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reply to post by buster2010
Sorry but when it comes to Queen of the nutcases Bachmann takes the cake.
There's no need to apologize. Your defense, though unfounded, of Mrs. Pelosi was quite predictable.
See ya,
It was no defense. Pelosi has never said any close to the crazy things Bachmann has said. Like when she said "Our founding fathers worked tirelessly to end slavery".
It was no defense.
Pelosi has never said any close to the crazy things Bachmann has said.
Like when she said "Our founding fathers worked tirelessly to end slavery".
Pelosi has a functioning brain.
Bachmann appears to be totally insane.
Why the hell was she elected?
This is where the current Tea Party has replaced the Neo-Cons. They use targeted language like "principles" to gain support from their activist base, which is the driving force in primary's in "safe" districts. They use that to retain their seat and don't do their job, which is to actually sit down and try to solve problems and compromise, because who wants a politician to compromise on their "principles"
And really its not the lack of term limits, career politicians or the 2 party system we have in place that is causing congress to fail, rather it is this new generation of politicians and political pandering for the cameras (of which the current tea party is serving as the poster boy)
They are a dying breed, incapable of facing reality. (something that ironically, liberals are guilty of as well). But dangerous they are not. In a generation or two, they will likely be extinct.
"We'll be spending over $1 trillion a year on interest by 2020. That's $1 trillion we can't spend to educate our kids or to replace our badly worn-out infrastructure," said Bowles at a recent forum hosted by IHS Global Insight. "What makes it doubly bad is that trillion will be spent principally in Asia, because that's where our debt is."
8. Believe in the People: People are stupid and need to be governed...enough said.
reply to post by buster2010
The reason why some people think they are dangerous is because of the nutcases they vote into office.
A lot of us feel that Democrats "are dangerous" for the same reason.
See ya,
reply to post by elouina
I don't consider them patriotic. Nor do I consider them to be any serious threat to the establishment. The Tea Party IS the establishment. They only wish to replace the current establishment with the old establishment. Or something similar. The Tea Party might promote itself as grass roots, but the number of big names and big money in the movement make me think otherwise.
The more I look into it, the more I think the Tea Party movement is basically the tantrum response of conservatives pissy because Obama won the election, and that they are losing ground all over. And then when you add the complete nutjobs and tools that they support, I often have a difficult time distinguishing between them and Muslim extremists.
If the tea party was non-partisan and didn't have some sketchy or questionable supporters, I'd think that a wide scale revolution of American politics would have been a great thing. However, this is not the case, and the TP is as much a disappointment as the whole Obama administration has been.
Everytime a TP member opens their mouths, a Democrat or obnoxious leftist somewhere gains another vote. The sad thing is, my closest friends, who are Libertarian or secular conservative, voted for Obama and other Democrats in this last election, even though they oppose damned near everything the left has been pushing. Why? Because the Conservatives seem incapable of producing a candidate that:
1. Isn't a sworn enemy to science and reason
2. Isn't basing their policy on a Bronze Age religious text
3. Understands the constitution.
4. Does not pander to fear mongering and knee jerk reaction
5. Is realistic and in touch with reality today
What it boils down to is that conservatives who are not religious, moralist wing nuts, but are instead rational, secular, and pragmatic, are being driven to the left because the right keeps supporting candidates that sane people can't in good faith vote for.
When the right has gone so far off the deep end that even Libertarians are finding the left to make sense, you know conservatism is in serious trouble.
You must have meant that Democrats are so dangerous because they are unnconstitutional tyrants who spend us into impossible debt.