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Obamacare Facebook Erupts with Citizen Sticker Shock

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posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

Indeed, and now we are skewered!

However, from the social media comments,
this may just backfire on them ....

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 12:30 AM
I have a friend, single mother, bigtime obama supporter. She is now coming to grips with how great obamacare is. She works a crap factory job, and just found out that changes that came about through obamacare, has now put her 10 grand over the limit to be covered from medicaid. She is freaking out, suddenly not defending obama anymore. She has bipolar medication for herself, and ADHD medication for her daughter that is suddenly going to start costing her a few hundred more per month, and she barely makes the rent and food per month as it is.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 01:06 AM

We have credit unions for banks, we need insurance unions for health insurance.

Health Insurance companies owned by the people, seems like an idea that should have been thought of way before government owned healthcare.

I know some will say, government is the people. Well yeah right, keep on dreaming.

This is going to be a disaster, and in reality health insurance is the actual problem. It's allows providers to charge more and takes our free market competition. But in another reality, because of the problem health insurance caused, then we can't go with out.
edit on 4/10/13 by xstealth because: (no reason given)

my mother worked for a major hospital corporation, that was self insured.
she said it was the best insurance she ever had, covered her and my father.

there was no charge for her, and my father's co pay was only 5 bucks per visit, with doctors that were affiliated with the hospital. for non affiliated doctors, copay was $25 for her and $40 for him. no charge for er, lab, or hospital stays. they had a drug plan with CVS, that was unbelievable, 10 bucks for what normally cost a 100 for one med.

unfortunately, they sold her hospital to another group, and they had just blue cross and blue shield.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 01:18 AM

Rhetorically speaking: Why did some people ever imagine this would be a great thing? It was patently obvious from the beginning it was meant to be so broken that we'd end up in a single-payer system.

I pray you are correct about that, cause single payer would be a huge improvement over our pre or post obamacare systems.

Unlike you I seriously doubt it though, the assumption they made it a clusterf*** on purpose assumes the Feds care about the citizens - but they don't.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by proximo

Exactly they don.t give a fig it.s an elaborate poverty tax

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by xuenchen

The obama rates in my state are very comparable with what the normal cost is through an employer when the employer and employee contribution is added. Why would anyone be surprised? Did they expect to get something for nothing? The reason it didn't start until after the second term election is because the truth would have changed the results.

The whole idea of obamacare was to pay for the care of others using the income of people who don't need serious healthcare at the present time. That's how all term insurance works. Before, you could enter into that arrangement willingly; a choice you could freely make. Now you are forced to make the purchase desired or not -- or be fined. This is not freedom, this is tyranny and theft at the point of a gun essentially.

I do feel sorry for those who have lost jobs and had their hours reduced. What did they expect? Everyone was told that would happen. Most apparently wanted to believe the lies from the obamacare backers instead. The truth sometimes does hurt and it often isn't pretty. Welcome to the real world.

edit on 5-10-2013 by BayesLike because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 01:45 AM


Rhetorically speaking: Why did some people ever imagine this would be a great thing? It was patently obvious from the beginning it was meant to be so broken that we'd end up in a single-payer system.

I pray you are correct about that, cause single payer would be a huge improvement over our pre or post obamacare systems.

Unlike you I seriously doubt it though, the assumption they made it a clusterf*** on purpose assumes the Feds care about the citizens - but they don't.

well according to harry reid, obamacare is the step to a single payer system. imo that's why he refuses to let the repeai of obamacare come to a vote in the senate, which by the way the house has passed a bill to repeal it 41 times.

Sen. Harry Reid: Obamacare 'Absolutely' A Step Toward A Single-Payer System

this link starts out with a article about reid, scroll down and you will seeObama and others talking about Single Payer system

and if you think obamacare sucks just wait and see what happens when and if they get a single payer system going.
edit on 5-10-2013 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 01:50 AM

I pray you are correct about that, cause single payer would be a huge improvement over our pre or post obamacare systems.

Unlike you I seriously doubt it though, the assumption they made it a clusterf*** on purpose assumes the Feds care about the citizens - but they don't.

Dream on -- single payer won't change anything in a positive way. It certainly won't lower costs. It can't. The only way to lower cost is to reduce what is covered.

That is what has happened in every single-payer system to date that I'm aware of. It usually starts by reducing availability to high tech equipment by not purchasing more as the population grows. New tech simply isn't purchased in sufficient quantity. As basic expenses continue to rise, because the population continues to grow, the next degradation is to just let the most ill people die. Give them a pain pill and send them home -- just like Obama said in his first election.

Everyone else, those who aren't really ill, are still deluded into thinking the coverage is good. When it's their turn and they really do need it, it won't be there. I don't know of any exceptions where a single-payer system has been in place for 20 or more years. It's the way it is.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 02:15 AM
People don't understand the republicans and why they want to get rid if ObamaCare and are willing to shutdown the government to do it.

But in two to three years they will understand. and wonder why the democrats ever pushed Obamacare.

Some will wonder why they ever voted for the Democrats.

Obama knew that prices for health care would not go down but would go up and has lied all along.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by DeanWormer

Sure, get screened, probed, prodded, stay in shape, exercise, quit smoking and drinking so your monthly premium only goes up $90. How much does your deductible go up?

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 04:31 AM
reply to post by ANNED

I have heard the argument that if this is so bad, let it run and it will prove how bad Obama really is. While I am sure that would happen will it be too late to save America.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by ANNED

This is already an epic fail, at 99% fail rate.

99% of Obamacare applications hit a wall

It's a batting average that won't land the federal marketplace for Obamacare into the Healthcare Hall of Fame.

As few as 1 in 100 applications on the federal exchange contains enough information to enroll the applicant in a plan, several insurance industry sources told CNBC on Friday. Some of the problems involve how the exchange's software collects and verifies an applicant's data.

"It is extraordinary that these systems weren't ready," said Sumit Nijhawan, CEO of Infogix, which handles data integrity issues for major insurers including WellPoint and Cigna, as well as multiple Blue Cross Blue Shield affiliates.

Experts said that if's success rate doesn't improve within the next month or so, federal officials could face a situation in January in which relatively large numbers of people believe they have coverage starting that month, but whose enrollment applications are have not been processed.

"It could be public relations nightmare," said Nijhawan. Insurers have told his company that just "1 in 100" enrollment applicants being sent from the federal marketplace have provided sufficient, verified information.

99% of Obamacare applications hit a wall

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 05:50 AM
B-b-b-b-but think about all those uninsured Americans the moral saint squad said.......until they find out how much of an increase their insurance will be.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 06:09 AM

reply to post by Stormdancer777

Yes seriously. Why aren't millions of low income people eligible for some of those subsidies we've all been hearing about?

Because dozens of GOP governors (states rights, after all) refused to expand their Medicaid programs. Even after the federal government offered to cover 100% of the cost.

It's 'news' like this that is complete BS. I don't know the history or the financial situation of all these people. I have to take them at their word. Perfect strangers. Perfect strangers that could very well be republicans that are willing to do minimal effort to get the best deal.

The law isn't nearly as bad as the media makes it out to be. Millions of people trying to log on the first day to get health insurance? Obviously a failure that nobody wants.

And where does the federal government get the money to fund the cost? Is it from federal income taxes or borrowing money from the Federal Reserve?

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Hi Wrabbit, I do enjoy reading your posts and perspectives. S

Thanks for the post OP. I have, like some of you, worked where insurance was offered by my employer and where it was not.

I have worked to make money since I was 12 or 13 years old and I am still working at 44.

I have been married for 20 years now, and my wife works. I am fortunate to work where insurance is offered and it does cost a bit more from the previous year, but it is good insurance and me and the wife both need it. Insurance is not offered where my wife works. It is lucky for us that at least my job had insurance available to participate in.

Good luck with the exchanges everyone.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 06:36 AM
"blah blah blah... Obama sucks..blah blah blah Syria...blah blah blah Martial law...blah blah FEMA...blah blah blah we shut out government down so you cant even walk in the park"


Just move to Canada and experience real freedom. Its just one country above

Plus, its a lot less crowded, and up here, when we dont want to listen to talking heads or deception coming from the radio, we just turn it off and continue on with our lives! Great isnt it?!

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 06:47 AM

I have a friend, single mother, bigtime obama supporter. She is now coming to grips with how great obamacare is. She works a crap factory job, and just found out that changes that came about through obamacare, has now put her 10 grand over the limit to be covered from medicaid. She is freaking out, suddenly not defending obama anymore. She has bipolar medication for herself, and ADHD medication for her daughter that is suddenly going to start costing her a few hundred more per month, and she barely makes the rent and food per month as it is.

I'm curious as to what your perception of this person has become as this is a good portion of America.

I too have some friends like this and although I try to lend a helping, in the back of my mind I cant help but think how stupid these people are for not thinking of the reality behind something before getting excited and gung-ho about it.

If ANYONE researched the ACA and what it meant not just for the nation but for them personally, they would know that it makes 0 sense for their own situation let alone EVERY citizen.

It's sad to watch your every day simple minded human go about in such an ignorant manner. It almost makes me want to say they deserve what they get but I dont think im to that point just yet.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 06:57 AM

I'm still not seeing the downside.

A bunch of republicans make up stories and post on facebook. I'm glad this is newsworthy.

How do you know they are making up stories?

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 08:20 AM


I pray you are correct about that, cause single payer would be a huge improvement over our pre or post obamacare systems.

Unlike you I seriously doubt it though, the assumption they made it a clusterf*** on purpose assumes the Feds care about the citizens - but they don't.

Dream on -- single payer won't change anything in a positive way. It certainly won't lower costs. It can't. The only way to lower cost is to reduce what is covered.

That is what has happened in every single-payer system to date that I'm aware of. It usually starts by reducing availability to high tech equipment by not purchasing more as the population grows. New tech simply isn't purchased in sufficient quantity. As basic expenses continue to rise, because the population continues to grow, the next degradation is to just let the most ill people die. Give them a pain pill and send them home -- just like Obama said in his first election.

Everyone else, those who aren't really ill, are still deluded into thinking the coverage is good. When it's their turn and they really do need it, it won't be there. I don't know of any exceptions where a single-payer system has been in place for 20 or more years. It's the way it is.

Look I know a single payer system won't be perfect by any stretch. What it should do if implemented correctly is cut costs dramatically. Pre obamacare our healthcare costs per capita are double all other first world nations single payer systems. There are many reasons for this, but the main one is the profits allowed to companies through legalized price fixing.

Our country is über broke, and over 25 percent of our expenditures are for health care, we cannot afford this and there will be cuts to funding, costs have to come down or huge portions of the population will have no coverage. While a single payer system will cut quality of care some, it is better than the alternative of tons of people dying because they have no care.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 08:39 AM
My friend has been trying to get signed up on the web site since Tuesday. He finally was able to call and speak to a person on Friday who tried to enter his information on their computer, since his didn't work. Her's locked up and she offered to send him some information by mail.

They have had 5 years to plan for this. 5 Years. On the week of the roll out, they cannot get 1 web site working? That is the kind of thing that in the real world would get lots of folks fired, and the whole idea looked at again.

I do see how for the ones with massive pre-existing conditions this might help them, but to make EVERYONE else suffer to help a very small percentage? It seems they could have written a bill to help those folks and saved the rest of us from this mess.

I am with those who think the insurance companies are behind the $. How much is enough?

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