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there are plenty of perfectly functional and successful people who, especially when taken in group, actually evidence that this 'underlying dynamic' is present in man even today.
reply to post by LittleByLittle
What this makes me wonder, is if, we went through some change, that disconnected us from our higher selves.
In ancient tales, the gods were once amongst us, and then they were gone.
reply to post by LittleByLittle
What this makes me wonder, is if, we went through some change, that disconnected us from our higher selves.
In ancient tales, the gods were once amongst us, and then they were gone.
The change we went through is overreliance upon the subjective perspective of the world. This is the biblical allegory of the Garden of Eden, where mankind lived in a state of bliss in tune with God until consuming the fruit of [subjective] knowledge, whereby they then began to artificially create distinctions between "good" and "evil."
Good good. However the condition described was one were there was no overreliance or subjective perspective. In fact the idea of perspective and subjectivity are ideas, terms, definitions that have naturally had to rise out of our "knowledge of good and evil" which is our death and why we must die.
The knowledge of good and evil, or I should say the condition that makes this knowledge possible, is a terminal condition, part of our terminal condition. The knowledge of same does not lead to ultimate enlightenment or a new eternal condition that leads to life.
Even if you believe it was allegory note that man was then kept away from the tree of life which he clearly had access to before knowledge of good and evil. Its clear that the knowledge of good and evil is not a necessary concomitant to eternal life.
Good good. However the condition described was one were there was no overreliance or subjective perspective. In fact the idea of perspective and subjectivity are ideas, terms, definitions that have naturally had to rise out of our "knowledge of good and evil" which is our death and why we must die.
The knowledge of good and evil, or I should say the condition that makes this knowledge possible, is a terminal condition, part of our terminal condition. The knowledge of same does not lead to ultimate enlightenment or a new eternal condition that leads to life.
Even if you believe it was allegory note that man was then kept away from the tree of life which he clearly had access to before knowledge of good and evil. Its clear that the knowledge of good and evil is not a necessary concomitant to eternal life.
Yep, the arising of subjective notions of good and evil is precisely what led mankind down its destructive path, culminating in a ruined environment, in abysmal sufferings, in animalistic emotions like greed and hatred, and the numerous mental/physical conditions that plague most humans.
Only by divesting one's self from the limited perspective of artificial subjectivity can one expand the consciousness, repair the soul, develop universal love, and raise one's frequency to become once-more in tune with the all-pervasive yet oft-overlooked blissful harmony that is the consciousness of God.
The change we went through is overreliance upon the subjective perspective of the world. This is the biblical allegory of the Garden of Eden, where mankind lived in a state of bliss in tune with God until consuming the fruit of [subjective] knowledge, whereby they then began to artificially create distinctions between "good" and "evil."
Good good. However the condition described was one were there was no overreliance or subjective perspective. In fact the idea of perspective and subjectivity are ideas, terms, definitions that have naturally had to rise out of our "knowledge of good and evil" which is our death and why we must die.
The knowledge of good and evil, or I should say the condition that makes this knowledge possible, is a terminal condition, part of our terminal condition. The knowledge of same does not lead to ultimate enlightenment or a new eternal condition that leads to life.
Even if you believe it was allegory note that man was then kept away from the tree of life which he clearly had access to before knowledge of good and evil. Its clear that the knowledge of good and evil is not a necessary concomitant to eternal life.
Yep, the arising of subjective notions of good and evil is precisely what led mankind down its destructive path, culminating in a ruined environment, in abysmal sufferings, in animalistic emotions like greed and hatred, and the numerous mental/physical conditions that plague most humans.
Only by divesting one's self from the limited perspective of artificial subjectivity can one expand the consciousness, repair the soul, develop universal love, and raise one's frequency to become once-more in tune with the all-pervasive yet oft-overlooked blissful harmony that is the consciousness of God.
"repair the soul"...."raise ones frequency"....
those are just new age catch terms. What exactly happens when you "raise your frequency"? Cite examples of studies of such, even by laypersons.
What exactly happens when you "repair the soul"? And how, exactly, does one go about doing it? What damages it in the first place.
Lastely, you DO realize that the animalistic urges are part and parcel to the human condition, right? We are animals. Our brains work on neurochemistry, like all other animals. Greed was with humans before we were humans, because we have evolved through entire epochs of scarcity of resources/food.
I guess what I am saying is, you wrote a whole lotta words that mean very little in my estimation. And I am a "new ager" myself (ascribing to Amerind shamanic beliefs, for the most part).
Good good. However the condition described was one were there was no overreliance or subjective perspective. In fact the idea of perspective and subjectivity are ideas, terms, definitions that have naturally had to rise out of our "knowledge of good and evil" which is our death and why we must die.
The knowledge of good and evil, or I should say the condition that makes this knowledge possible, is a terminal condition, part of our terminal condition. The knowledge of same does not lead to ultimate enlightenment or a new eternal condition that leads to life.
Even if you believe it was allegory note that man was then kept away from the tree of life which he clearly had access to before knowledge of good and evil. Its clear that the knowledge of good and evil is not a necessary concomitant to eternal life.
Yep, the arising of subjective notions of good and evil is precisely what led mankind down its destructive path, culminating in a ruined environment, in abysmal sufferings, in animalistic emotions like greed and hatred, and the numerous mental/physical conditions that plague most humans.
Only by divesting one's self from the limited perspective of artificial subjectivity can one expand the consciousness, repair the soul, develop universal love, and raise one's frequency to become once-more in tune with the all-pervasive yet oft-overlooked blissful harmony that is the consciousness of God.
"repair the soul"...."raise ones frequency"....
those are just new age catch terms. What exactly happens when you "raise your frequency"? Cite examples of studies of such, even by laypersons.
What exactly happens when you "repair the soul"? And how, exactly, does one go about doing it? What damages it in the first place.
Lastely, you DO realize that the animalistic urges are part and parcel to the human condition, right? We are animals. Our brains work on neurochemistry, like all other animals. Greed was with humans before we were humans, because we have evolved through entire epochs of scarcity of resources/food.
I guess what I am saying is, you wrote a whole lotta words that mean very little in my estimation. And I am a "new ager" myself (ascribing to Amerind shamanic beliefs, for the most part).
The body operates at an energetic frequency depending upon its condition. A body that is free from toxins, from poisonous chemicals, strong in vitality and physically robust will resonate at a higher frequency.
The book Vitality, Energy, Spirit, translated by Thomas Cleary can explain this in better detail.
Your soul is tarnished by the baggage you've accumulated in this life and the others. Things like the weight of bad karma, the burden of evil deeds, preoccupation with the irrelevant--these all contribute to the condition of your soul.
The belief of the ancient Egyptians, who thoughts that after death the heart (soul) is weighed against a feather, and only a soul that is lighter than that feather can ascend to the higher realms, embodies this idea.
Cleansing the soul is the process of atoning for past misdeeds, of discarding all the spiritual and psychological and instinctual baggage that keeps us tethered to this particular "grade level" in the school of reality. Meditation is a good way of untying these psychic knots on the soul, as it Qigong (the book Qigong Empowerment by Wu and Liang is the essential encyclopedia of the art), as is actively repenting for the things you've done wrong.
But remember--the only real way to apologize for indulging in evil is to never do it again.
As to your other belief--no, we are most certainly NOT just animals. We're divine spirits shackled to animal flesh, and whether we choose to follow our instincts towards higher action--expressing love, compassion, and empathy--thereby raising ourselves towards a state of divinity; or allow ourselves to embody the worst characteristics of this animal flesh--greed and lust and hate--form the only real choices that confront us in this earthly realm.
All choices are essentially a decision between following the call of the higher soul or the urges of the lower. This is the quintessence of this human experience, the only real metric against which our experiences in this reality will be judged.
In short, this human experience is just a game, a school where you have the opportunity to refine the soul. If you plan on graduating to the next level, you need to cast off all those animal tendencies that, in the end, only tend to hold you back.
Hope that helps.
I think you get where I am going with this. It isn't that I disagree with you, or agree with you. It is that you seem to state this so firmly and resolutely....why?
reply to post by therealguyfawkes
You didn't define the soul or give 3 examples.
You also made reference to opinions from multiple
Cultures who maybe didn't know either.
How can you repair something you can't define due to quoting multiple nonauthorative sources?
You do have my empathy however. Not the easiest questions.
The soul is the higher consciousness, the essence of you that's really you--the part of yourself that's looking through your eyes, moving your arms, and driving your body like a car.
Follow the advise I just gave to the poster above. Go meditate and practice qigong for 10 years. Clean up your diet, strengthen your body, and you'll find the answers you're looking for.
But if you're not willing to put in the work, no amount of words will help you understand. This is something you have to personally experience. I can condense it to language to show you the path, but only you can start walking along it to find the destination.
I think you get where I am going with this. It isn't that I disagree with you, or agree with you. It is that you seem to state this so firmly and resolutely....why?
Because I've been there. And I'd like you to get there, too.
And if you take off the skeptical hat, wade slowly into the deep end of the pool, and keep going until you lose sight of all you used to consider your horizons, you might get there in this lifetime.
Meditation. Qigong. Cleanse the diet. Strengthen the body. That'll get you started.
If you follow that path deep enough, you won't have to question this information, because you'll have experienced the end result of it.
I think you get where I am going with this. It isn't that I disagree with you, or agree with you. It is that you seem to state this so firmly and resolutely....why?
Because I've been there. And I'd like you to get there, too.
And if you take off the skeptical hat, wade slowly into the deep end of the pool, and keep going until you lose sight of all you used to consider your horizons, you might get there in this lifetime.
Meditation. Qigong. Cleanse the diet. Strengthen the body. That'll get you started.
If you follow that path deep enough, you won't have to question this information, because you'll have experienced the end result of it.
My brother,
I'm not skeptical.
I don't ask any questions of you or anyone else, in these
matters, that I don't already know the answer!
During the time that I had a mentor, I would spout all
sorts of pseudo-mystical stuff at my mentor, to impress
him with all my 'knowledge' regarding all the various
mystical practices; I also wrote him poetry on the spot,
told him what he was thnking and feeling.. told him
about his friends and colleagues I'd never met.. all
these things .. just to attempt to win approval
from him.
Then he's ask me something like "Define the soul
and give 3 examples" --- and I'd spout regurgitated
rubbish like everone else does.
But he wouldn't accept it.. he kept pushing me and
pushing me.. until I rose to the challenge and did
what I had to, to answer him even 1/2 decently..
with original thought and original observations
and only THEN use ancient texts to verify my
He had me explain to him what enlightenment
was, why people who claim enlightenment aren't,
and fnially how to aid people how to find it.
I spent more than 10 years getting cut to mince
meat by my mentor.. and after I left him..
you now what I did? I upped the pressure on
myself by 100 fold, until the unfolding I wanted
so badly came to pass.
I've put about 50 years into 'wading into the
deep end' and now I live there. Can I still
grow and learn? Of course.. I'm a relative
newbie in the club house..
But just becuase I don't accept someone's
half digested twaddle, doesn't mean I
don't love them and support them...
it means that I DO.
People always wonder why they can't
find one of these 'nietzchen super
men mystic masters'...
Well I know the answer to that too..
I'm not an olympic gold medal athlete
and never will be. But for some reason
most people who are interested in
spiritual matters think, that they
can read a few books, do a little
meditation, pranayama, mudras,
microcosmic orbits, gregorian
chants and think about the legend
of atlantis -- and suddenly they
are some evolved being.
Don't work that way.
Real change comes to those who
work ultra hard and study ultra
hard and who would cut off their
limbs one at a time with a rusty
butter knife, if that is what it
took to succeed!
THOSE are the people I want
to get to know the most...
the people who I'd do almost
anything for...
For all the other people who
aren't that way.. or really
'open' due to a rare gift or
talent.. I shoot the #
with them; ask them a few
questions to get him thinking
maybe.. tell them I love them..
and watch them walk away..
all the while telling me how
much they know and are!
Which is fine.. we are ALL
deluded to some degree,
or we wouldn't be here
in spiritual Kindergarten.
I hope that clears things
up on the matter of my