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Massive amounts of methane spewing from the Arctic

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posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 10:05 AM
Methane continues to spew from the Arctic Ocean according to tracking methane levels in the atmosphere

Methane over Arctic Ocean is increasing

And yet, very few are paying attention. This is scary business folks and it baffles me how many skeptics and debunkers there are to the events unfolding all around us on a daily basis. There are many events, strangely enough, rising in intensity and frequency, from sinkholes and animal die-offs to fireballs and disease outbreaks, not to mention the crazy weather and mysterious fires and explosions. So, why is it so difficult to believe that there may be one overall cause creating chain reactions setting off other events and increasing the activity of the ones we are following. Like a domino effect...and the end game may not be to our liking.

Once again, I'm not trying to create doom porn here. I'm just trying to point out the obvious...something is off with mother nature. How do we explain the increase in these events;

Massive rain and snow events
Increased super storms and typhoons (also in areas that are considered very rare)
Extreme heat, wildfires and drought conditions
Sky quakes and strange noises
Unexplained booms
Increase in smaller earthquakes and quakes in places they shouldn't be
Volcanoes awaking in areas that haven't seen activity in thousands of years
Mysterious fires and explosions
New disease outbreaks and the return of old ones (bubonic and polio, etc.) for humans and animals
Rapid mass animal die-offs for land animals, birds and the fish in the seas
Huge increase in sightings of exploding and streaking large fireballs
Sinkholes and land cracks

I've written several threads about my theories on what is causing these increasing events. I'll post links to those threads here if you're interested in reading them, there is too much for me to rehash again in this thread, but no, I don't believe that the same old lines used by skeptics work here. Such as, there's better communications now with the internet so that we get more reports, or, there's more population to witness these events. When I was a kid growing up in the 70's and 80's, there were already over 6 billion people, so that just doesn't fit here. These events are can anyone deny the strange weather events all over the world from massive floods to freak storms and ridiculous heat waves.

Dangerous Gas may be cause of super-charged weather, animal die offs, quakes and more

Recent methane leaks, sinkholes may be evidence Dangerous Gas theory correct

Dangerous Gas theory in relation to drug-resistant bacteria and mutating viruses

Dangerous Gas theory in relation to earthquakes and increased seismic activity

Dangerous Gas theory in relation to increased fireballs

Here is another article in regards to the link I posted above

Methane coming from Arctic at an all-time high

Why isn't the mainstream media covering this? The article above touches on it. Basically, it's too frightening to grasp what we truly are facing.

Back when I wrote the original theories about the methane release, it was said to be at around 1700 ppb in the air, but according to the Arctic News article, those daily levels are bouncing around between 1950 ppb to 2300 ppb. What is a safe level?

Released on 10/27/2013 by the USGS (photo above in the slideshow) are the latest readings of methane over the Arctic area. Methane that is being released above 1950 pbb (parts per billion) is in red. To put those numbers into context, what is considered a 'normal' release of methane? According to Dr. James Hansen, an American adjunct professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia University, 1250 ppb is a livable level. We are now well surpassing that level daily.

That was from the article above.

One website that tracks the mysterious fires and explosions

Jumping Jack Flash Hypothesis

He posted a few days ago some more information on past mass extinctions and how hydrogen sulfide-rich oceans led to the extinction event 93 million years ago.

Owens said that their work shows that even though only a small portion of the ocean contained toxic and metal-scavenging hydrogen sulfide, it was sufficiently large so that changes to the ocean's chemistry and biology were likely profound. He asserted that what this says is that only portions of the ocean need to contain sulfide to greatly impact biota

That was from the article posted on his home page. Here he explains some of the same things we've been going over in these threads this past year.

Methane and hydrogen sulfide go together during these extinction events. Increased oceanic heat not only releases the stored methane, but the extra heat benefits the ancient bacteria and archaea that produce hydrogen sulfide too. Those ancient bacteria and archaea eat biomatter, but they also eat...methane. So, vast amounts of suddenly abundant food, and an environment more to their liking - what's a bacterium to do? Reproduce, that's what, a lot, and so vast amounts of methane being released leads to vast amounts of hydrogen sulfide being released too. And then the biosphere dies off, especially species that reproduce slowly, in small numbers and whose young take a long time to reach reproductive maturity. That's us.

And say, it looks a lot like scientists are slowly and ponderously lining up behind what I've been saying all along...

I will post some of the latest headlines in each of the event categories that I listed above a little later, but I don't have time right now with it being Halloween and all, got some things to do with the kids. Plus, I ran out of space in this OP.

For some headlines about explosions, unexplained fires and other news, check out the website mentioned above at Jumping Jack Flash Hypothesis

When you read through his headlines, you get an idea of how much is really going on, especially when you see how many tractor trailers, buses, barns, vehicles, boats and chemical plants are mysteriously erupting into flames every passing day.

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by Rezlooper

It was estimated that world population didn't reach 6 billion until October 1999. Not in the 70s or 80s.

Beyond that I do agree wd are destroying this planet.

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 11:32 AM
When I was in school, in the 70's it was 4.5 billion.

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by Rezlooper

For me it is free energy let's get it. I'm really surprised we are not capturing this gas. Once you locate an active vent you should be able to capture the gas, and cheaply too.

Saw a show where the guy and gal jumped into the water with a bag and captured the gas, went to shore and showed the gas burning. Free gas turned into free energy lol.

Why aren't we. Why just let all that good gas gonna up into the atmosphere. Don't make any sense to me.

The Bot

edit on 31-10-2013 by dlbott because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 11:38 AM
That's it ! I'm going to start a committee and
we are going to tax the s*** out of the continent of Antartica.

I'm all for clean air clean water and a clean Earth
but this blaming of humans for CO2 is dwarfed by what natural Methane
releases can do.

Plus if it was precipitated by CO2, that ain't my fault or your fault.
The blame if CO2 has anything to do with this lies with INDUSTRY.

We have had all the time and technology needed to switch to clean energy.
Detroit + The Tesla auto corporation alone,would not only save Detroit
but the USA and the world in tow. Tesla could easily make a car that you plug
into your house it would get you to work and back cost under 20k.
Will they? Hell No! Big oil has a strangle hold on the world.
17 billionaires whose suits smell like airconditioning decided
its more important that their ridiculous lifestyle stay intact.
17 vs 7,000,000,000. Nice huh?
Great thread by the way OP.S&F
edit on 31-10-2013 by sealing because: Thanks

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 11:39 AM
The methane is one of the biggest problems facing us if solutions aren't found.

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by Rezlooper

When this kind of info gets you down, take a few minutes and let the late, great George Carlin lend some perspective...

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by Rezlooper

So, cows are acquitted of a global warming charge? Phew... Now let's get rid of those pesky primates that burn fossil fuels and turn breathed in oxygen into planet killing CO2.

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 12:37 PM
very good thread S&F. When the energy level of a closed system builds, there will always be some changes. All of this fits into the pattern of this. Measuring temperature in one area does not work, a combined overall change has to be observed. This is the case, one half of one degree is a lot of energy gain in the world. The reasons for the gain are multiple but we should try to control what we can. We can't just keep spewing toxins into the environment and expect that it won't effect our future generations, we need to learn from our mistakes and correct the things we are doing wrong.

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 12:51 PM
Explosions and fires are common. Historical records show it to happen all the time.

Most of the extreme weather events lately were predicted by earth scientists and climatologists decades ago.

The methane is a worry, but concentrations are not yet high enough to cause some of the events you mention.

It does seem methane emissions are in a nonlinear positive feedback. I expect your fears to become a reality within a decade or so. There doesn't even seem to be a point to care.


posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 12:54 PM

Methane continues to spew from the Arctic Ocean according to tracking methane levels in the atmosphere

Methane over Arctic Ocean is increasing

And yet, very few are paying attention. This is scary business folks and it baffles me how many skeptics and debunkers there are to the events unfolding all around us on a daily basis. There are many events, strangely enough, rising in intensity and frequency, from sinkholes and animal die-offs to fireballs and disease outbreaks, not to mention the crazy weather and mysterious fires and explosions. So, why is it so difficult to believe that there may be one overall cause creating chain reactions setting off other events and increasing the activity of the ones we are following. Like a domino effect...and the end game may not be to our liking.

This may well be the start of our extinction event.
Ive been yelling about it for years. Almost nobody cares.

Go figure.
edit on Sat Nov 2 2013 by DontTreadOnMe because: Quote Crash Course

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 01:32 PM
I belive mother earth have the ability to balance it all back to normal...with or without humans walking the planet.
I`m on the sideline when it comes to global warming...yes, we are polluting and yes there will always be neverending climate changes. The fact that most world governments are pushing restrictions on its citizens, while the big oil/energy companies seems to get away(money talks) makes me sick...

The only changeable factor would be a massive non-humancreated event...Like a sudden Tyson-punch in the face...

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by Rezlooper

-Solar system enters a more dense region of inner stellar cloud medium.
-Added density in interstellar medium, results in more friction inside the system.
-Added friction equals added heat.
-Added heat equals more active solar data (CMEs, Flares, Holes)
-Added solar activities results in added energy to planets/planetoids within the system.
-Added energy to Earth's magnetosphere must be grounded, the energy enters our atmosphere increasing storm systems/warming trends also subterranean pressures leading to sink holes and earthquakes.
-Warming trends melts permafrost in polar regions where methane gas is stored in crystalized forms.
-Methane gas is released into the atmosphere.

Where the Solar system's magnetosphere of influence is located in relation to interstellar cloud density has a direct effect on weather and climate on the surface of the planets within the system.

Just a hypothesis for now, but one I am gathering ample amounts of proofs for currently.

Great OP.

God Bless,

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 01:38 PM
I don't know man. What's your response to 2013 being the calmest weather year ever? You mention extreme storms and such, but the data doesn't show it. ally-low-levels/

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 01:41 PM

reply to post by Rezlooper

For me it is free energy let's get it. I'm really surprised we are not capturing this gas. Once you locate an active vent you should be able to capture the gas, and cheaply too.

Saw a show where the guy and gal jumped into the water with a bag and captured the gas, went to shore and showed the gas burning. Free gas turned into free energy lol.

Why aren't we. Why just let all that good gas gonna up into the atmosphere. Don't make any sense to me.

The Bot

edit on 31-10-2013 by dlbott because: (no reason given)

That's probably exactly why so many lobby's are spending billions to discredit the idea that climate change is occurring. They have their own interests to protect, but at what silly cost. And, besides, it wouldn't really be free once companies started capturing it...we'd be paying for that cost, but who cares, it would still bring costs of energy down to practically nothing and save our arses at the same time!!

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by Rezlooper

Between this and farting cows, no wonder the world is doomed.

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 01:48 PM

reply to post by Rezlooper

So, cows are acquitted of a global warming charge? Phew... Now let's get rid of those pesky primates that burn fossil fuels and turn breathed in oxygen into planet killing CO2.

NO cows do NOT get a pass. You ever lived close to a farm? Holy taledo....

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 01:54 PM

And yet, very few are paying attention. This is scary business folks and it baffles me how many skeptics and debunkers there are to the events unfolding all around us on a daily basis. There are many events, strangely enough, rising in intensity and frequency, from sinkholes and animal die-offs to fireballs and disease outbreaks, not to mention the crazy weather and mysterious fires and explosions. So, why is it so difficult to believe that there may be one overall cause creating chain reactions setting off other events and increasing the activity of the ones we are following. Like a domino effect...and the end game may not be to our liking.

I remember when the oil volcano was spewing in the gulf. I had the live camera up on my laptop and watched it throughout the entrire episode. I continuously thought to myself; my God how can we be so careless and indifferent to our planet?

Then Fukushima happened, and it finally hit me. Those in power don't care because whats rearing its ugly head is already a forgone conclusion. I feel sorry for our planet and all we have done, but there appears to be a cycle that almost seems to make the prior concerns moot. If nothing else a reminder of the inevitable.

Most people joke and think of methane as the thing that comes from cows and don't understand the seriousness of what unchecked methane entering the atmosphere will do. Besides accelerating climate change and making the planet warm even faster, a catastrophic release of methane has also been thought to be the reason behind past mass extinctions.

More proof its all a timed release survival mechanism. Cows need not apply!
edit on 31-10-2013 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 02:00 PM

That's it ! I'm going to start a committee and
we are going to tax the s*** out of the continent of Antartica.

I'm all for clean air clean water and a clean Earth
but this blaming of humans for CO2 is dwarfed by what natural Methane
releases can do.

Plus if it was precipitated by CO2, that ain't my fault or your fault.
The blame if CO2 has anything to do with this lies with INDUSTRY.

We have had all the time and technology needed to switch to clean energy.
Detroit + The Tesla auto corporation alone,would not only save Detroit
but the USA and the world in tow. Tesla could easily make a car that you plug
into your house it would get you to work and back cost under 20k.
Will they? Hell No! Big oil has a strangle hold on the world.
17 billionaires whose suits smell like airconditioning decided
its more important that their ridiculous lifestyle stay intact.
17 vs 7,000,000,000. Nice huh?
Great thread by the way OP.S&F
edit on 31-10-2013 by sealing because: Thanks

Awesome points Sealing. I agree with you 100%. Never once in my threads do I mention CO2 because I think our real threat is the methane. Something caused methane to start rapidly rising in 2007 and I don't know what that was, but some scientists in a dark lab somewhere probably do and they just aren't telling us about it. The interesting part about this is that when the methane started rising in 2007, it was on a global scale. In the past, the northern hemisphere is where most methane would come from via landfills, cattle, rice fields, etc. and that's cause the northern half of the planet was more industrialized. According to an MIT study, it would take a year for any methane release in the northern hemisphere to balance out with the southern hemisphere, but in 2007, the rapid rising methane levels occurred the same all over the planet.

Levels of methane begin to increase again

One surprising feature of this recent growth is that it occurred almost simultaneously at all measurement locations across the globe. However, the majority of methane emissions are in the Northern Hemisphere, and it takes more than one year for gases to be mixed from the Northern Hemisphere to the Southern Hemisphere. Hence, theoretical analysis of the measurements shows that if an increase in emissions is solely responsible, these emissions must have risen by a similar amount in both hemispheres at the same time.

In the article, the MIT group attempt to explain a few possibilities to why the sudden increase again in 2007, but then discount their own ideas and come up empty. At the end of the article, they state they will follow up, but it never happens. I've done searches and can't find any follow up story to what they may have found. The mystery goes on....

posted on Oct, 31 2013 @ 02:06 PM
Thanks again for bringing this to the fore Rez.

Also, if you hadn't seen this, well, there's not much to say really. This latest research shows that when the feedback loops started 55 million years ago, the ocean died and 95% of life on earth was destroyed within 13 years.

If our positive feedback loops have already started (which I firmly believe they have probably 5-10 years ago), then we have very little time left. And that is terrifying. I thank God every day that I don't have kids... It would be too much to bear.

New finding shows climate change can happen in a geological instant

( —"Rapid" and "instantaneous" are words geologists don't use very often. But Rutgers geologists use these exact terms to describe a climate shift that occurred 55 million years ago.

In a new paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Morgan Schaller and James Wright contend that following a doubling in carbon dioxide levels, the surface of the ocean turned acidic over a period of weeks or months and global temperatures rose by 5 degrees centigrade – all in the space of about 13 years.

Scientists previously thought this process happened over 10,000 years.

Finally this from the article:

Whatever the cause of the carbon release,—some scientists theorize that a comet struck the earth—Wright and Schaller's contention that it happened so rapidly is radically different from conventional thinking, and bound to be a source of controversy, Schaller believes.

As to the bolded text, some scientists also theorize that it was methane clathrates being released in large amounts. The methane levels right now are increasing dramatically over the Arctic. Sure it may have been a comet, but it could also have been the methane. I just wish they'd have mentioned it.

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