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US Military morale at unprecedented low; Obama building 'compliant officer class'

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posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 04:11 AM
The only TRUE compliant officer can only be built in a lab.

Sure enough soldiers who are trained in special forces units are taught "Blind Obedience", this is defined by a soldier who carries out their orders without hesitation despite the inevitable consequences of their actions. Even if those orders result in their own death.

However what many soldiers are not taught is how to maintain that "Blind Obedience" in the face of impoverished attrition.

By that I mean, when the government no longer pays your wages, and you must steal from the very citizens you defend in order to eat, while still performing your duties without question and without hesitation. All the while your continued actions may also keep in power the very politicians who instigated such national poverty in the first place.

To explain myself better

When there is
- no more money to pay workers
- no more democratic process
- no more court process where a poor person can WIN against a rich person simply because they were legally RIGHT
- no more Constitution to protect the rights of the people.
- no more constitution to protect you from your Government.
- A continued trend to protect the rights of corporations with bullet proof legislation which suspiciously looks like constitutional reform.
- A continued trend by the government to cheat hard working families out of their health care systems and their rights to privacy and their freedom of choice to boycott GMO's.



Show me a soldier who can still maintain absolute compliance during these conditions and I will show you a needy puppy dog who just wants a pat on the head from his master.
Goooood Doggy. Very very gooooooood doggy.

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 05:29 AM


reply to post by Bassago

I'm not sure about that one. No matter what you think about Bush, he had respect for the military, unlike this POTUS.

Thats why we should respect his Wars? dont forget Afghanistan isn't doing great nor is Iraq even if American forces did stay behind in both of those countries for another 87 years 100 years things wouldn't be any better but rather worse.

I didn't say he lead them right, I said he had respect for them. You didn't read stories about him firing his top generals for simply disagreeing with him. For political theater, this POTUS allowed Defense to deny death benefits to those dying over seas. Whoa! That's a guy who should be heading our military, huh?
edit on 15-11-2013 by Rezlooper because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by Rezlooper

I served in the US Army from 96-04 as a M1 Abrams crewman. I was deployed to Bosnia and the desert and got to see what a lovely thing war is firsthand.

This kind of thing went on even while I was in and Bush was president. If you give mister commander in chief anything other than blind patriotism when following his orders he is likely to replace you. I think its just what presidents/people in general do.

Even alot of the boss/supervisors I know of do that kind of thing. I'm pretty sure its just a human thing to do, put your buddies who are loyal in key positions.

I would say the military has low morale from the endless deployments the last 10+ years of warring in the M.E. has gone on. Gone are the good ol days of the Clinton years when you could just serve a few years in garrison and get some college money for it. I remember when the invasion of Iraq first happened, there were alot of guys that were pretty worried, saying things like "I did'nt really think i would ever actually have to go to a war!!" or things like "I just joined up for the college money!" LOL I thought, joining an organization like the Army that kinda thing is always a possibility.

Nowadays I would hate to be in, I could look forward to multiple deployments (especially being a combat MOS) and spending years away from my family. Coming home and having my wife and kids look at me like "who the hell are you?" is bad to go through, especially several times. Each deployment takes a toll on you and changes you just a little bit from what you were. I have been diagnosed with PTSD that has gotten really bad in the last few years since I have been disabled. The VA lady said that many vets do not have any PTSD symptoms at all until they retire! She said that guys will live with it for years, but have a job, a car note, a mortgage, a couple kids, whatever to keep their minds occupied. But all of a sudden when you have nothing to occupy your mind like you did and all you have is time on your hands to thin about the past then that's when it really rears its ugly head and the anger/depression/anxiety kicks into high gear.

Taking that into account, imagine when this generation of veterans gets ready to retire (if such a thing still exists when they get that old!)There are going to be massive cases of PTSD that people have been living with unaware.

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by Rezlooper

the source for this news is from WND, but that's because the MSM won't give us the straight up on this.

Don't worry, you'll probably get a couple dozen S&F for this, the bar isn't very high. WND is a terrible terrible source so I find it hard to comment on the motivations behind something that may or may not be happening.

WND IS AN EXCEPTIONAL WEBSITE and a great source of information regarding critical issues that the MSM outlets refuse to cover + WND fearlessly presents the Reality vs the Subversive Obama Lies.
.......Whistle Blower magazine and its sister website WND are two of the most comprehensive, concise and insightful sources available in exposing the transgressions of the non-citizen, racist, Marxist and sometime Muslim terrorist in the White House and his progressive co-conspirators.

edit on 15-11-2013 by ValdoVonz because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 07:06 AM

reply to post by Bassago

I'm not sure about that one. No matter what you think about Bush, he had respect for the military, unlike this POTUS.

Ask any vet that was in Iraq if they thought Bush had any regard for the military.
Does "Bring it on!" ring a bell here?
Or using Aircraft carriers to land on as publicity stunts?
Sending in troops to look for WMD's the intelligence agencies knew weren't there?
Or maybe his AWOL days from the Air National Guard while his contemporaries were getting killed in Vietnam?

Bush may have worn a uniform once but his respect for the military ends at it's usefulness to him.
Ditto for Obama.

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 07:28 AM
Just as 90% of the citizens refuse to engage in the PPACA, 90% of the low pay grade armed forces will refuse to follow illegal orders. Marxist narccisists do not consider the fact that each person has a conscience and adhere to its tennents before acting against it.

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Rezlooper

Trust me dude, no one cares anymore. This country is imploding in real time and ppl at the higher levels are looting it as fast as they can, so of course Obozo has to fire all high rank military. How else would his chicago mob in the WH continue this agenda of destroying the country, without the risk of a military intervention against him from pissed off four star generals?

edit on 15-11-2013 by johncarter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 01:02 PM

reply to post by Rezlooper

Don't worry, you'll probably get a couple dozen S&F for this, the bar isn't very high. WND is a terrible terrible source so I find it hard to comment on the motivations behind something that may or may not be happening. It sounds far fetched to me. Taking over an entire military by replacing officers without starting from a coup/revolution/whatever is probably not something one could undertake in the span of a US President's term (or two), even if the absence of manufactured debt crises and battles like what has been going over the PPACA.
edit on 14-11-2013 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

Hitler went from being in jail for treason to ruling the country in how many years? He purged out the military and government slowly over a few years.

Readers and members if you want to see the future take a good hard look back in history.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 10:37 PM


reply to post by Rezlooper

Don't worry, you'll probably get a couple dozen S&F for this, the bar isn't very high. WND is a terrible terrible source so I find it hard to comment on the motivations behind something that may or may not be happening. It sounds far fetched to me. Taking over an entire military by replacing officers without starting from a coup/revolution/whatever is probably not something one could undertake in the span of a US President's term (or two), even if the absence of manufactured debt crises and battles like what has been going over the PPACA.
edit on 14-11-2013 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

Hitler went from being in jail for treason to ruling the country in how many years? He purged out the military and government slowly over a few years.

Readers and members if you want to see the future take a good hard look back in history.

I have to agree with theantediluvian. I don't think in
this political/corporate/finance environment, a coup
within the military, lead by the head of state is possible inside
8 years. Really 4 years because you can't go all out until second
term or there won't be one. Weakening the defence of the US
military by mudding the waters and cultivating a culture of
distrust and disrespect. That would give an invading force a
huge advantage right there.

Hitler had a much more dependent population. I'm sure a good
majority of Americans presently would get along just fine
without the government so I doubt they would willingly particapate
in anything too outrageous.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 10:49 PM

If I was a planning for secret group bent on taking down the largest military force on the planet, it would probably go something like...

1) Install puppet to head of state.
2) Use puppet to flip over cards of military and intelligence (Osama's death, Snowden ect.)
3) Replace experienced military leaders
5) Do some revamping to nuclear first strike capabilities, shake it up a bit.

I have no Idea what I am taking about but I will say this: If America is not being gutted from the inside out right now... Ill eat my hat.

You need to start eating, you have quoted no sources, the source in OP is doubtful at best, seriously folks, those of us that have been in the military have heard these rumors for years and years. Try getting off of your fat arse and sign you name on the line, and then some of us might believe your opinions (whacked out f'ng crazy ideas)

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 10:53 PM

reply to post by Rezlooper

the source for this news is from WND, but that's because the MSM won't give us the straight up on this.

Don't worry, you'll probably get a couple dozen S&F for this, the bar isn't very high. WND is a terrible terrible source so I find it hard to comment on the motivations behind something that may or may not be happening.

WND IS AN EXCEPTIONAL WEBSITE and a great source of information regarding critical issues that the MSM outlets refuse to cover + WND fearlessly presents the Reality vs the Subversive Obama Lies.
.......Whistle Blower magazine and its sister website WND are two of the most comprehensive, concise and insightful sources available in exposing the transgressions of the non-citizen, racist, Marxist and sometime Muslim terrorist in the White House and his progressive co-conspirators.

edit on 15-11-2013 by ValdoVonz because: (no reason given)

WND is run by a bunch of religious nut jobs, that have absolutely no idea what is going on in the world. They make their living by pushing preppers and survivalist to buy the crap they advertise. They are nothing more than another greedy corp shill.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 11:01 PM


reply to post by Rezlooper

Don't worry, you'll probably get a couple dozen S&F for this, the bar isn't very high. WND is a terrible terrible source so I find it hard to comment on the motivations behind something that may or may not be happening. It sounds far fetched to me. Taking over an entire military by replacing officers without starting from a coup/revolution/whatever is probably not something one could undertake in the span of a US President's term (or two), even if the absence of manufactured debt crises and battles like what has been going over the PPACA.
edit on 14-11-2013 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

Hitler went from being in jail for treason to ruling the country in how many years? He purged out the military and government slowly over a few years.

Readers and members if you want to see the future take a good hard look back in history.

Hitler rose to power very quickly in a very f'd up post war Germany. He didn't actually sneak in. Many of us on this site are very serious students of history, suggesting that we don't know it, is degrading at best.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 11:06 PM

reply to post by Rezlooper

Trust me dude, no one cares anymore. This country is imploding in real time and ppl at the higher levels are looting it as fast as they can, so of course Obozo has to fire all high rank military. How else would his chicago mob in the WH continue this agenda of destroying the country, without the risk of a military intervention against him from pissed off four star generals?

edit on 15-11-2013 by johncarter because: (no reason given)

Amazing you get stars for posting crap like this with no sourced evidence. The logo of this site is "Deny Ignorance", but I guess you getting stars denies anything this site stands for. The ignorance here amazes me at times.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 11:11 PM

Just as 90% of the citizens refuse to engage in the PPACA, 90% of the low pay grade armed forces will refuse to follow illegal orders. Marxist narccisists do not consider the fact that each person has a conscience and adhere to its tennents before acting against it.

Please provide sources for your 90% quotes. I taught the "Low pay grade" military for four years, they will do anything you tell them to do.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 05:40 PM
Add Retired Maj General Patrick Brady to the list he says the Obama agenda has made things so bad that many armed force members are no longer prepared to fight nor have any desire to win all this as the greatest evil since Hitler sweeps the middle east,the US army has not trained for 6 months....and the Commaner in Chief is playing golf and house shopping in Palm Springs....God help us.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: Rezlooper

How could we expect less from the traitorous, communist, destroyer-in-chief Kenyan chosen, trained, conditioned, robotized to do just that by TPTB NWO folks.

We don't get to the rough outline given in Daniel, Ezekiel & in Revelation in the New Testament by tea and crumpet parties.

It is traitorous, ruthless, genocidal tyranny from the git go . . . and they are just warming up.


posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: khnum


They have been set up . . .

--shredding numbers of troops and sailors meaninglessly.

--shredding and destroying defensive and offensive technology, equipment, ammo etc. uselessly to insure we can't do squat when China, Russia, NK, Iran et al attack at the more overt start of WW III

--shredding patriotism right and left in the civilian and military sectors

etc. etc. etc.

It's toooo dreary to list more.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 06:05 PM
Commanding officers will be communists, minorities, women, and homosexuals. Bet on it.

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 06:59 PM
The last four posts our some of the dumbest things I have ever seen written at ATS. And in a place where lizard people and moon landing denial are common that is saying something. The US Army has not trainged in 6 months? The US Army trains almost every day. What king of idiot would even try and claim that? And what is this fantasy you people have about that US military suddently being weak? Where do you come up with this stuff. Anybody with even the smallest bit of knowledge of history or military affairs knows that as this point in history the US military is dominates the globe in the way no other military in history has. It literaly has no rival. I would have hate to have seen you nuts during the cold war when the US and NATO knew they were going to lose a ground war in Europe so planned on going nuclear. Seriously are you people so bored that you now have just make stuff up?

posted on Jun, 15 2014 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: MrSpad

So since 1945 what war have you conclusively won with all this might and power NONE because your people fight with one arm tied behind their back in police actions,or get into sponsor a despot schemes that always go haywire or act as meals on wheels it is you sir that has your head in a very dark place if you think all is well with the US military.

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