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UFO/UFO's OUTSIDE MY HOUSE!!! Omg. I'm freaking out. SO COOL :D :D

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posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by Lunette

Im still waiting on them pics.....

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

I'm trying to learn how to meditate, I think it would help me quiet my mind a lot. I have a nervous tic, where I talk to myself a lot, enough to give myself a headache. XD

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by Lunette

What you've just described could very well have been the constellation ORION.

You can download the Astronomy program Stellarium for free, set your location, and scroll through the time of evening you saw this.

If you give us your Generalized (no need to be exact) Location, like the city, state, and country you're in and the time of evening you were viewing, we might be able to confirm or dispute as well.

Additionally, the sky 'moves' a lot faster than you might think. Everything typically rises in the East and sets in the West to disappear over the Horizon.
If you focus on a star in the sky that is low on the horizon, either East, or West, you can get a general feel for the Earth's rotation which causes the sky and things in it to seem to move.

If you've ever watched the moon through a telescope, that too, moves much quicker than one might think.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by Lunette

This shape could be defined like a constellation, it forms a 'shape' but it isn't whole. It isn't solid, but is 'connected' by stars. It forms a shape like below (think of the letter A as the 'star' and the asterisks as the space between them!) *********************A*********************** A*******************A***********************A **********************A*********************

This sounds like you are seeing the Orion constellation.

The two A's to the far left and right were gold/orange, and much brighter than the simple blues at the center.

One would be Betelgeuse which is orange in color and the other Rigel with the three in the middle being Orion's belt.

The 'snakes' I saw, I found when I zoomed in to take a picture. I held very still, yet they appeared as snakes, twisting and distorted. One picture I took is of a wild blue color, very pretty. I have the whole picture in a picture, but its hard to see at first, however, I will circle it in Photoshop in red so you can see it easily.

This sound awfully similar to camera shake and movement with a longer exposure time.

That would give these effects when viewing the pics, especially when zooming in.

There might be very minimal movement when view in the original size you could not see, however when zooming in the camera movement becomes clear, they were hand held or from a stable tripod?

I am sounding like a try hard debunker when photos have not been supplied yet.

Thanks for the more detailed description.

Here is a link to a pic of Orion's Constellation
fficial&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=n52LUr ybIanZigeB3oCIBA&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=870#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=DTh4Nj-n1madzM%3A%3BeX9HBlum102zkM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.constellation-gui 252Forion-constellation%252F%3B615%3B827

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by Lunette

I have some threads, my first ones:

(not all the video's are still available, but some are)

I'm going to make another soon, with some guided meditations for Japan and the world, and to send the force of Love to the leaders.

However, haven't gotten that far into this yet.

But here is a good thread by skyfloating on meditation for contact:

podcast at bottom.

Shortcuts, sit outside on a pleasant evening, with mp3, or ipod, and some hemi sync or theta, or this:
(its good, I kept on repeat)

Era tara shakti mantra

Whole brain connections form with these kind of tunes. Keep it low. Then ask questions, such as: why am I here? what did I come to do? the world needs some help, reporting for duty! what needs changing in my life? Love and Goodness only! Talk about issues. Ask to see them. Then just tune in to environment.

Do you sense overhead, with your eyes closed, can you sense stars, life, wet soil up there, that can happen, or a craft. Just zoom in a bit. Open your senses, let vibrations course through. Keep happy ready to boss anyone to love if they're not. Then just open eyes and pay attention in a kind of fluid way, senses refined and opened. Heart Love.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by AliceBleachWhite

What you've just described could very well have been the constellation ORION.

I thought so too,

But OP said they moved together which I assume would be traveling across the sky,

No estimated speed or really any indication of speed like how long it took them cross the sky,

Many questions,

I think once the photos are up we can have a better indication of what it might be.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:42 AM
I'm so embarrassed I could die, right now.

I'm so sorry for wasting everyone's time. It was orion, thanks so much for pointing that out. I shouldn't have jumped to assumptions, I feel like a fool.

I just wanted it to be something, and I have Never seen this constellation before. I guess now I know, huh? :/ Ugh..

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Lunette

Well then if you see a w shaped ufo in the sky it's probably Cassiopeia.

Not trying to knock you op but you have the internet right at your fingertips.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Lunette

Don't give up, the meditation under the stars is a good way to seek.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 11:53 AM

I'm so embarrassed I could die, right now.

I'm so sorry for wasting everyone's time. It was orion, thanks so much for pointing that out. I shouldn't have jumped to assumptions, I feel like a fool.

I just wanted it to be something, and I have Never seen this constellation before. I guess now I know, huh? :/ Ugh..


I compliment you on coming back and showing and admitting your error, that shows courage and honesty in my eyes.

many run of with tail in between their legs.

Don't be afraid to share in future, but like AliceBleachWhite posted, instead of making a claim as your thread title, pose it as a question.

Everyone here is searching for something, don't take it heart when posters sound insulting,

They might be pissed because they were hoping your thread would answer their search and it doesn't so they post things out of anger.

OH and welcome to ATS as I see you have been here for a few weeks.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 12:16 PM

I'm so embarrassed I could die, right now.

I'm so sorry for wasting everyone's time. It was orion, thanks so much for pointing that out. I shouldn't have jumped to assumptions, I feel like a fool.

I just wanted it to be something, and I have Never seen this constellation before. I guess now I know, huh? :/ Ugh..

That's a good picture. Did you take that yourself?

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by InhaleExhale

Hey, thanks.

I will try and learn from mistakes like this. I feel like a fool and even more so when I read this on wiki - (The quote: Bible mentions Orion three times, naming it "Kesil" (כסיל, literally - fool) :/

I'm genuinely sorry if I got anyone's hopes up, heck, I got mine up off the roof ^^;

I'll do my research before ever posting something like this again, thanks so much everyone for opening my eyes to my error.

Also, thanks to the poster who suggested meditation, it is already something I've been looking into, and you make me feel even more confident to give it a try and keep at it.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 12:21 PM

you cannot point lasers at the sky. Its very dangerous to planes flying overhead.

only if you point them AT planes. other than that, no problem. but surely that's common sense?

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by DenyObfuscation

No, I googled orion. Mine is a mess anyways, but it's the same image nonetheless. ^_^''

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by Lunette

We all learn something new some time, and learning is far better than never knowing.

Be careful of Venus, Jupiter, and Spica in the future too. They also tend to get people who never notice them a bit by surprise. Spica can look like a police car with all the colors, especially close to the horizon.

I think there's even a UFO case where some police got extra excited and chased Venus, or maybe even the Moon because they thought it was UFO.

Most anything seen close to the Horizon gets extra twinkly due atmospheric prismatic effects, so, if you're seeing lots of color changes with something still low to the horizon, it's just Optical Physics.

Keep Looking up.
Keep Learning.

I've never seen a 'real' UFO, but, that doesn't mean there's not amazing things to be seen, and it doesn't mean you won't actually see one.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Lunette
Sorry...but you were HARDLY very careful using it. If you did in fact "research" it first, you would've learned that lasers can go on and on . So far in still could've hit a plane you couldn't see, couldn't hear nor didn't know was there. And its STILL against the law.

Anything more I could say would be insulting to you...but it was still an immature and illegal thing to do just because it was "cool".

Instead of being "freaked out" over it...I'd be ashamed and feel foolish for doing something irresponsible. Lets hope your local law enforcement doesn't make a visit to you and Mom now that you admitted breaking the law.

Good luck to you on that and next time? Think before you act. Please....

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by mysterioustranger

I looked up my laser, and it's legal because it's not as powerful as other lasers, and I'm not a moron, I won't point it at a plane. Black space between stars should be fine, from what I've looked up online, just as long as I don't stick the light on a blinking plane.

I've also only shown my light directly on the Orion constellation...which isn't going to kill anyone. I was wary of other lights in the sky, as I should have.

I'm paranoid about accidentally hitting a plane, so I'll be careful anyways. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by Lunette

Ok! Thank you for that! Always take care with what you use for research. It should be fun and interesting too if done safely. And we'd all like to hear about anything you find or that happens to you along the way! Knowledge...and the pursuit of always a good thing.

You go-girl! And keep us informed of what you learn!!! Always keep your 'eyes to the sky"!!!!

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by mysterioustranger

Thanks, you (and many others) are quite inspiring with your words, and I am glad you brought up the dangers of lasers, I'm aware and anxious about it -believe me

While I have some or your attentions still....can someone help me understand the below chart? It's a link to a page and I'm trying to make sense of how to keep safe with my laser. I don't want to get arrested or anything. if that ever did happen, I guarantee you I would burst into tears like a small child. I cry over little things, it's always been the case.

I live in a rural area. There is however a small city 4 miles away. Also, can I safely 'circle' a star/plane, or will that cause a glare? How far away do I have to keep the end of the light from a light in the sky? I want to attract a ufo...yeah, stupid huh? I just really really really want to see one. Other people get to, so why can't I? Heck, people I KNOW, have seen one at least once, and I'm pretty sure my uncle was abducted from the story about time speeding up I heard about in abduction stories....

Weather conditions like fog cause any glaring also?

Thanks for your time. And for putting up with my random spouts of nonsense.

posted on Nov, 19 2013 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by Lunette

Hey. Your questions are certainly not nonsense. And Im sure there are many here who can help answer them for you. I think the 1st thing would be to understand why you bought it, and what you want to do/learn with it?.

As I said before. Knowledge is a good thing. Share what you learn with us so we can all benefit when you do learn or see something interesting.

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