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*very* mysterious mound in Russia. a cone where no cone should ever be!

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posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by MarioOnTheFly

You call it debate, But it sounds more like you're arguing over meaningless garbage. But you said it like this, and you said it like that. At the end of the day who really cares, you must be bored?

The truth of the matter is that I find this thing much more interesting than going back and forth with you about your condescending ego issue. I believe this is a cinder cone, clear enough for you?

Yuh know, life is way too short to get all worked up over nothing. Have a nice weekend though. ~$heopleNation

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 02:36 PM


reply to post by zayonara

Where do you see signs of water having formed or in any way this?

Not in that photo. Look at the close detail photos. It looks like some sort of solidified mud flow.

The "closeup" you refer to is not from the area, it is not even the same kind of rock. Look at the video below SignalFire put on, many details there.
Read Wika on the rock type.

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 02:37 PM

reply to post by Char-Lee

these large hole to me look like old diatreme volcanic tubes.

Some supposedly appeared overnight.

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 02:46 PM
no this place could have been there for thousands of years unnoticed.

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 02:46 PM

reply to post by signalfire

If it is a saucer? Why can't they dig it out!?!? I am so lost?!? Just move the darn rocks!!

Well probably because the actual people with some knowledge don't think that, and digging into gas pockets or such may be a little stupid.

According to geophysicists, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg, astroblemes (meteorite craters) have a very different shape, and Patom crater is not one of them, he added. Until recently, some scientists believed that the crater – a large ultra-dense footprint fall of the meteorite, which had gone underground, others – that the crater is a deep gas breakthrough, others – that it is a fragment of the Tunguska meteorite. Several scientific expeditions have been sent to the crater, but the nature of its origin remains a mystery.[3]

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 03:11 PM
This happened nearby:

didnt think it has been bought up yet in this thread??

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by freestonew

the tremors have returned

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 07:25 PM

The Patomskiy Crater can be found at:
59.28449°N 116.58954°E

Most likely, it is the result of a gas pocket being pushed toward the surface and then releasing pressure.

Point in case, the mud volcano that formed in Pakistan in September.

An earthquake pushed a giant pocket of Methane toward the surface, forming a new island.

In the case of the Patomskiy Crater, there was probably a seismic event in the area in the 1700's which pushed the pocket upward. In the 1840's, it probably erupted, spewing out gas and then imploding, leaving the mound in the center.

I don't think so, not through rock like this. It would make large fractures and push up huge slabs. Not uniform boulders like this.

Good thought though...

The Bot

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 08:00 PM

All Seeing Eye
Many times logical, natural explanations can be found, if we have the time in our life times. Sometimes to answer some questions we really need multiple life times to resolve riddles. But of course we only have one. One way around this is to read the writings of others in the past who have spent time on this or that subject. Sometimes this works, but its just not the same thing as being inside that persons head.

Since I doubt seriously anyone in the past has written about this mound, or how it came to be, we are left with the group think of places like ATS. ATS and other boards are in essence "Force Multipliers" when it comes to brain power.

Now in saying all that, what do we see? I see a unusual pile of what appears to be broken, bedrock. Maybe in time the Russians well drill a bore hole to examine the area below this formation, hopefully.

Someone earlier stated it looked like a TBM (Tunnel Boring Machine) may have created this pile. At this point you must ask yourself, is there any possibility that this formation is the result of some unknown natural process that could leave stones in this manner. At this point without any more information people must decide for themselves.

I personally do not feel "Mother Nature" could have been responsible. But then again in my very unique mind, I do not see Mother Nature as many others do. At any rate, I do not see this as a natural formation.

What I see is the result of a mining process that has not been identified to date. The amount of material present represents a shaft of about 20 Ft in diameter and 1 to 2 thousand feet deep. These are guesses by the way.

The pattern of the rocks reminds me of a fountain where the water is forced up and comes down in a circle pattern around the perimeter . As it was shut down what was left in the column fell straight back down and formed the dome shaped pile of rocks.

In as far as the equipment that was used in this operation, one could only imagine. But, I am left with the feeling that what ever did this, did this from the "Bottom Up".

Next time you are in a hardware store look at all the different types of drill bits. If you take some of them and drill up through a piece of wood, just for this example, and stop short of boring or drilling all the way through you can get results that look exactly like this. I drilled through aluminum for some things in dad's business and the results are just like this.

This is something boring, or drilling through from under neath. Could it be something natural, maybe. Sure does not look so but then I am reminded of a little insect here that throws up a small mound like this with tall sides. When an ant or other insect comes in it shoots out and grabs it lol. Was watching one today lol. It had a hump like this or mound right where it was buried lol. I bring that up because on a very small scale it is something natural that looks just like that lol....

Could be natural, doubt we will ever know lol. It is Russia after all lol.

The Bot

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 08:01 PM

This happened nearby:

didnt think it has been bought up yet in this thread??

They do seem to have a ton of impacts, I was reading about a recent one they found that is producing special diamonds.

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 10:20 PM

interesting close up's

Where did you find these?

I think theyre from a nearby rock formation based on google image search

posted on Nov, 15 2013 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by dlbott

This is something boring, or drilling through from under neath. Could it be something natural, maybe.

Yes to something natural, but not in our present database. It might be gigantic worms that we have never seen. If that is the case sooner or later "Tremors" could become a reality.

I do not see this rock formation to be anything natural as in geology. We all, I'm pretty sure, can tell a strip mine from a dry river bed. A meteor impact from a sewer opening. Etc.

One way or another this pile of broken rocks is evidence. Of what is debatable.

Can it be a "Russian" mine as has been suggested earlier? Not probable. But even in the United States, given the same set of circumstance it too would be improbable.

As I said in my previous posting, I envision a shaft of some sort below the central pile. For what reason, well again highly debatable. Some are suggesting that their is a cylindrical structure below. Well, why not? If there is a shaft in the middle something would have to be holding the central pile of rocks from falling back in.

We have other bottomless Pitts around the world, many filled with water. Mell's hole comes to mind in the US. What if this is the same type of thing, only not completed, or , abandoned.

Going to the unacceptable possibility is that we have had, or still do have, a civilization that lives below us, undetected. And what we are seeing here is a "ventilation" shaft, or the remains of one, or a portal for entering and exiting this subterranean habitat.

Is it insane to consider we human beings have discovered everything their is to discover? Or insane to even seek discoveries. Well, the only way I know how to discover something new, is to look!

The equipment used to create this "Shaft" is naturally "Alien" to us. I don't know why but I feel anti gravity played a part in bringing the rocks to the surface. The Russians need to share their data on the analysis of the rocks themselves. If they prove to be subterranean bed rock we are in for one "Hell" of a ride

edit on 16-11-2013 by All Seeing Eye because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 04:05 AM

reply to post by freestonew

here is a photo.


Looks like a giant ant lion mound. Lucky no creature grabs them when they are walking on it.

Definitely looks like something is pushing up rock from under ground. Is there a mine on the other side of the mountain?

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by LABTECH767

Good observation, why is there no growth on that, I mean if its 250 years old then there is no reason why it should not have growth like the surrounding earth. Only two possibility's 1, it is not old at all and that is why there is no growth. 2, it is old but something there (or in there) is preventing plant life from growing.

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 10:56 AM


interesting close up's

Where did you find these?

I think theyre from a nearby rock formation based on google image search

posted on Nov, 16 2013 @ 10:19 PM
i still believe they are of geological nature not a mineshaft or of any kind of alien encounter.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by freestonew

The Thunderbirds have been there!

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by SheopleNation

It's a soft rock mud volcano that hardens on contact with air is my assumption. Unusual yes, but that's nature for you. It's not man made and it's not extraterrestrial although some nutters here will never be convinced otherwise....ah but that's ATS.

posted on Nov, 18 2013 @ 07:21 PM
it could have been a young spatter cone with an inadequate supply of magma and had a growing lava dome.the landscape could have looked different and the rocks would have been changed from russia's seismic history.

posted on Feb, 20 2014 @ 02:22 AM
I have recently completed a review of the geological literature and the consensus is that this is a periglacial structure very similar to--if not the same as-- a "pingo". Alekseyev (2012) Patom Cone aka Patomsky Krater appears to be a unique land form in Irkutsk itself and has enough variation to be unique in all the world. Pingos form in permafrost areas but not under an ice sheet--hence "peri-glacial". There are hundreds if not thousands of them across the Arctic. Some larger and some smaller. The research supports an ice wedging/ ice jacking of ice fractured bedrock and excludes a volcano or meteorite origin.

This region( Trans Bakial Mountains) was covered by a southern icecap from the Gobi ice sheet which was in existence up to 6000ybp(?). The permafrost has been determined to be up to an astonishing 200m in the region and may have existed until very recently. A pingo forms over many decades as ground water fills natural rock joints and with each freeze cycle shatters the bedrock. Through many cycles the small channels enlarge into a major large one. After this merging the growth is rapid yet cyclical with freeze-thaw episodes. The ice platform jacks the shattered clast of rocks to the surface and those that spill over start building the cone's side walls. The inner cone may represent a final swan's song in development when the area warmed to the point that the permafrost was depleted. Many pingos subside and form lakes in the basins within the peak. Those lakes over fill and in a mature pingo finally cut multiple channels giving it a griddle appearance with many multiple mini peaks. Pingos are hydraulic laccoliths. They require a groundwater and permafrost interaction over time in order to form. Suggested reading the Wikipedia article on Pingo.

Antipin (2011) First thought this was a young volcano. When that was disproved, he theorized that the original cone was formed when deep magma generated CO and H2 gas which worked its way to the surface and exploded when mixed with air. The physics in general and evidence within the cone itself don't support such a working theory. There is some trace of methane and carbon monoxide at the cone. So while a gas explosion may be remote, the possibility that deep gas can be released is not so remote. However it speaks little against the probability that this is a structure formed by ice wedging.

There is no evidence what-so-ever of a buried UFO. A Russian Biologist put forth that theory based on a misunderstanding of a uranium concentration in trees beginning 50-60 years ago running for 20 years( deeply in the cold war years). The crater is not far from a one of the world's largest mining districts: Murun and coincides with suspected large scale uranium mining in the region. The biologist put forth the concept that a nuclear reactor engine exploded after a crash and made a bulge. He himself admitted that he did not understand reactor related isotopes. The radioactivity at the cone is actually below the regional background which is understandable given the large "average" background level owing to close by uranium deposits.

Some other expeditions mapped the gravity and 2/3D image of the cone and found no magma channel and a profile for a pingo and not that of a meteorite impact. Ermolin (2011), (Demezhko et al., 2011)

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