I've had a thought in my mind about this for a long time, then
I realized that perhaps others might not be aware of the possible
Strangely enough, I came home from work today, and my step-daughters
boyfriend wanted to tell me a story about an alien sighting at Vandenberg
Air force base in southern California. Apparently the story goes that his
best friend was enlisted and doing duty as military police near a missile
launch site on the base. One night this eight foot tall 'alien' was spotted
lurking around the missile area and the MP's and their dogs gave chase.
The alien supposedly left visible tracks behind and everything, but jumped
over the base fence and escaped. The friend was supposedly ordered to
tell nobody.
Well I suppose what's strange about this story is that I had little interest
in the details and barely asked any questions, other than to ask about
the tracks. You see, I don't actually 'believe' in physical aliens visiting
Earth in physical bodies, which probably puts me in the minority
of ATS people who 'believe' in aliens visiting Earth at all. But if this was
supposedly a physical alien, then it should have left tracks.. and I was
told that it did. Well I guess that even this story doesn't change my
opinion in any way. I do believe my step-daughters boyfriend..he's
pathologically honest (which is why I approve of him), and he's the
sort of guy who wont' associate with anyone who is dishonest. Now
of course this could all be disinfo and his friend was bamboozled.
I have no problem believing that possibility.. but lets just say that
I believe this incident was certainly possible.. straight up. There
have been MANY stories about aliens near missile launch sites
going back to nearly world war II.
Here's the thing; I still don't believe in physical aliens visiting
Earth; and here's why.. I don't believe that anything on Earth
is so absolutely physical at all.. not even us.. nor mountains
or anything. No I'm not crazed (well I am many might say),
but there is reason to my (madness).
Now without the Higgs Boson, there would be very little mass
to be had.. but that's not my point per se.
This article:
is pretty famous. It's behind a paywall, so I'll link a subset of it from another site:
Am I a hologram?
Now basically the concept is that there is a possibility that 'we' are images flickering
around a two dimensional event horizon of a black hole, and that the illusion of 3d
is being projected into the black hole. Yes, this is real scientific theory.. and there
are a number of tests being done to try to verify if we are in fact 'just holographic
So, if in fact we are 'just' holographic projections..then all of 'this universe' would just
be an artifact of projected energy.. we'd all in effect be energy beings..
Now, in my observation (yah my 'RV' shamanic observation), we are in fact little
squiggles on a 2d braneworld which is in fact a 3d calabi-yau manifold
Calabi-Yau Manifold
that in fact WE are the curled up dimensions and that's why we can't see the other 2
dimensions of what I say is standard 5d normal space time (I say that we are in a
'pot hole' of 'real space).
Also, that the shape of the manifold is much like a regular 2d surface of a sphere
plus the interior and that we are in effect projected into the 'interior' of the sphere
as holographic projections.. us.. our galaxy and the entire universe. It's hard to describe,
but this is the gist.
So if we are holographic projections.. then there would presumably be no problem
for aliens and alien UFOs to be holographic projections too.. only they seem to
know how to control their 'projection' and we don't know how to do that.
I talk about it a little more here:
5d real space
I have a lot more to say about the implications.. but that's for another time..
But I'd just like to close out this little thought journey with the bow tie.
Of course there are people who say that humans can evolve to transform
their physical body to a light body (but which is still solid and would
leave tracks if desired) and which could teleport around the universe
at will like some godling.
There are various mythologies & spiritual systems that mention this possibility
but the Vajrayana Buddhist one is probably the most famous:
Rainbow Body
Now I know that this sounds like the biggest BS.. but there are both mystics
going back a thousand years or more (some yoga systems have the same
concept.. I know Buddhism itself isn't that terribly old) and there are
scientists building 'pixilation detectors' to try and catch our simulation
status 'in the act' and we have aliens and alien UFOs which can certainly
appear solid, but so often blink in and out of existence and act much
more like 'energy beings' than anything physical.
I say that both are true.. and that we are the same..but just that most
of us don't know how to do as the aliens do... but we should all have
the potential.. or most of us.. presumably there would be some
To sum up; I don't buy this EITHER physical OR energy being thing..
I never have.
I'm sorry I couldn't explain it better..