posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 02:52 AM
I think we are coming to a time in our history as a species where the links between future and past, are becoming both stronger in some respects, and
weaker in others.
They get stronger when ever someone immortalises their art, thoughts, opinions, dreams, and hopes, on the internet. Once it is in here, it's there
for ever, in one format or another. But on the other hand, the way the new generation, the Information Age kids think, the way they tend to poo poo
anything that lacks a wifi source, and interrupts their constant (and often puerile) communication amongst themselves, means that they have abandoned
their ancestors habits.
The people I am talking about do not take it into their heads to go out into nature, to stand outside in a thunderstorm, to go on real little
adventures, to probe the depths of that fascinating gap in a thicket that could contain anything from a nest of fairies, to a magical access way to a
fantasy realm. Everything is buttoned down, codified, weighed and measured.
I may have grown up familiar with the idea of computing to a fairly limited degree, but every now and again the child in me demands that I jump into
a puddle, that I still stare in wonder at rainbows, that when I am out at night, my eyes pierce the veil of the sky, darting, questing for sources of
light, planets, stars, and the void between, imagining the mind rotting size of it all. I fear that this mode of thinking may disappear within my
lifetime. This stuff is intrinsic to human life as it was lived in times of yore. Wonder and awe accounted for a great many hours of a persons life,
as so little was understood, compared to what we understand now, and I fear our understanding has tempered our amazement, or will over the course of
the coming decades, and that is profoundly sad in my opinion.