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network dude
reply to post by MysterX
What does this have to do with chemtrails as this forum describes them?
And exactly HOW do we know it was only a few pounds, on a single occasion, at 200,000 feet?
For donkey's years, the authorities have consistently denied spraying ANYTHING from the arse end of aircraft, and here we are little by little the truth leaks out.
We have had viruses dropped upon us during the cold war, as part of biological warfare testing, the programmes went on for decades.
Chemtrailers have been questioning what they see overhead, always getting the piss taking eye rolls in response, together with firm denials...then it comes out various air force drop powdered metals and mildly radioactive chemicals as radar testing and tracking crap is being dropped and has been dropped on the unwilling and unsuspecting public in many countries, not just the USA.
So really....tptb's 'word' about how many pounds of Lithium (or metric tonnes per year probably), how high it was released etc. can be taken with a large pinch of salt, considering they historically lie their arses off consistently about experimenting on the unsuspecting public.
If you want to believe what they tell you, go ahead...up to you mate.
If you want to believe what they tell you, go ahead...up to you mate.
The flouride in the water and the Lithium in the air are keeping the people subdued and sedated.
Subdued and sedated people are easy to control.
blah blah bla blha blah, dont you ever get tired of this issue? you seem to have a agenda that never fails to post on any chemtrail post, im sick of your old relies please go troll another topic for the next few years, i know you dont even believe your drivel..
same ole fools covering up this issue, good to see you are all (might be just one with multiple accounts) still spewing your redundant relies to this very real issue, shame on you and I hope everyone see through your clouding up this issue.. many of the contrail cirrius are a deliberate crime
like clockwork, your just waiting to spew, you have your little book of replies to every thing i could ever say, always the same going around in circles with you or you all, i really dont know but you all seem to stoke each others #$#$ , i have posted pictures that were proof enough for anybody not on the payroll, i havent been around lately but it seems your pulling a nine to five on here, when do your groupies get to work? take a vacation, hawaii is nice ,contrail cirrus seems to have a harder time taking hold out there so you might get some sun
same ole fools covering up this issue, good to see you are all (might be just one with multiple accounts) still spewing your redundant relies to this very real issue, shame on you and I hope everyone see through your clouding up this issue.. many of the contrail cirrius are a deliberate crime
reply to post by waynos
blah blah bla blha blah, dont you ever get tired of this issue? you seem to have a agenda that never fails to post on any chemtrail post, im sick of your old relies please go troll another topic for the next few years, i know you dont even believe your drivel..
reply to post by tsurfer2000h
like clockwork, your just waiting to spew, you have your little book of replies to every thing i could ever say, always the same going around in circles with you or you all, i really dont know but you all seem to stoke each others #$#$ , i have posted pictures that were proof enough for anybody not on the payroll, i havent been around lately but it seems your pulling a nine to five on here, when do your groupies get to work? take a vacation, hawaii is nice ,contrail cirrus seems to have a harder time taking hold out there so you might get some sun
reply to post by tsurfer2000h
like clockwork, your just waiting to spew, you have your little book of replies to every thing i could ever say,
reply to post by DenyObfuscation
i blame you all for your coordinated attack on every chemtrail post for years now, its hard not to see your agenda and one is left to wonder why you even bother, i would have to be paid to post the same ole crap for year day after day
i blame you all for your coordinated attack on every chemtrail post for years now, its hard not to see your agenda and one is left to wonder why you even bother, i would have to be paid to post the same ole crap for year day after day