posted on Aug, 8 2002 @ 09:34 PM
We don't have to agree, but you'll know the facts before you decide to base your opinions on spin.
There is no violation of the constitution in defending the nation, and there is no article, either in the constitution, the Bill of Rights, or even in
the original Articles of Confederation, that implies that common sense is wrong.
Honestly, you should be glad that there is a difference of some sort that can make it easier to spot potential enemies. To ignore that difference is
negligent, and endangering everyone, to include those that look like the terrorists but aren't. As Kano stated, it wasn't just white Christians
that died in last year's attack.
By the way, are you saying that the Arab nations are not responsible for the plight of the Palestinians, and aren't to be held as reprehensible for
watching their plight without lifting a finger, and are you denying the history of the region?
While we are at it, a couple of years ago, the Israelis lost their mind and offered the PA more than they could have ever dreamed of, but they balked
because they weren't given Jeruselem to be their capital. Keep in mind, they have absolutely no historical tie to the city David built, have never
ruled over it or been based out of it, yet they demand it. And they turned down everything else they asked for because they weren't given that one
ridiculous and unreasonable point. The leaders of the Arab world and the leader of the PA want no peace. Agree with it or not. Ignore it if you
want. Makes no difference to me, and it makes no difference to those who use the Palestinians, and it doesn't change the suffering on any side.