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What Is The Tea Party and What Do They Stand For?

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posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by usernameconspiracy

state taxes, social security contributions, disability contributions, unemployment contributions, federal taxes, property taxes go to township, gasoline tax, tabacco tax, liquor tax, inheritance tax, sales tax, renewing your drivers license and registration every 4 years is a tax, car inspection fees, ACA tax, etc.

Not enough taxes on the middle class? Sure the bottom earners dont pay much in terms of state and federal taxes but they do pay everything else. Getting a small refund if you live in poverty doesn't help much.

The tax code isn't quite adjusted right and taxation rates are way too high for each bracket. The 39% percentile should start at $350k per year not $250. But 39% is grotesquely high given all the other consumer taxes we pay. It shouldn't really be higher than 33%. The government needs to stop spending so much on wars and other defense related expenses and stop the spying network. They need to return the bailout money as well. I never agreed to that $5 trillion quantative easing bullhockey they took upon themselves to dish out.

You should be outraged unless you are either ignorant or a troll!

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by gladtobehere

If I didn't know better, I'd say the perfect word for defining what you described would have to be "hypocrite." At least that's the word I'd use.

Everything from the NYC Mosque expose' to the "keep government out of my Medicare" signs just reek of hypocrisy.

Furthermore, based on some of their other past signage like the one that said; "Grow a brain, Moran" or how about the one that said; "Make english America's offical language," I believe the more accurate term for describing them would be "ignorant hypocrites."

But what was it that Jesus said while being "cruzified?"

"Forgive them, for they know not what they do."

What he did not say was; "follow them for they know the way" or "let them rule for they are righteous."

Despite what they might say, if you really want to know what the Tea Party stands for, look no further than the same guiding principles utilized by the Ku Klux Klan of old. Except for their new name and use of the Gadsden flag, they're one in the same.

As to the question posed in the OP.....

They are; Ignorant, neo-conservative, Bible thumping, racist hypocrites. There, I said it.

edit on 29-10-2013 by Flatfish because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:43 PM
The latest Rasmussen poll shows 42% of Americans relate to the Tea Party. Unfortunately, it looks like those who consider themselves Libertarian are NOT pro-Tea Party. Oh ... and 42% back Obamarama.

ETA: 2014 may not be a good time for folks on the gubment dole. Remember, Obama ain't running for Congress. There's light at the end of the tunnel.
edit on 29102013 by Snarl because: ETA a little trolling. :-)

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:48 PM

The latest Rasmussen poll shows 42% of Americans relate to the Tea Party. Unfortunately, it looks like those who consider themselves Libertarian are NOT pro-Tea Party. Oh ... and 42% back Obamarama.

If I'm not mistaken, that same poll also said this;

Opposition by Tea Party Republicans to the president’s national health care law has been blamed for the recent government shutdown, and just 30% of voters now have a favorable opinion of the Tea Party.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:49 PM

reply to post by gladtobehere

If I didn't know better, I'd say the perfect word for defining what you described would have to be "hypocrite." At least that's the word I'd use.

Everything from the NYC Mosque expose' to the "keep government out of my Medicare" signs just reek of hypocrisy.

Furthermore, based on some of their other past signage like the one that said; "Grow a brain, Moran" or how about the one that said; "Make english America's offical language," I believe the more accurate term for describing them would be "ignorant hypocrites."

But what was it that Jesus said while being "cruzified?"

"Forgive them, for they know not what they do."

What he did not say was; "follow them for they know the way" or "let them rule for they are righteous."

Despite what they might say, if you really want to know what the Tea Party stands for, look no further than the same guiding principles utilized by the Ku Klux Klan of old. Except for their new name and use of the Gadsden flag, they're one in the same.

As to the question posed in the OP.....

They are; Ignorant, neo-conservative, Bible thumping, racist hypocrites. There, I said it.

edit on 29-10-2013 by Flatfish because: (no reason given)

Your post reminds me of a saying.

"If you ever wanted to see the difference in political parties, it is this. Liberals think conservatives are evil, conservatives simply think that liberals are wrong."

I personally have not seen the level of hate and vitriol against the Tea Party better defined than by the pages of ATS.

The anger and sheer annimosity that it breeds is simply astounding.

I understand that you think us evil and wish us dead, and I can't say for certain that the death threats I've received in the past have come from you or not, but the level of anger against a group that just wants responsible government, rational spoending, personal responsibility is getting out of hand.

It reminds me of a commercial. . . . .

(A group of progressives fuming and plotting the deaths of Tea Party people)

Tea Party People: Hey Progressives!

Progressives: WHAT?

Tea Party People: Have a Snickers dude, you always get the lynching rope out when you're hungry.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Look Beezzer, the last thing I need is for someone like you to go around attempting to put words in my mouth or saying I said things I didn't say.

I never said I wanted anyone dead, much less Tea Baggers in general.

Just for the record, I don't like murderers either but I'm not in favor of killing them. Just goes to show what you know about me.

Furthermore, I don't make threats. Not to you or anyone else. If I tell you I'm going to do something, it's not a threat but rather a statement of fact.

The Tea Party is what it embraces and to date, they've wrapped their arms around crazy like it was that snickers bar you were talking about and you know what they say; "You are what you eat."
edit on 29-10-2013 by Flatfish because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 01:06 PM

reply to post by beezzer

Look Beezzer, the last thing I need is for someone like you to go around attempting to put words in my mouth or saying I said things I didn't say.

I never said I wanted anyone dead, much less Tea Baggers in general.

Just for the record, I don't like murderers either but I'm not in favor of killing them. Just goes to show what you know about me.

Furthermore, I don't make threats. Not to you or anyone else. If I tell you I'm going to do something, it's not a threat but rather a statement of fact.

The Tea Party is what it embraces and to date, they've wrapped their arms around crazy like it was that snickers bar you were talking about and you know what they say; "You are what you eat."
edit on 29-10-2013 by Flatfish because: (no reason given)

You don't want us dead, just . . . what? Locked away?

Shut up?



posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by BritofTexas

You got it right. The so called "tea party" is a wholly owned and operated subsidiary of Kock industries. Don't expect the weak minds of the group to understand though, if they could, they would be of no use. They thought all of those shiney tea part express busses just showed up out of thin air. Those signs they carry aren't racist or bigoted its just we don't understand their oh so clever play n words. They want government out of their lives but in ours. How is urine testing welfare recipients less intrusion? How is restricting access to abortion less government intrusion? I know the mindset all to well.

They can't understand there was good reason for the separation of church and state. They and the far left share some of the same fatal concepts. These idiots can't grasp that there are evil humans and left totally unregulated the evil will manipulate the system until there is nothing left and walk away. The idiots on the far right think you can reason with evil, evil is just misunderstood. To have a well functioning society we need to realize evil exists and it can't be bargained with. A snake is a snake, just like a tiger, maybe not today, maybe not next week, but eventually they both will strike you.

The low iq brains on the right want to go back in time to when things were better, but can never seem to articulate when that was. They recently errected at statue of my great aunt on the Massachusetts state house lawn. She was cast out because of her religious beliefs and because of that act most of our entire family was massacred by the Indians at pellem bay. Never mind, I guess that predates the constitution. Same mindset though, just a different time. Our freedom of religion came about by our freedom from religion.

Am I the only new that ever notices the heros of the freedom loving right have never served their country? Or the fact that the leaders who pull the strings that make them dance have never bothered to serve their country in elected office? Like him, love him or hate him, Obama speaks for the party n the left, who exactly speaks on behalf of the tea party. If I learned one thing from this thread, it is this. Nobody from the tea party seems to know who leads them.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 01:12 PM


Your post reminds me of a saying.

"If you ever wanted to see the difference in political parties, it is this. Liberals think conservatives are evil, conservatives simply think that liberals are wrong."

I personally have not seen the level of hate and vitriol against the Tea Party better defined than by the pages of ATS.

The anger and sheer annimosity that it breeds is simply astounding.

I understand that you think us evil and wish us dead, and I can't say for certain that the death threats I've received in the past have come from you or not, but the level of anger against a group that just wants responsible government, rational spoending, personal responsibility is getting out of hand.

Probably cause these folks are neoliberal hacks. They are not the liberals of old. These people are just as bad if not worse than the "libtard" comments that neocons made when bush was in offfice. I used to post on yahoo often back in the day.

While I cant speak for everyone, the occupy folks dont hate tea party. The mainstream democrats do!

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 01:18 PM


You don't want us dead, just . . . what? Locked away?

Shut up?



How about we just start with something simple like; "Ignored"

While I probably have mentioned at some time in the past that some Tea Baggers may very well end up locked away, that would only be because of their repeated public displays of insanity. After all, isn't that what happens to crazy people? Once diagnosed, don't they end up locked away in an insane asylum somewhere?

It's not that I am advocating for it but, as Duck Dynasty's Sy Robertson would say; "Hey!"

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by soundguy

But I guess that those on the left are so far superior? Have you gotten your brown shirts out of the dry cleaners and are your jack boots shined?

Your nonsensical ramblings which I won't even attempt to call reasoned debate but rather hate speech proves my point.

I always laugh when progressives preach tolerance, but only the tolerance that they allow.

I consider myself a Tea Partier/Independent, not of the Koch brothers type, but rather the original grass roots movement when it first came into being. I can also say the same of the Occupy movement, but left them when I found out they were corrupted as well by all those Soros foundations and financially backed groups and the unions.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 01:26 PM


You got it right. The so called "tea party" is a wholly owned and operated subsidiary of Kock industries.

The koch brothers are poor compared to the rockefellers and rothschilds whom hold the purse of the democrat and republican parties respectively. Thats why koch brothers dont have much influence in politics.

A few billion will do nothing compared to multiple trillions of the mega rich old fart industrialists. Its almost like trying to drain the ocean with a bucket.

And the koch brothers donate to both D and R parties, although mostly to the R party. They were always libertarian and helped start the libertarian party which is the third biggest party in america. They branched off into the big parties because third parties have a very small say in america. I mean any dumb ass should be able to understand it.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 01:31 PM


While I cant speak for everyone, the occupy folks dont hate tea party. The mainstream democrats do!

That's funny, because I definitely lean in favor of the "Occupy" movement, but I'd rather suck septic water through a garden hose than be associated with Libertarianism and/or the Tea Party.

Just because there may be one or two causes that the two movements have in common, doesn't mean that the two are compatible in any meaningful way. In the broader realm, they are polar opposites to one another.
edit on 29-10-2013 by Flatfish because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

I have not read through the entire thread but I wanted to start off with a warning to forget what you think you know about the Tea Party that you might have heard on the news and here.

The original tea party movement started out WAY BEFORE TARP as an individual group movement protesting property taxes [Pennsylvania property tax groups that expanded] I do know that local groups expanded to state groups that came to protest more than just property taxes. Not sure where the first TEA PARTY was formed, I just know it came about in the 90's.

As far as I know, before it was co-opted at a national level by the GOP, there was NO central leadership and just basically a loose collective of many state gruops who tied loosely together under a common theme. Low taxes, less Government, more nationalistic in nature and more of a literal interpretation of the Constitution.

I sincerely belive that overall, the constitutionalists, libitarians, independents have much more in common and if they could unite under a single party, I think we could stand a chance at a third party election.

I do know that Independents won the majority of polls in my state, but good luck with that being reported on MSM.

You would be surprised at the number of people who agree with the fundementals of the tea party and independents in general.

Its so sad that soooo many bought into the MSM garbage about the tea party. Tooo many will not look past the label to see what the party as a whole believes in.

Will be back later...

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 01:42 PM



While I cant speak for everyone, the occupy folks dont hate tea party. The mainstream democrats do!

That's funny, because I definitely lean in favor of the "Occupy" movement, but I'd rather suck septic water through a garden hose than be associated with Libertarianism and/or the Tea Party.

Just because there may be one or two causes that the two movements have in common, doesn't mean that the two are compatible in any meaningful way. In the broader realm, they are polar opposites to one another.
edit on 29-10-2013 by Flatfish because: (no reason given)

You haven't studied the issues enough, thats why you say it. I agree more with the tea party than I agree with the mainstream democrats. How the hell can anyone be for quantitive easing, keynesian theory, welfare statism, the wars, etc is beyond me.

You dont support liberals. You support neoliberals. Day and night difference.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 01:43 PM

If I learned one thing from this thread, it is this. Nobody from the tea party seems to know who leads them.

And that should be the most obvious thing of all!

Without a doubt, their anointed leader would have to be none other than Rupert Murdoch & Fox News. I don't want anything to do with the Tea Party and I know that. I mean really, who else is in the position to feed them a steady stream of lies and propaganda? After all, it was Fox News who went to court, fought for and won, the right to lie to the masses on the air.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by beezzer

And this is a perfect example of what the Tea Party is up against. A liberal-progressive mindset that abhors the thought of individuality, personal responsibility, smaller government. They are terrified that they might end up having to rely upon themselves. Hateful out-of-context examples, spiteful commentary, snide remarks are all that the progressives have.

So you have no problem with people being racist. You label it as individualism. They are terrified of having to do things themselves does this include the ignorant TP'ers that hold signs up saying keep your government hands off my Medicare? Typical TP tactic when faced with facts make up BS.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 01:52 PM

reply to post by beezzer

And this is a perfect example of what the Tea Party is up against. A liberal-progressive mindset that abhors the thought of individuality, personal responsibility, smaller government. They are terrified that they might end up having to rely upon themselves. Hateful out-of-context examples, spiteful commentary, snide remarks are all that the progressives have.

So you have no problem with people being racist. You label it as individualism. They are terrified of having to do things themselves does this include the ignorant TP'ers that hold signs up saying keep your government hands off my Medicare? Typical TP tactic when faced with facts make up BS.

I've met more progressive liberals who are more racist than any other ideology.

But free speech is free speech.

Or do you just want speech that is pre-approved by party officials?
edit on 29-10-2013 by beezzer because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Here is an easy example why I have no problem with taxes and have no problem with them being raised. I live in Texas. No state taxes, but plenty of fees and added sales taxes and the like. The current trend here in Texas is not to raise taxes in order to expand highways or build new highways, we sell the crap off to foreign countries who build toll roads instead. Toll roads that are always going to be toll roads.

Now, would I rather pay more in taxes to have that highway expansion built with our money instead of some foreign interest? Every day of the week. I already pay taxes for the highway, but now they want me to pay seven bucks to go twenty miles from Grand Prairie to Lewisville? And another seven buck to go back?

No, I'd rather they raised my taxes to cover those improvements.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by usernameconspiracy

I have no problem with state and local taxes being relatively high. What I do have a problem with is the $17 trillion debt that seems unpayable and growing by the day. The federal government has been out of control the last 20 years.

In the old days tariffs were common, then the neoliberals and neoconservatives hijacked the two big parties, and pushed for globalism in terms of free trade. Free trade has killed the job markets and inflated welfare statism to unsustainable levels. This meant taxable income went down and less overall taxes taxes collected. Neoliberals are also for illegal immigrants crossing the mexican border at will thus flooding the job market and draining the social welfare programs.

If property taxes are too high you can always move to a lesser developed town and pay less. If state taxes are too high you can move to a different state. But how can one avoid federal taxes to pay the debt?

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