posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 02:32 AM
I think most liberals have sympathy for all those people in detention... oh sorry, "refugee" camps/cities, people confined to live in one city,
under curfew, they can leave it ONLY with written permission of Israeli goverment, they can't take the "israelis only" roads to hospital, they have
to make 3 hour trip to avoid all setlements and those roads, they can't go to work, school, they are being regulary bombed, killed by snipers,
children are growing up in a violent hopeless enviroment full of segregation and hate. They have a choice to live as second class citizens in a
country created for Jews, it is called JEWISH STATE of Israel, or to live as second class citizens in neighbouring states and leave homes in which
their families have lived for HUNDREDS of years. The whole world seems to be ok, and has been ok for 50 years, with such treatment of this minority
(they used to be majority) in their own land.
They've been used by all neighbouring states to prove whatever their pathetic theory or goal was. They been used as human shield in wars between
Israel and arab countries by all sides. They've been masacred, and the man responsible for it has been rewarded a seat as prime minister, and
everyone thinks he is the holiest man on earth and only wants good for people. There isn't a single family there who hasn't lost someone in
bombings or masacres. Countries like Lebanon and Syria are using the misery of these people to train them to kill, all extremist groups are supported
by extremist groups from these countries.
During a short period of time in the late 90s when peace agreements were signed, schools opened, police formed, extremists arrested, work started, ALL
with arafat around, their life was nice. Palestine was about to be officialy declared as independent state and those people would finaly have the
RIGHT TO CHOSE HOW THEY WANT TO LIVE IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY, an ideal MANY on this board and around the world believe in too and would die defending.
But then radical right religious extremist wing made a comeback in the year 2000 and all effort was destroyed.... literaly, the entire working
infrastructure was destroyed and nobody cared... I am not sure if you remember it, it happened while everyone was busy with another war, it was in
november 2001...
So yeah, we liberals do feel sympathy for these people, who suffer and die because right wing nutters can't get over their arogance and PERSONAL
revenge, and let them all live in peace.
We are not "siding with muslims", we are siding with humanity, peace, justice, hope, equality, human rights....
Oh yeah, before anyone craps the "you ar anti-semit" accusation, liberals do not want to see Israel destroyed nor do they support suicide bombings.
We want violence to STOP, and we want equal rights for all.
If Israel had the right to become a state based on 3,000 year old myth/story, then palestinians have the right to have a state too, because they have
lived on that piece of land for the last few hundred years and still do.