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Obamacare Facebook Erupts with Citizen Sticker Shock

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posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 08:55 PM

reply to post by Iwinder

Copay is what you pay when you see a doctor. Example: Make an appointment to see the doctor, copay is $30. You pay $30 before seeing the doctor. You then see the doctor.

Deductible is the amount you pay out of pocket over a one year period. Example: You have a $5,000 annual deductible, meaning you can have up to $5,000 in medical expenses before your insurance covers the entire cost.

It gets deeper and more complicated than that. The short of it is, the system has been broken for years. It's not just the insurance companies fault though. Hospitals and pharmacies are free to charge whatever amount they want. It's hard to negotiate prices when you're bleeding internally though.

Freeking scary thoughts come to mind after reading your above post,
Myself laying on a bed in the cardiac ward and can't breath properly, I knew I was if some paper pusher came up and said we can fix this for $50.000 right now I would have said "HELL YES" .....
Fix me now and pay later, fear does strange things to people, I know I have been there.

Great post and thanks.
Regards, Iwinder

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by WWJFKD

You said it very well in two lines.

Regards, Iwinder

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:04 PM
We have credit unions for banks, we need insurance unions for health insurance.

Health Insurance companies owned by the people, seems like an idea that should have been thought of way before government owned healthcare.

I know some will say, government is the people. Well yeah right, keep on dreaming.

This is going to be a disaster, and in reality health insurance is the actual problem. It's allows providers to charge more and takes our free market competition. But in another reality, because of the problem health insurance caused, then we can't go with out.
edit on 4/10/13 by xstealth because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by Tatanka

Im not talking about reservation natives, im talking about tribeless native with proof of native blood

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:33 PM
Rhetorically speaking: Why did some people ever imagine this would be a great thing? It was patently obvious from the beginning it was meant to be so broken that we'd end up in a single-payer system.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:53 PM

Rhetorically speaking: Why did some people ever imagine this would be a great thing? It was patently obvious from the beginning it was meant to be so broken that we'd end up in a single-payer system.

It may not be a great thing, but IMHO, its a small step in the right direction. Now if we can just get the insurance companies out of it...and go to single-payer...
For once, since 2005, I can shop around to find a better policy. Not perfect mind you, but I'm not locked into what we currently have in the way of insurance. Especially for people with pre-existing conditions.

I do fear about what the IRS will be able to do as far as collections, but at least it is something. And yes, I do know that ins. lobbyists essentially wrote the bill. We have to start somewhere.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Iwinder

It's pretty frightening. After my son was hit by a car while riding his bicycle I drove to the hospital immediately. While there I was taken aside and asked how I planned on paying for the emergency room visit. I have some pretty nice employer provided insurance so I wasn't terribly concerned at the time.

I did receive a substantial bill from both the hospital and the city a few days later. The hospital charged for the visit and the city charged for the ambulance ride. We're talking in the $6,000-$7,000 range all together. Good insurance and a good lawyer and we came out OK.

I live in America though and consider myself lucky.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by links234

Thanks for the explanation earlier. I couldn't think of how to explain it.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:35 PM

My best friend is from Chicago. Awesome girl but we do disagree on politics. lol

She is a huge Obama supporter and was a part of his campaign team.
I do feel bad for them and am not one to rub people's noses in things. However, I hope the people like in the article learned a good lesson: nothing is 'free' and somebody ends up paying for it- most likely YOU the taxpayer- Duh. It will never be as good as the government promises.

You feel bad for her? She's a primary reason we're in this mess and sinking deeper by the day. If anything, she should be bitch-slapped upside the head. The only solace that can be found in O'care are examples such as yours. Odumba's biggest supporters are getting shafted just like the rest of us. That makes me laugh.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:35 PM
Kind of nice of Obama to package together two of life certainties. Guess this is what he meant when he referred to it as a "one stop shopping experience" .

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:37 PM
I can't even figure out where to go to look.
I understand each state has an exchange, but either I can't find mine or it's down all the time.

They say there's a lot of scams out there too.
Communication on this crap has been horrid.

That said, the family needs insurance to feel safer. I can handle illnesses and small things with folk medicine and OTC Western meds, but I can't handle trauma care should anyone need it.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:40 PM

Woo hoo! I would not hire him to run a Dairy Queen
reply to post by BruceSleuth

He IS the dairy queen!

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by palmalBlue2

I don't know enough about healthcare to know if full blown single-payer would be better. The problem is with all the politics, you have to pick a side to believe. It's one thing when you can't figure out which God is the one, since that's all a matter of faith. But something like healthcare should be facts, and I frankly don't think I've ever gotten any.

I know that the way things have been needs fixing, and I hear that single-payer like in Britain or Canada is horrible. Not living in either place, I obviously don't know if that's true or not.

I'm pretty sure that this Frankencare monster, the ACA, won't be good for anyone. Then again, what the hell do I know?

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:48 PM


Communication on this crap has been horrid.

Exactly!! Not just the past few days...but for years and years! For all I know Hillary's healthcare would've been fantastic...or it could've been the nightmarish boondoggle that we were told by the GOP at the time.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 11:03 PM

I can't even figure out where to go to look.
I understand each state has an exchange, but either I can't find mine or it's down all the time.

Just dial the number

Presented with a stunned level of WTFness...
the Obamacare Help-Line - available 24/7 is 1-800-318-2596
1-800-F U-**YO

Indeed, Mr. President, 1-800-318-2596 to you too.
Zero Hedge

I am certain they were flipping us off when they chose than number.
edit on 4-10-2013 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 11:06 PM
When Irs starts collecting for unpaid medical debt, that will will be it. 3/4 the debt in this country is medical. So now you will have a nation full of people paying for something they can not afford to use, so they stay sick maybe die. If they do go, they owe the IRS , loose their home, and homeless...
This is not good This is either the beginning of the end, or pre planned to fail, so we beg for the single payer system.

Either way, it sucks. Its trickery.

My insurance is through my husband. We pay 200 a month , but have a $5,000 in house provider deductible.
Then they pay 80 percent . Then , $10,000 deductible for 100 percent. It sucks. My health is horrible, we have a health care spending account, that we put money into, and pay who we can. We do have great dental and vision though that pays 80 percent. ... If the irs starts to collect, im in deep doodoo,
With one worker supporting the family. We barley make it now and live in a crappy neighborhood as it is.
The next step would be no home if they were to do this. .... Under Obama care Plan, we would pay almost $600 a month for the same thing!!

So how is Obama care to help??? I remember when Obama was running , he made a promise that
there would be no tax liens , on peoples houses etc for medical debt, but then turns medical to the IRS?

Oh, and no more tax free health care spending accounts either now. That is going to kill us .
How anyone can support this baffles me. That guy could sell poop and call it Gold, and it would sell.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 11:28 PM


Just dial the number

Presented with a stunned level of WTFness...
the Obamacare Help-Line - available 24/7 is 1-800-318-2596
1-800-F U-**YO

Indeed, Mr. President, 1-800-318-2596 to you too.
Zero Hedge

I am certain they were flipping us off when they chose than number.
edit on 4-10-2013 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

for sure they chose it.

The odds on that number being randomly selected is 10,000,000 to 1

so much for planned coincidences
edit on Oct-04-2013 by xuenchen because:

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 11:29 PM
Lie's upon lie's, this administration has been one lie after another and then the GOP adds to it by shutting down the country when they should have let Obamacare start up completely so the people could really see what an insane lie this whole Obamacare thing is.

Now the GOP own it almost as bad as the Obama administration.......there both destroying there constituent's lives' one way or the other.

This is not about Dem's against Republicans this is about them against us.
edit on 4-10-2013 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 11:34 PM

Putting flouride in your drinking water doesn't necessarily mean they care about your teeth either.

Making call to my broker placing major investment in waiting room furniture. This thing has only just begun.

You know, I’m thinking about investing in the “retractable line divider” business. I know I’ll make a killing!

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 11:45 PM
In a Nut Shell....

The Idiots in DC are trying to keep the current out of control Medical system intact to protect their Chrony Bribe for Votes Cash Cow from the Medical industry while trying to force everyone in the USA to buy healthcare.

Bottom line is all of the middle class and upper class will be supporting insurance for the lower classes where before a lot of those people did not have insurance before.

If you are worth 20 million the cost of Ocare doesn't matter but a family of 5 just over the subsidy level gets royally screwed.

They should have done like Hong Kong in the old days. Can medicare, can medicaid and free insurance for everybody paid with taxes, then allow private insurance and private doctors if you can afford it.

This has little to do with Health care and is more Joe the Plumber crap, IE money re-distribution and an open door to real socialized medicine, but over all this version of Ocare wont be sustainable, because nobody will be able to afford it unless you are very poor or wealthy.

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