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The silence of ET

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posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:00 AM
I was pondering over something I just read in relation to the apparent fact that many humans on this planet have either seen or believe in UFOs, or know someone who has encountered one... With this in mind, I ask the question: why don't we have a definitive answer yet??

If aliens are observing us at present, and up to this point have refused to make significant contact with the human race what are the explanations. These are the ones I just came up with as I wrote this thread.

1. There is no such thing as ET and what many have recorded and claimed to see are in fact natural
phenomenon that can be explained with science.

2. Aliens are observing us, yet are staying hidden because:
a) They know how the human race reacts in confrontation with anything foreign and how cross-cultural interactions have been played throughout history.
b) They want to see how humans evolve without a superior species messing with a natural progression
c) The human race is their creation/experiment and to involve themselves is to ruin the experiment
d) They are learning everything about us to either kill us, enslave us or know how to interact with us.

3. They have made contact with world leaders/Illuminati/TPTB etc. and they are:
a) in cahoots with them
b) They know disclosure would dismantle the establishment

4. ET is really the human race in the future who have developed time travel and they cannot interact with the present 'us' without influencing 'them'.

5. Aliens are trans-dimensional beings/ spiritual beings that have limited agency over this realm of existence either by their own limitations or the limitations enforced by a Creator.

Let me know what you think ATS. Do you agree with one or many of them? Or do you have others? I'd like to know

Don't know why I decided to make this my first post after lurking here for so long, but I felt a strange compulsion to, so hopefully it yields some nice results.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by Puzzuzu

Would YOU try and communicate with ants? To what end? Do you think an ant could or would have anything intelligent to say, despite we as Humans understanding virtually everything about them and their nature / place in the food chain?

Don't think of it as arrogance, because we certainly hold no emotional feelings towards ants, despite our incredible superiority over them, right?

At the same time, if a fire ant, for example, bites you, and it hurts, does this mean the fire ant holds animosity towards you? No, it's just doing what we expect it to do.

We're just behaving as we are expected to.

They're just behaving as they are expected to.

Everything in its right place.

As proud as we are of all our accomplishments, and I'm not saying we shouldn't celebrate them among ourselves, we really are not as significant as we hold ourselves to be.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by yourignoranceisbliss

Another good way of understanding our ET situation.

However, I've never been a fan of this analogy that is repeatedly used of ants vs humans, in relation to humans vs aliens. Ants are a tiny form of biological life which limits their intelligence, but they also exist and operate as a hive mind. And while yes they are stupid in some respects, they are far more advanced in so many other respects. Look at our malfunctioning society compared to their uniform and perfectly functioning one.
We as humans might like to big ourselves up, but we also are ignorant to our own stupidity, and to the fact that we could learn a lot from species we consider to belong under us.

Consider the way Indigenous Australians have been treated by the White colonizes... They believed them stupid and un-evolved humans, whereas in reality, they had knowledge of other things that the Western mind can't comprehend or come to terms with.
edit on 24-11-2013 by Puzzuzu because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:46 AM
The reason is because we're in tests. And those who seek for more answers can sometimes or often get them, but its on one to one basis so far. Sometimes we come in with the experiences pre selected and sometimes we seek to see more, knowing there is more to life than the routine they're in. What the purpose of it all is, and if we get the world we wish here or is this preparation for better places and levels if we overcome the stuff thats grounding us here in a world of war and starvation/poverty.
edit on 24-11-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

So you believe that ET is supernatural and able to interact with humans who wish to interact with them? You sound solid in your answer, is there a reason why you have you come to this conclusion? Thanks for the response

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by Puzzuzu

ET is like the Yeti, and there's plenty of evidence, photos, and interaction with the Yeti right? Nope...oh I guess ET is as much a fable too. How many on the planet believe in a fable while dissing those who believe in God. About 100% of them.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 04:14 AM

1. There is no such thing as ET and what many have recorded and claimed to see are in fact natural
phenomenon that can be explained with science.

There is plenty of evidence to support E.T hypothesis..even the E.D hypothesis. We are just too negligent to go through the evidence unbiased. We need people of true science. We cannot simply explain everything away just because we CAN explain them.

If not, what is THAT natural phenomenon? So far, we have found no natural phenomenon.

2. Aliens are observing us, yet are staying hidden because:
a) They know how the human race reacts in confrontation with anything foreign and how cross-cultural interactions have been played throughout history.
b) They want to see how humans evolve without a superior species messing with a natural progression
c) The human race is their creation/experiment and to involve themselves is to ruin the experiment
d) They are learning everything about us to either kill us, enslave us or know how to interact with us.

a.They could very well be observing us for millenia(just think about it for a second). But better than us observing tigers and buffaloes.

b.What are they gonna do by sitting and watching us evolve? We never know. We could just be an uninteresting species out of a whole lot. If we are somehow related to them, then its a different case altogether.

c. Now.. that is something to chew.

d. If they want to enslave/kill us why wait till we invent nuclear bomb? I suspect they are a very ´moral´ race.

3. They have made contact with world leaders/Illuminati/TPTB etc

If they actually do contact our so called ´leaders´,then they are certainly ´clowns´ from outer space. And theirs will be no different than ours.

4. ET is really the human race in the future who have developed time travel and they cannot interact with the present 'us' without influencing 'them'.

To me, its an awfully ´remote´ possibility that has no weight.

5. Aliens are trans-dimensional beings/ spiritual beings that have limited agency over this realm of existence either by their own limitations or the limitations enforced by a Creator.

Grain of salt here. But indeed possible.

What I understood from this phenomena is that we have so much to learn about reality. Reality is not what we think it is. Hundreds of years of societal conditioning has left us grazing mundane everyday explanations. And viola, we have found nothing.
edit on 24-11-2013 by radkrish because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by MadMax9

I don't know what relevance this has. There is a lot more evidence to suggest ET than Yetis....I don't believe there has ever been gov. sanctioned projects that deal with Yeti.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 04:26 AM
reply to post by Puzzuzu

They are technologically more advanced than us but spiritually behind us, by a long way. They are NOT superior in spiritual terms. They are invading by stealth, creating hybrids to get power in the world. It is degrading to compare us with ants, and it is dangerous to make ETs look invincible. That just gives them more power...

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by Puzzuzu

I was pondering over something I just read in relation to the apparent fact that many humans on this planet have either seen or believe in UFOs, or know someone who has encountered one... With this in mind, I ask the question: why don't we have a definitive answer yet??

This question of yours is pretty much the same one Enrico Fermi asked himself at one point in his life: "Where are they ?"

The Fermi paradox is the apparent contradiction between high estimates of the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilization and humanity's lack of contact with, or evidence for, such civilizations.

Here are 11 of the weird solutions to the Fermi Paradox

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by yourignoranceisbliss

One of the most eloquently phrased posts, that I've ever read, regarding Alien interest in humanity.

*Thumbs up*

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 05:06 AM
If we really do live in a simulated universe, and evidence of such is gaining...

Perhaps they are the maintenance crew.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 05:08 AM
currently they are as chaperones at a masquerade party, not wishing to ruin the experience, but being there in case things should get out of hand, so to speak. my take on it anyway. there are many things alien to us, but nothing is alien to the universe.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 05:47 AM

reply to post by yourignoranceisbliss

Another good way of understanding our ET situation.

However, I've never been a fan of this analogy that is repeatedly used of ants vs humans, in relation to humans vs aliens. Ants are a tiny form of biological life which limits their intelligence, but they also exist and operate as a hive mind. And while yes they are stupid in some respects, they are far more advanced in so many other respects. Look at our malfunctioning society compared to their uniform and perfectly functioning one.
We as humans might like to big ourselves up, but we also are ignorant to our own stupidity, and to the fact that we could learn a lot from species we consider to belong under us.

When you are talking about a species that is likely a few million to several billion years ahead of us in terms of biological and/or technological evolution you really ARE talking about the difference between ants and humans.

There are solid science based reasons to suspect advanced aliens won't simply be a few hundred or a few thousand years ahead of us. Mainly because our Sun and our solar system are fairly young compared to most of the stars in our Galaxy.

It's far less likely that we'd encounter someone close to our level than someone as far beyond us as we are from ants.

That doesn't mean we wouldn't be of interest to them but we don't go trying to make contact with ants. We wouldn't even know how to "talk" to a hive they are that alien to us and we are that alien to them.

There's your answer.

Consider the way Indigenous Australians have been treated by the White colonizes... They believed them stupid and un-evolved humans, whereas in reality, they had knowledge of other things that the Western mind can't comprehend or come to terms with.

Anthropomorphizing human - alien contact by using a human - human contact is automatic fail in my book.

The gulf between white colonizers and the indigenous Australians in reality was very little. From an ET perspective they pretty much would be one and the same just with slightly different technologies.

At the end of the day, both were human with the same human needs, motivations, environmental stressors, and mortality. There was a commonality of the human condition between them.

This is nothing like what the gulf between two species which evolved on two different planets light years apart with perhaps very different environments and separated by a billion years would be.

Throw in the fact that one species might be immortal or a machine intelligence and you have even less in common.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 06:48 AM

I ask the question: why don't we have a definitive answer yet??
reply to post by Puzzuzu

Because you cant prove a negative

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by Puzzuzu

I ask the question: why don't we have a definitive answer yet??

I think we have an unofficial answer just not and official one... Whatever they are they do not care about us the general public (even if some reports could be interpreted otherwise) in the full context they are nonsensical and seem to be misinformation, good public relations...

In any case you forgot to add an extra option that our now globalized society has been infiltrated and controlled. This would explain the absurd very limited interest, viability and evidence. This option can go hand in hand with point 3,4,5.

To me point 1 his unsupportable at this time, there have been occurrences, well documented ones like the Colares UFO flap that brings other previous evidence into a new context, even historical evidence should be now open to re-framing. Much of it may be explainable, misidentification or even fantasy but there is no doubt that a minority proves that there is an alien presence on Earth- Now my definition of alien does not add any exclusions, not event that "they" can't be human, just external to what we define and accept as "us".

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by Puzzuzu

My understanding is that the Yetis has already been explained by DNA investigation that it is a new and rare specie of bear ( family Ursidae).

Is the Abominable Snowman a Bear?

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 07:47 AM
Its my opinion that our planet is too violent and is thus quarantined. They still keep tabs on our planet for defensive reasons to make sure our governments don't sneak attack them.

That isn't to say I trust ETs. I don't know anything about them. I just know my fellow man.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 08:08 AM
Something I don't think has been adequately touched on is how enormously VAST the Universe is.

1. Just our galaxy, not the universe, if you could travel instantaneously, and stopped at every star in just this galaxy for only one single second, it'd take over 12,000 years from start to stop.

2. Doing the same for every star in the Universe, with instant travel, stopping for only one single second at each star, it'd take over Hundreds of Trillions Times Longer than the Universe is currently old, and then some.

There's enough space in the Universe for every single work of fiction that's ever been written or even conceived of being written, for every single story, even comics and cartoons to have their very own galaxies all to themselves, with enough left over galaxies, and space between all of them enough such that no one other inhabited galaxy ever even detects another as being inhabited.

Yes, there could actually be a Star Wars Galaxy out there.

That's on a Galaxy level and Universe level.

WE could occupy every square light year in THIS Galaxy and never ever detect intelligent life anywhere else in the whole of the entire Universe, even if every other Galaxy is packed elbow to tentacle teeming with life.

... and here 'we' are, with people talking about aliens visiting us on our tiny little fraction of a speck of dust floating somewhere out in the farther reaches of one of the ambiguous arms of a rather typical Spiral Galaxy among Hundreds of Billions of other quite very similar Spiral Galaxies.

Sure, there might be life out there ... somewhere ... but, from a planetary scale, anyone bumping into us, even if they were actively looking for us, is a longer shot than betting on a dead horse.

Then, of course, there's tons of other things to consider, like, we haven't even really managed to effectively communicate with dolphins on the order of magnitude we'd need for communicating with aliens, and dolphins are mammals!
Octopus, and Squid are pretty smart, yet, how's communication with them coming along? ... and they're actually evolved here on Earth!

Chances are, any aliens encountered, if ever, will be quite very ... Alien, in ways which we've never forecast or imagined.

edit on 11/24/2013 by AliceBleachWhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 08:27 AM
I propose they are "observers" of a sort and curious about human evolution. Some maybe have a more direct hands-on approach when it comes to technology maybe giving clues or seeding ideas. But for the most part I think they are waiting for us to reach a certain point in the human path before reveling themselves.

Perhaps in the distant past THEY did show themselves in a big spectacle of noise and fire and wind. What did we do? Began religions and started fighting amongst ourselves over-speculating over what we couldn't understand at the time. " The Gods wont do this, or return here, or give us this unless we provide sacrifice, kill the everyone who does agree with our speculations, ."

How would you react to this, considering how interesting the rest of the universe is?

One other point I`d like to add is that humans have never encountered anything with technology, this human compared to ants analogy doesn't make sense. We humans have developed machines and technology that uses electricity and other forms of power to operate. What other creature that is known to humans does this and how hard would it be to communicate with it?

What about some of the pets out there that communicate with their owners? Even though its not complicated conversation like two humans can have one can still communicate to a non-human intelligence.
edit on 24-11-2013 by StratosFear because: Had to add a thought.

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