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NASA Scientist Admits Lithium Chemtrails! Video

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posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 02:16 PM

network dude
reply to post by MysterX

What does this have to do with chemtrails as this forum describes them?

It's sort of a cum hoc false cause fallacy. The reasoning goes something like "See this chemical release at 200,000 feet of a few pounds of chemical tracer that they ADMIT to, -therefore----> chemtrails are REAL!!"

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:27 PM


And exactly HOW do we know it was only a few pounds, on a single occasion, at 200,000 feet?

Because it was a published experiment and there was nothing secret about it. What reason is there to believe otherwise?

For donkey's years, the authorities have consistently denied spraying ANYTHING from the arse end of aircraft, and here we are little by little the truth leaks out.

What has leaked out about aircraft trails with in this experiment? Not everything is a conspiracy.

We have had viruses dropped upon us during the cold war, as part of biological warfare testing, the programmes went on for decades.

What viruses were these?

Chemtrailers have been questioning what they see overhead, always getting the piss taking eye rolls in response, together with firm denials...then it comes out various air force drop powdered metals and mildly radioactive chemicals as radar testing and tracking crap is being dropped and has been dropped on the unwilling and unsuspecting public in many countries, not just the USA.

That because Chemtrailers are looking at aircraft contrails. They do not understand the difference between something being left at 30,000ft in upper air currents and something being done at or near ground level to give a measurable effect. They are dim enough to imagine there is no difference. That's why they get the piss taken. They haven't got a hope in hell of uncovering any conspiracy or action at all because they are too stupid to stop looking in the wrong place, even after more than two decades of spectacular failure.

So really....tptb's 'word' about how many pounds of Lithium (or metric tonnes per year probably), how high it was released etc. can be taken with a large pinch of salt, considering they historically lie their arses off consistently about experimenting on the unsuspecting public.

Empty rhetoric. You have nothing to support that statement except hyperbole.

If you want to believe what they tell you, go ahead...up to you mate.

No, YOU are the one believing just what the hoaxers want you to believe, your amazing critical thinking faculties being strangely absent when every factual error in their theory gets a free pass from you in your quest to believe and promote baseless fear.

Why is that, exactly?

ETA, not everyone that believes in chemtrails is stupid or dimwitted, only the ones who willingly become cheerleaders for the fantasy despite the massive faults with every single claim the hoaxers put out.
edit on 27-10-2013 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by MysterX

If you want to believe what they tell you, go ahead...up to you mate.

If you can prove them wrong I say go for it..

Until then the only thing to believe is what they tell you.
edit on 27-10-2013 by tsurfer2000h because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 05:00 PM


The flouride in the water and the Lithium in the air are keeping the people subdued and sedated.

Subdued and sedated people are easy to control.

Excellent conflation of a fantasy conspiracy (fluoride = keeping people subdued = just another lie by hte conspiracy industry - for background see here) with a smidgen of real fact to ensure that 2+2 = pi.....(being an irrational number of course
edit on 27-10-2013 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 12:45 PM
same ole fools covering up this issue, good to see you are all (might be just one with multiple accounts) still spewing your redundant relies to this very real issue, shame on you and I hope everyone see through your clouding up this issue.. many of the contrail cirrius are a deliberate crime

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by waynos

blah blah bla blha blah, dont you ever get tired of this issue? you seem to have a agenda that never fails to post on any chemtrail post, im sick of your old relies please go troll another topic for the next few years, i know you dont even believe your drivel..

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by bluestorm

blah blah bla blha blah, dont you ever get tired of this issue? you seem to have a agenda that never fails to post on any chemtrail post, im sick of your old relies please go troll another topic for the next few years, i know you dont even believe your drivel..

Do you have any drivel that can prove chemtrails exist, because you seem to always complain in chemtrail threads about those who debunk them.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by bluestorm

same ole fools covering up this issue, good to see you are all (might be just one with multiple accounts) still spewing your redundant relies to this very real issue, shame on you and I hope everyone see through your clouding up this issue.. many of the contrail cirrius are a deliberate crime

Interesting that in almost 20 years nobody has been able to provide conclusive evidence to prove their existence yet we have you telling us this is a real issue.

Well it may be an issue to you, but without evidence it is a non issue for most.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

like clockwork, your just waiting to spew, you have your little book of replies to every thing i could ever say, always the same going around in circles with you or you all, i really dont know but you all seem to stoke each others #$#$ , i have posted pictures that were proof enough for anybody not on the payroll, i havent been around lately but it seems your pulling a nine to five on here, when do your groupies get to work? take a vacation, hawaii is nice ,contrail cirrus seems to have a harder time taking hold out there so you might get some sun

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 01:03 PM
reply to post by bluestorm

Does it make more sense to blame a HAZMAT crew cleaning up the mess or those who made the mess?

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by DenyObfuscation

i blame you all for your coordinated attack on every chemtrail post for years now, its hard not to see your agenda and one is left to wonder why you even bother, i would have to be paid to post the same ole crap for year day after day

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by bluestorm

like clockwork, your just waiting to spew, you have your little book of replies to every thing i could ever say, always the same going around in circles with you or you all, i really dont know but you all seem to stoke each others #$#$ , i have posted pictures that were proof enough for anybody not on the payroll, i havent been around lately but it seems your pulling a nine to five on here, when do your groupies get to work? take a vacation, hawaii is nice ,contrail cirrus seems to have a harder time taking hold out there so you might get some sun

Just as usual start with the insults when you can't provide anything of substance.

See you want to assume things about people without even having a clue as to what your saying or who your saying it about.

Just because I don't log out of ATS that doesn't mean I am always on here.

I can post pictures of pink unicorns flying over my house that doesn't mean they actually are doing it.

Yes you posted pictures of what you believe to be chemtrails, but the problem is they weren't chemtrails and you can't provide evidence to prove they aren't contrails.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by bluestorm

You seem like an expert in the chemtrail stuff. Perhaps you can answer my question.

How do you identify a chemtrail by sight?
Thanks ever so much for your time.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 03:26 PM

same ole fools covering up this issue, good to see you are all (might be just one with multiple accounts) still spewing your redundant relies to this very real issue, shame on you and I hope everyone see through your clouding up this issue.. many of the contrail cirrius are a deliberate crime

Anything to say about the facts, rather than other members, hmmm?

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 03:27 PM

reply to post by waynos

blah blah bla blha blah, dont you ever get tired of this issue? you seem to have a agenda that never fails to post on any chemtrail post, im sick of your old relies please go troll another topic for the next few years, i know you dont even believe your drivel..

Still nothing to say about the facts, rather than other members, then?

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 03:29 PM

reply to post by tsurfer2000h

like clockwork, your just waiting to spew, you have your little book of replies to every thing i could ever say, always the same going around in circles with you or you all, i really dont know but you all seem to stoke each others #$#$ , i have posted pictures that were proof enough for anybody not on the payroll, i havent been around lately but it seems your pulling a nine to five on here, when do your groupies get to work? take a vacation, hawaii is nice ,contrail cirrus seems to have a harder time taking hold out there so you might get some sun

Why are you so tediously repetitive? Is it because you have nothing to say about the facts, rather than other members?

Your replies here are beneath irrelevance.

posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 03:35 PM

reply to post by tsurfer2000h

like clockwork, your just waiting to spew, you have your little book of replies to every thing i could ever say,

try providing some real evidence for a change then.

it is not the debunkers' fault that there is not a single piece of verifiable evidence for chemtrails, and all that believers ever come up with is stuff the "little book of replies" has shown as drivel many times over already.

actually even some new drivel would be a change - something to actually research and show why it's wrong!!

But no - all we get is this video that's been here on ATS twice already (and how come this thread isn't locked?? sounds like a conspiracy to me....:lol
and other old rubbish.

look to yourself for an answer to that :p

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 06:06 AM

reply to post by DenyObfuscation

i blame you all for your coordinated attack on every chemtrail post for years now, its hard not to see your agenda and one is left to wonder why you even bother, i would have to be paid to post the same ole crap for year day after day

There is nothing to be gained from being angry at people who just happen not to be deluded like you. You could educate yourself out of that pit of angst if you chose to.

posted on Oct, 30 2013 @ 04:02 AM
It's a shame that these threads always go wayward, turning into a battle of insults without ever coming to any conclusions.

However, I always enjoy reading most of the comments and the efforts of some, the passion of others.. and always wish that I had my own proof (rather than speculation) on the topic.

As it is all I have is an opinion.

posted on Oct, 30 2013 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by bluestorm

i blame you all for your coordinated attack on every chemtrail post for years now, its hard not to see your agenda and one is left to wonder why you even bother, i would have to be paid to post the same ole crap for year day after day

So that should tell you something...

The reason you see the same ole crap is because the chemtrail believers use the same ole crap as evidence.

I say it's time to step it up, and get that hard evidence to prove they actually are spraying something.

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