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Armed Robber’s Family Is Angry After He Is Shot Robbing A Dollar Store!

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posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 08:12 AM

Of course a parent would feel that way about their child but I think she's just crazy to think that people should get away with theft. Although I don't get why in the world you would go and rob a dollar store. That's as ghetto as it gets. At least rob something worth of value if you're going to risk your life.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by Tidnabnilims

Having been through different gun safety courses, the following can be stated:

No there is nothing wrong with that statement. Here is the reason behind that, and some rules that are usually taught, at the most basic level, the first being that if you see a firearm, be under the belief that it is loaded. The second rule is that if you pull it on another person you shoot to kill.

The reality of shooting a gun, contrary to what Hollywood may show, is that when you fire a firearm, unless you are in a controlled situation, hitting to wound is not a good idea. The chances drop down exponentially that the person is going to hit say an arm or the hand. It takes a crack shot to make the trick shots, like hitting a hand in a stressful situation and even then there is a chance that the person pulling the trigger may miss. The numbers are astronomical when it comes to being that good of a shot, and even then it takes years of training and practice just to get it where it is one bullet, one shot to be that good. Even professional persons, such as the police and military have to train and train for years to be able to make those kinds of shots, as to trick shooters. And of the fore mentioned groups, the trick shooters, the only reason why they make it look like they nail the target every time, is cause it is a controlled situation, they are often not moving, and having the luxury of not worrying about someone else firing back at them. The variables are numerous and often do not even take into account the situation and stress. There have been studies that show, that in a fire fight people are moving dodging, changing locations, making it all the more harder to hit the target. So yes the statement shoot to kill makes sense cause in most cases the person pulling the trigger will only get one shot that will hit, the rest will not hit the target.

So in answer to your question, yes the statement shoot to kill makes sense, as it means that the person who fires first has a better chance of making it out alive than the one who hesitates.

And for all of the rhetoric that they have come out with, the firearm that is used and does the most damage is the handgun, and the statistics also point out that there are thousands of people who are killed, assaulted and murdered every year without a firearm what so ever.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 01:51 PM
There seems to be a lot of parents these days, from all walks of life, who think that their child is special and should be allowed to do what he or she wants. I can remember when I was in school how certain kids would get in trouble, and immediately you'd see their parents in the office yelling at the school principle about how they're always picking on their child. Where did that attitude come from? I'm glad that my parents weren't like that. Yes, if something wasn't being done right, they'd speak up about it, but that was a rare thing.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by JHumm

if you are putting a gun to someones hedad odds are you are getting ready to kill them so the good guy did the right thing i am sure the employees family is glad he did.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

I understand she is his mother, but REALLY? She should be thankful that her son lived through the experience. As I get older I've come to realize that there is nothing common about common sense. I know that if I had done this my Mother would have shot me herself. Disgusting.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 06:08 PM

Dollar store? Does it get any lower than that?

Thank god he was shot.

Could have been a 99 cent store or a one dime store

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

Don't be afraid to say it, if you won't I will. The stupid dumb ass mother should go to jail with her scum bag son.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 08:18 PM
EDIT: Found additional sources that paint a better picture. Shooting to defend store property is illegal, shooting to defend someone else is ok.
edit on 28-11-2013 by DerbyGawker because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 08:48 PM
Well, it's his mother, that's understandable
Her son is the most beautiful, the most intelligent, etc ...

But still, I agree, that's balls of steel
He wanted to play tough with guns, got shot, end of story

There are plenty of other ways to steal, a gun is not necessary and often attracts death, upon you or some1 else

Being a robber and an assassin are two very different "jobs" that most criminals tend to mix to finally find out they shouldn't have done the mix

Here's a simple trick for all of the robbers out there looking for an alternative to fire arms:

Meet your local bum/weirdo, befriend him, and make the following deal with him:
Here's a bottle of whiskey for you to keep your mouth shut and do the following:

Go poop in the middle of the super market out there on my signal, if you do it when I ask you, I'll give you $20

Before he goes on pooping in front of every body, fill a supermarket trolley with everything you need (rememeber, you must take more than 40$ worth of goods)
Then make the signal

And while every one will rush the scene (guards included) to watch the unbelievable moment, just leave with your trolley without paying

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by ProphetZoroaster

The hell is wrong with you? LMAO

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by DerbyGawker

What other sources are you referring to?

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by ProphetZoroaster

WOW, just,....WOW.

Usually I can work up a fair bit of eloquence, but, WOW.

I wasn't sure where you were going with the rental bum, but now that you've gotten there I have to say that is evil genius! Be careful, though, depending on the vintage of his last shower, and if it is during a hot summer, might be considered a chemical attack when he drops trow!

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 09:15 PM
The biggest problem I find with this story is five shots and the armed robber is still breathing. Someone needs to practice their gun control.

As for shooting him, totally justified. He had an employee on his knees, gun to his head, execution style. Mom ought to be ashamed of herself for saying the CCW holder should have minded his own business and walked out. Hey lady. Think your thug of a son would have allowed the man to walk out unmolested? Yeah, didn't think so.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 09:15 PM
I laughed when they said 5 shots. I think it's pretty safe to say he was trying pretty hard to kill this guy.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by ezwip

He went to the Stormtrooper/Red Shirt School of shooting

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

Maybe her thieving criminal son should have left the store and not tried robbing the place! Considering her attitude, it's no wonder he acted as he did, eh?

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by Revolution9

The problem is, when you try and stick out your hand to help, they would rob you blind. Some of these people, you simply CANNOT help. The solutions rest only within the culture that breeds such people. When parents raise their kids to act in such a fashion, how, exactly, do you propose to help them? And, no, that isn't about color, either. It's about attitude. I have a CLOSE (blood-wise) family member that is a total BUM, a sponge, a leech, and he cannot BE helped. He's decided that the world owes him, and thinks he shouldn't have to work to support himself. Family and friends (including me) have tried helping, offering a place to stay, rides to apply for jobs, etc. His response? A bad attitude, deplorable manners (I won't revolt the thread by discussing those), yelling at people, refusing to clean up after himself, deliberately breaking things, and stealing from those trying to help him. You simply cannot help some people.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 11:37 PM
And I wonder what the store clerk who had the gun pointed to his head thinks?

My guess is he thinks the "good Samaritan" is his hero for life.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 12:00 AM


Of course a parent would feel that way about their child but I think she's just crazy to think that people should get away with theft. Although I don't get why in the world you would go and rob a dollar store. That's as ghetto as it gets. At least rob something worth of value if you're going to risk your life.

I wouldn't feel that way, and I have five. If one of mine did something like that, they'd be in a world of trouble from me, no matter what the law did! There is NO WAY I would have said someone was wrong for shooting them, if they were committing an armed robbery. I would be sorry they were hurt, because of their own stupid decision, but I would not be blaming the person that took action.

As for the location, I suspect they probably have a lot of cash on hand. Some businesses do, that people wouldn't think about having a lot. Then, there isn't anything to sell to a fence. Unmarked cash is virtually impossible to trace.

And, yes, I agree that she is nuts to think he should get away with it. I strongly suspect that some others here were correct in stating she was probably benefiting from his crimes. Bad behavior does tend to get passed down.

posted on Nov, 29 2013 @ 12:16 AM
Booker T Washington..THE NEGRO PROBLEM..

"He would not confine the Negro to industrial life, but believes that the very best service which any one can render to what is called the "higher education" is to teach the present generation to work and save. This will create the wealth from which alone can come leisure and the opportunity for higher education."

" - that all forms of labor are honorable, and all forms of idleness disgraceful."


If Booker T could see whats happened in the U.S since he died in 1915 and how a hundred years later a large section of the Afro American community is in reverse and his ideals are not going forwards but backwards, he'd be crying.

This inner city ghetto based generation is wasted...There are those who strive to be, and become, better and the future of America is in their hands.
And then there are those, who are a majority it would seem, who were born to be simply..well, nothing, and do not wish to rise above.

Work, save, and get a higher education. Better yourself. Better your community. Better your country.

Therein, and only there, lies the salvation of the U.S.

On a side note - as for this dead beat's mom...she's a halfbreed #wit. How in the name of sweet Jesus could you blame a man for shooting your son whilst HE is holding a gun to a shop clerks head....It's long past time for the U.S.A's Afro American commnity to get their # together and sort this trash out.

It's families like this that are destroying the pride and dignity and respect that Americas black community has fought so hard to gain in the last century.

edit on AM5Fri20131972 by andy1972 because: (no reason given)

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