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Frightning Video of an creepy "Alien-thing" climbing down a apartments wall in Russia

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posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 01:24 PM


I too remember this from 2011 when we first discussed it here in the original thread.

In the OP-2011, it was mentioned the guy is a filmaker as well...
edit on 09-22-2013 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

I don't see the mention of the guy being a filmmaker in the OP linked?

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

Maybe mysteriousstranger means the 3rd post after the OP of the 2011 thread. But the link to the video has nothing to do with the pictures.

It was a guy dressed as the Predator, I think, and walking on the street.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 01:35 PM

The real question to this video is: Why would someone be filming a random building at night? Expecting to see what exactly? I could record the sky from my window every night for years straight and never get a real UFO on camera. This is why i think it's a hoax, but it's really good and well done - so good that it looks real to me.

I am not so sure, the creature could have been seen on the rooftop... which it is too dark for us to see and that is why he is began filming.That is a possibility at least.
edit on 10-12-2013 by Char-Lee because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 01:38 PM


The real question to this video is: Why would someone be filming a random building at night? Expecting to see what exactly? I could record the sky from my window every night for years straight and never get a real UFO on camera. This is why i think it's a hoax, but it's really good and well done - so good that it looks real to me.

I am not so sure the creature was not seen on the rooftop which it is too dark for us to see and that is why he is filming.That is a possibility at least.

(EDIT: Oh, wait, I got your tenses wrong. Never mind.)

Look at some of the new renditions put up after the thread was hoaxed, you can easily see our creepy friend coming to the edge of the roof and then going down.
edit on 10-12-2013 by Aleister because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

You can see the creature just before it goes down. It looks over the edge, then goes down. It's faint, but we can see it against the night sky.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 01:39 PM

You can hear them laughing over this prank.. Personally I would be very exited and try to zoom in to get a better picture or I would have called in on ATS Radio ..

I have read this numerous times and I don't hear any laughing, is it not on the posted video?

I hear someone in a scared hushed voice say what may be "Oh My God" in russian I guess it must be.
Four more words in sets of two and then a sentence which sounds scared, a few rushed words, have you ever been in a situation where something terrifying happens? You kind of make a sound like a laugh when truely scared.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by blupblup

It's harsh that this has been moved to the hoax bin I suppose, although it's not real... it actually can't be real, but until it's actually proven to be a hoax, with analysis detailing the hoax and which parts led them to believe it was hoaxed etc, then perhaps the thread should have stood, or at least been in skunk works.

I agree it is an alternative forum with alternative topics, I don't see the point of hoaxing it,

Maybe that's what ATS wants? They've been moving further away from conspiracies for a while now... with so many topics shut down, banned or just stifled and closed, that it just makes you think.
If you don't want to discuss conspiracies any more, or paranormal stuff.... shouldn't you at least tell the members that?

Could be they want to look more mainstream and these make the forum look less credible.

sad really

edit on 013131p://bTuesday2013 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 01:55 PM

reply to post by DayKnightmare

reply to post by ExquisitExamplE
Are you blind?
there are parts of the video where it clearly changes shape to be more humanoid, in coorilation with approaching the windows that may have occupants.
You need to start looking at the behavior of this organism and learning as opposed to defensive reactions do to your reinforcement of your personal negative hallucination.

Well, since I'm the one here who's actually able to write and articulate myself in a somewhat cogent manner, I think I'll stick with my gut on this one. Perhaps if you were able to actually convey your thoughts without murdering the English language, I'd be more apt to listen to what you have to say.

Maybe English isn't your first language and that's why your syntax is kind of all over the place. If English is your first language, you need to start reading and writing more.

I see your avatar says "writer" clearly you feel the need to be "teacher" also.
I understood the other comment fine and can't see why you waste so much time going on about how the comment is written. Seems the wrong place for teaching. This is not a writing contest and YES many people here English is not their first language which is impressive to me.
edit on 10-12-2013 by Char-Lee because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

The person recording the video nonchalantly maintains composure the whole time, and casually stops recording when it's out of sight -- never proclaiming the utter shock and horror of what he's seeing.

I have experienced something that was beyond our normal belief, at the time I became speechless, I was unable to make my voice work even to call out to my husband to look, he was about 30 feet away in an adjoining room and I could barely speak for a little bit after it was over, what does this person say as the camera drops? Has that been translated?
edit on 10-12-2013 by Char-Lee because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Aleister

Can someone find a shadow at 43 seconds, exactly when the creature bends its "knee" in a leg lift?

Would not the appearance and placement of shadow depend on the closeness to the wall of the object? I can't see how we can say from the video when the creature is flat against or close to the wall and when far away and how far away as that could only be determined if you were below watching it above you.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 02:50 PM
Is there a petition that can be started to remove something from the Hoax Bin?

there should be lol

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 02:56 PM


Wow the video is now gone.

It still works on the first page of this thread. Do you mean on youtube, but would it still be playing here if that's the case?

Two other sites with links to youtube were both gone...glad they are still available I want to show them to a few people.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by MissBeck

It seems a relatively new video, a few months old, so maybe in time, the truth will come out, and I for one will be very relieved if it's a hoax.

I guess that would not be true if the authorities don't want this to come out (if it were true).

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by SquirrelNutz

Well, I think if enough people keep posting and are interested in revealing the truth, then there is a chance of it being reconsidered as "Hoax".

The discussion can continue, just because someone puts a bs label, or says "No we're absolutely not spying on you!" *rolls eyes*.. doesn't mean this needs to end.

More info.. such as a location match, other accounts of similar entities.. or if somebody has the skills and the equipment.. re-make the video to show us "How easily it can be done!".

This is not over. Not by a long shot.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 04:42 PM

I want the camera person tracked down, dragged on here kicking and screaming, and showing me how they did it.

I'd like to finally hear from the guys who faked the alien CHAD "drone" UFOs that were popular around here a few years back. We never really did find out who those guys were. Remember these?

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Blue Shift

Nope. I'd never seen those before either! How long ago was that?

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 05:19 PM
A simple Google search of SlenderMan 3D Model download brings up lots of returns. Here's a free one:

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 05:57 PM

Nope. I'd never seen those before either! How long ago was that?

I guess about seven years ago now. There was all kinds of activity on them, including some computer generated images of the "parts," and then they were shown to be a hoax, but nobody ever showed up to confess and explain how it was done.

If you're going to do a pretty good hoax, why wouldn't you want to take a little credit for it long after the fact?

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 08:39 PM
I'm sure this is a fake (I hope it is) but this is one of the coolest videos I've ever seen. It really triggers the amateur crypto-zoologist in me wondering about the physiology of such a creature. Kudos to the creator as it really made the hair on my neck stand up and I can't stop watching it. Ok I suppose I'll read the rest of the comments now and prepare to be disappointed once again.

S&F Dominator.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 10:24 PM

reply to post by Varhaard

Very interesting, thanks for sharing your story! Now, how about a few questions? I take it you don't experience these dreams anymore? When was the last time you had one roughly? Did you have them since you were a child, or did they start when you were a teen or what? Did they just seem to taper off and do you remember any specific event in your life that may have caused that? How large was this creature you experienced and was it completely black? Finally, do you think this entity was actually existent in our reality? For instance, if someone had walked into the room while it was creeping away, would they have been able to see it, or do you think it's something perhaps only you could see, due to it's ethereal nature and/or your intrinsic attunement to it's frequency/vibratory level?

I started having those bad dreams about four years ago, right after I moved into a new apartment complex. At first I thought they were just nightmares, as I was under a lot of job stress at the time...but they kept repeating, with me in the middle of a room and all the lights going out suddenly and a fearful presence nearby.

A couple of times, while I was dropping off to sleep, I saw a large, formless black mass seem to emanate from my open closet and move towards me. It just waited there, emanating menace but not moving any closer, like it was waiting for me to fall asleep. Both times I told it to go away, and after repeating that a few times it did...but the strange thing about that was, I heard myself tell it to leave - but the words didn't leave my physical lips! Which made me think I was in some kind of weird dream state and I questioned if what I saw was just a figment of my imagination.

The last time I saw it, however, I was definitely awake and aware and not feeling any fear, and I think that was when it realized the game was up with me. The really bizarre thing about that though, is my next-door neighbor started complaining about having weird dreams right after that!! So whatever it was, if it was real, it just picked out a new target once I 'awakened' to it.

SO, what do I really think about this? To be honest, I first thought it might be my diet as I had heard some foods can cause stuff like that, so I cut out all sugar/grease/fat etc. even though I had already stopped eating wheat and dairy and GMO's....but the dreams continued, so I don't think it was caused by food.

The fear I felt at first when having these experiences was quite real, as was the realization upon waking that SOMETHING seemed to be 'hacking' my dreams to create these scenarios.

I do think that aware people can see these things, but they may not appear as they are to most because if these entities can actually 'hack' into people's minds, they could potentially do that to a waking person so they edit themselves out of your memory. You'd need to actually catch it by surprise, and have it not be aware of being seen so it can't change your perception of it.

Ah, to be honest I have no idea what it was that I saw or what affected me in that way. I just am very glad it isn't bothering me any more, and I would LOVE to find a credible explanation of what it was just to satisfy my curiosity. The video the OP posted, though, reminded me of it because that was VERY close to what I saw the last time it bothered me - the way it moved and its pitch-blackness especially.

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