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MUST-SEE: Bill Maher BLASTS selfish Christian hypocrites who don't tip waiters

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posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 10:50 AM
I worked 2 or 3 jobs while in and after graduating HS to support a gf and a friend with bad homelife. While in school and after if I couldn't find construction I waited tables. The majority of non tippers are low income people, kids, minorities, jerks that may also be Christian or anything else.
The bread and butter for servers, is the proto typical white middle class man. There's millions of hooters girls present or former they had all their bills paid because, because this middle class christian man enjoys sports, wings, and served by pretty waitress he can no longer have.
Bill Mahr with his millions of dollars has probably tipped less than most average tippers.

The OP would never dare post what their son says about who the majority is that do not tip!

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by SasquatchHunter

It's common knowledge who does not tip.

I have heard waiters say "tipping or non tipping" under their breath.

So Bill can pretend Christians do not tip.....I assure you, he knows the truth.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

In a LARGE GROUP, the tip IS obligatory...because it requires extra work and attention to LOTS of people all at the same time.

It's also obligatory for large parties because the tip out is obligatory. In other words, the server is required to tip out other employees based on their sales. A large party is a big ticket, and the server is obligated to pay the busser, the bartender, sometimes the front door and kitchen based on that ticket. If the large party doesn't tip, then the server has to pay those employees out of their own pocket.

Sometimes a large party will try to get out of the obligatory tip by asking for separate checks. Then the server has to calculate the tip and add it onto each check, if the restaurant doesn't have a POS system that does that for them.

Many restaurants these days don't have cashiers and the servers have to bring their own money to make change. Large parties with separate checks often require a lot of time to cash out, and servers run out of change. I've had many a large party that asked for separate checks just to create chaos while trying to pay while some of the group walks out without paying. When that happens the server is left holding the check. They have "credit accounts" with the company, and they're responsible and must pay their bill, regardless, at the end of their shift. Sometimes the manager will take a "walk out" off your account, but if happens more than once, the server may lose their job.

Sundays are the worst days for large parties and separate checks, as people go out together before and after church. Church people were always the most impatient, demanding and rude customers. The ones that would try to "save me" were usually the ones who tipped nothing. The offer of salvation was the tip!

I used to say "Sundays, God's day off! He's out playing golf with his archangels and left his cell phone on his desk. He left the Devil in charge and the Devil opened the gates of hell and all the demons come and sit in my section every Sunday!

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by SasquatchHunter

The OP would never dare post what their son says about who the majority is that do not tip!


Who are you? How the hell do you know what I'd "dare" post? Do you know my son? No. You do not.

My son has told me about people who deliberately fuss and moan to get their meals FREE, too!
I worked as a server for years. I KNOW, MYSELF, what sorts of people don't tip...I don't need my son to tell me. People who don't tip - when they can afford it, and KNOW that the restaurant is a tip-based one - are jerks. I worked at a diner for truckers - the tips were minimal. I ALSO worked as a cocktail waitress for a MAJOR Colorado Ski Resort - and those people who were there for their winter ski trip were NOT LOW INCOME. Mostly, the stiffers were Rich Texans. Our bartender used to actually confront them on their way out if they'd had $300 dollars worth of drinks and then stiffed us. Asshats.

People who are too poor to tip should not be eating out. They should be cooking at home, or going to non-tipping places. If a person CHOOSES to go to a restaurant that pays pennies to servers that RELY on tips, and then doesn't tip just because of some smug "better than you" attitude, they should be refused service.

Poor or no tips are ONLY for abysmally bad food, service, or both.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by BenReclused

When that is done to Muslims, Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, or many other groups that come to mind, many of the posters riding this "hate train" tend to act appalled. To them I say: Get over yourselves!

It is NOT a "hate train", it's about how the CRUMMY CHRISTIANS make the lot of them look bad.

They need to be 'corrected' by their own kind. Not defended just because you don't like Bill Maher. It is a SOCIAL PROBLEM of IMMENSE magnitude.

I stated IN THE OP that I know it isn't everyone. EVEN BILL said so!

Now, I am sure there are millions of Christians who try to actually follow Jesus, but you gotta admit, conservatives always seem to have a reason why they would love to give, but they just can't.

We would love to help the unemployed, but it would discourage working.
I believe in charity, just not for people who need it.
Of course we'd like it if everyone could see a doctor, we're not monsters, but if the government does it, it will destroy our way of life.
Plus, the website is glitchy, which leads to Stalinism.
Oh sure, we'd like to help people who are starving, but what if they use the strength from not starving to take drugs?

To deny that this is TRUE of SOME PEOPLE is ridiculous. THERE IS NO REASON to defend the people who behave like this toward their own fellow citizens, whether you like Maher or not.

"Get over yourselves" right back at you!! NOT ALL CHRISTIANS do these things. Those who don't, and also don't malign those who do, are complacent to the immorality and bad manners of those perpetrators are exhibiting in the name of 'their Savior'. Why would they NOT stand up and say, "Hey! That's not Christ-like!"

Hating Bill Maher, and refusing to hear what he said, is childish. What he said is TRUE, and he DID qualify it. As did I.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:11 AM

reply to post by HanzHenry

Greed and Hypocrisy. That is what the Christian religion is ALL about.

raised as Church of God in the south.

I'm getting the distinct impression that the Southern Christians really are nutters who don't understand what they are saying or doing is NOT "Jesus-emulation." BUT: it is NOT ALL CHRISTIANS. Just that particular...breed.

edit on 11/13/13 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

the movie Idiocracy.. that is like the south.

1800's -- all those that had a brain went west to avoid the religious nutters, and then the ones left are inbred hicks running everything. And ALL inbred hicks spout the bible.

1900's -- went to the Midwest and made LOOT (until late 90's)..

2000's -- have you been to the south? pockets of civility mixed in with deliverance.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by whyamIhere

So Bill can pretend Christians do not tip.....I assure you, he knows the truth.

Pretend? These events HAPPENED as reported. I even posted other sources for the information.

The people who don't tip, but can, are cheapskates. Period. Cloaking their greed in God-speak doesn't make them NOT CHEAPSKATES. They are self-righteous tightwads, no matter what their 'religion'.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:19 AM

reply to post by SasquatchHunter

The OP would never dare post what their son says about who the majority is that do not tip!


Who are you? How the hell do you know what I'd "dare" post? Do you know my son? No. You do not.

My son has told me about people who deliberately fuss and moan to get their meals FREE, too!
I worked as a server for years. I KNOW, MYSELF, what sorts of people don't tip...I don't need my son to tell me. People who don't tip - when they can afford it, and KNOW that the restaurant is a tip-based one - are jerks. I worked at a diner for truckers - the tips were minimal. I ALSO worked as a cocktail waitress for a MAJOR Colorado Ski Resort - and those people who were there for their winter ski trip were NOT LOW INCOME. Mostly, the stiffers were Rich Texans. Our bartender used to actually confront them on their way out if they'd had $300 dollars worth of drinks and then stiffed us. Asshats.

People who are too poor to tip should not be eating out. They should be cooking at home, or going to non-tipping places. If a person CHOOSES to go to a restaurant that pays pennies to servers that RELY on tips, and then doesn't tip just because of some smug "better than you" attitude, they should be refused service.

Poor or no tips are ONLY for abysmally bad food, service, or both.

No I don't think you will ever post on this site who the people who don't tip are. Other sites where people are freely without the possibility of being banned every time one of these stories goes viral there's thousands of comments by servers.



No I don't think you will ever be reasonable.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:21 AM

reply to post by wildtimes

In a LARGE GROUP, the tip IS obligatory...because it requires extra work and attention to LOTS of people all at the same time.

If the large party doesn't tip, then the server has to pay those employees out of their own pocket.

I've had many a large party that asked for separate checks just to create chaos while trying to pay while some of the group walks out without paying.
When that happens the server is left holding the check. They have "credit accounts" with the company, and they're responsible and must pay their bill, regardless, at the end of their shift. Sometimes the manager will take a "walk out" off your account, but if happens more than once, the server may lose their job.

[I]Sundays are the worst days for large parties and separate checks, as people go out together before and after church. Church people were always the most impatient, demanding and rude customers. The ones that would try to "save me" were usually the ones who tipped nothing. The offer of salvation was the tip! [/I]

I used to say "Sundays, God's day off! He's out playing golf with his archangels and left his cell phone on his desk. He left the Devil in charge and the Devil opened the gates of hell and all the demons come and sit in my section every Sunday!

I can believe it. These specimens in pews are the worst society has to offer. They are God's brown Nosers.. God made us all, and loves us all the same.. Except in the eyes of Christians,. they are "special" in their minds.

I would LOVE to see a day when all the religious bigoted hypocritical religious people fell off a cliff..

they are LEMMINGS after all.. lol

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

I am not trying to derail your thread.

I have met Bill. My Brother was friends with Bill.

He is a bitter person who has failed at both acting and comedy.

I can assure you he does not care about me, you, your kid or mine.

This preacher is an idiot. You qualified your remarks.

We can agree to disagree.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

Zionist Jew Bill Maher's raison d'être is to intentionally misrepresent Christianity as much a possible in order to fulfill his role as a TV evangelist for the cause of Zionism America; a sort of "Zionist in residence" whose primary goal - above that of any other - is to smear Christianity. Of course, he is never successful in doing that insofar as Christians and Christianity are immune to such idiotic onslaughts. The only thing Bill Maher has ever done successfully is to make a complete fool of himself. Even your run-of-the-mill Zionist cringes at his half baked attempts at 'comedy.'

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by whyamIhere

Bill Mahr isn't funny or filling any kind of intellectual gaps. Bill should leave the crusade to Dawkins and other profiteers that are actually smart and not spreading pure propaganda.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by SasquatchHunter

No I don't think you will ever be reasonable.

That's your misguided opinion. You don't know a thing about me, obviously.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

Applebee’s fires waitress who posted receipt from pastor complaining about auto-tip

THEY FIRED HER! On grounds the waitress "ruined the pastor's reputation"!!!

If I was her I'd find a cheezy lawyer who'd take a contingency fee and sue Applebee's for $10 million. I'd try to have the lawyer work the pastor into the suit as well just for fun.

TIPS = To insure proper service. They are not required.

Neither are nasty notes to the serving staff. The pastor should get "The Douche of the Year" award.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:44 AM

reply to post by SasquatchHunter

No I don't think you will ever be reasonable.

That's your misguided opinion. You don't know a thing about me, obviously.

Your disapproval of religion is so strong you would destroy the first amendment. Thats not reasonable. If someone said they should ban any kind of speech against religion in public I would say that was unreasonable. Then we no longer have a free society. When and where we can express ourselves. Asking people to pray with me isn't something I would do to random strangers in a restaurant. I'm not ready throw the constitution out if someone starts shouting God isn't real in one either. If you consider what your actually saying then you might be reasonable.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:50 AM


reply to post by SasquatchHunter

No I don't think you will ever be reasonable.

That's your misguided opinion. You don't know a thing about me, obviously.

Your disapproval of religion is so strong you would destroy the first amendment.

That's quite a charge against someone. Care to back it up with some actual proof?

Sorry getting OT anyway.

After many years (when younger) in the food business I always was ambivalent about tips. On one hand we lived off them on the other I just couldn't see adding tips right to the bill. If anything I'd have written a note to Applebee's complaining about that.
edit on 786am5353am112013 by Bassago because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by SasquatchHunter

Your disapproval of religion is so strong you would destroy the first amendment. Thats not reasonable.

LOL!! My 'disapproval of religion' is based on hypocritical jerks who DON'T FOLLOW THE WORDS OF JESUS, or MUHAMMED's supposed "religion of peace" (although it's still debatable what Muhammed actually said about violence against infidels)...

if I wanted to destroy the first amendment, I couldn't say what I do on a public forum! Nice try, but no cookie. I have a right to speak up, and I agree that Church does NOT belong in government. Nor does it belong is public schools. It is perfectly reasonable to speak out and fight back against the theocrats who are infiltrating politics and running corporate-based mega-churches bent on MAKING THE USA A CHRISTIAN THEOCRACY.

So...see? You don't know anything about me.

edit on 11/13/13 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by SasquatchHunter

Religion is one thing, religious "holier than thou" people who use their religion against others and for their own egos is another thing. Religion has no place in government. It belongs in churches and in the hearts and minds of it's adherents. There is no room for prosyltizing in the workplace or in legislation.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:55 AM



reply to post by SasquatchHunter

No I don't think you will ever be reasonable.

That's your misguided opinion. You don't know a thing about me, obviously.

Your disapproval of religion is so strong you would destroy the first amendment.

That's quite a charge against someone. Care to back it up with some actual proof?

Sorry getting OT anyway.

After many years (when younger) in the food business I always was ambivalent about tips. On one hand we lived off them on the other I just couldn't see adding tips right to the bill. If anything I'd have written a note to Applebee's complaining about that.
edit on 786am5353am112013 by Bassago because: (no reason given)

We should back down the preconceived notions.

OP is a long time member with a history of being very reasonable.

posted on Nov, 13 2013 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by whyamIhere

We should back down the preconceived notions.

OP is a long time member with a history of being very reasonable.

Well, thank you. Thanks to Bassago, too. I appreciate it.

edit on 11/13/13 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

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