posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 06:57 PM
After reading this thread and the link in the OP, there is no indication that this missile has ever been tested. Heck, has it even been built yet?
Claims of a "near perfect PK" sound great on a shiny brochure and anybody can make them, but until this missile has shown it is capable of living up
to the hype I'm calling it a paper tiger.
With that in mind, it seems as if many have forgotten that there is more limiting the effectiveness of air to air missiles than the electronics
inside. Regardless of how fancy the internal circuitry and sensors are, missiles are still bounded by the kinematic factors that have plagued every
missile in the history of air combat. You may be able to track your target like no other, but that is nullified when you run out of fuel or your
target maneuvers enough to bleed all of that kinetic energy you've been burning propellant so long to gain.
Technology like this only gives a greater incentive to nations to further develop LO aircraft and sensors. What kind of sensitivity do you think an
array only a couple inches in diameter and probably a fraction of the wattage of much larger aircraft mounted arrays will have? Successful intercepts
of 4th and maybe 4++gen aircraft might be common but I doubt the K-77M will pose a much greater threat to an F-22 or F-35 than any missile that
already exists.
Neat stuff though.
edit on 8-12-2013 by Pants3204 because: (no reason given)