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Jeb Bush 2016: an 80-year Plot Comes to Fruition

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posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by wasaka

Interesting Revelation that I did not know about.
He points above him as well where the lights would be coming from in the castle.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by SheopleNation

If you blame Clinton for de-regulation of the banks, then you are continuing on with the process of being duped again. It was the repub congress that pushed the banking de-regulation, and denying that is pure ignorance.

Sheeple Nation brought up a good point.
Notice how none of the followup Administrations never reverse the previous admins policies?
If they were so opposed against it, it would be as easy as repealing a 70 year old act like Glass Steagal.

The next Republican admin will not be repealing Obamacare either. That's what they wanted but it makes it easier for divide and conquer purposes to pawn it off on someone else in order to keep the masses from knowing if they are coming and going.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 10:21 PM

The next Republican admin will not be repealing Obamacare either. That's what they wanted but it makes it easier for divide and conquer purposes to pawn it off on someone else in order to keep the masses from knowing if they are coming and going.

Bingo my friend! Just as the GOP will never repeal the amnesty that the madman Obama is going to grant to all of the millions of illegals (who I sympathize with their plight of survival, but not while breaking our laws) before he leaves office.

Obama the tyrant, John McCain the turn-coat, The gutless turd Harry Reid, Kathleen Sebelius the liar, the basket case Nancy Pelosi (among many other bankster bought off and purchased enablers like Hillary Clinton and Lindsey Graham), all are going to force feed this political suicidal bill down Americans throats and the imposter Boehner will assist and support Obama when it's all said and done no matter what we citizens think about it. ~$heopleNation
edit on 26-10-2013 by SheopleNation because: TypO

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 11:59 PM
would be kind of hilarious if 2016 was Bush vs Clinton

Domocracy, haha.

What an illusion.

USA invade other countries to 'spread democracy'

but USA do not have democracy at home.


posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 12:24 AM

Dynastic families should not exist in a representative republic.

The fact they do is an indicator of the corruption we have allowed to go one.

Add to that that not a single bush has been a statesmen worthy of such legacy and the picture becomes clear, IF jeb Bush runs and wins its all but a public announcement of how badly they esteem the public.
edit on 25-10-2013 by benrl because: (no reason given)

Bravo, and a primary reason for the estate taxes - the founders wanted no moneyed dynasties.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by RobertAntonWeishaupt

Look deeper.........Much deeper. Yes these men are all evil but in fact they have no power. You wanna see power follow the money flow. The men you mention are all puppets acting on a stage set up for fools and idealists.

Central banking and reserve currencies. This is the true face of evil dear readers. And our founding fathers knew this 300 years ago. When will our chains fall heavy on our shoulders? Will we even realize they are there?

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 06:46 AM


Dynastic families should not exist in a representative republic.

The fact they do is an indicator of the corruption we have allowed to go one.

Add to that that not a single bush has been a statesmen worthy of such legacy and the picture becomes clear, IF jeb Bush runs and wins its all but a public announcement of how badly they esteem the public.
edit on 25-10-2013 by benrl because: (no reason given)

Bravo, and a primary reason for the estate taxes - the founders wanted no moneyed dynasties.

Whatever the case we have today in this country tax laws that keep the middle class in the middle or worse. For the poor and very wealthy they seem to be able to pass their condition on to the next generation very well and with relatively little expense.

We have the dynasties of the poor and wealthy. The middle class as hamster on the wheel.

Who really suffered during the last "adjustment"? Who pays the largest percentage of their wealth to taxes? Who really lost out in the real estate bubble? The list goes on. Middle class. The heavy lifters, the producers ect.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 06:49 AM
S&F! This seems so probable that its almost "Too Good To Be True"..Unfortunately the Bush family have been prepped for this since day one . The "skull and bones" society have been elbow deep in our political process since its inception in 1832
This is all part of a "BIG IDEA" a "Thousand points of light"...


This is all coming to a point of completion SO quickly now..I have very High hopes that we humans will AWAKEN and survive the onslaught of these "EVIL" Men & Women...

Time for us to start a Revolution of our own..

edit on 10/27/2013 by DjembeJedi because: (no reason given)

The idea of "FREEDOM" is possible BUT each one of us must Rise to take our birthright, it will NEVER be handed too you!
edit on 10/27/2013 by DjembeJedi because: finish idea

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:06 AM

would be kind of hilarious if 2016 was Bush vs Clinton

Domocracy, haha.

What an illusion.

USA invade other countries to 'spread democracy'

but USA do not have democracy at home.


I would love that being the choices. It would wake a lot of people up to third parties.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:11 AM
Obama care was Meant to fail from the start.
It leads to only one thing once it fails... Single Payer
That is the nice way of saying Socialized Medicine!!
Once THEY control your health they control YOU

We are then on the fast track to the New World Order...

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by DogMeat

Do they want a stool sample?

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:21 AM
Kudos to the OP, one of the best threads I've seen here in a while, as well as quite relevant as opposed to many of the distracting topics (and I think many are intentionally distracting) on here.

Don't forget Daddy Bush's role in the JFK assassination:

Dark Legacy

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by DogMeat

I think "Socialized Medicine" is a nice way to say Socialized Medicine, frankly.

You still harbor the delusion that "They" only means the government. You have as much, if not more, to fear from the corporations currently in control. The corporate overlords, tied together in vast multi-national governments are the one world government you people are so worried about. The private insurance companies already have "death panels" that deny the sick and elderly care on the basis of profit. They tell you what doctors you can or can not see. They collude with health care providers and and big pharma to bleed the public dry and keep the trickle up economy enriching the 1%.

A government system has a chance to improve on the corporate clusterfornication we currently have. Will it? Doubtful, but I hold out more hope for a quality singe payer system than for meaningful reform of our current nightmare.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 10:34 AM
This theory smells of apophenia to me; right up there with Nostradamus, Bible code, and astrology. Maybe I'm naïve or just plain stupid, but does anyone or any group really have that much control over chaos? No matter what happens, "'s part of THE PLAN."

Now, I'm sure there are powerful people who want to be in control; we certainly have plenty of examples from history. You may be right. I sure hope not.

Did you intentionally leave the Aliens out? Surely they are the keystone of this whole conspiracy. I mean, who would have more to gain from "The Plan" than them?

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 10:58 AM
Sorry OP....but the welfare state is NOT going to elect another Repub...

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by Signals

The electorate did not "elect" W in 2000 either. Ohio 2004 had enough to dirty fingerprints on it to call that "election" into question as well. That's why I said they only need to make it close. Jeb only needs to put the race within the margin of error and let his handlers do the rest.

Consider this: under Obama's watch the SCOTUS was given the opportunity to gut the Voters' Rights Act. A lot of your members of the "welfare state" are going to have a hard time voting in parts of the south. Could this been part of a trade off for Chief Justice Roberts' convoluted and seemingly uncharacteristic re-interpretation of the ACA's mandate?

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 11:19 AM

This theory smells of apophenia to me; right up there with Nostradamus, Bible code, and astrology. Maybe I'm naïve or just plain stupid, but does anyone or any group really have that much control over chaos? No matter what happens, "'s part of THE PLAN."

Now, I'm sure there are powerful people who want to be in control; we certainly have plenty of examples from history. You may be right. I sure hope not.

Did you intentionally leave the Aliens out? Surely they are the keystone of this whole conspiracy. I mean, who would have more to gain from "The Plan" than them?

Excellent point. Connecting the dots can definitely be subjective. Here's the beautiful thing. This hypothetical Bush conspiracy does not need to have control over all the elements (say, the Clinton or Obama administrations). The truth is that most of the long timeline conspiracies are an illusion based on the fact that parties in power behave interchangeably in the interest of advancing and consolidating their own power.

When I say that the Bush cabal could "hand off" the reins of power to various center-right democrats over the years, I say so not because they control said, Dems, but because they can rely on the nature of power to advance their ends. Obama is not enhancing the surveillance state for Jeb or because the Bush family told him to. He's doing it because that is what the people in power do: the seize more power.

Of course, that same thread, the fact that short term conspiracies behave identically in the pursuit of power, may be all that lay behind this seemingly longer term conspiracy. Maybe all of these grand overarching schemes that we see in the scattered tea leaves of history are just a series of contiguous but unrelated power grabs, with each link in the chain oblivious to how they link to the past and unconcerned with what they are creating for the future.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by RobertAntonWeishaupt

Excellent point and well put.

Congress has so many procedural rules, most of which are unconstitutional, that anything less than a super majority can be blocked by the minority.

There is no one in charge, it is simply a number of cannabalistic financial and legal opportunist predators looking for any situation to exploit, without any concern for consequences.

The rules have established that let those who hide behind the mask of the corporation to avoid responsibility for anything they do, and so the whole thing deteriorates, until it finally collapses, and we start over again.

There is no fixing this mess.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:38 PM
Does Jeb Bush beat Chris Christie in the primaries, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, this is going to be one expensive election year.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:52 PM

All references to the Russell trust aside I have wondered the same thing about good ole' Jeb. Question is can they foist yet another from the toxic Shrub family tree upon the American public without even the slowest grazers among us realizing that this amounts to installing an aristocracy?

Spot on about GHWBush though, most people don't realize his full history:
Daddy was a Senator
Got in to oil industry
Worked for CIA (no, he didn't. honest!) when JFK was killed.
Possibly photographed at School book depository.
Was in Dallas the day before but couldn't remember where he was on the day of the killing.
Was connected to George DeMorenschildt who got Oswald his job at the SBR.
DeMorenschildt calls GHW to tell him he is "afraid for his life".
Turns up dead with Bush's phone number in his address book.
Becomes the "only man I can trust" according to Nixon.
Is sent to Communist China as a "special representative" ahead of Nixon'storic visit along with Kissinger
Is chairman of the Republican National Party
Is US representative at the United Nations.
Becomes head of the CIA after "never working for them before"
Gets picked as VP running mate for Reagan even after Reagan swears he would "never pick that man".
Nearly becomes President after Reagan is shot which happens only 1 day after a Continuity of government exercise using the very same plot! by a person who is a "friend of the family's" son.
Develops REX-84 COG protocols and becomes involved in Iran/Contra as well as running drugs from central America while vice president.
Gets elected as President despite weak showings and only after Democratic opponent is knocked out of race by sex scandal.
Pardons all his Iran/contra buddies upon leaving office and signs US on to agenda 21 as a farewell gift.

Did I mention he was the first to talk about the New World Order to the American public?
A big idea, whose time has come.
Like a thousand points of light.
Read my lips:
No new taxes.

Sins of the father sins of the son.
Don't even get me started on 9/11 and what great friends the Bushes are with the Bin Laden family.

edit on 25-10-2013 by Asktheanimals because: corrections
You didn't mention that he was sent and retrieved the Tesla items from FBI for Prescott

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