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Activate ALL Of Your Chakras

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posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by LittleByLittle

So in other words, chakras cannot be proven to exist outside of an individuals imagination? Subjective perception?

Or what? Energy exists and can be recorded. On what band of the electromagnetic spectrum does a chakra operate?

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 09:39 AM

reply to post by LittleByLittle

So in other words, chakras cannot be proven to exist outside of an individuals imagination? Subjective perception?

Or what? Energy exists and can be recorded. On what band of the electromagnetic spectrum does a chakra operate?

I do not know the physical range myself but since the change in me was before knowledge and belief in chakras I am kinda sure they are close to the real bodily functions. Since I also activated more chakras than the 2 first one with listening to sound videos and can feel the difference in my body and psyche I do not disbelieve that part of humanity have already understood chakras but science is lagging behind since a lot of scientists hate losing the materialistic model and cannot handle the spirit/mind/materialistic being several parts of the same whole. The placebo effect proves the materialistic model wrong.

A quick google seatch gave me this. You are the one who needs material proof. Seek and you shall find.

Professor Valerie Hunt "Ever since the 1960s there has been much loose talk about raising vibrations. Over-used though this phrase may be, it should not be dismissed. For the past twenty years, Valerie Hunt, a professor of kinesiology [the study of human movement], has measured human electromagnetic output under different conditions. Using an electro-myograth, which records the electrical activity of the muscles, Hunt, like Motoyama [Dr Hiroshi Motoyama, scientist and Shinto priest], recorded radiations emanating from the body at the sites traditionally associated with the chakras. Through her research she made the startling discovery that certain types of consciousness were related to certain frequencies. She found that when the focus of a person's consciousness was anchored in the physical world, their energy field registered the frequencies in the range of 250 cps (cycles per second). This is close to the body's own biological frequency. Active psychics and healers, however, registered in a band between 400 and 800 cps. Trance specialists and chanellers registered in a narrow field of 800-900 cps, but from 900 cps onwards Hunt correlated what she termed 'mystical personalities' who had a firm sense of the cosmic interconnections between everything. They were anchored in reality, possessed psychic and healing abilities, were able to enter deep trance states, yet had transcended and unified the separate experiences through a mystic, holistic, metaphysical philosophy."

The best way to test something is to believe the hypothesis is true and then see where it leads you and what proof you can find about the hypothesis.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 09:51 AM

Actually nobody should activate chakra's because it's something made by Indian fathers for their sons, not any other country. They won't ever say it because they want others to be happy but if asked that would be their response. It was all part of a plan to identify patriots and the weaker links who could be influenced by other nations, which is not desirable in case of a looming war.

So people should just activate the holy spirit in Western countries. And if there's a guy complaining about sexuality just ignore him and see him as a voyeur, there to ensure it's all free will based. Yeah he doesn't like it but what if people abuse the holy spirit to have sex with children or rape people.

One could ask permission to use their system but I would advise people finish Christianity, or their own native religion first, then go to other countries to lecture them about what they are doing wrong.
edit on 20/11/2013 by Dragonfly79 because: (no reason given)

Except the early writers of the bible were gnostic and it all hides the tao, the chakras, awakening.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Im pretty sure chakra and chi were forbidden by all three Abrahamic Religions, which the punishment usually lead to death due to the believe of casting witchcraft. Funny how they aren't picky about white or black magic like many believe. I don't think they based of the Tao, but just used the virtues and positive qualities of a human being(s), and kept on dragging on the glory of the lord god, without inciting his anger...

Which is a lot like the tao, however, the tao is more about being down to earth, then another plane like heaven or hell, or a wrathful god.

Which is how most religions goes anyways.
edit on 21-11-2013 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-11-2013 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by Tingle

I tried doing that when I got my new cell phone but they wanted me to purchase and "app" for some outrageous fee.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by Tingle

Activate ALL Of Your Chakras

What? Are you Frankenstein?

I am pretty sure that if you are alive, all of your chakras are activated. Right?

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 01:31 PM
There are so many replies here I haven't got a chance to see what everyone is saying, I will reply to all questions when I get a chance

To the people who are criticizing and being skeptical of the existence of chakras:

I know where you are coming from, I was the same as you. I only FORCED myself to attempt this chakra activation business to aid in my lucid dreaming ability (I kept reading on forums it helps). So I tried it, even though it seemed like complete BS at the time I'll be honest.

I started work on my third eye (I advise you start at the root and work up though) and I began to listen to videos such as these. To my surprise, when listening my forehead would sometimes pulse and pressure would always be there. It felt magical. If I closed my eyes I would see flares of purple and pink growing in waves over eachother. I got what I wanted (the lucid dreams, and also astral projection which is something you really need to experience if you haven't), but it was no longer about that. I became fascinated with the chakras and everything about them. I studied the frequencies which resonated with them, activation through binaural, isochronic, etc tones.

And 2 years or so later, here I am.

My point is, give them a chance, stuff like this can change your life. I used to be a cynical a**hole who was negative about everything and couldn't talk to anyone other than a few friends. Now I am the complete opposite in every way.

Work on all your chakras equally, but make sure you have solid foundations in your root and lower chakras

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 02:41 PM

reply to post by Unity_99

Im pretty sure chakra and chi were forbidden by all three Abrahamic Religions, which the punishment usually lead to death due to the believe of casting witchcraft. Funny how they aren't picky about white or black magic like many believe. I don't think they based of the Tao, but just used the virtues and positive qualities of a human being(s), and kept on dragging on the glory of the lord god, without inciting his anger...

Which is a lot like the tao, however, the tao is more about being down to earth, then another plane like heaven or hell, or a wrathful god.

Which is how most religions goes anyways.
edit on 21-11-2013 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-11-2013 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

Funny is it not. Jesus are allowed to heal (enhance natural healing in the body thru placebo and synchronous event) but if someone else does manifest things they are killed by said religious people for being anti Christ since to some it is only supposed to be him that should be able to do it. Religious dogma in a nutshell.

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Specimen

In the tao alchemy, of old, the precious pearl is the formation of the light body, and the chi/abdomen, spleen, (the seat of free will, which makes you wonder why Marilyn Monroe's was removed), all connected with astral travel/obe. Christ said the precious pearl is something you find and sell all you have for, and the kingdome of heaven is within.

In Genesis the city you meet God is your pineal. Genesis 32 30.

Now to go further.

Good reading!

For the words to think deep on in the scriptures.

ie. 7 is a chakra number. The 7 churches of revelations are the 7 chakra journeys.

The furnace is heated seven times. There are seven chakras in the body.
Kundalini is associated with “burning,” and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are placed in a “burning” furnace.
Kundalini “burns” (cleanses and opens) the seven chakras, effectively taking control over the intellect and emotions, and the divine mind (spirit) is now leading the individual.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego represent the physical body, our intellect, and our emotions (collectively comprising the EGO) which are killed off, manifesting the Christ within.

I now want you to note that the entire story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego happens in Daniel chapter three. In the next chapter we have more confirmations that the entire narrative is about establishing the Christ within through the kundalini experience. Remember that Nebuchadnezzar made the golden idol to be worshiped? This represents idolatry, which is to worship anything outside of the truth within you. (Jesus said the kingdom is “within” you). So what happens to Nebuchadnezzar as a result? In the very next chapter of Daniel, I quote the scripture below:

“While the word was in the king’s mouth, there fell a voice from heaven, saying, O king Nebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken; The kingdom is departed from thee. And they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the bests of the field: they shall make thee as oxen, and seven times shall pass over thee, unto thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men…”

I want you to notice two things here. Nebuchadnezzar has to eat grass like an ox. The ox always represents the physical / lower nature of man’s mind in the Bible
Moses, the Bronze Serpent, and Bible Kundalini

Paul and his naming baptism the waters of meditation by referencing Moses and the red sea which is pretty to sea. Overcome your anger, Man of Peace and all that assails you, Be Still And Know God!

A list of essays on kundalini and the bible.

They're very clear. And quite obvious.

If Jesus was not a metaphor, and a compiliation of the CHRIST, and Immanuel, God with us, irregardless of anything in the bible or not. But if he was a real Teacher he was a gnostic leader, such as the head of the natherenes.

They were all gnostics.

Its Rome that wanted massive control and dumbing down.

In reality the documents meant, how to form the Christ, or Higher Mind, or Higher Self connection, within you, and ascend lower primitive mind and ego.

That is the whole journey with many examples inner and outer, fundamental, ie. turn the other cheek, give to others, visit those in prison, compassion, caring, going the extra mile for the sinner, not even your best friend.

Being a friend to those in need. As a friend once told me, can you fail here? Your infinity is equal to the infinity all around you, so if you were the only light (higher mind) in a world of darkness where everyone was searching/yearning for love and healing and truth, how could you fail?

Its not about doctrine either, but how to help people raise their sights to happiness, to solving problems in their lives, not arguing with credo's or beliefs, not disempowering but enhancing. Helping one nudge upwards. Love. You dont even have to be right in anyone's eyes, win a conversation. Its about nudging a pursuant towards overcoming flaws and happiness, and spreading it to others.

We're to create heaven not hell here.
edit on 21-11-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by Specimen

Ummm... actually the Talmud references the Sephiroth, which would be equivalent to the chakras. Christ also speaks of "the bridal chamber union" which refers to the union of the soul with Christ, or the kundalini union of Shiva and Shakti in yogic tradition.

The ancient Egyptions, also used the Chakras, although they substituted one over the spleen in order to attempt to bypass the Muladahara? chakra. (in an effort to avoid the sexual aspects as one can become quite enamored with this form of arousal) This is also the core of the "secret" teachings/initiations of the Masons which derived from the Egyption, practices...


posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by TheWrightWing

Ummm... much like sub-quantum physics stating that "reality" cannot exist beyond the active impingement of consciousness. If you were to approach a serious study of Chakras based on practice and with a truthful open mind, rather than a mind filled with preconception, then yes you would then be the experiencer, however, I wonder if you could then measure/define mathematically what you observed.

I can assure you that one of the carriers/by products, of these energies is...heat. But there are also many other sensory activations and experiences that lie in wait of those that release ridicule and preconception, in order to test in an open and frank manner, wether there is any truth behind what others experience.


posted on Nov, 21 2013 @ 07:27 PM
I enjoyed those, thumbs up!

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by YouSir

Sorry, when you say Sephiroth, I think of the final boss from FF7. Im guessing you mean Sepharis, or Sephiarim.

Maybe the Egyptians had some believes that where related to Chakras, since (if I remember correctly) India is over 10,000 years old. So it obviously means they could of been trading partners, and had a mixture of spiritualities.

Much like how Greeks/Romans (Greco-Romans) and Egytians had such a mixture for a time being, just like Jude o-Christians from Isreal end up going North, to Europe.

Seeing as how both civilization had an obsession with death and the afterlife.

edit on 22-11-2013 by Specimen because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 09:43 AM
Dude! Thanks for sharing - these are awesome!
It is stuff like this that keeps me coming back to ATS.


posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 10:48 AM
The chakras may be likened to energy transformers. If one considers the color spectrum, we note that 7 colors are produced from light refraction. If one considers the chromatic scale, it will be noted that there exist 7 natural notes within the scale before reaching the next octave. Thus, it appears that a correlation exists within between seemingly different vibrational frequencies (in our example, light and sound). The human being, being animated by a mysterious vital-life-force, may also be subject to this mysterious phenomenon. If we agree that the human being is indeed animated by a substance, and the absence of this substance is likened unto death, then we may begin to isolate this energy which comprises him/her into various degrees corresponding to the phenomena we have noted in the natural world (the aforementioned correspondence between color and sound).

Expanding on the above, if we are wise to note the correspondence between the very energy which animates our being, the color spectrum, the chromatic scale (and the 7 ancient planets of traditional occult lore, if you want to go that far), we are then able to develop various practices so as to 'attune' our energies to their rightful frequency, and thus acheive perhaps a greater harmony with the universe in which we live and are a part. An interesting practice which yeilds interesting results may be performed as follows:

000. Resolve to be open to the fact that you don't know everything there is to know, that the universe in which we live is a mysterious place, and the mysteries of that very essence which animates our being shall never be fully known.

00. Offer a prayer, or petition to God, or if you prefer, your 'higher-self,' for strength and virtue, for safety in performing the following exercise, and the ability to achieve greater harmony with Creation as a result of the following practice. Visualize a strong and most potent and benevolent light of extending from infinity, reaching unto you, and revitalizing your being. This is the energy which you shall mold in the following practice.

0. Sit comfortably with your back straight, on the floor cross-legged, or in a chair, but be sure your spine is erect and your are allowed a comfortable position and are able to breathe freely.

1. With a keyboard, or pitch-pipe, or some other instrument, strike the note of C major (middle C, on the piano).

2. Take a deep breath and hold it for but a moment, at the same time directing your energy, on the mental level, to your root chakra, visualizing a brilliant red orb at the location of the root chakra, pulsing with glorious expansion.

3. Then intone the word, 'RAUM,' on the note of C major making sure to roll your r's as best as you can. Prolong the intonation of this sacred word by extending your breath as best as you are able.

4. Perform the above three times.

5. Take a few breaths to relax yourself again

6. Perform the prescribed technique given above 6 more times, moving upwards along the path of your chakras, and up the keyboard in the Key of C major (the white keys on a piano), and utiliing the following correspondence: C = red, root chakra, D = orange, root chakra, E = yellow, solar plexus chakra, F = green, heart chakra, G = electric blue, throat chakra, A = indigo, 'third-eye' chakra, B = violet, crown chakra (just above the top of your head). Thus, you should intone the sacred word on the notes given, visualizing orbs of the prescribed color, and according to their traditional location within the body (I've found that visualizing them along the spine is most comfortable for me).

7. When you reach the next octave, you will be striking the note of C major yet again. At this time, intone the sacred word, 'RAUM,' on the note of C major three times, while visualizing your entire body encased in a protective and vibrant aura composed of a light that is made of scintillating brilliance, like sunlight against newly fallen snow, yet composed of the most brilliant rainbows you have laid eyes upon.

8. Conclude the exercise in a peaceful few moments of regular breathing, offer a prayer to God, or your Higher and Most Secret Self, in gratitude and thanksgiving, and then get out and do what you love!

It should be noted that experimentation with various Keys and Modes of traditional music theory is not advised for the beginner - the key of C major is the the standard key corresponding to the most natural and healthy operation of the human organism. However, it is useful to conclude that attuining our chakras to other keys and modes yeilds very distinct moods and operations of our being in both the physical and mental world. The frequency of this practice should be once or twice a day, as you see fit.

All the Best!

edit on 22-11-2013 by kissy princess because: typo

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Specimen

The word, 'Sephiroth' was taken from Qabalistic philosophy, and used as a the name of the evil-boss in FF7 because it sounds cool. The sephiroth (plural), according to traditional Qabalistic lore, are fundamental states of energy that compose the universe. Similarly, 'middle-earth' in Lord of the Rings was taken from Norse mythology, because Norse mythology is bad-ass.

And Gandalf is my Uncle.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by LittleByLittle

Nothing can harm a person who faces fear head on - except an oncoming truck.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by Tingle

1 enjoyed the frequency energy Tingle. Listened to them from top to bottom and then bottom to top simultaneously...



posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 05:17 PM

reply to post by LittleByLittle

Nothing can harm a person who faces fear head on - except an oncoming truck.

How does an oncoming truck that hit you create mental damage? Physical damage to the body yes and maybe even a disconnection of the awareness from the body.

And if you are still in the body afterwards you can choose if you are gonna act differently and be fearful of truck because of the experience or not.

posted on Nov, 22 2013 @ 05:28 PM

I have a question:

What is the best proof that a chakra exists at all?

The endocrine system.

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