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Activate ALL Of Your Chakras

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posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 05:33 PM
Jerry rigged Chakra activation.. hell no! Im as psychic as a brick and already broke down and grumpy.. like I need a chakra ailment or chakra out of place or some weird screwed up chakrapathic syndrome. I already have all of the symptoms of ascension.. the Drs tell me its old age. No.. Im freakin ascending, man!

No ascending for this meatsack right here. Ill be wholly satisfied with playing in the mud with the unenlightened.

Lemme go check it now that Ive already passed judgement on it.
If I get any older or tics, twitches or anything else.. Im gonna find you...

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by Specimen

To say that the kabalistic sephiroth and the biblical 7 churches/whatever are chakras is a very far fetched stretch of the imagination.

However, there is a hint about the heart chakra in the bible:

Psalm 51:6 (NRSV)
You desire truth in the inward being;
therefore teach me wisdom in my secret heart
Interestingly, I think it goes without saying "inward being" here means spirit, i.e. consciousness.

I just shared with you a gem, maybe two

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 02:50 PM

reply to post by Specimen

To say that the kabalistic sephiroth and the biblical 7 churches/whatever are chakras is a very far fetched stretch of the imagination.

However, there is a hint about the heart chakra in the bible:

Psalm 51:6 (NRSV)
You desire truth in the inward being;
therefore teach me wisdom in my secret heart
Interestingly, I think it goes without saying "inward being" here means spirit, i.e. consciousness.

I just shared with you a gem, maybe two

Yes I Have wondered about, that reference to the Churches in Revelations being referred to as Chakras, by the Gnostic's.

I have been studying this for a long time, I just recently , a few years ago started to study "The Tree of Life".
It's taken year's, but I have stated to understand a little, of these things Chakras included. As before I had mentioned the book " Kundalini Rising ", for me was a hard read just as the Book "Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrine ", I have decades into this book, I just recently started to understand "the pot shaped breathing"
Method to make heat, I knew and used a lesser method for years, the warming breath method. I still have not grasp the Psychic Heat Method, to do this one though, you must of attained Kundalini.

I don't know but last night something happened, but it was like I got slapped in the face with "The Tree of Life", it all hit me at once. I did not like it, I did kill three mice some time in the night, I don't know if this had any cause involved. I try and put them out side alive, but I guess, I should of tried harder. I have a problem with mice, because they are so dirty. I did feed the mice to the cat's outside, feral.

I just don't get it, I pray almost every night, go looking around lucid, have talks with things. But what ever happened last night, it was like I was going up "The Tree of Life", the different dimensions of the levels of the Chakra's and it was like it was real fast and then bam I got kicked in the brain.

That is about where I was, the Heart Chakra's or Tipereth when this thing happened, I did not care for. It didn't scare me, I'm not really scared of anything with the Exception of The Creator. For me and my belief, that goes almost with out saying.
What ever happened to me last night was unexpected, has never happened before, it startled me.

My fear of The Creator is not like Oh! don't hurt me, but like a son will fears his Father, Respect. The Maker I'm am His already, to do with as is His choice. As for Demon's or Satan, I don't believe in them, I would not mock even them though. Most Demon's, people make them, they are their's, they made them they own them.

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by Tingle

i was ko'd

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 07:16 PM

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 11:57 PM

Can you give a warning about the possible dangers of "chakra activation," OP? Mainly the so-called 'Kundalini Syndrome.' Some folk have really messed themselves up. Thanks.

Hmmm interesting...

I've gone through this Kundalini Syndrome stuff now and can say that I have experienced a few of the symptoms first hand; Extreme fear (ultimate terror - OMG I'm actually going kill myself doing this fear), Whistling sounds, Energy passing through body, Feeling of energy in hands and hot parts of the body and also feeling bigger than my actual body / expanding - all whilst relaxing and experimenting with Astral Projection. It tends to happen like this,

1 - Relax for ages...
2 - Accidentally drift off after about 20 minutes of staying mentally awake and letting my body go numb
3 - Wake up super-uber alert with a whistling sound in my ears. I start to feel like I'm expanding and my whole body tingles. Then this overwhelming feeling of sheer and utter terror starts becoming apparent, it escalates very quickly to the point where I have to sit up because my heart is racing and I actually think I'm going to pass away (which is bad at 26 yrs old). It doesn't subside very quickly either and I'm left feeling very vulnerable.

I've actually gotten to the point though where I thought this was just energy moving around my body and have harnessed it to warm up whatever area I want...You know when you get in a cold bed through the winter months and you don't want to stretch out because the sheets and duvet are cold so you screw up in a ball - this gets rid of that problem because I can now warm parts of my body up.

I have in the past experienced faster thoughts too, but no limited to my personal thoughts, it also extends out into how I perceive reality - everything speeds up a notch (this was before I even started experimenting with Astral projection though, this was in 2007 when I was training in Catterick Garrision for the British Army... I saw the guy who I was on stag with putting his sleeping bag away in its stuff-bag at tremendous speed - proper stuffing it in like a madman, but he wasn't. I just saw it that way. I put it down to tiredness.

All this being said and done. I don't experience weirdness on a daily basis, only when trying to Astrally Project. I haven't actually attempted it again since the last terrifying experience... I might give it a go this morning though. I'll report back later with the results.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 04:40 AM
I have never heard of Kundalini Syndrome, If there is such a thing, then everyone has it, what would it be like.

When I was younger, It was easy for me AP, I could even while wide awake leave my body. People thought I was crazy.

Now it is harder for me to AP, now it is very easy for me to go Lucid. Boring after a while? I have real game boy in our heads, and interacting with things that work on electricity. You knoe .

Now It seems I have Transmultidimensionalized my awareness.

As answer appears, the question wonders.

You guys are crackin me up.

I am in a place of pain now.

The Astral is rather painless, unless you want to feel pain , I would think.

So it appears I have this, KS, I guess I must have.

As I seem to have just done a self diagnosis.

This just seams to hurt to much, I mean ouch, dat really hurt.

So not what must I sit here for awhile?

But just like Paramahansayognada, said " you must even overcome you sign of the Zodiac ".

Fear AP, Like one time I could not get back into my body, and every time I lie back in my boy a purple light would shoot up threw my third eye location, but I started to be afraid of not being able to get back in to my physical body..
But someone called my name to help me and got back in, what had happened it seems I had rolled over and was on my side. I should of looked at my body.


Have no fear of anything except your Maker, having no fear of death, is release to entire AP, If you do bad things, it is possible to go down into the lower levels of the AP, It's like why full lucid in control, you make a beautiful woman appear and you go to town, I try not to do that kind of stuff, not that I ever did mind you.

You guys are pulling my leg, Right?, Left?
edit on 24-11-2013 by OOOOOO because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 08:18 AM
Just shows how powerful the mind is.

I don't buy any of it, just more mental clutter, definitions for feelings, labels, emotions. We can trick our minds into believing anything, via multiple methods. Some people can just zone out, others need to "meditate", some get high, other chant gibberish.

Classical music, when first performed for people that never heard it, evoked all kinds of emotions. People were truly moved, or so they thought.

We have the choice to dress up our thoughts since our lives are boring, as we need all types of stimuli to help achieve some level of "enlightenment".

Do a bong hit and stare at a lava lamp.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:35 PM
The nerve bundles where the chakras are physically located are called 'Ganglions'.

The mind is electro-magnetic, we have 'electricity' flowing through our bodies, especially down our spines - the chakra energy can be detected/recorded if looking for the right frequency.

Please be careful of premature Kundalini Activation. This is the SIMULTANEOUS activation of ALL chakras.

Some side effects are: Seeing alternate realities (experienced this personally)
Modern Day diagnosis: Psychosis, Insanity, even myriad of others that encompass schizophrenia.

Personally the best way is to balance your chakras visually and tonally.

I use visual because I do not know the tones for each Chakra.

Spin anti-clockwise or clockwise (whichever - doesn't matter) One is more physical to non-physical energy, whilst the other is non-physical to physical.

I start with the feet to groin, this colour is BROWN and is not a chakra, but the earths gravity or 'present' moment in time. Its grounding.

Then Base/Root chakra, PALE RED
Then Creative/Sacral Chakra, PALE ORANGE
Then Stomach/Solar Plexus Chakra, PALE YELLOW
Then Heart Chakra, MEDIUM GREEN
Then Thyroid/Throat Chakra, ICE BLUE
Then Pineal/3rd Eye Chakra, ROYAL BLUE
Then Crown Chakra, VIOLET (any shade)

Once you've done the spinning, you should feel energised and awake. If you start seeing flashes of bright white, even with gold or silver and even violet flecks as you're doing this STOP IMMEDIATELY

Visualise brown around your whole body - if you smoke cigarettes, have one, this will ground you. Could always go sit by a tree on the grass etc...


posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by crzayfool

Thank you for sharing that. These things are important for folk to know and understand before making decisions. That's a good thing, right?

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 05:13 PM
Put this in your pipe and smoke it, there is no Syndrome, only a word. We are all on the Path whether known or not. Most people run away from me if I talk of such thing's but if you have not been there, you have not a clue, not to brag if could even call it that, but my mind is so far out, it is hard for me to be here at times.
I went to far one time and found myself in what I call "The Center of the Cyclone", once there I thought I could never come back to Earth, but there were others there, beyond myself, They put me in a "Transparent Elevator" and somehow returned me to Earth, without their help, I would of not been able to return. The thing is it does not seem to matter to me if I am here or not. This Syndrome word, is bull crap it's about "Evolution of Consciousness", at some point you must become aware as a Realized Being, it's not me, me, me, I would get more out of giving you the last cookie, as it would taste much better than if I had of eaten it.
I have died several times only to be given more time here, I remember one time, the road I was driving on turned into what I was thinking of, from there i could feel my awareness shooting out past the Earth at a very high rate of speed, this is when the Creator grabbed me up and showed me, my mistakes.

One time right at the point, I was about to die or be destroyed of much of any normal life, a Higher Being than I, had mercy on me, took hold of my Physical being and moved me from harms way, to this day I can only say by the Grace of the Creator, I was not made to suffer, this terrible death or being destroyed at the age of 18 for the rest of my time here.

To infer in anyway that to try and be a better more aware caring person, is something to avoid, is talk of a fool. I died when I was about 8, but some thing grabbed me back up, just as I died and I was alive again, I have seen the Universe come to a complete stop, only to start back up again. I know the power to stop the Universe would be very great, I don't know why I was allowed to see this happen, but I am Humble before the Creator, as the Creator holds the answers to all things, not some but all Things.

I could say much more, but what I am inferring is that it is time to get your life in order, There is much work that needs to be done on Earth, as the Earth needs to be healed.

I to am being held in the " Veil of Ignorance ", but I to, wondered is the magic, real or fake, I dared to look behind the curtain, the magic is real.

The Pure Truth of the Creator is present on Earth.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Kundalini Syndrome

"The Kundalini syndrome is a set of sensory, motor, mental and affective experiences described in the literature of transpersonal psychology, near-death studies and other sources covering transpersonal, spiritual or medical topics. The phenomenon is sometimes called the "Kundalini-syndrome",[1][2][3] the "Physio-Kundalini syndrome",[4][5][6][7] or simply referred to as a "syndrome".[8][9] Other researchers, while not using the term "syndrome",Note a have also begun to address this phenomenon as a clinical category,[10][11] or as a recognizable symptomatology.[12]
The concept of Kundalini comes from Hinduism and is traditionally used to describe a progression of psycho-spiritual potentials, associated with the understanding of the body as a vehicle for spiritual energies. Kundalini syndrome is a term employed by Western researchers, and commentators, to refer to the condition which occurs when experiences traditionally associated with kundalini awakening arise, often unsought, which overwhelm or cause distress to the experiencer. Commentators [13] do, however, note that the physio-kundalini syndrome is connected with the kundalini awakening of Hinduism "only by theory and circumstantial evidence", arguing that a true measure of this phenomenology, interpreted as a state of higher consciousness, is beyond the ability of psychology, and/or psychiatry, to measure.
Kundalini syndrome has been reported predominantly by people who have had a near-death experience,[14][15][16] or by practitioners of Asian spiritual practices.[17][18][19][20] Other factors that may trigger this symptomatology includes a variety of intense personal crises or experiences.[21] [22]
According to writers in the field of transpersonal psychology the process is not always sudden and dramatic, it can also start slowly and increase gradually in activity over time.[23] If the accompanying symptoms unfold in an intense manner that destabilizes the person, the process is usually interpreted as a spiritual emergency.[24][25]
Contents [hide]
1 Terminology
2 Symptomatology
2.1 The Kundalini Scale
2.2 The Physio-Kundalini Syndrome Index
2.3 Other Contributions
3 Academic and clinical discussion
4 Bentov's "Physio-kundalini syndrome"
5 Spiritual Emergence and Spiritual Emergency
5.1 Transpersonal Psychology
5.2 Psychosis
5.3 Problems
5.3.1 Prevention
5.4 Treatment
6 Psycho-spiritual Evolution
7 Research and Case-studies
8 Gopi Krishna
9 DSM-IV: Related categories
10 Notes
11 References
12 Bibliography
13 Further reading
14 External links

Commentators seem to use different terms when describing the symptomatology. These terms are similar to, but not quite synonymous with, the term "Kundalini syndrome". However, they all seem to describe, more or less, the same phenomenon, or the same main features of the symptomatology.
The terms "Kundalini Syndrome" or "Physio-Kundalini Syndrome", or the references to a "syndrome", are mostly used by writers in the field of Near-Death Studies,[6][26][27] but also by writers in the fields of Transpersonal Psychology,[19] Psychology,[28] and Mental Health/Psychiatry.[22] The terminology of "syndrome" seems to have a closer relationship to the language of medicine and statistics, than the other terminologies. The terminology of "syndrome" is also the main basis for two measuring instruments developed by Near-death researchers: The Kundalini Scale [29] and the Physio-Kundalini Syndrome Index.[30]
Other terms, such as "Kundalini awakening", is a term used by Transpersonal Psychology,[10][31][32][33] but also by writers representing both the fields of Transpersonal Psychology and Near-Death Studies.[16] This term seems to have a closer relationship to the language of hinduism, and the yogic tradition, than the terminology of "syndrome". Greyson is one of the authors that uses both the terminology of "syndrome",[34] and the terminology of "awakening".[4]
Scotton [35] uses a term called "difficult kundalini experiences", when discussing clinical aspects of the phenomenon. Overall, he seems to prefer the term "Kundalini experience", but he also uses the terminology of "awakening". Other commentators who use the term "Kundalini experience" includes Thalbourne.[36] In his 1993-article Greyson reviews many of the discussions of Kundalini-symptomatology. In this review he cites, and uses, many of the similar terms associated with kundalini symptomatology, such as: "kundalini activation", "kundalini awakening", "kundalini phenomena", "kundalini activity" and "kundalini arousal".[37] Sanches & Daniels,[32] although preferring the term "kundalini awakening", also use the term "kundalini arousal" in their discussion of the phenomenon. Grabovac & Ganesan [38] use the term "Kundalini episodes" in their article on "Spirituality and Religion in Canadian Psychiatric Residency Training". " Quote
edit on 24-11-2013 by OOOOOO because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by reject

Also its in the middle, and said to be the barrier of physical and energy. Look at the heart it self, it need electricity to beat. Funny how Vikings/Nordics mythology also had a Tree of Life. I forget its name.

It also has a Snake/Dragon that supposedly eats at its roots, or lives there anyways in lore.

I was never one for bibical scriptures.

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by OOOOOO

Don't all chakras have their challenges though? Which is often referred/or related to explain the cons of such mistakes in the practice. Or it at least gives the mind context in it way of explanation.

Like the third eye for example. Its not good to focus on a gland that is supposedly rumored to cause dreams. Might go off beat with other bodily functions.

It is one example of kundalini syndrome for the third eye.

I look at the chakras like this, some are better at certain chakras then others.

It all does come down to the mind, and the way it interprets it reality.
edit on 24-11-2013 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by kissy princess

Yes, Sephiroth is one of the more popular Final Fantasy characters. He was a cool villain, and even had his own theme song too. He also becomes a Seraph named "Safer Sephiroth" in the Japanese translation I think.

He was an easy final boss, and nothing compared to the two weapon(optional) bosses.

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 03:04 PM

reply to post by OOOOOO

Don't all chakras have their challenges though? Which is often referred/or related to explain the cons of such mistakes in the practice. Or it at least gives the mind context in it way of explanation.

Like the third eye for example. Its not good to focus on a gland that is supposedly rumored to cause dreams. Might go off beat with other bodily functions.

It is one example of kundalini syndrome for the third eye.

I look at the chakras like this, some are better at certain chakras then others.

It all does come down to the mind, and the way it interprets it reality.
edit on 24-11-2013 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

Just noticed what you were saying and wanted to say it is true, which is why you should start from the Root Chakra and work up the way from there, by doing this you provide strong foundations for the chakras that will follow.

Many try start with the brow and crown chakras because they see all of these benefits online of what having these chakras open can do. This is not a good idea and will most likely cause imbalances and may lead to some kind of breakdown.

Had to make sure this was known

posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by LightAssassin


posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 07:23 PM
Download links will be working soon for high quality MP3 of each video. I'll post here once it is sorted out

Also, if anyone is interested in the Schumann Resonance I have just uploaded a new video based around it, I can't link to it here because I'm on a mobile but you can find it on my channel


posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by Tingle

Thanks, tingle! Keep up the good-work & forget the haters!


posted on Dec, 5 2013 @ 01:18 PM
For those of you that prefer binaural beats over pure sine wave I've made a 7-in-1 chakra video which covers all your bases, starting from root and gradually raising the frequencies up to the crown


posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 06:37 AM
Probably 99 % of people overdose and live in their low chakras. It is better to start with the 7th and go down or to stay at the safest anahata.
Here's a list for you:
1st - 8 Hz
2nd - 9 Hz
3rd - 10 Hz
4th - 10,5 Hz
5th - 12 Hz
6th - 13 Hz
7th - 15 Hz

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