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Why does the paranormal "elite" ignore Bashar? A good article!

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posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 01:07 PM
a post from another site which really puts it together

I do wonder if those people who make accusations of fakery have ever done any public speaking. From my own experiences, it's difficult enough to stand in front of reasonably-sized audiences with pre-prepared presentations. But now to stand in front of them for hour after hour, week after week, year after year, and improvise quality answer after quality answer...well, it just seems completely absurd to me that such a thing could be faked. Remember that this is not just about talking aimlessly about random subjects but about giving answers that make sense to people who are asking questions on-the-spot. And those answers also need to make sense to everyone else in the audience and you need to do all of this fluently without endlessly repeating the same words and phrases and litter them with ad-hoc jokes and analogies. And then you also have to deal with people like myself (and others) poring meticulously over recordings of each session afterwards looking for inconsistencies in what you are saying
Here's my simple challenge... ...if anyone thinks that these public Q&A sessions are faked, just record yourself talking non-stop with a webcam for an hour (about whatever subjects you want, even alone in the privacy and calm of your own home) and then upload it to IQ for our amusement...because I can promise you that it will be amusing
edit on 18-1-2014 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 01:08 PM

for the not so ignorant people. here darryl himself explains how it works!!

You better stop posting your crap cause I've busted you again. You see, like I said, I watch your videos.
At the 8 minute mark he talks about being hooked up to an EEG machine which proves his brain is at a higher state. At the 8:50 mark he says his Alpha state was at 40 and his Beta was 30 and Delta was 20. This is absolute nonsense because a delta wave can only max out at 4Hz and alpha at 12. If the EEG recording is showing his brain waves higher than 30, then he's using BETA which is what we all use in our waking most higher state of brain activity. You dummy.
And you want to call me and others ignorant? Darryl doesn't even know what he's talking about when it comes to brain waves.

YOU CAN'T HAVE A 20 HZ DELTA WAVE! That's a lie.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by FlySolo

you see. As soon as darryl is speaking...he makes mistakes. Like every human. With Bashar you did not find a mistake

i dont care how wrong Darryl is. Bashar is the ET my friend .


now go play.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 01:24 PM

reply to post by FlySolo

you see. As soon as darryl is speaking...he makes mistakes. Like every human. With Bashar you did not find a mistake

i dont care how wrong Darryl is. Bashar is the ET my friend .


now go play.

Can't take the heat? Then stop spamming us with your god. He's a fake and from now on all your threads should be put in the HOAX bin. now

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by kauskau

Haha, here's your Bashar

Now tell me, fake or real?

This cult is getting loonier and loonier...

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by FlySolo

ATS is about free speech.. You dont have to visit threads which you don´t like. It wouldnt be spam for you if you loved the topic as i do. And hoax until proven.

So you are free to ignore me. Thanks.

And which heat? i find it boring that you try to discredit him with almost nothing...
But as i said: i know that you won´t believe it. So its ok. You are a free being.

(Something in you wants to believe and thats the start. So you are on the right track)


Now i am really stopping with you. As it said: peace sometimes is the better choice (compared to being in the right).

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 02:10 PM
reply to post by kauskau

Fine, you can stop with me. Just tell me your opinion of the new Bashar channeler Roxie, posted This month of 2014

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by FlySolo

do you have a source? i dont´t know her.

I only know "Alan" a friend from bashar from the same planet as he comes.

And he in my eyes is the real deal.

I will research who roxie is.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 02:23 PM
ok i watched it.

And i don´t care what or if he channels ...Its not bashar.

Lyssa Royal channeld bashar. There are transcripts of that and you can see that its "bashar"....and i am sure you will hear it with "ALAN" ...


I am still searching for videos from her.

No i dont digg it. But i am also not interested in defining it when i am not feeling it..

edit on 18-1-2014 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 02:27 PM
compare it to alan and bashar (Darryl)

they both have a really "followable" flow.

I can not follow this dude for 10 seconds without having to concentrate.

Good channelings give you the feeling of giving information without having to "concentrate" with your mind.

posted on Jan, 18 2014 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by kauskau

This 'dude' doesn't say um, pause to think, and everything just rolls off his tongue. Your words, your logic. With this criteria, it MUST be Bashar. How can you possibly know if it isn't?

Good channelings give you the feeling of giving information without having to "concentrate" with your mind.

Where's your source for this? I have to concentrate listening to Darryl.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by FlySolo

Did you ever meditate in your life?

Did you ever "widen your consciousness" and saw that there are many "levels" of constructed reality?

Or is this "new age mumbo jumbo" for you.

I do not even think you could understand when i would try to explain how i know bashar is real.
And even that now sounds vain to you. But its simple: when you meditate long enough or have a widened consciousness you have "more intuitive senses". And you begin to see that intuition is even more precise than logic thinking.

But of course again you wont understand what i say..nor believe that i talk from something different than a "naive mindset"..

So again: have a good time.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 07:32 AM
great talk about "intuition"..(and btw it explains well the "fights" we are having here in this forum)

"Intuition is really not respected enough by our society. We don´t trust it because we definie it as a "blind instinct." And in that it mirrors our concept that our rational mind "oversees". But it does not.

In a way the rational mind is lower than intuition in terms of its "oversight".

Have fun. (no not you. YOU dont have to watch it

edit on 19-1-2014 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by kauskau

You, know...I got Springer's attention last night to toss your bashar threads in the hoax forum. I didn't have the heart to follow-up but I'll tell you this, you're the only one who cares besides maybe a handful of members. No one actually watches your videos except me to use against you when debating. I'm not even going to watch this once because I have already shown enough times he's a hoaxer. You just will just go on to choose to ignore any sound of reason anyway. If I keep on, I'm likely to get a concussion.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by FlySolo

Ok so i would like to know why Springer would think that this belongs in a Hoax Forum.

Bashar clearly was not debunked at all. But you are right: he also did not proof that he is real in your terms.
So scientifically it is not "solved".

Its strange that this forum (which is known for being open to topics like this) has such a "modus operandi".

I don´t care if its a really small minority who open them-selfs up to the possibility that bashar is real.
Integration always has a bigger effect than segregation. The critical mass is not reached when the half of our society believes in some fundamental ideas, it is reached much much earlier. So i am positive.

I am positive that here are some silent readers who "sense" that bashar is real.

The atmosphere in this forum is of such that people who believe in something the consensus here does not..are being ridiculed.

If Springer or the mods think this clearly belongs in the hoax forum then they will do that. But don´t talk for others as long as you are not their representative.

You won´t break my heart when you try to push this forward. I am not dependent on this site to "handle" it in the way it should be handled. You are free to do whatever you want to do.

My hope is that there will come a sceptic which is a little bit more open than you are and not so "aggressive". I like to talk to sceptics as long as they are not getting emotional and overly involved in their perspective. Because still: arrogance has no place in discussions like this.

Because AT LEAST Darryl anka is a man which helped thousands and thousands of people ...

one should respect that and treat him like that and not like a "obvious fraud who knows that he is cheating".

People with EYES and clear senses KNOW KNOW KNOW KNOW without a SHADOW of a doubt THAT AT LEAST DARRYL is not lying when he says that he is going in an altered state not consciously trying to foll anyone...
So no matter WHAT he does: he still deserves respect for his own perspective.

And you are really one of the most disrespectful people i ever got in contact with here on ATS. So please if you are really a representative of "a group of people" here..Let someone talk who is a little bit more balanced.

edit on 19-1-2014 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by kauskau

And you are really one of the most disrespectful people i ever got in contact with here on ATS. So please if you are really a representative of "a group of people" here..Let someone talk who is a little bit more balanced.

I'm disrespectful?? I'm the only one giving you a fighting chance and you've got the nerve to call me unbalanced? Well, sir, I no longer have any empathy for you. You're nuts.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by FlySolo

"fighting chance".

Selective perception really is a strange thing.

I don´t want to fight. I believe in bashar to be real without a SHRED of a doubt.

I post this stuff here for people who are open. Not to "convince" YOU. You will not be convinced until "mass consciousness" is convinced as it seems. Because you need physical proof. But the game is: physical proof will be showed to mass consciousness when the threshold is reached. And you are not part of that threshold.

So no need to fight. We can only agree to disagree for sure.

posted on Jan, 19 2014 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by kauskau

I post this stuff here for people who are open. Not to "convince" YOU. You will not be convinced until "mass consciousness"

No, you incessantly post this to force people to listen to you. It's pathetic. You can't force a horse to drink and by continuing to do so only weakens you stance. You appear to be the ATS village idiot and you look like a brainwashed cult follower.
edit on 19-1-2014 by FlySolo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 23 2014 @ 07:45 AM
Most important talk ever in my eyes..for all People searching for enlightenment as a means to "loose" their identity..

posted on Jan, 30 2014 @ 12:12 AM

Ok so i would like to know why Springer would think that this belongs in a Hoax Forum.

Where else should a hoax like Bashar, and a hoaxer like Daryl be? The hoax forum is the right place for it!

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