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The ocean is broken

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posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 06:29 AM
Wow I’m speechless, I never knew it was so bad! what a shame!

can’t believe nothing is being done by the government, what gives?

And what a waste of caught fish also by the other vessel.

Bad times!!

Rgds Jay

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by ototheb85

Yes, Jay it is that bad. And most of us didn't know, or if we knew we didn't know how bad, because it isn't really discussed out loud, over dinner tables, at the water cooler and such.

We are talking about it here, on ATS because that is basically what we do here. The people here are already looking to widen their information horizons in one way or another. It is the masses out there who are getting their info (mis-info) from the run of the mill arena who don't have a clue and think the way things have always gone is still ok.

Look at the bright side, now we know. That is the first step to solving it.


posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 06:41 AM
reply to post by BearTruth

I can tell you now that I for one will try to raise awareness about this, so people actually know how bad it is and what’s not being done! I probably can’t make much difference but at least they will know the truth and how bad!

Rgds Jay

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by ototheb85

Jay, don't ever feel you can't make a difference, because you can.

Just telling people about it, starting conversations, engaging them, referring them to the videos in this thread, all help.

But, there is more. You can make the conscious effort when you look at the things in your home, don't just throw things away if they still have use. Send them to recycle centers, or 2nd hand shops, Salvation army etc.

If you have it available in your area, recycle your trash, the plastics, and glass and metal. Separate them from the actual garbage.

Something many people don't know is, if your trash isn't processed and buried in a local landfill or burned locally, it is often shipped or barged elsewhere. Often OVERSEAS. Now think about that. Open barges at sea. Accidents happen.

But that isn't the only way it makes it to the ocean. Every person who throws rubbish into the gutter or the side of the road, those things wash into the water ways, the sewers, the creeks, the rivers and they all eventually feed, one way or the other into the oceans.

And, if you are walking along and see a stray soda bottle, or wrapper lying in your path, pick it up and throw away properly. That simple.

Just retrain YOUR mind set, Jay. You are already thinking it. Now it is only following with the action.

Teach at least one other person and you are on your way and so are the rest of us who try to do so.

I am right there with you. I have to do something about it, too.


posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 07:11 AM
reply to post by BearTruth

One of the things that is crazy about where I live now, is there is no recycling program..... I have been working on trying to get the town to implement one, it's so far like bashing my head into a wall. The only recycling that really goes on here is bringing back cans and bottles for deposits. No paper recycling at all. The recycle place will take some other stuff that has no deposit on it, but rarely do people even bother bringing it in when they do the deposit stuff, because they don't get paid for it..... It's unreal in this day and age. We lived in the deep rural area in NY, and even there was a recycle program, along side the garbage service.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

Unfortunately, it is that way in many areas of the United States. My small city has recycling, but they do not promote it. I bet only about 3% of the population even participates.

I think that it is going to take the populace stepping up and demanding these things. And that is a very tall order in this day and time. It is hard to get a group of people to agree on anything. But this would be a no brainer in my view.


posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 07:29 AM
Although humanity lacks love and compassion, more importantly it lacks wisdom. We've taken the earth our fragile home for granted. It will be a beautiful day for mother earth and her benign creatures, when the human race is finally swept clean from this planet.

edit on 24-10-2013 by seasoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by seasoul

seasoul, not all of humanity lacks love and compassion. Or we would not be discussing this issue on this thread.

As far as humanity being wiped clean from the earth, well, I hope that is not our fate. Mother earth definitely has it within her means to do so. I think it is far more likely that we will be "cropped back", "curtailed" or in gardening terms "pruned". We have grown wildly without fitting into our habitat, so it will happen one way or another.

I would prefer that we intelligently make changes and curtail the damage we are doing and begin working with Mother earth to heal. But, she will heal, one way or the other.

My opinion.


posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 07:50 AM
California has a good recycling program - almost forced. Spend an extra 5-10 cents for each can or bottle - bring it back and get that money back. Where I'm from they implemented a plastic bag tax - at the grocery store pay an extra 10 cents per bag. Reuse it and don't get charged again. So even when people don't care you get people picking this stuff up for money.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by BearTruth

I want to imagine the story of Noah's Ark, and whether this was nothing more than a myth or something that actually occurred, given mankind's dishonorable history, it seems at this point a similar scenario would be fitting for humanity.

BearTruth, thank-you for your work on this important topic.

edit on 24-10-2013 by seasoul because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by Dianec

And in my opinion, that is a good thing. Whatever motivates people to do the right thing at this point. Eventually it will become routine.

I also lived in California and was used to the recycling programs. I moved to the East Coast and was shocked that they are so behind in re using all of the recyclables.

NOTE TO ALL YOU MONEY LOVERS OUT THERE: That is money you are throwing away and burying and burning. It is potentially new refabricated products that can be sold for profit.

NOTE TO ALL INCARCERATION FACILITIES: You know those stir crazy residents you have that find ways to pass their time, put them to work at the local recycle facilities sorting recyclables, or on the roads, waterways and beaches picking up trash. Yes you have to pay them their inmate wages and yes you have to guard them during their duties, but hey, we have high unemployment, I am positive you can find able bodied people to do the jobs.

Sorry to highjack my own topic Dianec.


posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by seasoul

Seasoul, somehow I do not think this is our first time around the block. I think we are a technologically advanced but immature species who hasn't learned, and we are due a serious spanking.

I am truly humbled by your thanks. This was something that resonated within me. I have to speak out about it and learn more and educate those who will listen.


posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by BearTruth

Yea California has heen leaps and bounds ahead and I respect their programs. It not only keeps people aware but provides some money for the homeless. It's just a win win.

With the prisoners - I see them from time to time. But good idea overall. And littering fines would help - everywhere.

Where I currently live - no motivation for recycling. In fact - you have to pay to get things recycled and haul it there yourself.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by BearTruth

This made me cry. We humans think we have progressed, but in that progress, we have come to destroy so much. I feel as if the life force from mother earth is a dimly lit bulb, just flickering now.

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:28 AM
I want to share another story relating to the OP


posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by Taissa

Taissa, thank you for the link. The story gives another perspective of what is happening, in this case to the Pacific Ocean.

The devastating effects of radiation, as it pertains to the contamination from Fukishima or any other nuclear source, is of long duration. It is in such quantities, and forms that the fauna of earth don't survive well. They sicken from the initial exposure, but it is the particulates they inhale and ingest which cause the tumors and lukemias, and ultimately death.

We are exposed to radiation all the time from natural sources. But we are used to it. Our bodies are made to utilize and withstand it. These hyped up forms of strontium, cesium, uranium and plutonium were never meant to be (in my opinion of course) packed together as they are. The are end level event strength in these formulations. At least to the majority of living creatures. Plants seem to fare reasonably well. The creatures mutate if they do survive. Their genetics forever changed.

Yes, this subject makes me cry too. But I will try until my last breath to make a difference. The earth will survive and heal from this problem, with or without us.


posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:09 AM
How do we fix this? Massive change and awareness is needed, how is that brought about in the World of today? A headline in the papers one day, forgotten the next..

I believe there is hope but the advent in technology has been subdued to slow down our natural progression to resolve such an issue. Govt's spending money on money they don't have.

Imagine a fleet of solar powered drone boats cleaning up the waters, assisting in breeding, monitoring fishing spots, all of this done in your arm chair. A scaled down version of Enders Game where you clean up the oceans.

Oh yeah, I forgot, machines of this sort can only be used for war..

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by BearTruth

The ocean is broken? Well it will just have to wait until this affordable health care computer gets fixed. One thing at a time please!

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by opuscosmos

That is the whole point. This is a war of sorts. Let's call it "The War On Our Stupid Youth". You know our formative years when we grew so fast technologically that we didn't keep up intellectually, or with the common sense given to most creatures. We gorged on the benefits and bounty brought forth by our new techniques, never paying attention to what our depletion and waste were doing.

Now we have a pile of poop and a barren wasteland to take care of. What to do? Well... we process the poo, compost what we can, use that to nourish the wasteland, water and repeat. And continue until we have rebalanced what we unbalanced. By removing the sludge and debris from the ocean and other waters and their banks and reprocessing all that is possible and preventing any return of that into the eco system, we will make a difference.

It starts with one of us, then two of us. Then more of us. Then a village, a town, a city, a county, a state, a country, a continent, a world. It is not over night. It seems impossible. It will be battled every step of the way by pessimists, corporate goons, industry leaders, fearful employees, ignorant politicians or any other pertinent derogatory stereotype you want to plug in.

But the truth is, it is possible. I am not a great scientific mind and I have already come up with several viable working options that would begin to remove the pollutants from the ocean and water ways. There have already been many before me who have been out there doing it. For every person who reads this thread and "hears" it and passes it on, that is at least two more people who know.

Now the key is... REMEMBER.

edit on 24-10-2013 by BearTruth because: grammar

posted on Oct, 24 2013 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Logarock

Thank you for the laugh. I didn't realize I had been frowning, until I read your post.

Good point, however.


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