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A Manual For Creating Atheists

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posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 04:12 PM

I'm beginning to hate atheists. Not real atheists, just the devout atheists that preach, attempt to convert, and ridicule anyone with differing beliefs. They've become what they hated with no sense of irony.

There needs to be a new term for this new breed of atheist. It used to be an atheist was someone who did not believe in God. Now it's someone who doesn't believe in God, is intolerant, obsessive over something they don't believe in, self righteous and more annoying than a vegan at a barbecue.

I've been using "Militant Atheist". I think it's accurate and fitting enough, and serves the important function of distinguishing between these religious extremist type atheists and the normal, mind-their-own-business atheists who simply do not believe in god, or think there is not enough information to prove it / make up their mind.

The difference between that type of atheist, and the new growing trend toward "Militant" atheism is readily apparent as the difference between night and day. It's a shame that they, themselves, can't see it. "become what they hated with no sense of irony" is dead right.

reply to post by tothetenthpower

the Latin of "religion" is "to link back".

using the latin, atheists perpetuating a 'tradition', even so loosely defined as periodic meetings at a specified location, is the very definition of a religion.

the only reason anyone wishes to convert another person to anything is because they believe themselves to be super awesome. the information that they are proselytizing is merely a proxy for their own self image..... only awesome people would understand such and such dogma this and that.

I am more than happy to step in voluntarily to assure people that they suck, just like the rest of us.

Another one who gets it, clearly. Some very good points in there. I like your psychoanalysis.

“Why take away faith if it helps get people through the day?”

Boghossian provides a simple, effective and direct response:

This is a common line among blue-collar liberals who’ve not been indoctrinated by liberal academic values. I’ve never really understood how removing a bad way to reason will make it difficult to get through the day. If anything, it would seem that correcting someone’s reasoning would increase their chances getting through the day. When one has a more reliable form of reasoning they are then more capable of crafting conditions that then enable them to navigate life’s obstacles. When one embraces reason only then they can legitimately have hope.

That is one of the dumbest pieces of flawed logic I've seen in a good minute, and it really shows a complete lack of understanding of the psychology of the devout. What this really says, in paraphrased language is this:

"You (the religious believers) are wrong. And your psychology is wrong. Because it is not like mine. I find life easier by thinking the way I do, and therefore it's illogical to think that it wouldn't be the exact same for you."

And these people pride themselves as intellectuals?!!?!!? There is not an "lol" or a "facepalm" big enough to express my amusement and embarrassment at such idiocy.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by sulaw

I agree, I hesitate to respond to many post and topics because it is upsetting.

If people would debate without ridicule, it get pretty bad,and I don't like to argue.

There are a lot of good Chrsitians and athiest, I don't believe I have ever personally attacked a atheist on the forum.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 04:21 PM

reply to post by sulaw

I agree, I hesitate to respond to many post and topics because it is upsetting.

If people would debate without ridicule, it get pretty bad,and I don't like to argue.

There are a lot of good Chrsitians and athiest, I don't believe I have ever personally attacked a atheist on the forum.

I couldn't agree more Storm!

It's very upsetting, but I've always been a defender of all when people come under attack. I've been under attack for my beliefs/views "whatever" enough to know how to "play" there game and make sure we both look like jack wagons by the end because the best case scenerio is a stalemate in the alphabet soup kitchen.

Might not be the best thing to do, but I hate seeing anyone under attack and if "they" can't take the heat, I'll step up to the plate and take it for them... Call me "Captain Save-A-Ho"... LOL!!!

I do not attack though, unless i'm attacked...

I actually love AfterInfinity, there's a lot we don't "agree" on persay but he always puts a smile on my face, and very intelligent on several topics other than religion, I think we both like to rattle each other cages

I see good in everyone, the good the bad and the ugly~ not sure thats good or bad...


Best regards!!!

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 04:22 PM
I, for one, I find it hard to believe that there are any atheists left anymore after the findings of science prove there is a common designer (which you might name God). Even the greatest atheist of the 20th century has capitulated and admits that there is a designer. Atheism is old news. Try agnosticism.
edit on 11/14/2013 by Jim Scott because: spelling

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 04:23 PM

reply to post by iwilliam

Militant Atheism is a religion, that requires blind faith for their belief (e.g. "god definitely does not exist, and other religions are wrong") and even attempts to proselytize and win converts. And anyone who sees the world differently than they do is just wrong, and/or stupid. Yeah, sounds just like a religion to me.

Is this regarding militant atheism, or just atheism in general?

Like I said in my second post (above) there is a difference, and I think most of the time it's pretty clear. Atheists, plain-old atheists, IMO, simply believe what they believe and leave others alone about what they believe.

"Militant" atheists tend to be very vocal about their beliefs, and often insult others who don't see things the same way. IMO that is the biggest defining factor.

Secondarily.... many atheists approach "god" from the perspective of "I don't know." "I am a logical person who does not like to believe things without proof, and I have not seen any real proof of god. Therefore, that's not really something I think or care about much..." kind of vibe.

From what I've seen, the "Militant" atheists tend to be much closer to "There IS no god. I am certain of this, and you're an idiot if you think differently." For some reason, this arrogant certainty seems to be a common hallmark of the "militant" type atheist.

The painfully ironic part, is that such a high level of certainty, in the absence of any proof, is called "faith." I find this so readily apparent, that I think any intelligent, rational, analytical person (which atheists usually claim to be) should be able to understand it, with just a little thought. Which the Militant Atheists not only deny, but become quite agitated when you point this out to them. Which to me is quite funny. Apparently they don't like being called hypocrites, even though they seem quite good at it.
edit on 14-11-2013 by iwilliam because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 04:24 PM
Speaking of Bible thumpers, where are they? Yes, some defend their faith , but I haven't seen much in the way of trying to convert anyone.

They used to start topics but I don't see much of that anymore, because those topics would get trolled.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 04:25 PM

many individuals on these boards that just get frazzled when some Atheist or Militant Atheist spouts off about "no god" and pushes there beliefs forward just the same as any bible thumper.

What you and many others are forgetting is that Atheism didn't make these people militant. They were broken by the church. They were programmed to be "Militant Christians" originally and all they are doing as atheists is carrying out the same deeds given to them by the Vatican except under a different name.
People don't just lose everything they were ever taught in life (and especially childhood) just because they decided god isn't real. That sort of change requires extensive therapy and in most cases it doesn't have the best success rate even under the most favorable of conditions. Childhood trauma such as this, for most part, is irreparable. They are simply acting as they did while still a christian because it's all they know.

edit on 14-11-2013 by Eryiedes because: Removed Sentiment

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by Jim Scott

Text Atheism is old news. Try agnosticism

To further~ Religion itselfs old news. Try nondenominational

I actually like that word more than saying I'm: Christian, Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu, blah blah blah~

Take the good out of all the religions and leave the crap in the toilet where it belongs~

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by Jim Scott

That's a good point Jim, and one I believe, that science and spirituality can complement one-another.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

What would it take to convert you?

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

I think that atheism, as it is currently becoming culturally mainstreamed, is the result of a combination of factors.

Those listed below are just a few observations...

1. Recent history of church-based sexual abuses.
2. Recent history of evangelical abuses in donations for causes that were never realized.
3. Recent activism by anti-faith voices espousing science in a way similar to the approach the church took leading up to the Inquisition.

None of this suggests that atheism cannot be a choice made by the individual without all the above. But with history clearly showing the change in the tides, it does more than suggest there is also a change in those forces affecting the same.

Beyond all of this, anyone who understands Christian-based biblical prophesy also knows that this is predicted as one of those things to occur before what is so often called, the 'second coming'. In fact, if these prophesies hold any validity, then this move away from faith will eventually lead to a time of persecution of those of faith, not unlike the way that the nazis persecuted the Jews in WW2.

DISCLAIMER: This kind of event is, of course, yet to be realized and this comment in no-way suggests that those currently professing atheism are in any way, shape or form, seeking that type of outcome. It is just an observation based on the subject matter when taking it all into context as a singular.

The question of the existence of deity (any of them, take your pick) is one that has been with us since day one of our species. It is one that is not solved by either embracing or denying it. Science can neither prove the existence of such nor can it disprove it so... as it has always been, belief or disbelief is indeed a matter of personal faith and that is the kicker that so often raises the hackles from both sides.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by Eryiedes

oooooooH, damaged, so now it has indeed come full circle the atheist are now the savior?

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Eryiedes

What you and many others are forgetting is that Atheism didn't make these people militant. They were broken by the church. They were programmed to be "Militant Christians" originally and all they are doing as atheists is carrying out the same deeds given to them by the Vatican except under a different name.
People don't just lose everything they were ever taught in life (and especially childhood) just because they decided god isn't real. That sort of change requires extensive therapy and in most cases it doesn't have the best success rate even under the most favorable of conditions. Childhood trauma such as this, for most part, is irreparable. They are simply acting as they did while still a christian because it's all they know.

Words to the wise: If you are standing in a glass not to throw rocks.


Nah~ No glass house here my friend. Nor can a few simple posts, get to the point you just stated. I just didn't touch it, but that being said I must have an antique response that made you presume I didn't "know" what you just stated.

I totally agree with what you said, and it's very true to "T".

Hell, I was brought up Later Day Saint, I turned away when I was 16 because of what I saw happening with the conditioning along with the hypocrissy therein. However, I didn't go to the extreme of Atheism. I did do some "soul" searching persay for to many years and counting to come to any of the extreme views that many who turn away come too.

I guess I learned to take the good and leave the bad, and not push my views, but to talk and discuss rather than preach and choir.

Anyway, enough about me.... I'm nobody special~

Best regards,

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 04:36 PM

Jim Scott
reply to post by Stormdancer777

What would it take to convert you?

To what?

I have tried just about everything, lol, even close to becoming atheist at one point.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by redoubt
Science has proven that there is intelligent design. Therefore there is a designer. For example, DNA is formed by a protein, but protein cannot be formed without DNA.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 04:37 PM

reply to post by Jim Scott

That's a good point Jim, and one I believe, that science and spirituality can complement one-another.


posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777
Where do you stand now?

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 04:42 PM

Jim Scott
reply to post by redoubt
Science has proven that there is intelligent design. Therefore there is a designer. For example, DNA is formed by a protein, but protein cannot be formed without DNA.

I was at a local university a few years back when the 'Big bang' was the main theme of those speaking. I submitted a question... it went something like this:

Prior to the Big Bang, a small, incredibly dense clump of matter suddenly went 'bang' and from that, everything in the universe got its start. Fair enough. But, since something cannot come from nothing, where did that matter originate?

It was a little more detailed but the basic question was just that; something cannot come from nothing and if before the Big Bang that was nothing but that compacted little ball of (using my Sagan voice) 'stuff'... where did it come from?

I waited TWO days and none of those speaking addressed it.

I've never forgotten.

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 04:43 PM

Jim Scott
reply to post by redoubt
Science has proven that there is intelligent design. Therefore there is a designer. For example, DNA is formed by a protein, but protein cannot be formed without DNA.

The building blocks of life! The ultimate question, of "who the hell are we, why are we, and what the hell are we supposed to be doing"....

The ultimate questions of why I joined ATS, to find those of like mind who are searching for these same answers.

Well said Jim!!! Well said!

posted on Nov, 14 2013 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by redoubt

Before matter other than the Earth existed, it was pure energy. Since the energy had no mass, it was not dense. The singularity was light. From that point, it filled the Universe.

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