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Black Friday Death Count

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posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 03:05 PM
Living in El Paso as a youngster, I saw this day in and day out. The rest of the nation, today, cries about how sad and pathetic we are "nowadays" because of our black friday shopping (which, to be honest, I share in the disgust of).

In El Paso, when I was in elementary school in the mid 80's, I would regularly see folks get into fist fights at Cielo Vista Mall. It isn't like they were fighting over scarce items, as there were usually other identical items on the rack/shelf. It was just barbarism for the sake of barbarism.

It isn't new.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 03:28 PM

Those are totals from 2006 there have yet been any Death's reported this year! I doubt that these are outrageous statistics in a country over 350 Million for any day!

This is an exaggeration and flat out sensationalism!

Other opening events or Soccer games have higher injury and death counts on any day other than the so called "Black Friday"!

edit on 29-11-2013 by abeverage because: of boycotting shopping on black

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

You almost seem disappointed there aren't more deaths.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 03:32 PM

So let's see. 4 deaths and 75 injuries, half of which are from pepper spray... In the past 7 years where hundreds of millions of people get out and shop every year. If you say 100,000,000 shoppers every year which is probably far less than actual shoppers 4 deaths out of 700,000,000 million doesn't seem scary or excessive. More people have been eatin by killer whales. All it takes is a couple of Walmart in da hood videos for you guys. Lol... Some of you titbags are laughable.

Haha, way to defend your cheapness.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 03:40 PM

reply to post by NihilistSanta

For your viewing pleasure, or horror, how ever you view it.

WOW! That was like a shark feeding frenzy! I was appalled to hear a child's voice in the last video amongst all that craziness!

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 04:08 PM


Here you go ATS...

More fodder for your bashing of consumerism that you carry out from your IPad.

Not nearly as many people dead as I would suspect.

I think this all says more about the state of people in society today than it does about consumerism in general.

It's all about "I", "Me" and "Mine" and to hell with everybody else.
Almost a feverish, sub level of insanity.
They don't see others as human.

I don't go anywhere on Black Friday.

Those people make my skin crawl.

This should be the Black Friday theme song

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by nugget1

Could you imagine if these people were getting that crazy over something that actually mattered? That revolution everyone seems to always talk about would come about pretty quick. Boy, "tptb" really have us where they want us.. fighting over cell phones, clothes and video games. Pathetic.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 04:42 PM

Black Friday has been around for awhile, the only reason anyone here is talking about it is because the media has been blasting it for the past month. Ooooh you guys are soooo underground.

As I'm writing this most of any crazyness is over and there's still lots of bargains out there. I've bought lots of stuff on Black Friday with no problems. Some of the things some people would never be able to afford any other day of the year.

The discounts that Black Friday offers aren't as hot as they would seem. While taking Business Law, the subject of Black Friday deals was brought forward by my professor where she outlined just what they do to get people to come to their stores. Typically, the store has a limited number of product that they want to offload (clearance pricing) and can advertise it as a Black Friday deal with the all important words--"while supplies last"--to essentially draw people in. It's totally legal as long as the terms in the advertisement are specified ("while supplies last", "no substitutions", "no rainchecks" and etc) and held to. The sole point of Black Friday deals is to draw customers into the store and the perception of savings during the time where store revenues are typically at their highest year long. In terms of how good the deals actually are is purely up to debate, however, it's fairly typical that the greatest number of deals would be after the seasonal shopping spike surrounding Christmas has ended and in the summer, where store revenues are also at their lowest points of the year. Late January and early February would be the most ideal for a frugal consumer as all the unsold stock acquired for prospective Christmas sales would need to be unloaded.

What does all that mean? Black Friday is, quite simply, bait to get people to a. shop and b. shop at a specific store in the peak store revenues season. Merchandising mark ups actually allow retailers to go ahead and make one hell of a profit off of a the perception of savings. Like I said, all they have to do is get you in the right mindset and in the door.

Why do you think it is that many store retailers, like Macy's, will dish out periodic "50% off" sales throughout the year? This comes down to what the consumer market entails--early adopters will pay full and the rest will pay less. They're still making a profit after the early adopters have bought in. Like I said though, the actual deals won't really come until after the Christmas shopping season has passed and the slow early summer period when school gets out.

I don't do Black Friday because I have a degree in business administration. I know better and, quite frankly, it's doubly depressing to me to know for a fact that Black Friday is one massive marketing manipulation and to watch those videos of the feeding frenzy because it tells me that a whole lot of suckers bite, hook, line and sinker.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 05:07 PM


Those are totals from 2006 there have yet been any Death's reported this year! I doubt that these are outrageous statistics in a country over 350 Million for any day!

This is an exaggeration and flat out sensationalism!

Other opening events or Soccer games have higher injury and death counts on any day other than the so called "Black Friday"!

edit on 29-11-2013 by abeverage because: of boycotting shopping on black

It really is exaggerated I could make the case using those statistics that stores during Black Friday are the safest place on planet to be at.

Since when is being pepper sprayed an injury. PLEASE. Its only a temporary discomfort. When they have to list crowds bei g pepper sprayed to add to the injury count that's sensationalism.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 05:26 PM


Those are totals from 2006 there have yet been any Death's reported this year! I doubt that these are outrageous statistics in a country over 350 Million for any day!

This is an exaggeration and flat out sensationalism!

Other opening events or Soccer games have higher injury and death counts on any day other than the so called "Black Friday"!

edit on 29-11-2013 by abeverage because: of boycotting shopping on black

I posted it for interest. Saw it linked on Memebase, thought others might like to be underwhelmed by the lack of violent deaths at the unholy black friday mass.

"Black Friday" was coined by retailers as a way to sensationalize the day. It helps staffing and buyer interest. T-Mobile called it "Magenta Friday", and we all wore pink t-shirts (the only pink shirt I own is one left over from then that i wear around the house).

reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

You almost seem disappointed there aren't more deaths.

I bet that since you don't know me it is hard to judge my sarcastic nature.

No. I am not disapointed. To be honest, I am disassociated from "the rest of the world" to the extent needed to not really care that much. It would be exhausting in the modern technological age if i weren't. I'd end up like my sister, sitting and crying all day over every person who has a prayer request up on Facebook. Ain't nobody got time for that.

It is more that I am underwhelmed. This applies context to the doom porn naysayers of ATS who, while on their nifty Iphone's, bemoan the evil capitalist holy day of Black Friday.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 05:28 PM


So let's see. 4 deaths and 75 injuries, half of which are from pepper spray... In the past 7 years where hundreds of millions of people get out and shop every year. If you say 100,000,000 shoppers every year which is probably far less than actual shoppers 4 deaths out of 700,000,000 million doesn't seem scary or excessive. More people have been eatin by killer whales. All it takes is a couple of Walmart in da hood videos for you guys. Lol... Some of you titbags are laughable.

Haha, way to defend your cheapness.

So buying things when they are on sale means you are cheap???? Amazing logic you have there. I imagine everything you purchase you make sure to ask them to charge you full retail, because you don't won't to seem cheap. You probably even pay more than retail because it would seem cheap not to give more money than what's being charged.

I imagine your vacations cost $50,000. You probably spent $10,000 more than everyone else did on the same vehicle because that was the price on the sticker and you didn't want to seem cheap by negotiating the mark up to a reasonableprice.

Must be nice to be iinfinitely rich... I think there is a Rothschild's right here on ATS.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 06:39 PM



Those are totals from 2006 there have yet been any Death's reported this year! I doubt that these are outrageous statistics in a country over 350 Million for any day!

This is an exaggeration and flat out sensationalism!

Other opening events or Soccer games have higher injury and death counts on any day other than the so called "Black Friday"!

edit on 29-11-2013 by abeverage because: of boycotting shopping on black

I posted it for interest. Saw it linked on Memebase, thought others might like to be underwhelmed by the lack of violent deaths at the unholy black friday mass.

"Black Friday" was coined by retailers as a way to sensationalize the day. It helps staffing and buyer interest. T-Mobile called it "Magenta Friday", and we all wore pink t-shirts (the only pink shirt I own is one left over from then that i wear around the house).

reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

You almost seem disappointed there aren't more deaths.

I bet that since you don't know me it is hard to judge my sarcastic nature.

No. I am not disapointed. To be honest, I am disassociated from "the rest of the world" to the extent needed to not really care that much. It would be exhausting in the modern technological age if i weren't. I'd end up like my sister, sitting and crying all day over every person who has a prayer request up on Facebook. Ain't nobody got time for that.

It is more that I am underwhelmed. This applies context to the doom porn naysayers of ATS who, while on their nifty Iphone's, bemoan the evil capitalist holy day of Black Friday.

What you, sarcastic?? Pfft....

They've never had the pleasure of being entertained when you and Zarni have at it!!

Any how, we used to work a kiosk the 6 weeks before Christmas in a mall. We don't any more due to the rent going up, especially on the good malls, plus the long hours is hard on my husband any more.

But where the term 'Black Friday' came from, and we asked this question to several store managers many years ago, is that most stores depend on the holidays to make 70%-80% of their money for the whole year.
Hence, they stay in the 'red' until Thanksgiving, which the 'Black Friday' helps many stores get back into black so to speak.

There are many stores don't like it when specialty kiosks set up for the 6 weeks because it takes away from them, after they had sweated it out all year long. Which I understand & don't blame them.

So when you go to a mall in the summer time and it's dead as a door nail, they'll make up for their losses come Thanksgiving/Christmas holidays.

Needless to say, we stay clear of any Black Friday madness now a days.
When we had to work it, that's one thing.
But we aren't crazy enough or desperate enough for any one product.

Besides, the best deals are after the first of the year. That's when we like to go if we need/want some thing.
Out with the old, in with the new, up to 80% off some times.

Then you get pissed off at the markup they had on the original price tag. What a rip off!!
What schmucks people are...

[Of course, this started out with malls mainly, but over the years, Wally World and others of the like have caught on to it now. Except now, they've added Thanksgiving night to the mix]

edit on 29-11-2013 by snarky412 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 06:48 PM

reply to post by SasquatchHunter

Good point. This really seems like class warfare. "Oh look at the plebs arguing over trinkets and getting violent. There ought to be a law...."

Class warfare exists. I don't think we can start labeling everything as class warfare, just because a few people don't know to act. There's bad apples in every bunch. Alot of people save money on luxury items and it boosts the economy. If people were rioting every day of the yeqr that isnt black friday because prices are too high that would be class warfare.

Its not class warfare when people act up in sporting events, and concerts. Its just a numbers game when you have so many people things are going to happen any situation.

Allowing a few people to ruin something for everyone else is just as big a failure the people causing problems.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by snarky412

And there you have it....the origins of black friday.

When the kids were younger we would do black friday shopping. Then, as the kids aged i would use black friday to maximize our incentive monies at the call center (drive attendance and talk time during retail seasons by giving tickets in drawings for things like mp3's and laptops). Now...i went yesterday just so my youngest son (who doesn't yet have a license) could gawk and see the madness first hand. I grabbed a tree, he grabbed surround sound for his gaming system, and we took off.

The problem is, he is huge, and not yet old enough to be empathetic of people who are screwing up. So he doesn't mind pushing someone who is getting a little close. So in that environment full of pushy people....they are really taking their lives in their own hands. LOL

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by SasquatchHunter

I meant it in the sense of using isolated or sporadic incidents among the lower socioeconomic class to instill in the middle/upper classes fear and perpetuate the idea that "poor" people are animals. This is used to grant the state more authority over everyone for some form of perceived safety.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

"Magenta Friday" sounds both fun and sad...

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 07:54 PM

reply to post by SasquatchHunter

I meant it in the sense of using isolated or sporadic incidents among the lower socioeconomic class to instill in the middle/upper classes fear and perpetuate the idea that "poor" people are animals. This is used to grant the state more authority over everyone for some form of perceived safety.

In that case you might not be far off. Its fear mongering the media and gullible perpetuate daily. Next year people would have us not wanting to buy turkeys because so many died in their sleep caused by a trypophan induced coma or something.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 08:27 PM
and all that goodies they are fighting for will soon be thrown in the junk heap /sold /end up at charity shops when the next must have items come out .

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 08:29 PM

reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

"Magenta Friday" sounds both fun and sad...

You captured the essence in that one sentence.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 09:45 PM

reply to post by SasquatchHunter

I meant it in the sense of using isolated or sporadic incidents among the lower socioeconomic class to instill in the middle/upper classes fear and perpetuate the idea that "poor" people are animals. This is used to grant the state more authority over everyone for some form of perceived safety.

I'd agree with you if some of the madness footage was coming just from venues like Walmart--everybody's trash price point leader. However, I've seen videos from higher priced stores such as Target and all the way upwards to more boutique style stores such as Victoria's Secret. I don't know many poor people that can afford or reason the purchase of a $60 bra. In that sense, you've got a bit of ye olde ultraviolence to just bizarro behavior even in the middle/upper middle classes, too.

Victoria Secret last year:

Non-Walmart Brawl in some random mall (though crappy filming):

And as abeverage noted, it's not just relegated to Black Friday. Happens in stadiums too but there's actually a reason behind that one based on research--men tend to be more prone to testosterone charged grouping and group loyalty. However, Black Friday is not a sports event--no easy explanation for similar behaviors available and that's why I find it so darn right fascinating.

Is it because there has been a misappropriation of wants into the needs category that pushes people to engage in behaviors that are typically relegated to assuring one's survival due to psychological manipulation through marketing? Is it a function of mob mentality where the greater number of people increases the chances of mob behavior? Or is it that people now perceive that having the "right" material goods as basically being a guarantee of survival in today's world or a material measure of one's success (competition)? Or is it simply the end result of an individualistic society? Those are the questions that come to mind when I see vids like the ones above.

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