posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by HomerinNC
The comments by the suspects mother... Wow!
You know, I think a lot of this comes down to morality at the end of the day. Evidently, this woman, this so called mother, is the sort of person who
walks on by when she sees a woman getting raped in an alleyway, sees a person being beaten for their wallet, when she sees injustice, she just gets on
with the day.
What is really wrong about this situation, is that the suspects mother was ever deemed appropriate as a sexual partner by any human being, let alone
one who thought it would be an idea to impregnate the soul dead, hateful, rotten hearted cow.
Good people do not walk on by when they see someone in trouble, or in need. Great people not only do what they can for those who are in trouble, but
risk their own skins in the process, and guess what? Good is the MINIMUM requirement. The suspects mother is neither good, nor great, but the lowest
scum, for no other reason that not only did she raise a total son of a female dog, but furthermore, she SUPPORTS HIS ANIMALISTIC BEHAVIOR!
This woman needs feeding to an industrial food processor.