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Obamacare Facebook Erupts with Citizen Sticker Shock

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posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

This Chad Henderson story is powerful stuff....You really should make this a separate new thread; you can count on my F&S!

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 04:07 PM

reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

This Chad Henderson story is powerful stuff....You really should make this a separate new thread; you can count on my F&S!

Thanks I think I might do that after I learn how to actually make a good thread and do a little bit more research. I feel bad for the kid because he could just be a young democrat drone trying to make Obamacare look good but either way he did mislead some of the media which made them look pretty stupid (which isn't a bad thing :cheers

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 04:20 PM

Looks like team obama is gonna have a really bad headache. Can they get anything right at all?

LOL...I really miss the ole those 3 lmao smiles in a row to indicate stupidity.

Congressional country club is only a few miles away, they can improve their handicap if they play more.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 05:16 PM
Number, cost of Obamacare plans may surprise

Once people start checking out the health-insurance policies available under the Affordable Care Act, they may be in for two big surprises.
The first may come as they realize how many choices they have: People in Orange, Lake and Osceola counties can pick from up to 98 different plans, from four companies each offering multiple levels of coverage. Seminole offers 158. "You hit the button, and 80 or 90 or 100 plans jump out, and you have no idea what to do," said Don Kirkendall of AffordableOne Insurance in Winter Park.

The second will come from the retail price — which buyers will see before they can calculate the federal subsidies that most purchasers will be eligible to take. For example, an Orlando family of four with income of $42,000 would show a premium of $893 a month for basic coverage — though federal subsidies will bring that down to $185 a month.

"Yeah, there's a bit of sticker shock coming down the pike," said independent insurance broker Leslie Glogau of Maitland, spokeswoman for the Central Florida Association of Health Underwriters.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 05:16 PM
So the lies are still going on in this thread I see.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 06:10 PM
The trouble is, this isn't 'Obamacare'. This is 'health care coverage designed by a committee that hates its members' care. This is health care designed in the same way a camel, a platypus and a porcupine's love life was designed; not with care but with gross stupidity.

It's about profits for the health care 'industry', not people. Welcome to capitalism and corporatism controlling Congress and lawmaking. Your tax dollars at work paying a bunch of gooneybirds to pontificate, interlaced with 'god bless america' flagwaving. Everybody involved with this had their hands out, for campaign contributions and payoffs. As Jesse Ventura said, 'you can tell the corrupt politicians; they're the ones who spend more money to get the job than the job itself pays.'

I'm not sure if I'm looking forward to the Endgame, or just glad I'll probably be dead by then anyways.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 06:18 PM

reply to post by Flatfish


But don't you wonder why they didn't just address one problem at a time ?

Like somehow pass single issue legislations to solve the pre existing conditions dilemma ?

In fact many states had already opened pools for that.

Then work on one or two more like some kind of expansions of Medicaid and Medicare.

It could have been simple and without confusion.

The Corporatist organization is stronger than any government anywhere and is the most powerful outfit in history.

The biggest problem is the corruption, not the system.

YES! Absolutely!

That is exactly what the republican led House should be doing instead of making futile attempts to kill, defund and/or stall the ACA. Perhaps they should consider and propose amendments to the plan instead of voting on endless repeals that will never get past the Senate, much less garner the President's signature. Talk about wasting our tax dollars!

I know, I know, you were talking about fixing healthcare issues one at a time prior to the enactment of the ACA, which very well may have been a reasonable approach at the time, but this is now and the House needs to wake up and realize that fact.

Furthermore, there is really only one true fix to the pre-existing condition issue and that is to eliminate them entirely. Now you may ask; How do we do that? IMO, the obvious answer is to create a "Universal" healthcare system were everyone is covered from birth until death, thereby eliminating the pre-existing scenario completely.

When President Obama and the Democrats took on healthcare reform in America, we envisioned the creation of a not-for-profit, single-payer, universal healthcare system in which everyone is covered and no one is left out. As the table was set for negotiations, the private insurance lobby decided to flex their muscles to insure that the single-payer representatives were denied a seat at the table, virtually guaranteeing we remain trapped in our current for-profit healthcare system.

The U.S. is the only industrialized nation on the globe that doesn't have some form of not-for-profit universal healthcare and it's disgraceful. If we can just move beyond the temper tantrums and unite to remove the corporate influence of the private healthcare insurance industry, we could have a healthcare system that everyone could be proud of and happy with.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 06:28 PM


Corporatism is ultra Left Wing, not right wing !!!!!

Hardly! Corporatism is driven by greed and the absolute need to produce larger profits year over year in order to keep shareholders happy and investors investing. They could care less which political party someone belongs to so long as that someone is committed and capable of, looking out for their interest. (no pun intended)

Corporatism is profit first! NOT God first, NOT America first, NOT Democrat first, NOT Republican first, NOT liberty first, NOT people first, NOT morals first, but profit first. How disgraceful is that?

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by badgerprints

IMO, the reason they didn't take the issues on one at a time is due to the fact that the private for-profit healthcare industry, (with one of the most powerful lobbies on K Street) was dead set against allowing Congress or anyone else telling them how to run their business. This is the same force that stopped Hillary dead in her tracks back when she attempted healthcare reform. That's why I think the very first step to breaking the back of the private healthcare insurance industry was to pass the PPACA and take away some of their influence. Now we can get on with the process of fixing it.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Onslaught2996

so you think it's perfectly acceptable for the federal government to pass a law, written by corporations, requiring the people to buy a product from those same corporations, and then threaten to take the money from you, if you decide you don't want to buy the product?

the federal government helping itself, and the insurance companies to more of your money is ok with you?

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by Daedalus

Prove anything you just said. Stop parroting right wing lies. Then I can answer you honestly.
edit on 6-10-2013 by Onslaught2996 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 08:34 PM
I work in a not for profit hospital where the majority of our patients are either uninsured or on medicare/medicaid, and I would just like to throw this out. The astronomical deductibles/co-pays/out of pocket expenses will probably continue going unpaid. The simple fact of the matter is that it is an exercise in futility to take someone who is already stretched to the breaking point financially, essentially force them to purchase "health insurance" at an astronomical premium that still leaves quite a large portion unpaid, and then penalize them financially if they don't buy it. If someone can't afford it, they can't afford it. If I'm not mistaken I saw a post here that said that the bronze plan, which is frankly the option that most lower income families will be forced to take, pays 40% of hospital charges. I cant speak for everyone, but My wife and I keep a household of four on a gross income of approx 40k a year. Take a $1000 hospital bill for instance...that's a $400 copay. That may not sound like much, but to us that could be catastrophic. Add that in on top of an astronomical premium. All that rant to ask this. How exactly is this supposed to help the lower income and uninsured?

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by Blinkydoo

well, one of the more disgusting parts of how it works is that the pricing is not consistent, ie; universal...

that same plan you sited might cost you double what you're currently paying in another state, or it could be even cheaper than current elsewhere...

there's a map floating around, i forget where...i think someone even posted it on one of the other obamacare shows by state, how much premiums increase over pre-october 1st prices

if it had made prices cheaper, made them universal, no mater what state you're in, and it had been an optional purchase, this program might look a bit better than it does currently.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 11:34 PM

reply to post by Daedalus

Prove anything you just said. Stop parroting right wing lies. Then I can answer you honestly.
edit on 6-10-2013 by Onslaught2996 because: (no reason given)

Right wing lies...........I have news for you newbie........Right wing lies = Left wing lies. Progressive filth control both parties and only the fools at the bottom supporting this pyramid of scum are still arguing back and forth.

If you do not see this I honestly feel for ya. Mark my words the poor are going to be rendered obsolete in the next few years. And socialized medicine is just another brick in the wall. Inflation and lack of good paying jobs are also bricks. YA and the fake money and stock market is another.......Time to wake up good readers of this once great nation.

We are a Republic not a Democracy and remembering this simple fact is the only path out of this progressive trap.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 12:08 AM
I don't have medical insurance so I went to the site. I plugged my information in, it had a FAQ page and this was one of them.:

What if I need coverage that starts before January 2014?

You can buy individual insurance that starts before January 1, 2014. We can help you find your options. But some rights and benefits won’t apply yet.

So I followed that link, still a site and found this:

Some rights and protections don’t apply yet

No matter how you buy insurance before the Marketplace (Obamacare) opens, be aware that some protections and benefits of the health care law are not yet in effect and may not apply to your coverage.
•You may be denied coverage, charged more, or have certain kinds of care limited or excluded if you have a pre-existing condition.
•Women may be charged more than men.
•Plans do not have to offer essential health benefits, so it’s very important to find out what each plan covers and excludes.
•You won’t be able to get lower costs based on your income, as you might be able to with a Marketplace plan.

Wherein you are encouraged to shop the "Plan Finder" link

The Plan Finder is not the Marketplace

Remember: The Plan Finder is not the Health Insurance Marketplace. The Plan Finder helps you find health insurance that is available outside the Marketplace now, before 2014 protections and features are available.

Health Insurance Marketplace open enrollment ends March 31, 2014. Coverage can begin as soon as January 1, 2014.

So I follow the Plan Finder link which is and I answer a few questions and I get this:

Explore these options:
1. Health Insurance Through Work Learn More about Health Insurance Through Work You may be eligible for coverage through work at your job or your spouse's.
2. Health Insurance Plans for Individuals & Families Learn More about Health Insurance Plans for Individuals & Families If you do not have job-based or other coverage, you may want to buy a policy from a private insurer.
3. Medicaid Learn More about Medicaid Medicaid provides coverage for low income children, families, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Pregnant women may qualify with higher incomes.
4. Finding Care You Can Afford Learn More about Finding Care You Can Afford There may be local facilities that provide free or reduced-cost care, whether you're insured or not. What you pay depends on your income.

None of the information I entered was personal. Just my state, age and any preexisting conditions. There is no reason to sign up now unless they are trying to start accepting premiums early.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 12:09 AM




OBAMACARE is a success with it

Wow... You should really expect more from your government.

Can you name an event that you call a failure so the rest of us can gauge your standards because the above statement is just too much.

Republican shut down of the government. In an attempt to gain favor of the people they appeared to have just aliented them even more.

Good job once again.

I gotta agree with you there - a dismal failure. There should have been NO Park Rangers left on the payroll to close down national parks in a real, honest "shut down".

There should be NO Federal employees working at the moment in an honest-to-God "shutdown"., much less 80% of them still slogging along!

Stupid politicians - can't even commit governmental suicide properly!

I would welcome a REAL government "shutdown" - when they're at work, they only mess stuff up. If they were really shut down, they couldn't be making the current mess of things they are, since they would all be "gone fishing".

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 07:34 AM
This plan was available for review for three years. I'm neither republican nor democrat. I'm covered by an employer plan. I was actually not too upset about extra dollars being taken out of my paycheck to help others in need. Upon digging in and actually reading the available plans (something elected politicians should have done during this 3-year period), I have noted the devil is indeed in the details. It is a plan that clearly favors the for-profit insurance lobby. Instead of a centralized single-source insurer, it's open retail shopping. Forcing a strapped family to choose or be fined is insanity. Too many caveats. In the words of Paul Craig Roberts> "Obamacare was written by the private insurance industry with the goal of raising its profits with 50 million mandated new customers."

I agree the repubs have some good reasons to oppose it, but they took too long. They have only tightened the noose on their own necks in the eyes of the general public.

Was talking to my family physician last week. He said he wouldn't tell his kids to get into the field of medicine as a future career. He said his hands are tied as to how much he can charge for services, it's all based on insurance company rates. I always wondered why he had a packed waiting room, almost overbooked constantly. He has file folders, with written data, for all of his patients. he said in order to be able to comply with all the regulations imposed on his practice he would have to computerize all his records. That he would have to file for bankruptcy since he can't afford to do it. This man takes care of my whole family, and my elderly parents. I'll go as far as saying his expert skills have kept my dad alive. He did not do this at a profit, although the insurance companies profit for the whole diagnostic ride!

What will happen when the only quality healthcare, the kind many of us have been fortunate enough to receive until now, is only available to the super-rich?

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 08:54 AM
You people really want to fix this? Then quit promoting a government shutdown and get about fixing it! The answer is really quite simple; Take the for-profit, private healthcare insurers completely out of basic healthcare.

I think everyone here agrees that this entire program is a self designed windfall for the private healthcare insurance industry as millions are forced to buy in and corporate insurers rake in the profits. They don't do anything because it's the "right" thing to do. If there isn't profit in it, they don't do it. So, take them out!

When I heard that single-payer representatives were being denied a seat at the table in order to gain Republican support back when the PPACA was being negotiated, I immediately knew this would add years to the process of attaining true healthcare reform. It meant that we would have to go through the very awakening we're going through right now. Waking up to the fact that we'll never have good, high quality, low cost healthcare until corporate profit is taken out of the picture.

It's the "Next" step, so let's get to taking it.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Flatfish

Whats the point of having capitalism if you cant make any profit? Do you work for free?

The problem is lawyers and doctors make too much money in relation to the services they provide. Sure medical and law school are over-priced and graduates are over-burdened with debt. One should look into all these problems to determine a solution.

Forcing everyone to have medical insurance is not like car insurance where a serious accident with an uninsured driver can cost you time, hassle and money. If you cant afford healthcare insurance you are only risking your own life and health, not someone elses. State welfare has been covering the poor for a long time now.

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 01:11 PM
I wonder (just a don't flame me) if the website roll-out glitches are INTENTIONAL.
Why? Because it is obvious that, as more and more people manage to get through and realize that
A.) It is not free
B.) How much MORE they will have to pay
C.) That their deductibles are going to be outrageous

...American citizens are quickly realizing that not only will be a "train wreck" to the nation...but it will be a personal financial "train wreck" for them.

They are also, in growing numbers, finally beginning to see why the republicans in the house are so against Obamacare.

Clearly, the tide of popular opinion is beginning to turn against Obama and the Senate dems on the shutdown.

It is entirely conceivable that Obama knew that as an uninformed public finally began to realize his promises about Obamacare were outrageously false and that their personal costs would overwhelmingly increase...they would turn against it and him.

We are currently seeing the growing waves of new dissatisfaction with more and more American citizens get through to realize how much more it will cost them.

He was willing to lie in order to get it established, but was not counting on the Oct.1 roll-out occurring at a time it was still vulnerable in the House votes.

Anticipating this, Obama decided that it would be best that as few people as possible should be able to get through while his bill was still subject to a House vote.

Hence, the initial roll-out glitches were intentionally initiated.

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