. For instance, I look forwar to being actually, physically, in reality, immortal, at least to the point of my living as long as I want to live. Given technologies and the size of the Universe, I look forward to living for a very long time indeed.

I'm sorry, but, according your reasoning, anyone that doesn't believe in something shouldn't talk about their not believing in it.

Please kindly enlighten all the Christians that are talking about Atheists.
Please enlighten every and anyone talking about every and anyone else, because, be doing so, they're talking about something they don't believe in.

As I perceive it, you don't believe in Atheism, so, your entire thing is self defeating in the respect that you're basically saying you shouldn't be saying anything about something you're saying something about.

edit on 12/21/2013 by AliceBleachWhite because: (no reason given)

Sorry I was only stating a fact, that some Atheists, just don't talk about being Atheists, there is not need as they just simply don't believe, in anything, you live you die, end of story.

But like they say it's hard to find a Atheists, in a Fox Hole, but that's probably because a Fox is to small and a Atheists is to large.

Another thing kind of embarrassing, is that the great Atheists leader, upon his death bed declared, wait just one minute, I Believe!, I Believe!!!

Another thing is you should for the most part not mix Christians, with the roman Catholic church, as The Christ was a Gnostic Essene, a Jew, not a Gentile.

I made one mistake though, I said I wondered how the people of future Earth, would laugh at the way we were now in our present. Thing I just realized is with the state of Human's today, there will be no future Human's to laugh at anything. As for technologies, our ignorance of how to use these is, has, will kill the entire Earth, end of story good-bye. The only one's that might question what happen on Earth, would be in the far future with a visit from some more intelligent aliens from another world, this one will be dead.

You have your wires crossed on Lucifer also, yea back to Rome, check out the Jewish Kabbala. The Hindu's have many, many God's so do the Jew's, in Hindu or Tibetan it's Kali, is the supposed bad one, but that is not the case either.

It would only be Mythology if we, the Universe were not here, but it is no Myth, we are here and this is as real as it get's.

It might take a person a life time or many life times to become a realized being of The Pure Truth, that shines in all of it's Glory all threw this place, The this Universe we live within.

hitler's name should be removed from history, he was a ego maniac, he was a bad person he wanted to do black mass with Item's of The Christ. hitler would of done anything for power, fame, greatness he was evil greedy, like many people countries are now on Earth. And you really think the people on Earth are smart, look around it's all lie's and crap.

"The Essential, or Foundation, Wisdom is the All-Pervading Wisdom of ( Seed, or Potentiality, of Truth )
or the Wisdom born of the ( Divine Body of Truth ) ". This is what The Christ was about, so if you don't get it, you don't get it, The Christ did sum it up another way, " Love ".
Some thing that is lacking on this Earth.

edit on 22-12-2013 by OOOOOO because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 01:35 AM

reply to post by Gryphon66

It is very hard to consider Hitler a Christian, especially when you read actual inquiries into his history. Fascinated by messianic ideology yes, Christian . . . . no.

Calling Hitler a practicing Christian is disingenuous.


First of all, there is a difference between Christianity and the Occult. Just because someone is interested in finding the Ark of the Covenant and such does not make them Christian - you don't have to follow Christian beliefs to search for Christian artifacts, for starters, and on another note -

There is evidence that the top NAZI brass were into the occult, and some speculation that they were into aliens as well - including researching Greys and Reptillians both - I heard about a trip down to Tibet that Hitler took a few times in search of something of that nature there.


posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by Grimpachi

How specifically am I stereotyping in the same manner?

Please do offer some anecdotal evidence to counter my claim.

Tell me about how you PERSONALLY know staunch militaristic atheists who are heavily involved in advancing science or developing a technical skill associated with higher knowledge of the sciences. Then tell me about how much they care for their fellow man.


posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by OOOOOO

When I come back to this thread - I think that I'm more against my perception of a police state and totalitarian rules than atheists or Christians in general. I frequent both Atheist and Christian circles, probably part of my problem -

I didn't mention the first time around that I swear Christians are a lot less open-minded than they used to be... and what I miss is the community of the past, where it was mixed with science, and religion and not cut-and-dry one way or the other.

I'm not sure, so I will ask - what do people in general think about how much pressure there is to conform as an adult compared to the 2000's, and prior decades? Both in the number of rules that must be followed and in how stern the repercussions?
edit on 22amSun, 22 Dec 2013 01:50:12 -0600kbamkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 05:56 AM
religion fake Blood or Blood it all Technique of distinguishing races by blood (journal "Medical business", 1925) During the research the blood of people of different nationalities scientists EO Manoylov and colleagues found that when exposed to blood test reagents Slavs (goyim) stays red and the Jews - foreigners have "blood" and becomes pale blue-green. This is unique to the color of blood molluscs, cephalopods, octopus and cuttlefish.
 This proves once again that the Jews - alien alien race!

Article E. Manoilova "Methods of distinguishing races by blood" (Journal of Physician Business ", 1925)
said: "For us, of course it is clear that the presence of hormones that characterize a particular floor, by analogy must be something national, respectively in the blood of different peoples of humanity. This particular substance and gives the imprint of a given nation and serves as a distinction from the other people. And if so, then an unknown substance in the blood should be anyway obnaruzheno.Posle long research we managed to find a reaction that gives an answer to the questions that only gives detect racial difference in blood.
In view of the fact that the Jewish people has relatively few impurities, due to many reasons we chose the one hand, the Jews, on the other hand - Russian. As Jews, and Russian, were investigated in detail by descent from their ancestors and selected only the Russian, who have three of the ancestors on the paternal and maternal lines were real Russian, that is not only one religion.
Blood was taken from the cubital vein and possibly in the same day, produces a reaction. From 1923 to March 1, 1925 we investigated in 1362, of whom 380 were Jews, 982 - Russian. By the end of 1923 we could already be distinguished by means of reagents blood from Russian Jews. Wanting to check their experiences and, mainly, their results, we turned to some scientific institutions and individuals asking us to deliver blood and Russian Jewish (gentile) under the above conditions. And be sure that the tubes were marked by number only, no name and no designation of the nation. At our request kindly responded, for all that they bring sincere thanks. Total from these institutions and individuals were received and investigated 202 samples.
 For this reaction, the following reagents are required: 1) 1% methylene blue solution in alcohol, 2) 1% solution in alcohol krezilvioleta 3) 1.5% silver nitrate, 4) 40% hydrochloric acid;
 5) 1% potassium permanganate solution. The reaction occurs as follows: a 3 cu. cm unheated emulsion 3-5% red balls, or you can directly into the clot, add volume by 3-4 times more saline and stir with a glass rod to give off a thick emulsion. Add the first kind of reagent one drop, shake, then add 5 drops of the second reagent - Shake again, followed by 3 drops of the third reagent - Shake, 1 drop 3-8 drops of the fourth and fifth reagent. The result will be correct if the tubes with Jewish blood fluid is paler than in Russian. Paint krezilvioleta have Jewish blood or almost completely disappear, or remain blue to blue-green hue, while the Russian - part of krezilvioletovoy paint remains undissolved; usually turns blue and reddish coloration. We consider it necessary to make the following reservation: distinct result depends entirely on the good colors.

As we have already mentioned, our experiments were carried out mainly with the Jewish and Russian (gentile) blood. Along the way, we explored other (gentile) nations: Germans, Chinese, Estonians, Finns, Poles, Armenians, etc. It is possible to distinguish in this way and the other nations, but we do not have enough material to be able to speak with such a positive, as we talking about the Jewish and Russian nations.
 Next, we examined the blood of people descended from mixed marriages, namely 12 cases - Russian father, mother - Jewess 8 - Russian father, mother - Fink, 23 cases - Russian father, mother - Germany's 2 case - Russian father, mother - Tatarka 2 case - Russian father, mother - Armenian woman. On the basis of this material we can only note that in mixed marriages in children who had Russian father, and his mother - a Jew or an Armenian - oxidation process stronger than a purely Russian, and the reaction may give a wrong answer, the same place where the father of Russian and his mother German, Finca, or Tatarka, oxidative processes are slow and so the reaction is not very different from that of purely Russian.

Based on the foregoing, we can draw the following conclusions:

1. DETERMINATION OF DIFFERENT PEOPLES BLOOD reactants our case gives the opportunity to excel Jewish blood FROM RUSSIAN (gentile).
 2. Oxidation process in Jewish blood flows faster than the Russian.
 When forensic studies, this reaction should give instructions known, with mixed marriages response to our article provides guidance on the impact of one or the other people "

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 07:01 AM
I'd bet on the fact that denying oneself is the only way to preserve our species, even our civilization for another millenia.

If anyone tries to accuse me of fascism, note this fact that most people in the world do not have access to the same standards of living as those in developed countries. They do not have the same level of freedom and denied of many things those in developed countries enjoy even if their government is completely democratic.

They are being discriminated by citizenship/race, skills, education, intelligence, wealth, "connections", etc.

They can only visit a handful of countries. In many countries, they are required of stringent visa requirements. In a globalized economy, their meager income compared to their 1st world counterparts, they could not even remotely match their quality of life.

Now that we have established that fact, let us suppose what would happen if all 7 billion people in the world suddenly have living standards equivalent to that of Switzerland??

Suddenly, everyone can own at least 3 cars per family, everyone can afford comfortable houses, have their own swimming pools, garage workshop, fully pimped kitchen, 50 inch flatscreen TVs, full wardrobe, complete gadgetry for all the kids.....

.....It will be an enormous strain to our planet's resources. It's end will be inevitable.

"luckily" such thing is fantasy at best. Not everyone can have Switzerland quality of life. Simply not possible without cheap source of labor or billions of robotic workers. Ironically, robots aren't cheap to build. The only alternative is to invade another planet in another star, populated with intelligent life forms where cheap labor can be exploited.

"Switzerland lifestyle" is not feasible. Even the Universe forbids it. It's not sustainable. If we humans try to achieve such lofty goal for everyone on the planet, we'll end up like a disease upon the Universe, especially if we manage to invent warp drives for interstellar travel.

The only other alternative is really self denial or until a technology can be developed where we can make anything out of heart's desire from the vacuum of space. In either case, money becomes utterly worthless.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by ahnggk

Excellent points.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by ahnggk

We already did that.

A couple of time's

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by darkbake

Yep I must be a liberated something myself.

Yea, it's like one of those " Carlo's Castaneda book's " many different level's, if you can find your spot like, Don Juan would say. I think that's right.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 08:30 AM
I'm an atheist and i don't have an agenda. My wife is singing in the church choir today. Try it figure that one out! I don't have meetings at the atheists clubhouse to discuss how to take over the world and I'm not offended by merry christmas. Someone here said that you are born then you die, thats it. I agree.
edit on 22-12-2013 by Hoosierdaddy71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by darkbake

I couldn't even make it through your OP.

You are an utter moron.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by Hoosierdaddy71

I read once that the point is not to win, but to play a beautiful game. That's what we are here for. In the absence of an objective purpose, just play a beautiful game. If you insist on being a take all kind of winner, then you're not winning. You're just consuming until someone else consumes you.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 09:14 AM
The definition of atheism is somewhat unique in my experience. It is the only word I am aware of that exists to demonstrate that something else ... doesn't exist.

Athe-ism only exists as a term because of the propensity in English to make "-isms" out of everything.

There is no organized catechism, and no unifying dialogue. It is not a religion because it is not a belief -- it is the absence of a belief.

I didn't set out to "become an atheist." It happened after years of honest, rational consideration of the facts available to me. One day, instead of jumping through improbable semantic hoops, my mind just said "there is no God." Done and done.

To imply that there is a unified front of "atheists" who march in lockstep and all follow the same activities is utterly irrational in my opinion and is not borne out by any evidence. It is another "strawman" in a long line of politically/religiously motivated fallacies. In my opinion.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 09:32 AM

The definition of atheism is somewhat unique in my experience. It is the only word I am aware of that exists to demonstrate that something else ... doesn't exist.

Athe-ism only exists as a term because of the propensity in English to make "-isms" out of everything.

There is no organized catechism, and no unifying dialogue. It is not a religion because it is not a belief -- it is the absence of a belief.

I didn't set out to "become an atheist." It happened after years of honest, rational consideration of the facts available to me. One day, instead of jumping through improbable semantic hoops, my mind just said "there is no God." Done and done.

To imply that there is a unified front of "atheists" who march in lockstep and all follow the same activities is utterly irrational in my opinion and is not borne out by any evidence. It is another "strawman" in a long line of politically/religiously motivated fallacies. In my opinion.

Belief: noun- a vague idea in which some confidence is placed.
Noun- any cognitive content held as true.

Don't sell yourself short. You have confidence in your cognitive belief that there is no god.
We talked about this at the last atheist meeting didn't we? Lol

You are absolutely correct atheist such as you and I don't get together and make plans to push an agenda, we leave that up to organized religion.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by Hoosierdaddy71

By that argument, you have no reason not to believe in unicorns, wizards and leprechauns.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 01:49 PM

reply to post by Hoosierdaddy71

By that argument, you have no reason not to believe in unicorns, wizards and leprechauns.

Lack of proof that something does not exists does not prove that it does exist. Not only do I not believe in a god I have no interest to prove there is not one. Believers have something called faith.
They don't need proof for what they believe and I can respect that.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by Hoosierdaddy71

Those who establish their facts on a non factual basis fail to equip our future leaders with the faculties necessary to effectively manage this world and it's inhabitants in a progressive manner which keeps in mind both our mistakes and our triumphs, as well as the costs of both.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by AfterInfinity

Using that logic we should all be living in a utopia of peace a tolerance. We don't.

posted on Dec, 22 2013 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by FriedBabelBroccoli

First why don't you tell us all

how you PERSONALLY know staunch militaristic atheists

Since you seem to have insight into this matter.

Are they anything like Westboro Baptist Church?
edit on 22-12-2013 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2013 @ 12:53 AM
Political and social agendas aside, I've simply found most rabid Atheists to be... well, assholes for lack of a better term. That in and of itself is enough to make me want to stay far away from the ideologies/philosophies (ahem... beliefs) that contributed to making them that way.

But of course, rabid "anythings" tend to be difficult people to interact with. Atheism by no means has a monopoly on the jerk department when talking about religion, nor does liberalism with politics.

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