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Cover-up of Comet ISON information continues - why?

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posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 01:08 PM
- Reply intended.

edit on 11-11-2013 by MrConspiracy because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by InhaleExhale

A cover-up? I think the post, if read correctly, is more of a cover up about what the comet is, how it will react with earth etc and what's really going on with it on an up-to-date basis.

Sure, there's articles that talk about ISON in a fantastical way "brighter than a full moon" and what have you, but i think what the OP was suggesting is... there should be more detailed info instead of fanciful nonsense. (That's what i gathered from the post, not my opinion)

I have read them. Not all, but some. I'm a little busy and don't have time to jump on google to dispute claims that, really, didn't need disputing as such.

What did i read?

I very similar post to you. It just seems we have taken it different ways. That's ok, we aren't the same person or nuffin'

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by Tallone

A quick Google search shows plenty of MSM sites reporting on ISON, so this thread is moot. To me at least.


posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 01:44 PM
I'd have to say that a well thought-out OP. I only have 2 issues with this: there have been several members that had links to MSM news stories that are relatively recent, and you lost me when you introduced the Electric Universe theory in your OP. Though I find this theory to be intriguing, and willfully admit scientists don't know squat about the universe, and even admit that ISON is different and falls in the category of scientists are noobs... nothing I've read in my private research supports the Electric Universe theory on its own.

But I digress. This comet is indeed different in some way, and it is indeed strange that NASA has nothing better to offer us in the way of HD resolution photos. I think it more likely that they move like they always seem to: sloooowly. We hear about the Mars rovers a year after they land, and only after they stare at numbers and pictures until they're blind and bored do they let us yuppy regular losers view them. Just proof that we can't rely on the guvment for nothing.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by JackSparrow17

We hear about the Mars rovers a year after they land


posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by MrConspiracy

The OP obviously put some effort in to this post and all you can do is jump on google to disprove it. It says something about you more than it says about the OP i'm afraid.

I am pretty sure the OP used Google to help with making this thread, so why is it ok for him and not for someone trying to help deny ignorance?

What does it say...I can use Google to disprove what he more than likely used Google to find his evidence for the OP

If that is it then yes you are correct.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by MrConspiracy

I have read them. Not all, but some. I'm a little busy and don't have time to jump on google to dispute claims that, really, didn't need disputing as such.

So are saying that if you had time you would use Google to dispute claims?


posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

Everyone must use Google in the Google World Order!


posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 02:04 PM

reply to post by MrConspiracy

I have read them. Not all, but some. I'm a little busy and don't have time to jump on google to dispute claims that, really, didn't need disputing as such.

So are saying that if you had time you would use Google to dispute claims?


I was being facetious, but ok. I'm not carrying this on after this post. It's pointless to the OP.

Just, in the future, think how you dispute the posts and recognise effort has been taken, and treat it with a little more respect... yeah?

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by MrConspiracy

Just, in the future, think how you dispute the posts and recognise effort has been taken, and treat it with a little more respect... yeah?

Please show me anywhere I disrepected the OP?

You do understand that if your going to say there is a coverup happening in your thread title you may want to make sure there is or at least provide some evidence that it is happening, but in this case there isn't which has been shown numerous times in this thread.

Just so you know it isn't disrespect as it is called denying ignorance.

I am sorry but I can't give recognition to an OP that has provided a misleading and downright wrong title to his thread.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

it's not what you said it's the way you said it

KK now i'm done... honestly. No hard feelings.

happiness and rainbows

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 02:54 PM

Interesting discussion, lots of different viewpoints represented here. Now, let's introduce another ISON element - this is from Whitley Strieber's site:


Looks like some crop circle makers thought ISON was significant. The speculations about what all the different crop circle interpretations add up to are listed at the end: the comet may break into pieces while going around the sun; it may slow down due to interactions with the sun and its orbit may become elliptical instead of hyperbolic; ISON's appearance may simply be a signal for some other major event like gravity waves coming from the galactic center; or ISON may be something other than a comet.

Now, is any of this possible? I don't know, really...has *any* crop circle actually predicted anything accurately?? Still, I found it interesting and worth discussion here.

No, because crop circles are man made. Unfortunately we cannot predict the future.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 03:24 PM


posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 03:35 PM
You might find this interesting and may explain as to why the media blackout

Shocking Proof Comet ISON is A UFO!

edit on 11-11-2013 by DarthFazer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 03:53 PM

ISON - The comment on the MSM is conspicuous in its absence. The silence is deafening.......but why?

There has been some conjecture that Comet ISON may not complete it's trajectory around the Sun, but may instead be evaporated once it gets close to the sun's intense radiation.

There is no cover up here. There is nothing for the MSM to report until Comet ISON actually completes it's orbit around the far side of the sun without evaporating and then actually moves onto a trajectory toward earth.

IF Comet ISON moves onto a trajectory toward earth you can THEN panic and blame BG (big government) for giving the MSM (main stream media) gag orders. Right now it's just a pretty light in the sky.

edit on 11-11-2013 by BurbGirl378 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Tallone

So... your argument is that because the Main Stream Media have sometimes presented corporate or government lies as facts, then everything they publish must be false. Furthermore, any amount of coverage of a story must be inadequate, and therefore part of a cover up. Ultimately, this cover up proves that there must be something unusual about the subject in hand -- in this case, Comet C2012 S1 (ISON) -- or else why would they not be presenting the whole story? A masterpiece of circular reasoning!

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Pinkorchid

reply to post by wmd_2008

Scientific knowledge is always hampered by its retrogressive attributes. By that I mean science can only hold a piece of knowledge that is quantifiable through its own systems , which is themselves do not command the totality of all there is to know.

Science looks backwards it relies on what has already been established and frowns on any new additions to that knowledge until it has raked the new information through the system, that proceeded the new knowledge, which is limited by what it knows to be true at a specific point in time.

This limits scientific knowledge with the burden of valid information always having to fall in those limited parameters.

Science rolls on like an old steam roller adding new information at a slow and tedious rate, working with the structure that it can see within itself is out dated on the road to new discoveries. Its components claim supremacy only to find out at a latter date the what it screamed to the world as the truth and only the truth was in fact wrong , incorrect and out of date.
What forces Science to change ? It changes because some one persisted in thinking outside the Scientific closed circuit and found new revelations and these revelations begin to make current Scientific theory look stupid. So they have to reluctantly amend their position. Not because they value the truth but rather on a more egotistical premise and that is appearing to be irrelevant to progressive thought.

Don't get me wrong Science is wonderful , for what it is . Ideally it would form the base or launching pad from which the cosmos may be understood. But it continues to clutch too tightly to worn out idea's.
edit on 11-11-2013 by Pinkorchid because: (no reason given)

You make some interesting points. I star'd you but with reservation (unable to be indicated by the single star choice available though_.

You seem to be talking about paradigms. Right? Theories that flow into existence like floating islands without a necessary connection to others. Correct me if I am wrong.

I don't think most scientists understand science this way at all. Those who work for corporations and have to shape their experiments to provide a desired outcome might. And of course there are an awful lot of scientists doing just that. But that is not the way science originally evolved, and I wager for most scientists now that is not the way they would have it develop. Almost all of the truly great scientific discoveries came out of theorising built on the ideas of others that came before.

Rather than built on paradigms, scientific discovery is built on waves of knowledge that encompass the conclusions of all or most of what has come before to produce something new that becomes the basis for the next wave of progress. If we all were to suddenly discover we did not need man made technology to extend ourselves and evolve our civilisation then THAT would be a paradigm shift, But this is why things happen slowly over time. Yes, there are false trails we go down, e.g., the Earth is not flat, etc.

Sometimes scientists are in the pocket of the man with dollars. Sometimes the man with the dollars also decides for us what is true. But this is a temporary situation.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by DJW001

reply to post by Tallone

So... your argument is that because the Main Stream Media have sometimes presented corporate or government lies as facts, then everything they publish must be false. Furthermore, any amount of coverage of a story must be inadequate, and therefore part of a cover up. Ultimately, this cover up proves that there must be something unusual about the subject in hand -- in this case, Comet C2012 S1 (ISON) -- or else why would they not be presenting the whole story? A masterpiece of circular reasoning!

MSM build their spin on half truths, and sometimes outright lies.

It is not that a story is inadequate - that is an inane statement. It is that a story designed as propaganda will spin facts to fit a particular perspective considered desirable for that particular audience to have.

The cover up does not prove anything until "the coverup" is revealed by events to be a coverup! Take the coverup of the findings of the UN weapons inspectors in Iraq, by MSM - e.g. the NY Times etc. Or the continuing cover up of the out of control threat that is the continuous emitting of deadly radiation from Fukushima Dai-ichi, and the true scale of that threat.

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 04:18 PM

reply to post by InhaleExhale

reply to post by Tallone

No, no. You go for it. Address the points one by one. A healthy debate. That is what I am all about. One by one, go ahead.

And yet you never reply to the posts showing multiple MSM articles on the Comet.

How come?

You quote the last part of Wildspaces post where at the beginning of that post there is a link to all the articles Google found in the past week,

what type of cover up media black out are you imagining, there have been at least 2 posts showing there isn't.

If I were to reply to each and every post I would want to get money for my time. I reply to posts that appear genuine. Posts that appear to be formed as statements masked as questions often enough are not by posters interested in a discussion much less than a debate. That is my experience on forums anyway.

For example, when you ask me to reply to a question like the one you have there, I first have to accept it seems that I am "imagining". But clearly that is not the perspective I present in the OP. No star for you.

I have been reading thru the thread and found that you, on the most part, answer the questions from those who have the same views as you do on the subject, and of course, you ignore those who oppose you in the debate.

There are some really good questions from those who don’t agree with your point of view. Why are you not answering them???

No flag or star for you..

posted on Nov, 11 2013 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by DJW001

Just for the record, ISON is now visible in the East in the early morning with binoculars. Nothing can be hidden in space.

Star'd you. Finally, a positive contribution to the discussion.

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