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How many feel they fit into ATS?

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posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:03 PM
I like ATS a lot but have never really felt like I "fit in". It isn't ATS as much as it is me. I am a stay at home mom who doesn't get to interact with adults as much as I used to. Not that I miss that much either. My husband doesn't "do" politics or conspiracies and he is the only other adult I interact with during the week so I like to come here and at least play in the adult sandbox for a bit. I do often feel awkward here, but again, that's just me. I think being out of the "adult loop" for so long sometimes leaves me feeling inadequate intellectually, but I give it the old college try anyway.

I enjoy everyone here whether I always agree with them or not. I would miss ATS if it were to disappear. So would my husband I think.

edit on 10/24/2013 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:05 PM


Hehe feeling a bit too welcome considering my original post... aww shucks.

Yeah...THAT'S how it happens, Ray-Dog! Us dysfunctional buttheads will do it to ya' everytime.

edit on 24-10-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

Hahaha I love it because it's true.

I'm gonna try to quit now, I have work tomorrow. No doubts I will never retire from ATS though, I love this loony bin.

Some true gems here to be found entertainingly and educationally.

Sucks me in every time I log on. Damn vampyrs

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:13 PM
I'm a bit of an outcast in real life, but when I'm on ATS it's sort of like I found a place other outcasts go to too. So, even if I don't always feel excepted by everyone in this online community - I do feel as though I belong. That there is room enough for a place for me.

I'm still new enough here to remember how long it took to feel like as though I belong. It was a scary, rocky road first getting here and trying to break out of my cocoon. Find my voice, interests, and begin to get a feel for the rhythm of ATS.

I really have made positive strives on some personal issues and such here and I do feel ATS had a big part to play in those strides. When I first got here, I was a wreck. Completely isolated to a near agoraphobia - with only my kids and husband and mother for contact with anybody. Extended family and personal friends had begun to call me a hermit. ATS was my first outreach towards others outside my nuclear unit. Aside from my therapist. Now a year and a half later I'm going to a local Samhainn celebration on Nov. 2nd that is public! A year ago I'd of had a panic attack just trying to get out the door! I really feel ATS helped me get out of my own head enough to remember - all the thoughts I have don't mean much of anything without the dialogue and discussion of them with others. Apart from my family of course. There is only so much my husband can take, though... in regards to how I think. We are very different, and he isn't much interested in some of the things I'm interested in. Almost all of which, I can find somewhere here. And if I can't - well then I can just create a thread!


posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:17 PM

I like ATS a lot but have never really felt like I "fit in". It isn't ATS as much as it is me. I am a stay at home mom who doesn't get to interact with adults as much as I used to. Not that I miss that much either. My husband doesn't "do" politics or conspiracies and he is the only other adult I interact with during the week so I like to come here and at least play in the adult sandbox for a bit. I do often feel awkward here, but again, that's just me.

I enjoy everyone here whether I always agree with them or not. I would miss ATS if it were to disappear. So would my husband I think.

A party is only as fun as the people it keeps, I made this thread for you. Not you directly but people like you, I am the same.

Kind of a social outcast in a sense, no offense. I am one myself.

I love debating on ATS as I guess you do too, I just wish out casting within our ranks didn't exist, I want you to feel welcome here as much as I do and I don't want you to feel awkward whatsoever in your time here. I rarely interacted with people before but now lifestyle demands it, it was hard at first but now it's second nature I guess. In a sense it's what inspired me to make this little thread.

I'm friending you on here if you don't mind, I'll talk conspiracies and politics all day with ya and I promise I won't make you feel awkward one bit.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by CirqueDeTruth

Reading your post there I got a tear in my eye, simply because I felt such similar things and ATS itself was such a learning curve for me.

ATS helped made me the man I am today.

Thank you so much for taking the time to post here, it's very much appreciated.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by The GUT

I will no longer reply to you now knowing you're freeing willy while on ATS.

I love it here. I love arguing with people. I love hearing other peoples point of view. I love watching someones argument go up in flames as soon as they play the "race card" or the "anti American card". I love educating people on topics that I am knowledgeable on. I love getting new information to research. I love love love finding new topics on cryptids or mysterious places that I have never heard of before.

I have been in the Bermuda Triangle (lifelong dream) and ATS introduced me to my next place to visit; the Zone of Silence. I will go there one day.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:30 PM


I like ATS a lot but have never really felt like I "fit in". It isn't ATS as much as it is me. I am a stay at home mom who doesn't get to interact with adults as much as I used to. Not that I miss that much either. My husband doesn't "do" politics or conspiracies and he is the only other adult I interact with during the week so I like to come here and at least play in the adult sandbox for a bit. I do often feel awkward here, but again, that's just me.

I enjoy everyone here whether I always agree with them or not. I would miss ATS if it were to disappear. So would my husband I think.

A party is only as fun as the people it keeps, I made this thread for you. Not you directly but people like you, I am the same.

Kind of a social outcast in a sense, no offense. I am one myself.

I love debating on ATS as I guess you do too, I just wish out casting within our ranks didn't exist, I want you to feel welcome here as much as I do and I don't want you to feel awkward whatsoever in your time here. I rarely interacted with people before but now lifestyle demands it, it was hard at first but now it's second nature I guess. In a sense it's what inspired me to make this little thread.

I'm friending you on here if you don't mind, I'll talk conspiracies and politics all day with ya and I promise I won't make you feel awkward one bit.

I'm not gonna cry on ATS...

But seriously, that was one of the kindest things I have ever read on here I think.
I think a lot of us outcast ourselves because most of the folks we deal with on a daily basis don't think like we do. At least not in my experience. You start talking about government conspiracies or Agenda 21 and the normal public's eyes glaze over. Within moments you can tell they are categorizing you into the "psycho zone"
So we get used to just keeping to ourselves or our own little groups where we can be who we are and talk about things that interest or concern us. After a while it kind of just becomes habit for most of us I think. Self preservation... sort of. I always picture all of us as different versions of the 30 year old living in mom's dusty basement playing WOW on one monitor and surfing ATS on the other in my mind. It's an amusing image if nothing else.

You are doing a nice thing here.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:33 PM
I admit I don't feel comfortable on ATS but this is the only place I semi fit in. For me there is no one else to talk to. I don't post that many threads because I HATE to bashing that goes on. Genuine disagreements with proper arguments are fine. But the hateful statements with no evidential argument is something I don't want, nor do I know how to deal with. Have experienced enough of that in life and refuse to deal with it here.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

Imagine me as a 34 year old with a wife, an ex-wife and three kids. No WOW here. If I get 2 hours on my xbox per year I consider myself lucky.
I come on ATS to see what I missed in the news and to check out other forums that interest me. I haven't been on any other site in quite some time (other than researching for an ATS post).

I like it here, and I like most people on here. Some are stubborn and don't realize I'm right all the time though. Don't feel sorry for them, feel sorry for my wife!

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 11:50 PM

reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

Imagine me as a 34 year old with a wife, an ex-wife and three kids. No WOW here. If I get 2 hours on my xbox per year I consider myself lucky.
I come on ATS to see what I missed in the news and to check out other forums that interest me. I haven't been on any other site in quite some time (other than researching for an ATS post).

I like it here, and I like most people on here. Some are stubborn and don't realize I'm right all the time though. Don't feel sorry for them, feel sorry for my wife!

I have never had the pleasure of playing WOW either.
I have a daughter who is getting ready to get her learner's permit and a husband who works ungodly hours so I am on ATS for most of those hours.... but I do keep a window open for mahjong in the background. It's a vice, but I don't do it in mom's basement.

I am willing to bet that your wife thinks you're right all the time too.... just like my husband does me. Surely we are blessed. lol

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:05 AM
I don't really feel a need to fit in. I have 0 posts because I would rather lurk and study up on the new information that gets brought to this site everyday. But thank 6 pound 7 ounce baby Jesus for ATS, I would have spent many nights doing something unproductive if it weren't for this site.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:13 AM
You can't please all of the people all of the time. You are doing just fine. Be yourself and have fun, say your piece. There are many who will love you and some who won't. Same with me. You will find though that ATS members are really like an extended family and will be right by your side when you need them the most.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by RAY1990

I can imagine this question has been asked before.

You would think so, but I haven't seen it asked and it's a good one.

the mod's on this site are the most friendly and considerate I have encountered on the WWW by far and I reckon you guys and gals should give them an easier time.

Completely agree. I highly doubt the feeling is mutual, but I do very much respect the mods here. I think they are very fair, understanding of people getting a little too emotional, fun, don't play favorites, and good at walking that fine line between being too strict about things and letting some things go. They actually communicate with you too, which is rather rare in my experience. I don't want to sound like an ass kisser either, but they are deserving of praise. Pleased with the new batch too.

How welcome has ATS made you feel?

Old account felt more welcome. I took a looong hiatus from the site and couldn't remember the login info or even my old email. This account, less welcome, though that may be because I'm not nervous about posting anymore. I used to WANT to fit in. Now I just want to speak my piece and don't mind if my opinion is unpopular.

Do you feel like you fit in with the crowd?

Not really. I think I have a very different frame of reference than most posters here though. It doesn't bug me, but I'm never going to feel 'at home'. I also have a very hard time communicating my thoughts as my writing skills are rather sub par. This is not to say that I don't really enjoy a number of people here, and count a number as friends. There are people on this site that I would gladly put up for a week or two if they came to my town. I just don't fit in with most, and if my radar is still calibrated I believe quite a few folks would rather I find a new place.

I really do love ATS though. It's nice to have a site where you can discuss just about anything. I flip crap sometimes, but I like the crazies here. I like the conspiracies. I don't usually buy into them, but I like that it's not discouraged. A lot has changed as the site's membership swells, but I still think this is a wonderful place to have an opinion. I like being somewhere that I can vehemently disagree with another poster, but still stay on good terms, and respect their posts enough that they get a star even though since they disagree with me they're wrong.

I like the thread OP. Again, I never thought to ask this, and haven't seen it brought up before. Have a great night and I hope you feel welcome.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 12:52 AM
I have met some fantastic people on here, really good friends, that last. I have learned great gobs of stuff, about myself, the world, politics, science, all kinds of stuff. Put yourself out there, pm people, tell them you like what they said, or they made you laugh, or you like their avatar, start a conversation. Some will not like it and not answer, many will. Most on here are really kind, friendly people.

Not sure fitting in here is anything to brag about, we are all just that to far off the edge.

edit on 25-10-2013 by Iamschist because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by RAY1990

Ray what can I say ?

Fits like a glove, every time I log on it's like coming home

Here be friends fun laughter and good times
And I thank you all daily for that


posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 01:34 AM
We're all Weirdos....

And thats why I loves ya's.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by boncho

I have to agree,

I state my mind here knowing it won't win me "friends"

I came here at first for the entertainment (seriously ats in the wee hours gets down right weird) and I liked it.

Eventually I found it a fast breaking new source, and with that a platform for real open discourse.

I may not have found friends, but I have found people whose views and opinions I may not agree with but that I can defiantly respect.

Sometimes that attitude can rub people wrong, but if I'm in a thread it means it caught my interest and there's something there worth reading or saying.

And if I'm there arguing for some time, it's because I enjoy hearing opinions that are not my own.

I enjoy forging my views in the crucible of discourse that is Ats.

So you may not find a friend in me, but you may find someone who respects your view and opinion enough to argue with you about it.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by benrl

A good addition to what I said. Neither do I take it personally, nor should others. I like using ATS to flex my brain muscles, and usually it gets me current or up to date on relevant issues, which sometimes bleeds into real life and people wonder how the hell I knew so much about some inane subject.

Oddly enough though you are one of the posters that stands out to me, so either I agree with you a lot of the time or I enjoy debating you. Not sure which, but cheers.

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:09 AM
How do i 'fit in with ats?'


the first thought that came to mind was.... this!

posted on Oct, 25 2013 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by RAY1990

Given that ATS is a community of people with different opinions, lifestyles, geographical locations, cultures, religious beliefs, different attitudes toward the many topics covered here, yes, I feel I fit in here. I fit in here precisely because there is no norm, there is no one cultural convention which governs all activity and commentary available on this site, nor my own contributions to it, save of course for the T&C which apply equally to all members.

I fit in here, because I do not fit in anywhere else. This is a place where I can exercise my mind, and absorb the opinions of others on such a wide variety of topics, not covered by other websites. I feel that membership of this website has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the human condition, and a more worldly view of events, and the general geopolitical landscape. It has made me even more aware than I was before, not of the differences which separate us, but of the similarities between us as people.

I would only hope that my contributions have been as useful to other members, as theirs have to me over the years.

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