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How many feel they fit into ATS?

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posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by RAY1990
Do I fit in? No. Do I need to fit in? No. Do I want to fit in? No. But I still consider this place like a little web family. For me I gave up on fitting in along time ago and decided that I am just happy being me most of the time. I am human after all.

edit on 25-10-2013 by Tarzan the apeman. because: It had to be done.

edit on 25-10-2013 by Tarzan the apeman. because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by RAY1990

Il have to say ATS was fun a year ago, But everything is so touchy now.

I don't expect things to recover soon. Also i don't like the mods to much. But what can you do other than not come back right?

Eh. i found some cool things posted from time to time but i don't participate to much in discussions anymore. My personal oppinion and if it pisses you off. Maybe you should try more.

appart from being banned on my first account. I did meet some cool people, Just no cool mods. Know what im sayin.Its like BAM minus 400 point BAM minus 1000 points BAM your BANNed. pretty sure im entitled to my own oppinion about my dislikes with how this site is run, and the general commenters.

I don't mind the NSA tracking my conversations of facebook, at least i can have a filter who i do and don't want to see

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:55 PM

reply to post by RAY1990

Il have to say ATS was fun a year ago, But everything is so touchy now.

I don't expect things to recover soon. Also i don't like the mods to much. But what can you do other than not come back right?

Eh. i found some cool things posted from time to time but i don't participate to much in discussions anymore. My personal oppinion and if it pisses you off. Maybe you should try more.

appart from being banned on my first account. I did meet some cool people, Just no cool mods. Know what im sayin.Its like BAM minus 400 point BAM minus 1000 points BAM your BANNed. pretty sure im entitled to my own oppinion about my dislikes with how this site is run, and the general commenters.

I don't mind the NSA tracking my conversations of facebook, at least i can have a filter who i do and don't want to see


I'm going to do my best to not get touchy here buddy but damn....

I joined ATS in the later days but even I feel like the point system is nothing more than a fad, a way for superficial people to act superficially. Like facebook freaks as I call them, like damn I must be cool look 28 people (idiots) liked my status.

In my personal opinion it's everything that is wrong with humanity in general.

But I guess that depends on your idea of fun, we are entitled to our own opinions after all.

This is after all a user generated site, as in it relies on user content to attract more users and maintain itself. I find the moderators of this site friendly and considerate, if that is wrong in your eyes then maybe you should "not come back" I mean that in no offensiveness btw, to be warned and warned then banned maybe you should of got the picture second time round.

Just a thought.

This is not your website and that is important, house rules count and these house rules we go by on ATS is not bad rules.
Fair enough their is some topics I would like to discuss but do seem to "disappear" off the threads but if you took the time to ask sensibly to a mod they WILL take the time to answer your comments.They will tell you why they took the course they did and the reasoning behind it. It's a down right fact and I'll eat my words if otherwise.

Mods are fine here.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by olaru12

This thought has crossed my mind many a time too.

It is a gold mine of literature to absorb here at ATS and some of it's absolutely original and great. You'd be an idiot to not take advantage of the ideas/thoughts and writing here.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 01:40 AM

reply to post by olaru12

It is a gold mine of literature to absorb here at ATS and some of it's absolutely original and great. You'd be an idiot to not take advantage of the ideas/thoughts and writing here.

Took the words outta my mouth.

I came here and joined about 5 yrs ago, after creeping around for a few yrs before that. I know very few people my age around here that are into talking conspiracies. I've never fit in anywhere in my life. With school, friends family. I'm supposed to be a pretty girl that gossips and talks celebrities and makeup.
But I like aliens and religious philosophy.
I have nothing in common with anyone in the real world, but I come here faceless, and can chat up random strangers with ease.
I used to be on everyday in the forums and chat, and felt so at home. Now being confined to a cell phone after a 2 yr hiatus, I can't chat and I feel like I have to make friends all over again. But I don't feel weird for my opinions and not so alone so its worth it.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by RAY1990

Are you new here? JK

I guess you have to find those with similar opinions to your own to find your niche. Or as others have accused us of, "click".
There really is no such thing as a click. If you feel strongly about something, and share it, other members with similar opinions will come out of the walls. Perhaps you need to express your opinions more? Don't be shy.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 11:22 AM
I'm brand-new here. I lurked for a while before signing up for an account. I'm still trying to find my niche, but I think it's a really interesting and fun place to hang out. I avoid the political forums and tend to gravitate more towards the esoteric and the "Gray Area" type of forums. I love the diversity on this board, and so far, I feel like people have been mostly friendly. I love that there is a place on the web for me to indulge my inner weirdo--there are so many strange things in the world that fascinate me, so many mysteries--and I love being able to share my fascination with like-minded people. I hope that this will be a nice internet home for me and that I'll make some friends here.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by RAY1990

I've been lurking for years and only recently signed up! I have always loved this site and feel like (finally) other people know how my brain works, ya know...all the right questions. All of us here have open opinions as well as open communication! I love all the threads and information gathering among everybody. There are so many knowledgeable people here on ATS. I'm grateful to be among you.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 08:03 PM
Since I don't go here every day my replies to posts are usually late. I definitely feel like I belong here as I have been interested in the paranormal for as long as I can remember, probably age 10-12. To me it is refreshing to be among a group of free-thinkers who bring a lot of useful info that the MSM and most of my "friends" do not accept. Sad for them.

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by RAY1990

I agree with you about the mods, I was a lurker, for a long while before I joined last year, and managed to get quite few threads going for awhile.

But right now I feel like I don't fit.(Oh, I still believe in the paranormal and the interesting thoughts and ideas everyone has, it's just me can't put my finger on it, that's why I don't wish to leave ATS. Hopefully it's just me being in a fanciful stage.

I know you didn't see it, but I just had much longer response written here, and I deleted. I'm really in a funk.

Anyway S & F for you.
edit on 26-10-2013 by 1loserel2 because: add

posted on Oct, 26 2013 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by RAY1990

Fitting in to ATS is almost antithetical. This is fringe to the main stream and main stream to the fringe, if you fit in here, where does that put you?

Seriously, though, I've thought before about the star/flag/karma system before, which is great for helping to locate threads that are trending, but it also rewards people who are centrists to ATS's median. I see a lot of replies that I like that have few or no stars, in response to so-so posts/arguments that are riddled with stars because the posts follow ATS centrist ideology.

Awesome forum, I just hate to think people feel uncomfortable or "unsuccessful" because their view of things doesn't match the ATS aggregate.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 02:45 AM
Personally I'm like skinny jeans, I never seem to fit in no matter who it is

I have seen posts from like minded people and I'm happy that I'm not the only one that feels a certain way or holds a certain view. But as the saying goes 'the freaks don't come out at night anymore because they're all on ATS'.

Just kidding, ATS is full of brilliant and unique people, each one trying to fit in.

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 03:16 AM

reply to post by RAY1990

Fitting in to ATS is almost antithetical. This is fringe to the main stream and main stream to the fringe, if you fit in here, where does that put you?

Seriously, though, I've thought before about the star/flag/karma system before, which is great for helping to locate threads that are trending, but it also rewards people who are centrists to ATS's median. I see a lot of replies that I like that have few or no stars, in response to so-so posts/arguments that are riddled with stars because the posts follow ATS centrist ideology.

Awesome forum, I just hate to think people feel uncomfortable or "unsuccessful" because their view of things doesn't match the ATS aggregate.

Its not.

I would post more threads like i did wheni had southpaw.

Dealing with ignorant comments is one thing. But having your comments flagged when comments that are calling other people idiots or worse are left untouched.

I don't care about the star system. I wasn't even referring to that.

I must of contributed more than 30 threads, And my points slowly began dwindling because of * off topic * or some other answer found by the person who didn't seem to like my answers.

Eitherway, The constant bumps from who ever that mod was. Giving me the same excuse everytime. Lead to my resignation. Then banned my IP for a while.

Im not to sure what the rest of you guys are talking about but that's been my experience lol.

Aside from the skeptics, Skeptics are everywhere. Its enevitable.

Its just the overwhelming ammount of people on here who think they hold a psychiatry degree and call other people * insain* *Crazy* and such. Why do many insults get left untouched but i suffer from * irrelivant post syndrom?*

Anyways i might take up that leaving thing and not coming back as the post above suggests.
Iv stepped on to many shoes with my Esoteric wisdom.
edit on 27-10-2013 by AnuTyr because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by RAY1990

Yes I feel like I fit in here. Since day one really. I have met some really wonderful people on ATS, including my husband. There are people I am sure I irritate the heck out of, and some who irritate the heck out of me, but its great...because there is good discussion going on... real good at times. About important things, I feel like I fit in here more than anywhere else... at least here no one is really talking about the lastest gadgets to buy and whatnot but we speak on politics etc. Those things are what is important to me. Not consumerism.

There is a place here for everyone, and a place anyone can fit in. You find your circle when you find the basic subjects that interest you and discuss them with others who are interested in those same things. From the beginning people will remember those who they speak to more often, or those who impacted them the most with their posting.

The people at ATS have been wonderful to me, and have a heart like you cannot hardly find anywhere. In good times and bad....

I cannot recall running into you yet, but if you are in enough politics or religion threads, we are certain to meet.
edit on 27-10-2013 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2013 @ 08:53 PM
I mainly joined ATS to discuss and learn some more alternative ideas, and beliefs. However even in the correct forums, where one would hope more open-minded people would frequent, I still haven't received the welcome I had hoped.. Maybe I am just a little too crazy
or perhaps I need to still prove my worth before being taken under the wing so too say.

I do thoroughly enjoy ATS though and it is definitely one of my more frequently visited websites


posted on Oct, 28 2013 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by RAY1990

Not at all. Which is ironic, because it is the very fact that I don't fit in here that draws me back. Because I know I'm not the only one who feels out of place amongst fellow like-minded human beings. Therefore, maybe I do fit in here?

A lot of people here seem to share my concerns about life's many woes on this planet. But very few people seem to express their concern in a way that I find encouraging or in a way that inspires me. That is why I feel out of place amongst like-minded people here. There aren't many people on ATS who are addressing the issues of importance that humanity currently faces in a helpful or constructive manner. But the few that do are (generally) remarkable people.

And they are the reason I keep coming back I suppose, despite feeling completely alienated here. Because despite the hordes of fanatical sociopaths that frequent this forum, there are also a handful of fantastic people who remind me why I should be hopeful for humanity rather than apathetic.

Apathy is an easy trap to fall into in these days of modern 'civilization'. Of course, many here already have... and it is very disappointing and discouraging to see. But whatever. This sickly world will not be saved by those people who concern themselves with the flaws of the many. This world will be saved only by those who see past these things -- and yet love humanity all the same. They are the true heroes of ATS and the world at large.

And it is those people alone who make this website worth its bandwidth. And so as long as they hang around, so will I. I don't care if I don't fit in. "Fitting in" is a sign of conformity anyway. And although conformity is not inherently a bad thing, it is certainly a dangerous thing.

The way I see it is: if you stand out from the crowd, then chances are you're doing something right! So keep on being yourself, no matter the cost. That's what being human is all about.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 05:58 AM
I have never fit in anywhere. That is how I found ATS, searching. I feel like I am in the minority politically being a democrat. I find it a very stimulating site and I can still learn.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 07:08 AM
I just usually make a lot of "statements". But I don't tend to talk to people directly, or get to know people. So I apologize for that. But I am reading everything you post to me when people talk to me. and I am listening, just to let you all know. Thanks.

posted on Oct, 29 2013 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by RAY1990

I have just become a member of ATS after prowling the threads for about 4 years. This is also my first ever reply! =) I just wanted to say that the reason why I finally decided to join is because I do feel as though I fit in. ATS is really the only current place that I am in the company of like-minded individuals. I must say that the intelligence of some members can be intimidating but hopefully in the coming years or months, I will be able to learn how to use my resources to perform educated research of my own as well.

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 11:20 PM
I've been away from ATS a lot recently due to being busy with work, but I do wish to send a personal thank you to everyone who participated in this thread.

All of your replies have filled me with many thoughts about how and why we fit in social spaces (or not) and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of the replies and posts.

As a social being, like we all are. I find it fascinating how and why we feel we fit in social spaces or not and just why we choose to join them, also why we choose to stay.


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