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Stenographer dragged from House floor while shouting about Freemasonry and God

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posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 03:27 PM

First Class - Symbolical Lodges

1 Entered Apprentice
2 Fellow Craft
3 Master Mason

Second Class - Lodge of Perfection (Red Masonry):

4 Secret Master
5 Perfect Master
6 Intimate Secretary
7 Provost and Judge
8 Intendant of the Building
9 Chapter of Elected Knights
10 Illustrious Elected of Fifteen
11 Twelve Illustrious Knights
12 Grand Master Architect
13 Royal Arch
14 Lodge of Perfection

Third Class - Council:

15 Knight of the East, or Sword
16 Prince of Jerusalem

Fourth Class - Chapter:

17 Knight of the East and West
18 Prince of the Rose Croix of Herodem

Fifth Class – Areopagus (Philosophical Degrees of Black Masonry)

19 Grand Pontiff
20 Grand Master of all Symbolic Lodges
21 Patriarch Noachite or Chevallier Prussian
22 Knight of the Royal Axe, or Hachet
23 Chief of the Tabernacle
24 Prince of the Tabernacle
25 Knight of the Brazen Serpent
26 Lord of Mercy
27 Grand Commander of the Temple
28 Grand Knight of the Sun, or Prince Adept
29 Grand Master Ecosé, or Knight of St. Andrew
30 Grand Elect Knight Kadosh

Sixth Class – Consistory (Administrative Degrees, or White Masonry):

31 Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander
32 Sovereign or Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret

Seventh Class - Supreme Council:

33 Soevereign Grand-Inspector-General

Scottish Rite goes up to 33, while Ancient rite of memphis and misraim goes to 99. The first 33 are identical in both systems. I wouldn't be suprised if members cross over to the ancient rite after they complete their 33rd degree in scottish rite or york rite(which also goes to 33).

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

For the 3rd time, do you think once a Freemason who get's to the 31 or 99 degree the "high level masons" say surprise we actually worship Lucifer and not God and if not then How do you think Masons find out they are secretly worship Lucifer? If "High level Masons" really do worship Lucifer why don't more speak out against it and quit? How does Freemasonry change someone who starts out believing in god to worshiping Lucifer?

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 04:13 PM

reply to post by EarthCitizen07

For the 3rd time, do you think once a Freemason who get's to the 31 or 99 degree the "high level masons" say surprise we actually worship Lucifer and not God and if not then How do you think Masons find out they are secretly worship Lucifer? If "High level Masons" really do worship Lucifer why don't more speak out against it and quit? How does Freemasonry change someone who starts out believing in god to worshiping Lucifer?

I didnt answer it because I thought it was a silly question.

When someone joins the blue lodge they normally have to believe in a higher power or as masons call it the supreme architect. If it was god why not just must believe in god? Why does it leave this open to interpretation? It could be god, jesus, satan, aliens, anything almost.

As you can see the 31st, 32nd, 33rd degrees are administrative degrees, so it makes sense that they choose the administrators carefully, just like they choose political administrators or business executives carefully. If the criteria of believing in lucifer and being a yes sir man to the new world order are not met, I suppose they remain 30 degree masons for life.

You are asking me hypothetical questions which are difficult to be answered. Some imagination would help you. Compare masonry to everything else. How do people who reach the top become evil? Where they always evil, did they have the proper social connections in life, did they have plenty of money from birth, does someone bribe them, etc???? Either way bad people always find a way to reach to the top like flies are attracted to smelly #. Masonry is no exception. Its difficult to be open to the possibility that satanists rule your club if you are a mason. Some never accept the possibility.

posted on Oct, 21 2013 @ 08:56 PM


reply to post by EarthCitizen07

For the 3rd time, do you think once a Freemason who get's to the 31 or 99 degree the "high level masons" say surprise we actually worship Lucifer and not God and if not then How do you think Masons find out they are secretly worship Lucifer? If "High level Masons" really do worship Lucifer why don't more speak out against it and quit? How does Freemasonry change someone who starts out believing in god to worshiping Lucifer?

I didnt answer it because I thought it was a silly question.

When someone joins the blue lodge they normally have to believe in a higher power or as masons call it the supreme architect. If it was god why not just must believe in god? Why does it leave this open to interpretation? It could be god, jesus, satan, aliens, anything almost.

As you can see the 31st, 32nd, 33rd degrees are administrative degrees, so it makes sense that they choose the administrators carefully, just like they choose political administrators or business executives carefully. If the criteria of believing in lucifer and being a yes sir man to the new world order are not met, I suppose they remain 30 degree masons for life.

You are asking me hypothetical questions which are difficult to be answered. Some imagination would help you. Compare masonry to everything else. How do people who reach the top become evil? Where they always evil, did they have the proper social connections in life, did they have plenty of money from birth, does someone bribe them, etc???? Either way bad people always find a way to reach to the top like flies are attracted to smelly #. Masonry is no exception. Its difficult to be open to the possibility that satanists rule your club if you are a mason. Some never accept the possibility.

Masons have to believe in the great architect of the universe which I don't think could be Satan. I'm not a Mason so they would have to answer many of your questions but I don't think only 31st to 33 degrees can have leadership positions and Masons vote on it's leadership unlike companies. I just find it hard to believe that a religion like Satanism which doesn't have a huge following somehow find ways into the leadership of Freemasonry. I know quite a few people who are Satanist and they even admit that most followers wouldn't likely join Freemasonry. I just don't see why these evil people would want to be a part of Freemasonry or how it would benefit them.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 12:59 AM
They want to rewrite the constitution. Don't let anybody twist your intellect or rewire your logic. This is happening, all you have to do is seek Jesus!!

You can have all this world, give me Jesus.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 07:26 AM

reply to post by network dude

So you are going to argue semantics forever and ever, aren't you? There are many levels of freemasonry, and I am talking about the accredited ones, like the blue lodge which is for apprentice/fellow craft/master mason. Then there is the york rite and scottish rite which are adjuncts of freemasonry.

Entered Apprentice= 1st degree, Fellow Craft= 2nd degree, Master Mason= 3rd degree.

To join the york rite or scottish rite you must be a master mason first.

You are correct in that there are side orders. What I am telling you is that I AM A MASON and I know this for fact, not "I saw this on you tube". The third degree is the highest degree in masonry. You cannot enter any side orders without first being a third degree. If you are expelled from craft masonry, you are no longer in any side orders. I am a 32nd degree mason, but the Grand master of my state is a 3rd degree. He has more authority than anyone else in my state with regards to masonry. I truly get where the confusion lies with this, but it's fact. Ask any real mason.

Then there is the ancient rite of memphis and misraim which is accredited by the grand college of rites. It is very expensive and is a worldwide lodge. It starts from 34 degree and goes to 99 degree.

Yes, a clandestine organization. It was a chance for lodges to make money selling degrees. But still, a 99th degree mason has no power. In fact, if a regular mason joined this rite, he would be expelled. So less than no power.

Are you going to deny me all this, just to protect the reputation of masonry?

This has nothing to do with the "reputation" of masonry. It's facts on how it runs. I am trying to get you and others to comprehend the structure to see that a "higher up" lodge cannot exist.

Some lodges you dont even have to believe in a supreme architect and there are also lodges that are uncredited for women and black people. I dont remember the names off hand.

Yes and if you wanted to start a lodge and call it masonry and teach everyone to quack like a duck just after a meal, you could. There is nothing we as masons could do about it.

There is corruption in freemasonry just like there is corruption in religion and politics. Freemasonry is not exempt from corruption.

There are bad men everywhere. Some even in masonry. But even the bad men cannot use freemasonry to do bad things. And if they are found out, they will be tried and expelled if found guilty of a crime.

Albert Pike speaks of 31st, 32nd, 33rd masons beliving in lucifer, there is no denying this.

OK, prove this. I want to see it in writing from a reputable source. I am a 32nd degree Scottish Rite mason, and like Pike, I am a Christian. I'll wait here.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 07:40 AM

When someone joins the blue lodge they normally have to believe in a higher power or as masons call it the supreme architect. If it was god why not just must believe in god? Why does it leave this open to interpretation? It could be god, jesus, satan, aliens, anything almost.

I am Christian. I call him God. But...a Muslim calls him Allah. God has different names in different religions. Perhaps you have heard of this before. In masonry, we accept men of all faiths and do not tell anyone what to believe, or whom to believe in. It's none of our business. We only care that a mason believes in a Higher power. So we use a generic term "Grand Architect of the Universe" to incorporate any and all religious beliefs. (consequently, this is the part that over zealous Christians get all worked up about. They all think they have cornered the marked on heaven and are so insecure in their faith that they fear praying with men of different faiths)

As you can see the 31st, 32nd, 33rd degrees are administrative degrees, so it makes sense that they choose the administrators carefully, just like they choose political administrators or business executives carefully. If the criteria of believing in lucifer and being a yes sir man to the new world order are not met, I suppose they remain 30 degree masons for life.

LOL. You have done ZERO homework on how the degree system works. In the US a mason goes from 3rd degree to 32nd degree at one time. Nobody is anything in between. In the UK they confer up to the 18th degree, and most never go past that, but they have far fewer 32nds. Try to find a 30th degree mason in the US. Good luck with that.

You are asking me hypothetical questions which are difficult to be answered. Some imagination would help you. Compare masonry to everything else. How do people who reach the top become evil? Where they always evil, did they have the proper social connections in life, did they have plenty of money from birth, does someone bribe them, etc???? Either way bad people always find a way to reach to the top like flies are attracted to smelly #. Masonry is no exception. Its difficult to be open to the possibility that satanists rule your club if you are a mason. Some never accept the possibility.

If you believe that Satan is the Great creator of all, the one and only omnipotent being, they I suppose you could worship Satan. But from my limited knowledge on the subject, most believe that Satan is a fallen angel and God is still God. So Satan could not fit the description of "Great architect of the Universe".

Unless you have some different information on that.

Imagination has no place where facts rule. Common sense is best used here.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 09:49 AM
reply to post by network dude

I am Christian. I call him God. But...a Muslim calls him Allah. God has different names in different religions. Perhaps you have heard of this before. In masonry, we accept men of all faiths and do not tell anyone what to believe, or whom to believe in. It's none of our business. We only care that a mason believes in a Higher power.

Is it necessary that all Masons believe in a "Higher" power, or God?

My grandfather, who died almost 30 years ago, was president of a Los Angeles Kiwanis Club for years. He was an atheist. I always thought that Kiwanis was a branch of Masonry, perhaps I'm wrong. Maybe he had to do Kiwanis, because he was an atheist(?)

I always thought that his appointment to "People to People", by President Kennedy, was due to his Mason affiliation, but maybe I've been wrong all this time!

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by windword

Kiwanas is a local city government type group that has no affiliation to masonry at all. The only similarities is that we both have meetings.

In masonry a belief in a higher power is necessary because no oath would be considered binding if not taken to the individuals own Deity. That is not to say that Atheist cannot be trusted, just that masonry fashions itself toward Biblical events and we take the oaths very seriously. We promise to do things like, not sleep with our friends wife's, and not blab about what our friends tell us in confidence, and to help any brother or any person who needs help and we are able to do so.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 11:58 AM

network dude

You are correct in that there are side orders. What I am telling you is that I AM A MASON and I know this for fact, not "I saw this on you tube". The third degree is the highest degree in masonry. You cannot enter any side orders without first being a third degree. If you are expelled from craft masonry, you are no longer in any side orders. I am a 32nd degree mason, but the Grand master of my state is a 3rd degree. He has more authority than anyone else in my state with regards to masonry. I truly get where the confusion lies with this, but it's fact. Ask any real mason.

AFAIK the scottish rite has been split within two administrative jurisdictions in the usa. The northern jurisdiction and the southern jurisdiction. Dont you have to be a 33rd degree to be sovereign grand inspector general? I was not refering to honorary degrees.

Grand master of a state is lower ranking.

Yes, a clandestine organization. It was a chance for lodges to make money selling degrees. But still, a 99th degree mason has no power. In fact, if a regular mason joined this rite, he would be expelled. So less than no power.

I thought it was accredited by the grand college of rites thus not seen as heretic. Its not OTO or scientology.

Yes and if you wanted to start a lodge and call it masonry and teach everyone to quack like a duck just after a meal, you could. There is nothing we as masons could do about it.

I see your point. The grand orient of france is somewhat of an atheist masonic body. Prince Hall is for black members. Hermetic order of the golden dawn and order of the eastern star are for women. Do you view them as outcasts or what?

There are bad men everywhere. Some even in masonry. But even the bad men cannot use freemasonry to do bad things. And if they are found out, they will be tried and expelled if found guilty of a crime.

Unless of course they are at the top. The illuminati of masonry. The illuminati considers itself special!

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 12:10 PM

network dude

If you believe that Satan is the Great creator of all, the one and only omnipotent being, they I suppose you could worship Satan. But from my limited knowledge on the subject, most believe that Satan is a fallen angel and God is still God. So Satan could not fit the description of "Great architect of the Universe".

Unless you have some different information on that.

Imagination has no place where facts rule. Common sense is best used here.

I don't view satan as an archangel of god or as "fallen angel(singular)". The fallen angelS(plural) refers to the nephelim that breed with women of the earth to create a land of sinners. I view satan as AN EQUAL to god. God is light and Satan is darkness metaphorically speaking. They could be spirits(exotic matter) or extra-terrestrial generals each leading their armies towards conquest of the galaxies. The second seems more likely as exotic matter sounds nonsensical. Afterall I like the ancient astronaut theory of explanation. Adhering to intelligent design or evolution is moronic!!!!!!!!

You probably think I have an axe to grind with masonry but that is not the case. I think both church and msonary are corrupt. Look at the current status quo of the world and tell me I am wrong.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 12:38 PM

AFAIK the scottish rite has been split within two administrative jurisdictions in the usa. The northern jurisdiction and the southern jurisdiction. Dont you have to be a 33rd degree to be sovereign grand inspector general? I was not refering to honorary degrees.

Grand master of a state is lower ranking.

The 33rd degree is an honorary degree in Both Jurisdictions. It's given to masons who spend a lot of their time with the Scottish Rite in some fashion. You must be a KCCH before you can become a 33rd.
And the Grand Master of the State is the Highest ranking mason in that State. He has the power to revoke a lodge's charter for an infraction. He outranks everyone in that state. Each state has one and they are elected different each year. The past Grand Masters usually present awards and speak at gatherings.

I thought it was accredited by the grand college of rites thus not seen as heretic. Its not OTO or scientology.

It was deemed clandestine by the UGLE I think. Ksig is somewhat of a student in that area and probably can explain it much better and more factual than I can. I do know that being a clandestine order, no regular mason can join and keep his status as a master mason in craft masonry.

I see your point. The grand orient of france is somewhat of an atheist masonic body. Prince Hall is for black members. Hermetic order of the golden dawn and order of the eastern star are for women. Do you view them as outcasts or what?

I do not. In most cases they learn the very same things, the very same way, so as I see it, they are masons just the same, but that's not how the UGLE see's it. Rules will be rules.

Unless of course they are at the top. The illuminati of masonry. The illuminati considers itself special!

There is no such thing as the Illuminati anymore. It's a term bandied about by conspiracy people to represent anything they fear and assume powerful. In reality, they were a group much like masonry, but a bit more aggressive that was against the Tyrannical leadership of the Church that was basically telling the public what to think, how to think, and what to believe. The Illuminati wanted people to have the right to think for themselves and for Science to be learned by anyone who wanted it. At the time, Science was shunned as witchcraft.

If they Illuminati was around today, I would look to join it.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Well, we will disagree on this. I don't believe that Satan is a being at all, but the personification of evil. It's easy to use Satan as a scapegoat and blame all the woes of humanity on him, but in reality it's evil men doing evil things for money,power, or both. God is the only creator of all. (IMHO)

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 02:50 PM

network dude
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Well, we will disagree on this. I don't believe that Satan is a being at all, but the personification of evil. It's easy to use Satan as a scapegoat and blame all the woes of humanity on him, but in reality it's evil men doing evil things for money,power, or both. God is the only creator of all. (IMHO)

Its much more than just the personification of evil! Ying and Yang translates to good versus evil, but I dont see it as some balancing act in human emotions and actions. I am not sure there is any creator called god either.

I view god and satan as space-faring leaders, one faction favorable towards humans and one hostile for the most part.

Lets agree to disagree.
edit on 22/10/13 by EarthCitizen07 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 03:44 PM


network dude
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Well, we will disagree on this. I don't believe that Satan is a being at all, but the personification of evil. It's easy to use Satan as a scapegoat and blame all the woes of humanity on him, but in reality it's evil men doing evil things for money,power, or both. God is the only creator of all. (IMHO)

Its much more than just the personification of evil! Ying and Yang translates to good versus evil, but I dont see it as some balancing act in human emotions and actions. I am not sure there is any creator called god either.

I view god and satan as space faring generals, one faction favorable towards humans and one hostile for the most part.

Lets agree to disagree. No problem from me.

Why would satanist want to join Freemasonry and spend a good amount of time joining side orders? How would joining Freemasonry benefit these evil people and how would they be able to use Freemasonry to help their agenda?

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Except Zionism is the secular version, and Joe Biden said himself you don't have to be a member of a certain sector of society to be Zionist. So maybe Joe is a Zionist, I'm guessing. He is also "Catholic" though his priest did suggest he not receive communion till he could stop advocating publicly for abortion.
On being a Christian nation, there is something to be said that many of the original pilgrims and early settlers were of one or another Christian denomination, and Masonry was in there somewhere too, and the concept of Constitutional Liberties was based on our rights to practice whatever religion we wished(or I suppose no religion), and secular humanism has replaced Christianity in the schools and in public service, or at least it is trying very hard. Also, Freemasonry and the Vatican have been at odds with each other for many a year, or at least on the surface it appears so, although the occultic sect Opus Dei may prove otherwise.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 04:04 PM

network dude
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Well, we will disagree on this. I don't believe that Satan is a being at all, but the personification of evil. It's easy to use Satan as a scapegoat and blame all the woes of humanity on him, but in reality it's evil men doing evil things for money,power, or both. God is the only creator of all. (IMHO)

Hey I got a quick question is the Pike letter to the 23 supreme councils of the world real or was that also part of the Taxil Hoax?

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 04:47 PM


Why would satanist want to join Freemasonry and spend a good amount of time joining side orders? How would joining Freemasonry benefit these evil people and how would they be able to use Freemasonry to help their agenda?

The same reason they infiltrate politics and religion. To control any movement from within is much easier than to attempt and control it from the outside. Money alone isnt always enough I suppose.

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 04:56 PM

network dude

There is no such thing as the Illuminati anymore. It's a term bandied about by conspiracy people to represent anything they fear and assume powerful. In reality, they were a group much like masonry, but a bit more aggressive that was against the Tyrannical leadership of the Church that was basically telling the public what to think, how to think, and what to believe. The Illuminati wanted people to have the right to think for themselves and for Science to be learned by anyone who wanted it. At the time, Science was shunned as witchcraft.

If they Illuminati was around today, I would look to join it.

The new world order is alive and kicking, at least from everything I have read so far. Maybe the names of groups and agendas have changed, but that is about all.

If the illuminati was truely about light as you seem to think it is, then it did a pretty mediocre job of everything. I am not going to bother explaining what I mean to a 32nd degree mason who probably knows much more than he/she is letting be known. I didn't join ATS to get ridiculed!

posted on Oct, 22 2013 @ 04:57 PM



Why would satanist want to join Freemasonry and spend a good amount of time joining side orders? How would joining Freemasonry benefit these evil people and how would they be able to use Freemasonry to help their agenda?

The same reason they infiltrate politics and religion. To control any movement from within is much easier than to attempt and control it from the outside. Money alone isnt always enough I suppose.

What money in Freemasonry and I don't see how Satanist controlling Freemasonry would help them like politics?

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