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Obamacare Facebook Erupts with Citizen Sticker Shock

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posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by BobM88

A lot of the rich from up here, go down to the US for their important surgeries and treatments.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Serdgiam

Do you have osteogenesis imperfecta?

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 05:15 PM
absolutely none of this surprises me. most Americans who supported Obamacare probably believed it would be 100% free. I too do not even have an extra 50 a month for health insurance, let alone the forced upon costs this system put in place.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by riiver

I do not currently have a diagnosis, but something like Osteogenesis imperfecta is relatively close as far as the bones go. I never had bone issues until recently, quite the opposite. I had never even broken a bone until all of this started, despite countless scars from being younger. Everything about the bones seems (apparently) normal, outside of the density. No cause is currently known, but as I said, I have only recently gotten doctors that even admit there is an issue. So, currently, the loose diagnosis is severe osteoporosis (z-score of -3.9 in spine, -2.8 in femur read by a DEXA bone scan) with epilepsy.

Its not a pleasant combination.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

Sounds like a lot of folks are lying right out their ass about the costs, etc., of the ACA. Some wealty people with platinum policies are going to see their rates go up a little bit. (the law says no more than 10% without government approval.)

What I am reading here, and elsewhere is a lot of fear mongering based on false information. For goodness sake people; do some real research. Here's a good place to start and if you bother to read the info they have you will see that yes, there are some problems with the ACA. We need to fix those, not throw out the entire thing.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by jaguarsky

I am healthy, I don't need to pay 3800$ per year on crap I don't need. That is no lie! That is not fear mongering, that is the truth. I am now incurring a new expense when I had none before. My yearly checkup costs a couple hundred bucks, now it will cost me 3800$. Paying for something I do not use isn't fair. And if I don't pay, they take it out of me anyway.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by jaguarsky

So everyone complaining that their healthcare premiums and deductables going up under Obamacare is lying?

Was Obama lying when he said: "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan."...and "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."?

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 07:20 PM


Obamacare Facebook Erupts with Citizen Sticker Shock

Sounds like a lot of people are raging about the insurance policy costs !!

And maybe it's not so much the cost of a policy than the cost of the *care* when you see the astronomical deductibles and cost-sharing out-of-YOUR-pocket variables etc etc.

And wait till people find out they might get snookered by the IRS when they can't really 'deduct' any medical costs on their 1040's.

But it's free healthcare. Don't you want people to get free healthcare?
It's not going to cost anyone any more than they are already paying.
50 million, no, Uh, 30 no 15 nope... millions of people don't have insurance!
Don't you want everyone to have insurance?
Well, if it costs more how will the uninsured pay for their insurance?
Now that doesn't work.
But Obamacare is supposed to be a freebie for the poor and downtrodden who voted for the Democrats...
That's not right.

What are you? A Nazi?

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 08:13 PM


Here's the thing I don't get. Some people in Canada and the UK say that their healthcare is the best thing since sliced bread. Then I read of experiences like yours and I don't know what to think. I do think that pre Obamacare healthcare costs here in the US were too high.

Healthcare in the UK will be affected by where you are and what help you need. There are still significant resource issues but the staff tend to be dedicated, well trained and genuinely focussed on providing the best care possible. Unfortunately, not every hospital or area can fully fund all the various areas of specialty, so the experiences can vary massively.

The UK system is funded by "National Insurance Contributions" - basically an additional tax on income. Below a certain threshold no payments are made. Over that threshold you pay about 12% of your income. Your employer will also pay about 13-14% directly (in addition to the 12% the employee pays). I'm too lazy to check the exact percentages but it's close enough. Most healthcare is free though medication is charged per prescription - capped at around £7.50 (USD $12) per prescription. People earning below the threshold do not pay the prescription charge.

An example: The average UK annual income is roughly GBP £27,000 (USD $43,250), of which GBP £2,310 (USD $3,700) is paid towards the NHS - the first GBP £8,000 (USD $13,000) of income is ignored for calculating the payment.

Private healthcare insurance is becoming increasingly common. Also, it is quite common to pay to "upgrade" the NHS treatment - dentists will offer additional treatment above and beyond the basics covered by the NHS, or some hospitals allow you to pay for a private room off the main ward, etc.

The difficulty with single payer systems is that they sound very tempting and often appear to offer a logical way forward. In practice, the moment you have the government involved in anything then it becomes a political tool and gets treated as such, or a cash cow for consultants. A business would not put up with a fraction of the waste or ineffectual implementation that you see in any government project (recent IT projects being a prime example). I would rather have a fully private system run by experienced businessmen with minimal government intervention and decent legal protection for doctors.

A medical system subject to the free market and protected somewhat from frivolous law suits would comply with what the market would bear, rather than distort the market with impunity as appears to have happened in the US, or waste limited resources through being overly risk averse as appears to have happened in the UK.

From the outside looking in, your Obamacare appears to be a trainwreck in the making. I hope it all works out well for you guys.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 08:20 PM
so how is this going to work are the policy rates going to change every year when you file your taxes?

for example, say that you had a good job this year but you get laid off in december.your tax return will show that you made $90,000, so your premium payments will be based on $90,000 with no tax credit even though you now only make minimum wage for all of 2014 at the new job you found.

or say that you had a crappy job this year making minimum wage but find new great job in december making $90,000. your tax return will show that you only made $20,000 this year and your premiums and tax credit will be based on that even though you will actually have a $90,000 a year job for all of next year.
The IRS won`t know about your $90,000 a year job until 2015 when you file your 2014 tax return, will you then have to pay back the tax credit you got?

They said the enrollment period ends march 31st, so after that date you are stuck with the plan and the payments you have regardless of whether you get a better or worse job after that date.

My daughter is a full time college student who lives at home and has no job and no income.she currently has insurance from a state program for college students, she pays no premiums,no deductibles and no co-pays it really is free insurance for her. under obamacare she will have to pay $2,112 a year with no tax credit for premiums.
How is obamacare more affordable when you go from paying nothing to paying $2,112 with no job and no income??

edit on 5-10-2013 by Tardacus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 08:29 PM
I hope Obamacare doesn't go through. Either you pay 10% of your salary or pay what they demand? What happens if you refuse to pay either? Do you go to prison? I have no need to use Obamacare or go to the hospital. I currently have excellent insurance. $50 every pay check and it covers dental, vision, and medical 100% including medicine. Next year, that cost will go up 3x that amount. I'm moving out of country very soon anyways for a while so I won't have to deal with Obamacare (hopefully) until I come back, but I think it's ridiculous that once my wife and I get a high paying job in the US that it'll cost us a lot just to say we're protected. Why? Because it covers everyone else that we don't care to cover, because we believe in responsibility. Those that can't be responsible because they have a disability are already covered and can be covered without obamacare.

Last night I had a dream that Obama's goons raided my house and threw me into a secret court to be judged. I was found guilty of various thought crimes and was sentenced to prison. Now I'm having 1984 nightmares thanks to his crappy administration =/

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by Tardacus

why isn't your Health Ins. covering your daughter? new rules for full time students, so she should be able to get
Ins. thru you if you see fit. If she is under a State run program right now that doesn't change. since she doesn't have an income and The State Program just don't stop because of the Law.
Your "what If" question about salary, the Law has rules about current income.
seems you have a lot of disinformation going on.
look for the information instead of whining about what if's.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 09:45 PM


reply to post by xuenchen

Sometimes no matter how much you tell people the truth about something they just won't listen. You can lead a horse to water... etc etc.

I think it has honestly and genuinely been a case of the majority of people not believing Obama could or would outright lie. It's not without some basis for feeling that way. Look how badly Clinton (Bill) was raked over the coals and ALMOST outright thrown out of office. He was impeached, just not convicted. What for? Lying. People recall that, I believe, and think if Obama was actually lying all this time? Surely....He would have been in trouble.

I think it's the minority that have realized we are actually being lied to in degrees from the trivial to the enormous, daily.

Sociopaths are pathological lairs and are not known for their honesty.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 10:25 PM

[The difficulty with single payer systems is that they sound very tempting and often appear to offer a logical way forward. In practice, the moment you have the government involved in anything then it becomes a political tool and gets treated as such

That's what scares the hell out of me. That our healthcare could end up as leverage in a political parties' bag of campaign tricks. Well, now that I think about it, it already is...but it could end up even more so.

posted on Oct, 5 2013 @ 11:21 PM
Need I say more?

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 12:37 AM

reply to post by xuenchen

Sounds like a lot of folks are lying right out their ass about the costs, etc., of the ACA. Some wealty people with platinum policies are going to see their rates go up a little bit. (the law says no more than 10% without government approval.)

What I am reading here, and elsewhere is a lot of fear mongering based on false information. For goodness sake people; do some real research. Here's a good place to start and if you bother to read the info they have you will see that yes, there are some problems with the ACA. We need to fix those, not throw out the entire thing.

Have YOU done your research? I have and my insurance cost is doubling while my coverage is far less. Am I lying?

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 12:47 AM
I'm not going to go all political here but my family has been waiting on the ACA to kick in for some time. Have a couple of under 26 family members who have benefitted from being able to be put back on their parents insurance which was a blessing the likes of which I can't even describe.

Personally, I have insurace so I'm set but believe me when I tell you I've spent the majority of my life without anything resembling a coupon, nevermind health insurance.

My sister signed up on day one and was thrilled with the price of insurance for her. She has a rare health condition that isn't fatal, as far as we know, but it needs to be kept in check and she didn't have many options and now she does and it's not coming at the cost of her health.

So I can't look a gift horse in the mouth. This law has literally been a godsend to my family.

(Please don't flame me for this and because I've recently joined this board. I didn't join here because of this thread. I saw it and decided to add the limited amount of personal experience with ACA to add to the knowledgebase.)

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by matted

so, you don`t have the answers either, thanks for replying anyways.

i guess we have to sign up and use obamacare to find out whats in it.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by Ogien

Don't forget though that they have already said this system
is acting up to the point where many who are told they will
indeed be covered will not be and they will not know for sure
until January, something to do with not getting the correct
information or not being able to verify the information properly.

I am keeping an open mind until i see how all this plays out but
so far as i have seen, after getting my rough quote, i can say
for sure, that in my case the premium was not insanely high but
it was more than i can afford realistically.

The coverage itself is really poor though, while this may be the
case for most insurance plans i hardly find it appealing to spend
such large sums of money for so little actual value.

If i can still be put directly into the poor house while having insurance
then i think its a waste of my time, the idea was, at least i thought that,
insurance well um insures you against that outcome, however this
will not.

I know that for me waiting for the first year will be the best route,
pay the fine and see how this all works, if it works at all and then
take the hit and cut back spending from other areas of my budget,
like no vacation or long trips, you know this could have a serious
effect on the economy overall.

posted on Oct, 6 2013 @ 02:52 AM
reply to post by bloodreviara

My sister was actually concerned about that so she contacted them either by the chat or by phone to doublecheck and she said everything is they way it should be. I don't know for sure if it is or isn't because it's her deal and she was the one doing the checking. So that's all I can tell you for certain is that she seems satisfied that she's signed up.

As for the under 26 crowd part of my family they are already back on their folks insurance policy which is fantastic since one of the kids was born with a birth defect of the heart. The other member of the family back on his folks policy had a motorcycle accident about a year and a half ago and is still recovering. It was a pretty bad accident. Since they are both back on their parents policy that is a no brainer to check out.

I don't know how the ACA will affect everyone else, it's been good to us so I'm hoping it's good to everyone but I won't presume to speak for others.

Like you said though, I do reccomend everyone keeping an open mind because whether someone is Democrat or Republican or whatever, it would really suck to not at least check into things to find out what's up cause some may be doing themselves a disservice and costing themselves more money then they need to because of "Partizanship" or whatever. Like I said, I'm not trying to make a political statement here and just sharing what little I personally know.

Like you said, keeping an open mind is the way to go and I wish you all the luck in the world. Here's to hoping this thing helps you and yours as much as it helped my family.

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