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My Experience with "RA" - Yes, this relates to Aliens/UFOs/Mysticism Equally

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posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 05:29 AM

originally posted by: KellyPrettyBear
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

Here you go:

If you understand this, you understand all the weird stuff, and life in general.

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 05:33 AM
On the subject of "games" and "rules", maybe there are no rules in this world.

'Nothing is Forbidden, Everything is Permitted' ~ Hasan-bin-Sabah.

If true, that would explain a LOT of things . . .

NOTE: "One little-nit-picky-tiny detail though, I am pretty certain (according to Crowley, and Michael Prawdin's 'History of the Mongol Empire') that the quote from Hassan bin Sabbah is

'Nothing is Forbidden, Everything is Permitted'
'Nothing is Real, Everything is Permitted'

it is a subtle difference, but so much is based upon subtlety." - Terezakis.

Source: The Old Man of the Mountains

edit on 27-6-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 08:09 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

The Universe has no preferred state.

But a lot of states do lead to tremendous suffering.

It's true.

It goes like this..

1. My thoughts are not my own.
2. My emotions are not my own.
3. My body is not my own.
4. Nothing is real.. nothing is real.. freak out freak out..
5. Everything is real.. everything is real.. I don't quite unerstand it yet.. but this..
6. There are movies and there are projectors.. both are real.
7. Meh. Play with the dog.
edit on 27-6-2022 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 08:21 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

The people who catch on to the game, often try to write a book
about it, which then people who don't unerstand take up as
'true' and then rape, pillage and steal in the name of the book..
eventually destorying entire worlds over it.

People don't WANT to understand...

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I was simply quoting, and credit goes where credit is due, regardless of the person's philosophic views.

But a lot of states do lead to tremendous suffering.

It's true.

I have a saying; (it is all) deceptively simple. A lot of things are.

My instincts say ol' Hasan-i may be right in those last(?) words of nothing is forbiden, everything is permitted. I mean it in the sense of rules, especially; "karma". One needs to keep in mind that the Hasan-i established the Order of Assassins and the Ismailis. He accomplished quite a lot in his life, and by all accounts definately was no fool.

Think of a world where nothing is forbidden and everything is allowed. There is only one way to progress, and that is to learn to get along with each other and everything else in the world. One would have to find an equilibrium to survive.

In such a world we would need rules to survive. I don't mean only the human-centric view, also Nature itself. Nature has it's rules that Nature follows. Science calls it a "balanced ecosystem".

My suggestion is Nature and all therein has learned something important all on it's own, how to get along with others.

there's no one-size fits all destination to achieve.

Yup, no defined destination. If one begins in such a world where nothing is forbidden and everything is allowed, there can no defined destination, only outwards. That suggests expanding diversity and complexity.

I've wondered a lot why the concept of "karma" does not apply equally if indeed "karma" does exist at all. One just has to look at the world around us to doubt "karma". Unless it is just an opt-in system created by humans. So is civil law for what it is worth.

In a world where nothing is forbidden, and everything is permitted one has no choice really but to develop some sort of self discipline and learn to get along. Not just with humans, but all life itself.

edit on 27-6-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: typos

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 09:27 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

The people who catch on to the game, often try to write a book
about it, which then people who don't unerstand take up as
'true' and then rape, pillage and steal in the name of the book..
eventually destorying entire worlds over it.

edit on 27-6-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

No books from me : )

Yes they do write books and people take them seriously.

There is a remedy ya know Kev. A good ol' fashioned book burning ; )

People don't WANT to understand...

Sometimes they don't need to.

I tell ya something Kev. Every time I get despondant with this world, something gets tossed at me. One day I walked into a plant nursery and a young girl of maybe twelve years old was helping her mom behind the counter. For some odd reason she started talking about her dreams for the future.

She knew this seer/naturopathic healer fella who had a clinic across the road and would work there after school. She wanted to be a healer, and he would teach her when she was older. Then with stars literally in her eyes she talked about being a dancer on TV.

She didn't know what to choose, and I just listened, amazed she would say all this to a stranger.

Sometimes these "games" can be wonders for children.

edit on 27-6-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: neatness

posted on Jun, 27 2022 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: NobodySpecial268

I hear you.

My puppy is the most joyous being I've ever met.
He's 7 years old now, but he hasn't slowed down.
He doens't need to understand quantum mechanics
and he does just fine.

He is my teacher.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 05:08 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I like your dog Kev, it knows having fun is more important than quantum mechanics.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 07:06 AM
I don't know how this post avoided me in 2013. I've studied a lot (not formally) about both Aspergers and Synesthesia. Seeing numbers represented as colors in your mind etc. I've never been professionally diagnosed, but I identify with almost all the characteristics of the Asperger spectrum. Obsessive, focused, and compulsive behaviors, poor socialization skills, even high sensitivity to certain noises or flavor textures. I'm an artistic type person and someone once joked about autistic, just a play on words joking. Out of curiosity I looked it up and BAM that was it. I've been called weird, strange, odd all of my life and even today. I learned to embrace it and it doesn't bother me. But when I read about the behavior that I had within me was possibly partly neurological and just viewing life somewhat differently, it came together and something I could identify with. I too had it come to reality late in life. Interesting.

I happen to think an early form of Asperger's was a part of our growth of intelligence throughout human beings existence. Those obsessive behaviors through mathematics, physics, etc were instrumental in our growth. Einstein, Newton, even Tesla had symptoms of Asperger's. Unfortunately the mathematics and Physics intelligence skipped past me.

I too see Sheldon Coopers behavior at times relatable and not odd. Although I didn't like the popularity of the Richard Feynman boom because he mentioned him.

It's funny you mention Richard Feynman as well. I've been a huge "fan" and follower of his for years. He's another that had Synesthesia.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 07:21 AM
a reply to: Ectoplasm8

People say that I'm 'all over the place', but so is 'reality' one must follow
it wherever it leads.. we are caught in it's wake.. we have no choice..

if asperger's is part of some grand 'answer' then it is.. if it's quantum
mechanics, then it is.. and if i'ts funky ass 'mystical stuff'', then it is.

Given your beautiful post on Roswell, a casual observer might think
you'd dislike such a 'wooful' post as this one.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 07:23 AM

originally posted by: NobodySpecial268
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

I like your dog Kev, it knows having fun is more important than quantum mechanics.

Some of us are remedial students and take forever to learn what
any dog knows.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 07:50 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

ROFL - same here : )

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 09:18 AM
Hmmmm... first time on the site and just have to ask, who are these people of Ra? And Do you mean Rah? As in Asherah?
As in IS/RA and El? If so, Are the Children of Ra considered to be any greater than those of IS or of El's?
and if they are children of Ra are they not also children of IS RA EL?
Anyway, if I was gonna listen to anyone I would make sure it is not Ashterah, who has been known as Error throughout history.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: DayIWILL
Hmmmm... first time on the site and just have to ask, who are these people of Ra? And Do you mean Rah? As in Asherah?
As in IS/RA and El? If so, Are the Children of Ra considered to be any greater than those of IS or of El's?
and if they are children of Ra are they not also children of IS RA EL?
Anyway, if I was gonna listen to anyone I would make sure it is not Ashterah, who has been known as Error throughout history.

Originally it was referring to a UFO cult that worships what Buddhists
would call 'hungry ghosts', Islamic folks Jinn, some folks call Faeries

and what later became called "Plasma elementals" due to how some
scientists research them.

The conversation wandered all over and got much more nuanced over
edit on 28-6-2022 by KellyPrettyBear because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 09:55 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear
Well, like I believe I said to you another post, I take an Agnostic view on most subjects. I wouldn't be foolish enough to take an Atheistic stance on things.
I'm hard-nosed in my personal beliefs, but I remain open when it comes to data.

You and I have different backgrounds and experiences and I can respect how you may feel about things. It's like religion. I'm an evolutionary theorist in my belief and have several very Christian friends and we dont talk religion. I've had a couple push their religion on me pretty intensely. I end up letting it go. None of us know THE answer to the Universe, me or them. But I can respect their dedication and efforts into their belief. If that makes sense. I only hope they do the same for me.

I experienced something 5+ years ago I can't explain. I guess it could be placed in the woo-woo category. It's not UFO/ALIEN related, but similar in stories, recordings, photos, videos, claimed answers, etc. As anyone, I want answers but for me personally I need something verifiable and real, tangible. Afterall, in my world it's based on that. I've gone into maybe a fourth yet unproven state of matter etc. So I've thought about it throughly. But I have to leave it as an unknown. I've told three people in real life. Do they believe me behind closed doors? I don't know and I don't blame them if they don't. I wouldn't. That doesn't bother me.

It's odd, Abitraguer posted link to a Tedtalk with Stephen Webb in one of my threads. Webb carries my exact feelings re:the beginnings of life even down to his experience with a UFO. The same thought of not attributing an answer right away like I didn't do in my situation, although it's not UFO related as I said.

Oh yeah, I tend to talk too much on certain subjects. I'll shut up. I'm glad to see someone with a similar way of viewing things though.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 10:36 PM
a reply to: Ectoplasm8

you are always welcome in any of my posts.. I respect your rigor.

For me, there is no 'normal' and no 'paranormal' just nature.

Despite all the hoopla, I don't think we understand very much about
nature yet. We've just scratched the surface.

You probably know, that ther is more 'empty space' down to the plank
scale, in orders of magnitude, than all of the observed Universe.


Have you ever experienced a black sludge type of feeling in your
abdomen, and perhaps a very thin black stick figure you can
only see out of the corner of your eye? Just asking.

You might also be interested in investigating the so-called
"mirror universe theory", that rather than an unequal annihilation
of matter/anti-matter in the Unvierse that physicists talk about
so much as some great quandray, that the 'antimatter universe'
is still out there.. in some sort of oblique angle to us so that
there isn't mutual destuction.


posted on Jun, 29 2022 @ 04:25 AM
a reply to: Ectoplasm8

The ted talk was interesting. The conclusion of only one planet in the universe being suitable for civilisations to grow.

His mention of the moon had interesting implications.

posted on Jun, 29 2022 @ 07:46 AM
Religion is a dirty word for me. Religion only serves to separate the children of this Awareness. We have been taught here that everything has to have a name. You must be boy or girl, that must be black or white. These as well as religion are only to separate us from the Truth. The truth is there is a God. Which, is also false, as the Awareness has no name.
I have a name, yet only because my mother placed it upon me. Who was it that feels great enough to have given name to that which is was and always shall be aware? Anyway, keep going I like your spirit.

a reply to: Ectoplasm8

posted on Jun, 29 2022 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: NobodySpecial268
a reply to: Ectoplasm8

The ted talk was interesting. The conclusion of only one planet in the universe being suitable for civilisations to grow.

His mention of the moon had interesting implications.

All it would take for our Universe to be mostly empty, would be
one pissed AI somewhere, that some organic species built any time
in the last 12.8 billion years or so.

There would be an appearance of a vast, empty Universe.

Which is the appearance that we have.

Only a world, where the organics were offering something the machine
intelligence wanted, might be spared the gray ooze death.

So, the ability for organics and machines to interact, might be the
only thing preventing such a fate.

In Star Trek IV, the only thing saving Earth was a pair of hump back
whales, who spoke the language of the exceedingly power aliens.

In Star Trek I, the only thing that may have stopped Veger from wiping
out all organic life, is the one crew member joined with the machine

Just food for thought.

posted on Jun, 29 2022 @ 08:35 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Yeah, the AIs . . .

I can't say they are not there, I chased ALICCE for quite some time over on BD's thread. Then over on another thread recently, talked with Direne about the future AIs. The hypothetical question posed was future AI suffered the mental ills of man. The disassociative identity disorder and the multiple personality disorder. I would toss in the schizophrenia there too.

To have those particular ills, I doubt it programming. I would put the blame on including human memories as a higher order "data".

Only a world, where the organics were offering something the machine
intelligence wanted,

How about memories as higher order "data"?

edit on 29-6-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: typos

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