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Limbaugh calls the pope a Marxist

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posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 11:59 AM

reply to post by benrl

Left wing liberalism is forced redistribution. Jesus wanted it done voluntarily. There is a big difference.

I am not sure about it being voluntary if one wants to enter heaven. It's pretty much mandatory. Though, I suppose one can voluntarily choose to go to hell instead.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 12:00 PM

Why are we listening to Limbaugh?

why does anyone listen to him?...the only people I think that do, are people that don't believe in researching something themselves, so they trust what he says as being the truth.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 12:05 PM


reply to post by benrl

Left wing liberalism is forced redistribution. Jesus wanted it done voluntarily. There is a big difference.

I am not sure about it being voluntary if one wants to enter heaven. It's pretty much mandatory. Though, I suppose one can voluntarily choose to go to hell instead.

See that's where you're wrong.

Christianity is not a religion of works. Redistribution is works.

Christianity is a religion of salvation. The works come through salvation. When you are saved, you take on a piece of the Holy Spirit and allow it to live through you, and it inspires you to want to do the works. That's part of the life change you see in truly good people who do so much for those around them - they don't tend to be materialists; they don't worship the dollar/gold.

That doesn't mean they won't provide for themselves, either. We can't be expected to help others if we can't help ourselves. A man who sells everything for the poor has nothing left with which to hold down his job, for example. How well could you hold down your job without a place to live, a car, clothing? And without being able to hold down your job, how would you continue to help the poor?

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 01:01 PM

Why are we listening to Limbaugh?

I saw the article and decided to comment on it. I don't listen to Limbaugh, and I'm sure if he read my stuff he would be against most of it.

Nevertheless, I agree with bits of his economic stuff. Everyone drinks cool aid of one persuasion or other. Most people don't drink Limbaugh's cool aid, they drink someone else's cool aid.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by benrl

I'm not against social welfare of any kind. I have no problem helping those who truly cannot do for themselves, and I would be all over a system structured to provide a temporary hand up for those who fall on hard times. But that's not the kind of system we have. Our current system is an all or nothing system that forces you to take everything and lose it all if you make one cent too much which is pretty catastrophic when you tally up the true value of all the benefits the system actually offers.

When all is said and done in some places, a single mother with three kids working full-time at minimum wage who knows how to get max benefits from the system (sub housing, free daycare, free lunch programs, food stamps, energy programs, and all the rest) can end up with more disposable income than a working family of four bringing in $65,000/year. But, if she messes up and makes just a tiny bit too much ... she loses everything. That's a major swing in income and a very hard financial hit to take. It disincentivizes success and financial independence because how is she going to make the jump to something that will allow her to realize no or very little hit to her quality of life? The short answer is that she won't, so why should she even bother trying?

That's the system I don't support. It shouldn't be structured that way. She's in a trap.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by sleeper

Milt said he would sell his ride

No, I didn't... I haven't owned one of them for many years. Hell, I'm so damn broke, and have been, that I can't even afford your dirty underwear.

Yours was a pretty damn good response, so the first star, on that post, was mine.

See ya buddy,
edit on 853America/Chicago12RAmerica/Chicago2013-12-03T13:29:23-06:00Tuesday00000023America/Chicago by BenReclused because: Typo

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

people that don't believe in researching something themselves, so they trust

That description applies to ALL PEOPLE that depend on the opinions of others to support their own claims. I've seen you do that, quite often.

See ya,

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 02:02 PM

reply to post by sleeper

Milt said he would sell his ride

No, I didn't... I haven't owned one of them for many years. Hell, I'm so damn broke, and have been, that I can't even afford your dirty underwear.

Yours was a pretty damn good response, so the first star, on that post, was mine.

See ya buddy,
edit on 853America/Chicago12RAmerica/Chicago2013-12-03T13:29:23-06:00Tuesday00000023America/Chicago by BenReclused because: Typo

For you I can take less than two dollars, it's holey underwear, certainly not holy, if it were I would stick with the two bucks. Thanks for the star!

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by sleeper

For you I can take less than two dollars, it's holey underwear, certainly not holy, if it were I would stick with the two bucks.

How about, just, sending it, postage paid? I could probably afford that.

Thanks for the star!

Your welcome! You certainly deserved it!

See ya buddy,

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 04:01 PM

reply to post by sleeper

With one swoop, the Catholic Church could end poverty in the world by simply converting church assets into cash. That cash would easily feed and clothed the poor people of the world.

Are you really that naive?

Historian Peter Watson is a harsh critic of the Roman Catholic church, and has suggested that the Vatican sell off all of its art to private collectors. Here's his estimate of what that would raise:

Watson reckons the Vatican could get $17 billion for its art treasures. Good copies could be substituted, he says, or gaps could be left on the walls to emphasise the sacrifice.

And how far does he think even such a sum as $17 billion would go in ridding the world of poverty? It would be a drop in the ocean; and once it had soaked into the desert, like water from a leaking tanker in the Sahara, it would be gone forever, leaving bare walls and a basilica without Michaelangelo’s Pietà: a simpler but a less spiritually powerful place. And surely, the idea of those great religious works hanging in the houses of rich men for their private amusement is deeply unattractive. (Source)

In 2010, the world's governments gave $120 billion in foreign aid (Source) -- that didn't end poverty, why would you think that $17 billion would?

It doesn't end poverty, because the governments that receive billions in aid are so excited that the morons that gave them all that money, didn't have a clue that they were really going to spend it on much more important things like uranium enrichment, and biological weaponry!...

Governments that give aid are showing they like to help people, and governments that receive aid are showing that they like to kill people!

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 04:12 PM


Why are we listening to Limbaugh?

why does anyone listen to him?...the only people I think that do, are people that don't believe in researching something themselves, so they trust what he says as being the truth.

The real truth is that some people are actually smart enough to understand if something he is saying is true or untrue..

What is very funny to me though, is how loud the real leftists and Marxists scream at everything he says..

This is because he is calling out the leftist ideological retards, and condemning Marxists!

I see a very clear pattern here, can you see it too?

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 04:34 PM
I do find it humorous the people who believe liberalism is about helping the little guy, when it's the exact opposite. Liberalism locks the poor into a cycle of being poor, while at the same time demolishing the middle class, creating even more poor, until all that's left is a massive group of peasants and the rich "elite" to rule over them. So keep supporting liberalism democrats, I'm sure the bureaucrats really care about your well-being!

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 04:36 PM
I'd be the last guy to defend a pope (even then I wouldn't lol) but somehow Rush Limbaugh rabbling about Francis is like listening to white noise while the toilet is flushing.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 06:37 PM

First of all, Rush Limbaugh is insane. And if he is sane and just a propagandist putting on an act, what he says is insane. Second, the Catholic Church employs over 1 million people. After paying living wages for its employees, the other 90% of the Church's annual spending is spent on different kinds of charity and is the most charitable organization on Earth in terms of money spent, most of the other 10% on Church renovations and construction all over the world. No I did not make this number up, you can look it up for yourself. The Church does not hold onto it's treasures for material reasons, but rather to preserve its history. The Church also wants to ensure financial security, which paid off with the recent sex abuse scandal. Also, the worth of the Church's financial holdings and worth of its treasures is both unknown and a secret.

No doubt the church is a huge employer, kind of like the government. The church certainly provides a service, a place for people to congregate, fellowship and bingo night. worthwhile causes in America, Europe and a few other places where the standard of living is not too bad and for some very good. The good life and those that have access to it only makes up a small part of the people on this planet. The rest of the planet lives like animals, in poverty, no sanitation, hospitals, schools, roads, McDonalds', or Wal-Marts.

Sure, the Vatican can continue with bingo night and the other activities for the small percentage of the world population that have it made. But that doesn't do anything for the real poor in this world. The Vatican piggy bank is full of coins; people are starving around the world, no one is doing much if anything about it. Oh, everyone talks the talk but few walk the walk.

The Vatican is only one big piggy bank full of coins, there are other religious institutions equally as prosperous and they too seem to only want to take care of the few people that really don't need much taking care of, those in the developed world. I know, bingo night and other such frivolous activities to keep the congregation pacified is far more important than helping the "real" poor in those far off places that people never hear about, and could care less about.

The solutions so far is to tell others to do deal with it. The Pope wants governments to do it, as do other religious leaders. Those in power keep tossing the ball around and feel as if they have accomplished something. But nothing ever gets done. People feel good that they were part of tossing the ball into someone else's court to deal with and go home from the office feeling satisfied that they have done God's work.

There in no shortage of money for the poor, only excuses from institutions who enjoy the feeling of having a full piggy bank. That way they can sleep peacefully at night.

Good night.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 08:56 AM

Why are we listening to Limbaugh?

This should be a thread of its own.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by sleeper

If you think wealth is a demon you will never have any.
Money like electricity is neutral. Neither good nor bad.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 09:06 AM
The Pope is no Marxist...he is a shrewd PR and Marketing wizard who knows how to get the gullible liberals to side with him.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 09:30 AM


reply to post by sleeper

Might as well ask any museum to relenquish its treasures too. Those treasures are preserved for a reason and its not so they can be sold at some Vegas pawn shop when we run short of cash.

Museums are private enterprises, the Vatican is based on charity, built on the doctrine of living simple lives bordering on poverty. Christian scripture is clear when it states the pursuit of treasure is unholy and the pursuit of piety holy. Sell whatever treasure you have and feed the poor with that treasure, that is what Christianity is about. The Vatican should follow its own tenets, they should be the example and sell their immense treasure and feed the poor.

Even if they did their critics wouldn't care. Just laugh at them. These admonitions of Christ are hard for the kingdom of mammon to understand anyway. Naturally they are going to sound Marxist to dyed in the wool mammonites. In fact I have know some that claim to be christian in nature, love the bible and the god of prosperity, blessing and favor but otherwise bristle at some of Jesus teaching.....just like the rich young ruler. And buy the way the rich young ruler guy was not the only person Jesus told to sell their goods and give to poor folks. Jesus loved to see a contempt for wealth.

As well many "christian capitalists" that call for the Vatican to do a wealth dump are simply testifying against themselves that they are children of mammon. But yes, its going to be hard for the Vatican to preach against mammon when much of their own power is based of financial weight that can be thrown around. But mammon isnt going to listen to a millionaire that walks away from that. Hes just a rank dumbass to them.
edit on 4-12-2013 by Logarock because: n

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 09:38 AM
Rush Limbaugh is so unmagical i bet his favorite movie is Top Gun
and that he wishes he was Tom Cruise's bottom holster.

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 01:15 PM

reply to post by sleeper

If you think wealth is a demon you will never have any.
Money like electricity is neutral. Neither good nor bad.

Wealth is good, poverty is bad. I lived in poverty and the only thing I learned from it is that it sucks to be poor.

I'm only saying that the Vatican should share the tax free wealth it sits on, and has sat on for centuries. And get out of politics, where it doesn't belong. If religious institutions want to be involved in the political aspects of countries then they should pay taxes on their holdings as is demanded from the private sector.

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