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Why does the paranormal "elite" ignore Bashar? A good article!

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posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 09:00 AM

reply to post by FlySolo

you are not getting it.. Bashar did not trademark anything.

Darryl anka did.

I said already why i think he did that.

You dont need to be aggressive .

Alright. Then this should be check (chess). What legal business right does "Darryl" have trademarking Bashar's planet? That's fraud in itself. Darryl Anka has no business trademarking someone else's stuff. CHECK. Your move.

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by FlySolo

Bashar does not restrict darryls actions. He has another philosophy than darryl in terms of "monetarizing" things..but that does not mean that darryl is not free.
ANd as i said the trademark is a protection against real frauds.
Darryl would never use the trademark to use it against another REAL channel channeling a group from essassani...

When for example I would learn to channel the real bashar..darryl would not do something against it..
BUt if a FAKE tries to do that ..he would.

But in your eyes there is no difference because you dont perceive that bashar is REAL...and not fake..

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by SullivanBlack

what are the signs of lying you see.

I see a highly concentrated being in a mixture of trance/meditation/ a "depth" i rarely saw before...
edit on 16-1-2014 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 12:28 PM

reply to post by SullivanBlack

what are the signs of lying you see.

I see a highly concentrated being in a mixture of trance/meditation/ a "depth" i rarely saw before...
edit on 16-1-2014 by kauskau because: (no reason given)

LOL having conversations with people with his eyes close is a trance of "depth" that you rarely saw before?

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by NavyDoc

ignorant comment of the day....

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 12:53 PM

reply to post by NavyDoc

ignorant comment of the day....

No, very accurate comment. If you think his act is the most intense and deep trancelike state you have ever seen, you haven't seen much at all.

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by NavyDoc

i am not talking about closed eyes..i am talking about hours of hours of flow without breaking ..with no effort at all and a seemingly pure state of presence and focus (Which you can not see as it seems)

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by kauskau

and as soon as you know that he is real (in the next 10 years): you will see it with different eyes.

Make an experiment: see him as you´d know he is real....try to see him like that. WHen you do for some time you will really start to see....

but you wont do that wont you..cause you can´t.

I accept that.

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 01:07 PM
willa (channeled by darryl) about time travel

really interesting

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 01:21 PM

willa (channeled by darryl) about time travel

really interesting

So Willa is Scottish? LOL. Sounds like Mike Meyers doing his "If it's nae Scottish, it's crap" bit.

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 01:23 PM

reply to post by NavyDoc

i am not talking about closed eyes..i am talking about hours of hours of flow without breaking ..with no effort at all and a seemingly pure state of presence and focus (Which you can not see as it seems)

Many people can spout hours of nonsense without breaking. Its not that of an amazing trick. Look up "filibuster."

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by NavyDoc

yes hours of nonsense is possible for objection

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by kauskau

When for example I would learn to channel the real bashar..darryl would not do something against it..
BUt if a FAKE tries to do that ..he would.

What a bunch of crap. If you tried to channel Bashar and did ANYTHING with the trademark, you would be sued. Who would sue you? Darryl Anka. Not Bashar. And how would Darryl know anyone faked it? Because he knows it's all bull#.

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 08:30 PM

yes hours of nonsense is possible for objection

Just watch a Darryl Anka video and you will see hours of nonsense!

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by kauskau

Motivational speakers can talk for hours, look at Tony Robbins. My ex can talk for hours. ANYONE can talk for hours. And I've said this before, he's been doing this for years so it's all just reflex by now.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by hellobruce

if you say so...

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by FlySolo

in this video he was starting this whole thing its one of his first interviews in the 80s..

and ...there is no difference in HOW FREAKIN MUCH ON POINT he is .....

its just pure flow. ..wooosh....

but i know: you dont see it...its ok!! Let it suprise you then in a few years because it will become obvious also for the sceptics.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 07:19 AM

reply to post by FlySolo

in this video he was starting this whole thing its one of his first interviews in the 80s..

and ...there is no difference in HOW FREAKIN MUCH ON POINT he is .....

its just pure flow. ..wooosh....

but i know: you dont see it...its ok!! Let it suprise you then in a few years because it will become obvious also for the sceptics.

The accent is different, the gestures are wider, the emphasis on words and phrases are greater and the message is different in specifics although yes, it is roughly the same new age generalities.

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by NavyDoc

The biggest deception of the ttb is to burden truth under clichés so that the representation of that cliché (word: New Age) acts like a fence that no "rational person" crosses.

If you use the term right: yes this is knowledge which will be commonly known, accepted and proven in the new age..
But you don´t use it like that. You use this word as it is supposed to be used in that way: as a denunciation.

I don´t know what is "new age (in the bad way) " about an absolute truth:" Reality is an illusion. Only experience is real. Time only exists now, all realties only exist now in a parallel way.etc etc "

You think this is "new age mumbo jumbo" but you dont even understand the depth of this simple concept. You don´t understand the basis of all reality and want to have "phyiscal proof" of much more complex truths and concepts..
"Reality is an illusion". This is not new age AT ALL.
For ignorant people like you are.. It will always STAY new age because you dont evolve.

You think physics and spirituality are divided forever. And you will experience it that way forever if you dont wake up.

You think the many eastern and western cultures which had mystic societies who knew this simple truth and communicated it in many ways ( ZEN, BUddhism, Mysticism) are only "spiritual fools" who believe in antiquated myth.
So you judge jude over "new age generalities" and think that you are smart in that. But what a fool you are. You think that a wise race would spit pure wisdom and knowledge to your face when you didnt even FATHOM , grasp or even consider the simple truth that reality is in your consciousness and as that an illusion.
You really think they do not see that it is people like you who determine that we are in stoneage? You think they would want to surprise a race with their knowledge by giving them more than they can handle when humans did not even understand FACTS which are known in our spiritual communites for thousands of years?

What a fool you are.

As live progresses it becomes SPIRITUAL. This is the same rule like: as beings evolve they built weapons which can destroy their civilization. True spirituality which goes hand in hand with physics comes WITH technological advancement.
But you dont believe that: you want "physical", rough proof and are not even mature enough to grasp the fine, dignified nature of your own being which is eternal..

Wake up.

What an ignorant being you are. CONGRATULATIONS

(thats why i make advertisment for bashar..with your mind set OPEN CONTACT WILL NOT HAPPEN FOREVER. Because its SPIRITUAL growth that determines the rate in which they open themselfs to civilisations. You dont have any clue what a psychotic shock it is to truly stand in a presence of an alien who has a TOTAL different frequency.

But you dont even believe in frequency dont you? You accept "Wifi" and all that stuff as soon as everybody accept it but you are to narrow minded to know that there is much more which "constructs" a being than the matter and flesh you see.

... Do you really think they want to come to a planet with ignorant gun loving idiots who in a way are still psychotic, divided and schicophrenic in their own perception? You do not even really know you think you are piece of meat..You dont know what thoughts are. You think they are born in the brain...You do not believe in unity thats why you call it NEW AGE....)

I really hate the fact that people like you determine the rate in which they open themselfs up..because its not "the believer" who makes room for contact...its the part of society who are narrow minded like you are. Becauses thats the ones with the most psychotic shock when reality changes fast. Of course you are talking that you could handle it. YOu think that it would be like in the sci movies that you would just walk to that "totally different" being which is far more "intelligent " than you and shake its hand.. But thats naive....You will not STAND that contact unless you have integrated a whole lot .......
Think about that.

and now go play with your narrow mindset somewhere else. I am tired of ignorant sceptics...

posted on Jan, 17 2014 @ 10:57 AM
to put it simply: if you really understood "new age generalities" as you call it, you would know how important it is for people to understand this basic truth before going to the next step.

But you don´t understand it.
Thats why you call it "new age generalities" while it IS NOT GENERAL AT ALL in that sense.
It is FUNDAMENTAL. And that is something different than "general.
And thats what clichés like "new age" are for.
They make something fundamental "seem to be general and trivial!!

They don´t want you to find out that fundamentals that bashar talks about. Because our system NEEDS you to be separated from the absolute truth that separation is an illusion.

Thats why the whole Hippie Movement stopped. Thats why powerful plants used by shamans and wise people all over the world were called drugs and forbidden.

You have no clue about the depth of a simple concept like "Reality is an illusion".

You are the typical brainwashed being that thinks it is smart as hell.

FUNDAMENTALS-> Dont think its a cliché -> its a description about YOU:

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