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The Nazi's actually won WW2.....(you're gonna be SHOCKED!!)

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posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by okamitengu

The only thing I find when I search "Ted Coppel" is "Ted Koppel," who was born in February, not April.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by AsherahoftheSea

it was supposed to be ironic. he is a news guy and voice of the propaganda machine... i had no idea when he was born!

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 08:13 PM
Again people, the Bush families granddad helped put Hitler into power. The first thing Hitler did was take out the union leaders. Hitler was no socialist, he was a military dictator.

Allen Dulles, who worked with granddad Bush in financing Hitler was made head of the CIA.

One Allen Dulles, they would tell us, was the head of a powerful group of covert agents who served the great American Republic at mid-century. The other, who lived and worked slightly earlier, had been dedicated to promoting the interests of the Nazi Reich, which was the sworn enemy of the Americans. Despite the coincidence of names, there could obviously have been no connection between them.

We, with our documentation intact, have no choice but to accept that these two Allen Dulleses were one and the same. But the price of our superior knowledge is that for us the twentieth century threatens to make no sense at all.

How do we begin to untangle this puzzle? Perhaps it would help if we went back to the start.

Allen Welsh Dulles was born to privilege and a tradition of public service. He was the grandson of one secretary of state and the nephew of another. But by the time he graduated from Princeton in 1914, the robber baron era of American history was coming to an an end, ushered out by the Sherman Anti-Trust Act -- which had been used in 1911 to break up Standard Oil -- and by the institution of the progressive income tax in 1913. The ruling elite was starting to view government less as their own private preserve and more as an unwanted intrusion on their ability to conduct business as usual. That shift of loyalties in itself may account for many of the paradoxical aspects of Dulles's career.
By the middle 20's, Germany had started recovering from the effects of the war and its postwar economic collapse, and the great German industrial firms were looking like attractive investment opportunities for wealthy Americans. W.A. Harriman & Co., formed in 1919 by Averell Harriman (son of railroad baron E.H. Harriman) and George Herbert Walker, had led the way in directing American money to German companies and had opened a Berlin branch as early as 1922, when Germany was still in chaos. At that time, Averell Harriman traveled to Europe and made contact with the powerful Thyssen family of steel magnates. It was to be a long-lasting and fateful partnership.
Early in 1933, both Dulles brothers attended a meeting in Germany where German industrialists agreed to back Hitler's bid for power in exchange for his pledge to break the German unions. A few months later, John Foster Dulles negotiated a deal with Hitler's economics minister whereby all German trade with the United States would be coordinated through a syndicate headed by Averell Harriman's cousin. With the Nazis enforcing a favorable climate for business, the profits for Thyssen and other companies soared, and the Union Banking Corporation increasingly became a Nazi money-laundering machine. In 1934, George Herbert Walker placed Prescott Bush on Union Bank's board of directors, and Bush and Harriman also began to use the bank as the basis for a complex and deceptive system of holding companies.

And many of you think Unions are evil, because right wing talk show propagandist tell you so.

Germany has become more like what that U.S. was back in the sixties, while the US has become much more like NAZI Germany.

When will the people who voted for either Bush to be president realize how bad they have been had, unless you support NAZIism.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 08:52 PM

winston churchill was jewish by birth as was most of the german natzi,s even stalin even eisenhower ?

Off the top of my head, Joseph Stalin was raised Georgian Orthodox, and eventually went Atheist. Hell, the man even went so far as to outlaw a huge chunk of religions. Catholics, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, he didn't exactly make it a welcoming country for them, bra.

As for Winston Churchill, I don't think so. Maybe according to Stormfront, but unless you're a total idiot, that's not a particularly credible group of people. The rumors of Eisenhower being Jewish are pretty much seeded entirely in Stormfront-esque hate forums & hate "media", too, so other than him I think having a Jewish adviser on staff, not much there to grab at. Granted, I'm less knowledgeable of Churchill & Eisenhower's backgrounds, but I'm reasonably sure they're not.

As to the OP, no dude, they did not win. Go ask an actual German about it. They went total animalistic barbarian, and got stomped in the end. Oh, let's not forget the shame they still feel generations later. Yep, total win there.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 09:16 PM

It sounds like someone's been drinking the Jim Marrs Fourth Reich Koolaide.

While interesting and fun to think about, it's not true.
Sure, there's lots going on in the world to complain about, but, tying them all up with a Nazi embematic bow isn't going to hold that package together.

EDIT: Note, there WERE indeed plans for a secret Fourth Reich movement, but, that never happened.
Secret Fourth Reich plans

edit on 11/2/2013 by AliceBleachWhite because: (no reason given)

Nah I would say "Just Drinking..." with all the spelling and grammatical errors.

Not at all an original idea although given the state of the world an interest prospect.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 09:31 PM

reply to post by EarthCitizen07

If you dig deeper you might find more that you might have wished you hadn't. Yes, the real Nazis did some very bad things, but IMO they did it because they believed it was necessary.

What we have going on today is the same thing I see happening in what we call "spiritual warfare" going on in this world. The real baddie takes the face of something that was positive and then corrupts it, exploits it, and uses it to its advantage, making mirror images such as an "Anti-Christ," an "Anti-Lucifer," or a "positive Satan," in methods of spreading confusion and disruption. If you can't know which is which, there's more chance you'll end up with the wrong one with how it is being worked.

IMO, the Allies who won the war (the real baddies IMO) reverse-engineered the darker aspects of their research and explorations to use them for their advantage, repeatedly try to overshadow all their humanitarian philosophies which ARE there, regardless of what they did to the Jews, and have practically been lost and reworked entirely as they constantly pound it into our heads that the Nazi's are the worst possible evil EVER.

What got me arrested and incarcerated for 4 months just for using my freedom of speech and voicing some of my anger about how I see it?

Walking down the street while shouting: "Nazi, Nazareth, Nazarene, THINK ABOUT IT!"

Entirely correct! I wish I could give you more than one star too...

Sometimes words mean exactly what they sound like, for example national socialism implies nationalism plus socialism. Communism implies to work for the benefit of the community. Socialism is mild form of communism in that some sectors of industry are nationalised and run by the government, while with communism everything is nationalised and run by the government. Communism originates from the word commune.

Capitalism implies to have capital and to capitalise on it by making more capital. I dont necessarily view capitalism in a bad light if the appropriate measures are taken, but at some point corruption tends to take over and destroy it with parasitism, especially when big private banks get involved.

What does congress actually mean? Maybe to get together to fool people. Cons are the opposite of Pros when comparing something, which implies negativity but can also mean to fool someone, like a con artist would do.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by AsherahoftheSea

As for the holocaust I think it did happen but was greatly exaggerated and mispresented. Most jews in concentration camps died from starvation and disease rather than being gas attacked. When germany was losing the war and short on supplies it made sense from their perspective to keep the supplies for themselves rather than to share them with their perceived enemy.

Stalin was much worse than hitler. Communist regimes tend to be very oppresive to outsiders because they want to keep big busines, religion, greed, corruption out of their country. But it is also the fault of the UN many times that refuse to trade with these nations. North Korea and Cuba have suffered tremendous embargoes that have cost lives and prosperity towards the population.

Capitalists never liked socialists and communists. They viewed them almost equal when they were not. There is quite a big difference between the two which I described previously. The bilderbergers have spend inordinate amounts of time demonising and propagandising against them.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Yes, I feel the same about the Holocaust. It may have been exaggerated. I am not sure, really. 6 million is a convenient number. There is supposedly some prophecy in the Torah that says 6 million Jews have to die, in "ovens" nonetheless, before the state of Israel can be formed.

All I know is Hitler thought they were a threat. Was he right? I don't know. I don't know any Jews out here where I live, and I don't consider myself an anti-Semite or a racist, but I have heard from those who have known Jews that they seem very skilled at deception.

Jesus was killed by the Jews -- was he really actually preaching things that they considered to be against them?
Hitler made accounts of being slandered by the Jews well before he reached office in Mein Kampf.

Jesus in Revelation was supposed to come back and cause a war. With much retribution being dealt out unmercilessly, which people have no qualms with justifying when they read it. Did that already happen? Was WW2 actually Armegeddon and he lost?

To me, reincarnation makes more sense than flying down from heaven on a white horse, cause almost all old religions believe that reincarnation, demi-gods, and angels even taking human form in Christianity. The literal interpretation of something flying down from heaven I think is meant to further impede anyone from realizing that he might be right under your nose as a "regular guy." As a thief in the night, they say...

I do, even if I don't harbor any ill-will toward Jews themselves, consider the Hebrew God in all his manifestations to be a thing of evil.

Two of my own quotes: "It's not so much a War in Heaven as it is a war of our genetics."

"Sometimes you have to cut away the bad, otherwise the whole rosebush withers."

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 10:19 PM
It does suck for all the guys that fought to stop them.

Never let your guard down!!

SERPENTOR - "Whoo-hah! (Got You All in Check)" MUSIC VIDEO

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Nyiah

no got that from a jewish source www.henry makow

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by AsherahoftheSea

I personally think all religions are bogus. I was baptised an orthodox christian but have shun away from the church and have become a new ager of sorts believing in the ancient astronaut theory. I really enjoy ancient aliens on history channel.

As for judaism, since it is the oldest of the abrahamic religions, I think one should expect the most corruption of all.

Real spiritualism is based on ufology and aliens in my modest opinion.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Oh I do think there is a natural explanation for everything we call "supernatural," as I don't think there is anything "beyond nature." Beings of a hyperdimenional state being one of these explanations who can incarnate in either one form on other, or a multiple of forms simultaneously because they are operating on a dimension beyond space and time. I have a theory of there being a Hitler/Tesla dichotomy, of these two being of the same spirit but working on the world from two angles simultaneously. There are rumors that the Nazis were experimenting with all sorts of strange technologies. If Hitler was of the same mind as Tesla, is that where they got the ideas? Tesla was definitely something that is what you cannot call an "average human." This being would never admit who he was, so people masquerading as the real deal are but distractions.

As for these hyperdimensional beings, whether you want to call them angels, demons, or aliens is up to you. To me, there are no "aliens" because no one "owns" the universe. Alien denotes something alien to a specific land or world, but if the beings in question know more of the world and universe than us, and have been around for a very long time, can we really call them "alien?" Again it's the notion that someone is "native" to a land, when the only thing we can know for sure is that we are all "native" to this world and universe. Every "native" usually migrated from somewhere else. Today's "natives" are yesterday's "aliens."

But I am carrying the thread off-topic here so I will desist.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by AsherahoftheSea

I agree with most of what you say. Its a complicated topic that will derail the thread, so lets resist that temptation. I simply use "aliens" because its easy for everyone comprehend. Breaking down the details gets tricky.

I think there are many forces at work. One of true light and one of darkness that deceives, god and satan respectively. As well as soldiers of god called angels, and soldiers of satan called demons. "Aliens" is a generic term for me.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 11:08 PM

It sounds like someone's been drinking the Jim Marrs Fourth Reich Koolaide.

While interesting and fun to think about, it's not true.
Sure, there's lots going on in the world to complain about, but, tying them all up with a Nazi embematic bow isn't going to hold that package together.

EDIT: Note, there WERE indeed plans for a secret Fourth Reich movement, but, that never happened.
Secret Fourth Reich plans

edit on 11/2/2013 by AliceBleachWhite because: (no reason given)

Every single post I've seen from you involves you jumping into a thread and immediately denying any possibility of said theory to be true, and then you leave.

That brings me to my question; ...what are you doing here? This is a conspiracy forum dedicated to conspiracy theories and people who have an open mind. You, from what I've seen, have anything BUT an open mind. All you do is take the official story and present it as absolute fact. That's not what we do here. We challenge the official story. Admittedly, quite a few of the members here tend to go out on the proverbial limb when it comes to making conclusions, but I have yet to see you even slightly agree with anything that didn't make it into textbooks or broadcast on CNN.

So, like I said, what are you doing here? Why come on a conspiracy forum if you aren't at least slightly open to the possibility of a conspiracy? You must have a lot of time on your hands.
edit on 3-11-2013 by JohnnySasaki because: typo

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

I suppose you can call them "aliens" because they are alien or an unknown to us, but we are hardly unknown or alien to them.

I am kinda more of a universalist. There is no one supreme god, IMO. And I wonder if any of them even the one we know as Jesus is actually what we call "good." I do lean toward the Christ though, not his father or anyone else, and I see that the gods from varying religions are interchangeable where you can trace where each god from each culture are actually the same being. Christ might be Krishna, but I have some cautions about Krishna, and that being has been reputed in that religion to incarnate here from time to time as various different things. They call them Avatars. Lol, I wonder if incarnating from a hyperdimensional state into this realm is like how they show it happen in the movie "Avatar."

Anyway, back to the Hitler stuff. The Nazi/Nazereth tie in. Doesn't it kinda make sense in some ways how the world demonizes him today and Jesus saying the world is against him? Just like the opposing forces create a mirror image of Anti-Christ to Christ, so too is there the false Nazis who call themselves Nazis, the "Black Illuminati," who while they are indeed "illuminated" into what they do, they are illuminated into the dark practices. I think there might be a "White Illuminati" and a "Black Illuminati," but sometimes, okay, alot of times, one flies the other's colors to confuse the masses, and the colors shift or change sides respectively.

The NWO that everyone is afraid is taking over is actually the Old World Order that has been in place for a long time. Like the Orwellian world, are the countries divisions actually illusory with one force sitting on top causing woe and war just cause they want to run the whole thing into the ground? Terra against Gaia. The Terans being the parasites that must be cut out. The "Tares" (notice the similar sound to Teran) among the "Wheat" Christ spoke of. Also note the similar sound to "Terror" and "Terrorist." The tricky Teran Terrorists and their endless Terror Tactics.

A parasite that is killing the host must be cut out for the whole (the body) to survive. This is what Hitler, I think, strove to do.

posted on Nov, 3 2013 @ 11:59 PM


It sounds like someone's been drinking the Jim Marrs Fourth Reich Koolaide.

While interesting and fun to think about, it's not true.
Sure, there's lots going on in the world to complain about, but, tying them all up with a Nazi embematic bow isn't going to hold that package together.

EDIT: Note, there WERE indeed plans for a secret Fourth Reich movement, but, that never happened.
Secret Fourth Reich plans

edit on 11/2/2013 by AliceBleachWhite because: (no reason given)

Nah I would say "Just Drinking..." with all the spelling and grammatical errors.

Not at all an original idea although given the state of the world an interest prospect.

Those are not spelling or gramatical airors, it's my own spelling, you can spell whatever way you want once you free you're mind from the reeducation camp brainwashing you've been put through.

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 12:00 AM


It sounds like someone's been drinking the Jim Marrs Fourth Reich Koolaide.

While interesting and fun to think about, it's not true.
Sure, there's lots going on in the world to complain about, but, tying them all up with a Nazi embematic bow isn't going to hold that package together.

EDIT: Note, there WERE indeed plans for a secret Fourth Reich movement, but, that never happened.
Secret Fourth Reich plans

edit on 11/2/2013 by AliceBleachWhite because: (no reason given)

Every single post I've seen from you involves you jumping into a thread and immediately denying any possibility of said theory to be true, and then you leave.

That brings me to my question; ...what are you doing here? This is a conspiracy forum dedicated to conspiracy theories and people who have an open mind. You, from what I've seen, have anything BUT an open mind. All you do is take the official story and present it as absolute fact. That's not what we do here. We challenge the official story. Admittedly, quite a few of the members here tend to go out on the proverbial limb when it comes to making conclusions, but I have yet to see you even slightly agree with anything that didn't make it into textbooks or broadcast on CNN.

So, like I said, what are you doing here? Why come on a conspiracy forum if you aren't at least slightly open to the possibility of a conspiracy? You must have a lot of time on your hands.
edit on 3-11-2013 by JohnnySasaki because: typo

It's a g=v disinformation agent

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 12:05 AM
Is there not a rule on this site about grammar?

You may draw some valid conclusions.

They definitely don't have Jews in the treasury or we would be out of debt already. JK

Okay, I'm done.

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 01:19 AM

reply to post by AsherahoftheSea

As for the holocaust I think it did happen but was greatly exaggerated and mispresented. Most jews in concentration camps died from starvation and disease rather than being gas attacked. When germany was losing the war and short on supplies it made sense from their perspective to keep the supplies for themselves rather than to share them with their perceived enemy.

No. Just.... no. You don't have any idea. It happened.

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 01:22 AM

reply to post by AsherahoftheSea

I want to kinda get you guys thinking on this. Some facts of Hitler:

He was born on an Easter Sunday.
He was born in an inn.
Wikipedia says the name "Hitler" might loosely mean "shepherd."

Good shepherds? Easter Sunday's? Born at an inn?

Who else was born with similar such surroundings?

Donald Trump??

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