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Nail In Obamacare Coffin - Whitehouse Projected 156 Million More To Lose Insurance Plans

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posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 01:34 PM

reply to post by jimmyx

It seems that states do better work than the Federal government after all, that is the way is supposed to be, no the other way around.

I apologize for my posts, "grammar" before somebody else bash me for my language, my spell check is playing games with me, but is fun anyway.

Don't you Worry about your Grammar, Your Spelling and your English is Just Fine,,,, I know, Spell Check has been giving me fits too!
Some times I think in Mandarin Chinese and type in English and just get so Confused!!!!!

marg6043, 您好? (How are you?) 我完全明白。(I understand perfectly.) nín hǎo? wǒ wán quán míng bái.
That poster hasn't been around yet, I don't think his / her shift has started yet in obamas basement.

Sorry to be off topic every one, but I had to Support My Good Friend marg6043.

edit on 20-11-2013 by guohua because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

So, I am responsible for those in low wage jobs?????

I guess that since you made it, without Govt help, others can't be expected to do the same. And, since they must be not as smart as you, people must have money stolen from them, to give to those without.

The idea is very simple. Allow me to keep more of MY money, that I earned. And.....reduce the size of Govt back to how it was constructed.

There be your solution.

But, back on topic.

0bama and company have jacked this up royally. With incomplete websites, millions upon millions wasted money, a site with huge security holes created by a Canadian based company that won it on a no bid contract with a history of screwing Govt IT projects up with a relative working there that has ties back to the WH. A law that was passed using coercion, that is thousands of pages long, was stated to know what's in the bill it would have to be passed first and predicated on lies paraded around by 0bama.
Anyone, did I miss anything?????

Oh, and now articles coming out that the WH knew that this crap would dump people from their current care, into this Govt POS.

So, yeah, what a great adventure this has been.
What are the exact numbers of people that have completed, signed and accepted this crap???
What are the numbers of people that are being dumped from their current insurance as well???

edit on 20-11-2013 by macman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 01:37 PM


reply to post by jimmyx

Too bad the VA has been run by Federal Employees that are for the most part Dems & Progressives.

But, you go ahead and blame the Reps on their piss poor service, terrible management and everything else on not having a certain amount of funding.

Like every Dems/Progressive, the issue has to be the lack of Money going to the Govt agency not performing well.

i'll run with your logic.....let's see... hundreds of thousands more vets, cost of livng going up....yeah...we need to cut back on all that VA money because there is just too much wasteful spending.

Yea you're right the costs of those helicopter rides and the availability of the Redskins cheerleaders must certainly be going up. I mean how are the people in charge of the VA going to care for the veterans when they can't spend $6.1 million on extravagant conferences in Disney World?

House panel to examine VA spending on extravagant conferences

But you're right the VA's failings is totally the fault of a lack of funding. (/sarcasm and /eye rolling emoticon)

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by guohua

You just made my day, I am laughing at that post and yes I have noticed, but sometimes I forget that I should do better with all the years I have here and that darn status under my name that actually was given to me for participating on research along with two other very good members a long, long time ago.

Sorry for stepping out of the subject.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 02:03 PM

reply to post by guohua

You just made my day, I am laughing at that post and yes I have noticed, but sometimes I forget that I should do better with all the years I have here and that darn status under my name that actually was given to me for participating on research along with two other very good members a long, long time ago.

Sorry for stepping out of the subject.

marg6043, 不客气。(You're velcome.) 这里有人会讲英语吗? (Does anyone here speak English?) 错误。 (No.)
没关系, 我懂 您的意思。 (That's all right, I understand you.)
bú kè qì. zhè lǐ yǒu rén hùi jiǎng yīng yǔ ma? cuò wù. méi gūan xi, wǒ dǒng nín de yì si.

Obamacare has been discussed in great length by my relatives and old colleagues in China.
I kn ow what many have been told by Main Stream News Media, Obama was never really Respected or care for in China, he was always seen as a Spineless Puppet.
Obamacare was seen as nothing more that a move by our Government to gain complete control over our health from Cradle to Grave to include DNA tracking of families with a history of addition or mental illness.

Who knows, but it's Not Right to have the Government in Charge of your Healthcare, Next you'll be Told How Many Children you Can Have,,, Like Our One Child Policy!

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 02:07 PM
Oh, this is a good one, something that people have not even considered behind the Obamacare that many are calling a "bailout to states" specially now that is news coming out that along with the dumping of millions of people from their insurance states are also dumping their "local gov. retirees into the ACA exchange".

Why oh Why this is been kept quiet.

Obamacare Is Secretly A Bailout Of State And Local Governmen

Here's a feature of Obamacare you probably don't know about: A transfer of hundreds of billions of dollars in liabilities to retired public employees from state and local governments to federal taxpayers.

Here's how it's going to work.

States and localities have enormous liabilities in the form of health benefits they have promised to provide to retired workers. (Finance professionals call these benefits OPEB, or "other post-employment benefits.") Most public sector retirees get health plans until they turn 65, and then supplemental coverage on top of Medicare after that.

In most cases, state and local governments haven't prefunded these liabilities at all. As Americans age and health care costs rise, this is becoming a major drain on state and local finances, arguably more important than more-widely-discussed problems with public employee pensions.

Well, well, well.

How this is this possible?

Detroit, as part of its bankruptcy plan, wants to stop providing health care to retirees and instead give them each a $125 monthly stipend to buy insurance in the exchange. Currently, Detroit spends $721 per month per retiree on health benefits, so this move will allow Detroit to cut its OPEB liability by 80%.

But it won't just be bankrupt cities like Detroit making the move. Chicago and Rhode Island — governments facing tight fiscal situations but not on the brink of bankruptcy — are considering similar shifts.

Unlike pensions, retiree health benefits are usually not legally guaranteed. Stressed cities and states will see kicking OPEB costs up to the federal government as a politically appealing option because of that legal flexibility.

Even in places where finances are flush, the shift will be tempting. Public employee unions that work together with state and local governments to switch to federal coverage will be playing a positive sum game: Existing benefits can be replaced with a combination of Obamacare coverage and cash that leaves retirees with more income and local governments with lower costs. Only federal taxpayers will get left holding the bag.

If this is real then is going to be about a total amount of state and local OPEB liabilities totaling closely to 2 trillion dollars, this will definitely bankrupt the tax payers and the ACA, loopholes in the ACA will allow for this incredible shift

The present administration is no only allowing the shift of states retirees into the ACA but also since 2012 was working to dump military retirees into the ACA also with the cuts and increases of the military choice of Tricare humana my husband is a retired marine I can tell that we already are feeling the increases since last Oct.

Obama to Force Military Families Away From Tricare ...By Tripling Their Fees.

Obama simply insists on tripling their fees on the military health insurance program called Tricare.

What is the administration’s reasoning on this? Well, they actually admit that Obama would rather the troops partake in ‘alternatives’ that were established in the Affordable Care Act (otherwise known as Obamacare). In a report from the, Bill Gertz states:

Administration officials told Congress that one goal of the increased fees is to force military retirees to reduce their involvement in Tricare and eventually opt out of the program in favor of alternatives established by the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare.”

The true colors of the ACA the real reason for its existence and the obvious results of all the shifting, price gouging and lies are shining bright everyday when more and more information comes forward, still is hard to believe that some will keep supporting ACA, but I see it as people still supporting the present administration blunders and corruption because of party affiliations

edit on 20-11-2013 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by guohua

I agree, but at the same time, some countries with less private corporate control of their government are able to provide very good care free to their citizens.

Sadly in America the corporate power is too strong.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 02:26 PM
I was paying 582.00 per month. Now thanks to the ACA am paying 116.00 per month beginning Jan 2014.
My situation may be different than some, but bottom line is I'm saving money and getting somewhat better coverage.
I think most of the criticism is coming from people who have no idea what they are talking about.Please do some research before you ramble on with the same old unproven statements.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by hoss53

I am sure that some people will be lucky enough to fall within that small pool that will benefit from ACA, I have no doubt about it.

But in my personal experience with my husband been a retired marine under the Choice of Tricare human Plus, our rates double since Oct. of 2012, with a warning of a steady increased for the next 5 years under ACA.

I guess we are not in the lucky pool.

I am very happy that you have gotten a better deal.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by hoss53

So, you got a better deal through tax payer subsidies I guess?

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by marg6043

I'm not sure who warned you about increase because of the ACA but suspect political entity's.
Unless your husband is a retired commissioned officer, I feel very confident that the two of you would qualify for a subsidy. You can check this out on the website without committing to anything.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by hoss53

You do know that subsidy money DOES have to come from somewhere, it doesn't just materialize from thin air? So while you may not be paying for it, someone else is and they are not reaping the same benefits as you (since their money is supplementing your insurance in addition to buying non-subsided health insurance).
edit on 20-11-2013 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 02:58 PM

I was paying 582.00 per month. Now thanks to the ACA am paying 116.00 per month beginning Jan 2014.
My situation may be different than some, but bottom line is I'm saving money and getting somewhat better coverage.
I think most of the criticism is coming from people who have no idea what they are talking about.Please do some research before you ramble on with the same old unproven statements.


What are your deductibles ? -- new plan vs old plan.

And if you actually qualify for subsidies, can you afford the unsubsidized deductibles ?

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

Deductibles same as old plan 2000, because of savings was able to obtain dental plan.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

What would you have me do Krazysh0t? Ignore the subsides and pay the full amount.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by hoss53

Do what you gotta do. I don't get a subsidy so I don't even have that choice that you are getting angry with me about. So I have to pay the full higher than previous price of ACA insurance. Quick question, what are your monthly premiums and deductible without the subsidy? Mine are $230 and $5000 respectively. I can afford neither, but the government thinks I can. But I guess that is all fine and good since you get to enjoy subsidized insurance, while I go broke trying to pay for both mine and other people's insurance.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by macman

Subsidies have been around since we started paying taxes. Are you aware that during the heydays of fossil fuels, 1950-1980, coal mining hourly pay rate was subsided to attract more miners.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by Em2013

Thank you for your comment - - the ONLY issue that constantly gets ignored in MSM and our politicians (how convenient) is WHY our healthcare costs continue to rise when all logic would suggest that overtime, due to medical and technological advances, coupled with increased expertise and efficiency, prices should fall (as with almost every other industry). It is the monopolistic protections of the healthcare industry that is destroying this nation. The government, our government, that you, me and everybody else votes for allows this to happen. To me, this is the #1 issue that needs to be addressed. Find me a politician that will run on applying the Sherman Act and Clayton Acts (making unlawful any sort of act that combines with market power to restrain trade and fix prices) to the healthcare industry and that politician gets my vote. This is something ALL US citizens should stand up and demand. Eliminate these monopolies and "favorites" within the healthcare industry and healthcare costs drop dramatically and the majority of us could pay for almost everything out of pocket.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 04:29 PM

reply to post by jimmyx

So, now it is the fault of the Republicans.

Hmmmm, where did I see this excuse????

At least we all know where you get your talking points from.

I guess your next retort will be something like "well, you don't have a solution".

The Republicans didn't vote for it. It is all on Dems and 0bama.

You Said It!!!
Obama Has Blamed The Republicans for the Failure to Fix Obamacare Glitches,

We all know it was coming,, So let's not be so surprised when his Loyal and Faithful Followers come here and continue with his LIES!

edit on 20-11-2013 by guohua because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 05:39 PM

reply to post by marg6043

I'm not sure who warned you about increase because of the ACA but suspect political entity's.

Do you read the news, everyday, yes is been plenty of information that shows how ACA is causing increases in insurance premiums, and yes suspecting of political entities is one of the reason that the government is trying to downplay the mess that ACA is causing on the once already insured pool.

One of the things around here in ATS is that if you are really looking for the truth you will find it, but if you are looking for something else, it makes no difference.

Unless your husband is a retired commissioned officer, I feel very confident that the two of you would qualify for a subsidy. You can check this out on the website without committing to anything.

I which I had your confident but evidence shows that my husband a retired Marine with 22 years in the service and 15 on Tricare humana and still working for the Federal government will not qualify for subsidies and neither millions of people that ACA is targeting to be the milking cows to feed those that will get subsidies and pay for the Medicaid expansion.

Remember nothing is free in America for you to have a subsidy somebody else have to pay, those than pay will never get anything back from the govenrment.

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