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Best...Sandy Hook...Video...Ever.

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posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 08:43 AM
The most innocent reason that presents itself for drilling a mass shooter scenario and trying to calibrate how to best shape mass response is that an uptake in the frequency of these kinds of shootings is expected in the near future-- indeed, we hardly go a month at a time these days without hearing of one.

I put up a thread after Sandy Hook that explored the intersecting trends pointing to a coming spike in the numbers, and as an amateur researcher, I doubt I was the first to notice.

I am sick in the pit of my stomach every time I read another article that confirms it.

edit on 18-11-2013 by Eidolon23 because: .

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by DJW001

Okay, it would be one thing if one person didn't look like they just lost a kid, but ALL of the family members seem way too mentally well afterwards. It isn't just a case of some unusual shock. All of them seem okay, which just wouldn't be the case that early on. I have watched what a child's death does to a family, and none of those families look like that.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by kotu44

Except for the 1 or maybe 2 families I've seen that really DID lose a child. You cannot fake true grief and I believe I saw it in one couple at least but the rest...errrr noooo!

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by kotu44

I agree with that 100%. My next door neighbors son commited suicide a little over a year ago, they are still in the throws of grief over it. The folks who are the supposed parents in these vids seem pretty damn normal for what has just been taken from them. IMHO. I could not stand and smile or partake in small talk and then go before Congress with a completely different mindset.....if my child had been slaughterd at school. Being a parent and I know alot of us on here are....could you haved stay out of that school that day? They would have had to arrest me and take me away to keep me out of that building.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by phyllida

I am amazed by the omniscience and perspicacity of so many of the posters on this thread. Not only do they know precisely how all human being are supposed to react in any given situation, they are able to detect whether someone's internal state is appropriate by watching them on a TV monitor. Astonishing.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by DJW001

You just don't get it, what are the odds that all these family members wouldn't act like a normal family that lost a child? If one person acted odd it wouldn't be a big deal. But when no one there looks like it, there is something wrong with that.

These people were way too willing to talk to the media. They were very quick to talk about their agenda. All while showing no true signs of grief.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 09:09 AM

reply to post by phyllida

I am amazed by the omniscience and perspicacity of so many of the posters on this thread. Not only do they know precisely how all human being are supposed to react in any given situation, they are able to detect whether someone's internal state is appropriate by watching them on a TV monitor. Astonishing.

Because of the astonishing lack of facts and evidence provided by the "authorities", that is what people are left with to try and figure out exactly what happened on that day.

It's criminal. And they are actually trying to change the laws so that those actions of concealing that which should have been lawfully & morally provided to a stunned & grieving public, will not be criminal anymore or in violation of statutes or rules adopted governing the release of that info.

We'd be insane ignorant sheep to accept this.

edit on 11/18/2013 by Riffrafter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 09:11 AM


I interned at a group home for mentally challenged children and they LOVE playing with the camera and making albums of photos of themselves.

Any of those kids go out and shoot up a school? Apples and oranges I'm afraid.

So only mentally ill children who shoots up schools don't get their pictures taken? Not even an updated one by a mother?

I'll give you another example; My brother's son is autistic, and he doesn't like the camera so much, but him and my sister in law enjoy having updated photos of their son to share with family that lives long distance from all of us. So they shoot ones without flash, and they don't ask him to pose. No problem. So Nancy never took an updated photo of Adam in this manner? It just doesn't gel.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 09:14 AM

reply to post by Aisling

You didn't read my post. A lot of these parents, despite being prepared for the outcome are STILL shocked, are STILL grieved. They are NOT smiling hours after the loss.

Do you stay with them for forty eight hours non-stop? Not a single one has ever gone: "Remember the time she brought us those flowers?" and smiled through the tears? I'm not doubting your personal experience, but you can only generalize it so far.

If my child was shot, I wouldn't be in front of a camera smiling.

You won't really know that until it happens, will you? Sure, you would like to think you would behave in a particular way, but you won't know until it happens. If it does, and I hope it doesn't, you wouldn't want people accusing you of things because you don't behave the way they think you should!

That's the one thing most people see and question out of all of this nonsense.

It would be better if you were to question why you are so obsessed with this tragedy.

I'm not obsessed with this tragedy, you can go back on my posting history and see that I barely ever posted about it, nor have I had the time to. I saw this particular video, and have taken time to give my opinions and share experiences that I know from real life.

Sorry, I don't know one single soul that has smiled after the death of their child. Not hours later, nor be so willing to rush on camera and discuss it.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by DJW001

There's plenty the authorities could do to prove what took place that day. A few crime scene photo's would probally do the trick. Their cause isnt helped by the authorities telling folks they'll be arrested for not staying on the narrative laid out. I would imagine in the future some of the main players will have them single car accidents that take so many lives. I mean come the hell on, their tearing down the crime scene. Did they tear down Columbine? Did they tear down the theartre in Aurora? Yea, with the physical evidence torn down and throwed away, the narrative will be perpetuated ala 911. So in the future the lie becomes the truth and truth becomes the lie.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 09:25 AM

You want to live in a paranoid state of fear and distrust?
reply to post by winofiend

Paranoid means baseless fear; which mistrust of a government isn't.

And you say you're the one living in the real world, whereas everyone else is living in a fantasy world.


posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 09:26 AM
All the guns were reportedly legally registered in his mothers name, but there is already an assault weapons ban in place in Connecticut. So how could they be legally registered?

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by openyourmind1262

Exactly, they refuse to release anything that could prove it took place. So much is missing from this story and so much misinformation from officials. Everything about that day was off from what usually happens during these events.

All it would take to get everyone to shut up is cctv footage of Adam heading towards the school and a police report. Nothing graphic. Just the usual stuff that is released for events that happen like this.
edit on 18-11-2013 by kotu44 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by Sirrurg

Actually, it is not because of copyrights..... The only music in it is a classical piece, that is public domain. There are video clips from the news, but that is covered under fair use. Copyrights is not the reason it is being censored.

As to the picture issue, I don't buy it. If you take out the few photos I took myself, you can still find literally hundreds of photos of me. People snap pictures everywhere these days, social gatherings, family gatherings. A good chunk I am not the main focus of the photo, but I ended up in the backround. I am not exactly a social butterfly these days either. I show up for family things like funerals and things when I can afford to.
edit on Mon, 18 Nov 2013 09:35:42 -0600 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 09:33 AM

Now consider this, if it was a fake, that's many thousands of people who all have to keep it completely quiet. If even one of them talked, it would be a scandal on a scale that out-ranks anything in history. The US government would almost certainly fall.

What about the extended families of all of the victims? Are they all paid government spooks too?

There's a reason this conspiracy theory winds up in LOL.
reply to post by Painterz

The reason being you don't understand how one works. There aren't any "thousands" of people "who all have to keep completely quiet", and a scandal that outranks JFK's murder, for instance? That's certainly caused having on the streets in the US hasn't it.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by Snarl

Comparing a kid that was supposedly a shut-in, that did nothing but play video games to someone in the army? That's a bit of a stretch there. Everyone I know that joined the army and marines were already decently athletic before they joined. This is a bean pole geek type here.

Then the lady brainwashes the audience. Wow.

So you are supposed to use triage protocalls, but it never happens anyways. Why bother with it at all then? That whole rebuttal is what sounds like BS.

Somebody on the ground with some common sense apparently recognized that it was 'game over’ and new rules needed to be made up as they were going along.

That jumped out at me. So you are telling me that someone at the scene, decided they could do the job of trained medical doctors and pronounce people dead? I would love who decided they had that authority.... If it was my kid that was one of the dead, I would be starting a class action against whoever that guy was.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 10:01 AM



I interned at a group home for mentally challenged children and they LOVE playing with the camera and making albums of photos of themselves.

Any of those kids go out and shoot up a school? Apples and oranges I'm afraid.

So only mentally ill children who shoots up schools don't get their pictures taken? Not even an updated one by a mother?

Of course not. My point was that in the absence of facts, the void can be filled by virtually any unsubstantiated claim. I made a couple of gentle remarks to that affect, and some folks took it the wrong way. That's how a volatile subject gets out of hand.

When someone disagrees with me on ATS, I am not too big to let them have their say. They don't get a star from me and I move on. I was ready to move on from this thread and two things made me change my mind for the time being. If I remain unchallenged that is still my intent ... I'm not gonna tuck tail and run with folks throwing insults at my back.

We need to focus on the facts and dispense with the typical suppositions found instead. There ARE some worthwhile posts in this thread (as are my own ... did you look at them?). It would appear the management is giving them a fair attempt to make their case. I want to see them succeed ... but I'm quite skeptical, as what I see is no one helping those members out with their endeavors because they're too busy nipping at my heels.


posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by Eidolon23

Hey Eidolon.

Wasn't going to post yet as I've just started gathering and analyzing some info, but for what it's worth my "digging" confirms your link to The Lucis Trust. Good find.

I came by my info via different avenues than you which should serve as a confirmation of sorts for both of us. There's also more than one link here but it's unclear if they're just a minor player and/or common denominator with some of the players in this event or if they play a more central role.

Just the fact that they have reared their head in this thing so quickly should cause people to pay attention. For those unfamiliar with the Lucis Trust, do a little research right here on ATS. They are an extremely interesting organization to say the least.

I'm actually running down some other info right now but made a note of the Lucis Trust links and when I saw your post I thought I would respond quickly.

As soon as I have enough info that can be vetted & reliably sourced independent of what I'm learning directly I'll post it. As I'm just getting started, I'm still feeling my way around & don't know what the bigger picture may be although I'm starting to get some glimpses of what the outline might look like.

For now, I'm just going to keep working to uncover the dots and try to connect them into a cohesive picture - or at least an integral part of the picture. I'm not going to off half-cocked on this one.

I also think this one is going to require the efforts of more than a few sharp eyes, ears & minds.

And I do mean sharp...

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

This is what the youtube links says:

"Leider ist dieses Video, das Musik von SME beinhaltet, in Deutschland nicht verfügbar, da die GEMA die Verlagsrechte hieran nicht eingeräumt hat. "

"Unfortunately this video, which contains music from SME (Sony Music Entertainment I guess) is not available in Germany since the GEMA (The copyright watchdog in Germany) hasn't granted the right of publishing/copyright."

Mind you, said music might only play somewhere in the background or for a second or so, still the legal reason for blocking it is copyright. But as I said, pointing out a copyright to the owner of the copyright and urging him/her/it to take legal action certainly is a quick way to make such videos unavailable. Actually I have to look for alternate links for videos of this kind quite often because of this, though I haven't found one for this particular one yet.

As for the photos, sure, there might be photos of you standing around on a birthday party or so, but would those that own them just give them away and allow them to be plastered all over the media in a case like this?

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 10:21 AM


I came by my info via different avenues than you which should serve as a confirmation of sorts for both of us. There's also more than one link here but it's unclear if they're just a minor player and/or common denominator with some of the players in this event or if they play a more central role.

I am not surprised that there are parallel ties. For a group that claims to be guided by the channelled wisdom of enlightened immortal masters, they sure do a terrible job of burying their scat.

Thanks for the kindness, as always.

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