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If Pres. Obama acted like the Tea Party…

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posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by AlienScience

She didn't say so SHE can see what's in it...she knew what was in it and she knew people would like it once they experience it..and they will.

Give it a rest, and stop making excuse's for the slime on capitol hill.

IT is well established they do not read what they pass.
edit on 8-10-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by AlienScience

LOL. Yes, college educated people do so poorly in the world. Unbelievable.

I will tell you what is 'unbeleivable'.

That there are those out there like Pelosi, and Obama's ilk who continually tell me that is my responsibility to pay for someone elses:

Education,healthcare,birth control etc. to pay for their entire existence.

Without one GD thought as to how to pay for it instead of nickle and diming a minority in this country to pay for the id complex of the instant gratification crowd.

Anyone telling me the left is 'smarter' or more 'successful' than the right is full of garbage.

They are not even close to being.
edit on 8-10-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 08:36 PM
Is your mind really as open as you profess? Let's analyze this response of yours, shall we?


According to wikipedia the Unibomber was a leftist:

Did you even read the wiki article or did you just see the word "leftist" and assume that Kaczynski was proclaiming to be one? Because the wiki article you sourced does NOT say that he was a leftist, in only gives his analogy of leftist psychology. The guy was an anti-government, anti-technology, survivalist, terrorist. Sounds right wing to me.

Randy Weaver was a white seperatist....I don't know of any GOP platform plank with that as a part of it.

How many white separatist, or separatist of any kind, do you know that voted for the the black guy? Please!!!! Do you even hear yourself?

I can't find anything about David Koresh's politics. I'd be happy to see what you have.

Let's see, he believed himself to be the second coming of Christ, he was a doomsdayer, he hoarded assault weapons to fight off his biggest enemy, (the government) and he was willing to allow women & children to be killed to see his prophecy carried out. Again, sounds pretty much like a right-winger to me.

McVeigh was a registered Republican, but other than that...I know of nothing that makes him a "conservative-leaner". He supposedly voted for a Libertarian in 1996, is that it?

The man was a registered republican!! What the hell do you mean you don't know if was "conservative leaning?" Are you suggesting he was a Republican democrat? How about a Republican leftist? Or maybe he was a Republican progressive.

Oh yeah, just in case you were unaware of this little factoid; You don't get much more "conservative leaning" than Libertarian, it's the birthplace of some of the biggest nut-job tea baggers in Congress.

I, personally, am unconvinced you've uncovered a vast web of conservative terrorists, but my mind is open if you have evidence.

Yeah, wide open!

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by neo96

At least thy try to be human

It’s just that every civilized country on this planet at least gives health care to all. It’s not perfect just an attempt by human beings to being human

They should try it once in a while instead of fulminating selfishness all the time.

Look, everybody benefits from the society.

A business man hires workers who are educated by the society’s education system. They didn’t invent that or maintain that.
All the roads, the fireman, policemen, the infrastructure are benefits to all.

It makes sense to have a society where you don’t have people starving in the street. Old people dying from preventable diseases, or children going hungry.

The philosophy that people espouse from the conservative perspective is anti-human, anti-social, anti-Christian and anti-progress of the human race, anti-love, and pro hate and pro elite rich, and abysmally selfish, and no society on this planet abides by it.

Such a philosophy will bring the human race back to serfdom.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by Willtell

Still trying to sell serfdom?

That's like saying, "Give me all your freedoms so I can make all of the hard decisions for you".

Why can't folks like yourself just admit that you despise freedom, you hate self-determination, you can't abide the Constitution.

Just cut through the chase and stop with trying to sell slavery as the new freedom.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by Willtell

At least thy try to be human

Excuse me?

Not your place or anyone elses.

Supporting government fascism is what it means to be human?

Supporting playing robbing hood taking from the have's and 'give' to the have not's is what it means to be human?

It’s just that every civilized country on this planet at least gives health care to all. It’s not perfect just an attempt by human beings to being human

Fully aware robbing from the rich and giving fiat currency and corporate products is what it 'means' to be human in today's society.

Which is utter nonsense.

And i don't give a ratts ass what other countries do if there are some people who just idolize those countries so effing much they are free to move there.

They should try it once in a while instead of fulminating selfishness all the time.


The only selfishness I see is people who have been lied to and so deluded who can't take care of themselves so they form little gangs, and use government to give themselves what they can't provide for themselves.

An ideology that is the antithesis of what built this country, but is the prevailing ideology that is running this country in to the ground that created 17 trillion dollars in debt and continues to compound that debt.

Look, everybody benefits from the society.

When the majority who is on social engineering programs that account for 2/3's of federal spending don't really have anything to cry about

That is the epitome of selfishness.

All the roads, the fireman, policemen, the infrastructure are benefits to all.

I am really so GD sick and tired of that lame arse 'argument' really what the hell are property taxes,toll road taxes, and lotteries for ?"


Think it is not selfish to rob someone living in New York to pay for California's road,police, and bridges.

TAKE MONEY from those who will never use or get any benefit from those WHATSOEVER?


I am so sick of the BS being peddled in this thread.

IT is the EPITOME of SELFISH, and stupidity that CREATED the current state of the union.
edit on 8-10-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 09:02 PM
Freedom also includes having a job and access to modern health care

If you’re hungry your not free.

Your generalizing, of course I believe in self-determination, I have worked since I was 14.

Any civilized society has social programs for the down and out.

reply to post by beezzer

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by neo96

All your angry bluster is devoid of common sense, reason and any light.

Therefore you can give to it or get the hell out.

You or anyone else benefits from the societies commerce and infrastructure that you had nothing to do with.

Rich people don’t get their workers from the moon

If you don’t like it move to the woods and live by yourself with the animals.

They agree with your philosophy.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 09:09 PM

Freedom also includes having a job and access to modern health care

Your definition, not mine.

My idea of freedom is the ability to choose a job or not, to choose health insurance or not, to choose.

If you’re hungry your not free.

Bullspit. If you're hungry, that mean you haven't eaten.

Your generalizing, of course I believe in self-determination, I have worked since I was 14.

What in the hell does that have to do with self-determination?

Any civilized society has social programs for the down and out.


The problems with you progressives is that you want to remove the oppourtunity to fail. You want everyone to have a safety net and a soft warm landing.

Life isn't about succeeding, it's about doing what needs to be done AFTER you fall. Again and again. You want to take away my oppourtunity to fail, don't you!

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 09:18 PM

As for fascism, you don’t even know what the word means.

Its just noise from you, devoid of meaning.

You don’t like your precious tax money YOU EARNED FROM LIVING IN THE SOCIETY
You didn’t get your money living in isolation.

Do you think I like my tax money going to Obama droning children?

BTW how do you feel about that?

You conservatives don’t give a hoot about human beings just your precious tax money YOU EARN FROM THE SOCIETY YOU HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH BUILDING

George Washington had three horses shot from under him so you could live in freedom.

Those people built this as a society of fellow citizens not isolated kings who could live on a hill and ignore the ills of society.

So they could benefit from it and take all their gain and live like a pig all by themselves.
If people want that then they should go live with the pigs and get the hell away from human beings.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by Willtell

I get such a kick out being called selfish for wanting to keep what I earned.


(when are we going to get some decent emoticons!!!)

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by Willtell

All your angry bluster is devoid of common sense, reason and any light.

So what ?

Think I have earned the right to be pissed. To see my money continually blown,and they come back and do the same things over and over again.

I don't care what other's think.


So do other people who are getting more out than they return to the 'society' which is what is creating the debt, and the current state of the union.

Therefore you can give to it or get the hell out.

That was rather facsist give the government my money, and let them trample on my rights or get out, eh?

I don't think so.

You or anyone else benefits from the societies commerce and infrastructure that you had nothing to do with.

Really need to stop telling me what I benefit from, because the COST far exceeds any 'benefits'.

Be nice if I would hear an original thought here instead of regurgitating administration, and left wing talking points.

Rich people don’t get their workers from the moon

Enter the manufactured vilan of the left. The same ones they have been recycling for over 100 years.

If you don’t like it move to the woods and live by yourself with the animals.

Own me?

Boss of me?

For some odd reason there are some people on this site who think they can tell me what to do only exception is moderators.

For no other reason they expect me to get on my knees and give my money and my rights to the political whims of a asinine political ideology, and their pariahs who were 'elected'.

They agree with your philosophy.

Nope the progressive liberal fascists don't really agree with what I say they continually tell me to give them my money,my guns,and my rights, and pay for their free healthcare,education,birth control pills, and other stuff they can't provide for themselves.

We done here?

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by beezzer

You don't live on the moon BY YOURSELF. You didn’t build the infrastructure of this society that could offer you a job.

You benefit from that infrastructure you had nothing to do with building, it was here before you were born.

It takes resources to build a societal infrastructure. The resources are recycled from general taxes. When the society is healthy, economically and socially, YOU benefit from it.

That poor lady in Cleveland you don’t want to help with your precious tax money will produce a child who may grow up deprived and one day rob your children when they visit Cleveland on a vacation.

Don’t you see we are all connected. What goes on in the society affects us all.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by Willtell

Furthermore, As for fascism, you don’t even know what the word means.

Quite wrong

Its just noise from you, devoid of meaning.

Why yes anything that disagrees with the current administration or carries it's water is truly 'noise'.


You don’t like your precious tax money YOU EARNED FROM LIVING IN THE SOCIETY

Want to try again ?

The money I earned was because of WORK for a PRIVATE EMPLOYER.

You didn’t get your money living in isolation.

And we all know there are 60 million Americans on SS,Medicare,Medicaid,welfare,food stamps who are not earning that money.

The pittance paid on VIA TAXES doesn't cover the revenue spent which is why the rob from the rich and give to the poor mentality which is what is CREATING the debt in this country.

Who cares though right ?

They are benefiting from society, ok no they are the peoples selfish wants that continually expands has become a DETRIMENT to us all.

Do you think I like my tax money going to Obama droning children?

How do I feel about my tax money going to Obama so he can send his kids to private schools, and have protection details armed with guns?

Lemme think on that, and get back to you.

You conservatives don’t give a hoot about human beings just your precious tax money YOU EARN FROM THE SOCIETY YOU HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH BUILDING

Have anything new here?

Being told i hate people for a decade lost its meaning,

Leftist seem to think they always know what they are talking about. I so wish someday one would.

George Washington had three horses shot from under him so you could live in freedom.


Those people built this as a society of fellow citizens not isolated kings who could live on a hill and ignore the ills of society.

Only kings on the hill I see is the left with their way or the highway mentality taking my money and forcing me to buy corporate products.

Which is what the Boston Tea Party was all about.

Tea Tax?

Like the Care Act that is a tax that penalizes people to buy a corporate product or pay the kings, excuse me the state.

So they could benefit from it and take all their gain and live like a pig all by themselves. If people want that then they should go live with the pigs and get the hell away from human beings.

Sorry don't live with any lefists.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 09:44 PM

Is your mind really as open as you profess? Let's analyze this response of yours, shall we?


According to wikipedia the Unibomber was a leftist:

Did you even read the wiki article or did you just see the word "leftist" and assume that Kaczynski was proclaiming to be one? Because the wiki article you sourced does NOT say that he was a leftist, in only gives his analogy of leftist psychology. The guy was an anti-government, anti-technology, survivalist, terrorist. Sounds right wing to me.

Sounds like an aging hippie on a commune to me...I think you just simply don't know what his political leanings are, and want to assign those that fit your argument. According to his manifesto

The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can't make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society with out causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.

That is not written like a man that identifies himself as conservative.

Randy Weaver was a white seperatist....I don't know of any GOP platform plank with that as a part of it.

How many white separatist, or separatist of any kind, do you know that voted for the the black guy? Please!!!! Do you even hear yourself?

If we're going to assume the alignment of ideologies based on who voted for whom, does that make the New Black Panthers left wing terrorists? Show me something where he said he was a right winger. As far as seperatists that 'voted for the black guy'...Louis Farrakhan endorsed him in 2008. The Nation of Islam is a seperatist movement according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. Does that make them right-wingers?

I can't find anything about David Koresh's politics. I'd be happy to see what you have.

Let's see, he believed himself to be the second coming of Christ, he was a doomsdayer, he hoarded assault weapons to fight off his biggest enemy, (the government) and he was willing to allow women & children to be killed to see his prophecy carried out. Again, sounds pretty much like a right-winger to me.

So you're guessing again...What did he say or write where he said he was a right winger?

McVeigh was a registered Republican, but other than that...I know of nothing that makes him a "conservative-leaner". He supposedly voted for a Libertarian in 1996, is that it?

The man was a registered republican!! What the hell do you mean you don't know if was "conservative leaning?" Are you suggesting he was a Republican democrat? How about a Republican leftist? Or maybe he was a Republican progressive.

Oh yeah, just in case you were unaware of this little factoid; You don't get much more "conservative leaning" than Libertarian, it's the birthplace of some of the biggest nut-job tea baggers in Congress.

Can you provide proof that he was some radical right winger? Or do you only have your opinions? Where is his far right manifesto? What did he say that shows he was anything more than a lunatic? By your logic of tying David Koresh to the far-right with his religious beliefs, McVeigh can't be a far righty because he was agnostic.

I, personally, am unconvinced you've uncovered a vast web of conservative terrorists, but my mind is open if you have evidence.

Yeah, wide open!

You've presented nothing but your opinion, and what appears a most unpleasant personality. You are a nasty, snarky little man and you have my pity.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by neo96

I hear no logical arguments form the conservative perspective, Just, me me me me me
I want to do what I want to do

We live in a society of human beings

Not a society of animals
Or maybe we do.

Even animals take care of their own kind

My suggestion you live in the woods is not a command, it is a suggestion. Since you are so independent.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 09:47 PM

reply to post by neo96

I hear no logical arguments form the conservative perspective, Just, me me me me me
I want to do what I want to do

We live in a society of human beings

Not a society of animals
Or maybe we do.

Even animals take care of their own kind

My suggestion you live in the woods is not a command, it is a suggestion. Since you are so independent.

So the only 'human beings' are leftists ?

That right ?

I have had enough of the GD superiority complex.

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 09:52 PM
Kaczynski was not a leftist. He criticized them a lot.

Many of the conservatives would really like him.

That’s why I have on occasion asked then that they might like to go live by themselves in the woods or in a cave.

Then we can see how they make out all by themselves.

If they need some workers maybe they can get the squirrels to work for them.
Or the bats may work without health care

Or even a rat or two may work all day so they can make all the money they want and don’t have to pay any taxes.

Hey that is a conservative’s heaven

All alone where they can be

King of the Woods, a tax free heaven

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 10:00 PM
Being human is not easy. One has to cultivate it. I wouldn’t marginalize conservatives. It’s their philosophy that imo is often anti-human.
Personally they may be good people. In-fact I know that Beezer, however misguided I believe his philosophy is, is nevertheless a decent good human being in his heart. At least I think so.

You may be too.

I only try to try to be decent, in theory and practice.

I also don’t think only lefties, as you put it, are good.

I judge people by their deeds.

This is a philosophical argument.

You may be a saint and good person, beyond your philosophy.
reply to post by neo96

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 10:02 PM
Good night, I gotta go


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