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Christian Groups Sue to Stop Schools from Adopting Science Standards

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posted on Nov, 26 2013 @ 07:16 PM
Methinks your ASSUMPTIONS are showing . . . again.


What are you even talking about ?? Science has its foundation in detailed observation, recording of said observation and proven facts as to the physical and chemical nature of the natural world.

Some of Stephen Hawkings' latest pontifications seem to cast some very serious doubt on how tidy all that is. Perhaps you should check into the latest DOGMA from the Religion of Scientism. Sounds like you are behind the times.

Things as simple as hot air rises and how to produce electricity. I do believe in a higher power but the irrational conformatist religious view undermines the very fundamental idea of faith in religion.

Sayyyy Whut? Doesn't sound like you know much about my faith; my relationship with God nor that of those Christians I most respect.

It was never intended to be an explanation of the world and the various mechanisms that exist.

I could go most of that distance. However, the Bible has proven true to the last detail time after time after time . . . even about the natural world.

I just wish more people who worked on building a genuine relationship with God would speak out about the hypocrisy of the pathetic folks who can behave like a holes but yet think they are good purely because they go to their conformatist little church every week and how fundamentally irrational they are to think the Bible should be a replacement for educated observation.

My, how you do go on.

Doesn't sound like any Christians I'm close to.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

I'm still waiting for your evidence to prove me wrong...

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by Truth_Hz

I'm increasingly trying to limit my time and efforts to

1. authentic dialogues

2. responding primarily to only to folks who are CAPABLE of, interested in and earnest about engaging in authentic dialogue

3. responding primarily to only to folks who have at least a shred of fair-mindedness.

4. responding primarily to only to folks who have demonstrated at least a minimal level of informed awareness of the basic evidence on all sides of the issues.

I have yet to observe that you qualify on any of the above points on the issues related to Christianity and to Intelligent Design . . . in schools or otherwise.


edit on 27/11/2013 by BO XIAN because: accuracy

edit on 27/11/2013 by BO XIAN because: ditto

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 04:10 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

1. I am attempting to engage in authentic dialogues, I have given you ample opportunity to discuss your point of view. However you continue to spout far fetched claims, stating that evidence is everywhere, without being able to actually back up those claims with the evidence that is, as far as I can tell, just other peoples opinions on the internet.

2. I am more than capable of engaging in "authentic" dialogue, if and when you provide me with something that is actually worthy of discussion. The great thing about scientifically minded is being able to change your way of thinking based on evidence and results. As of yet.. you have provided nothing

3.See above.. I am more than fair, if you can give me something solid as evidence.

4.I am asking for this evidence from your side of the coin so that I may be more informed and yet you seem incapable of providing anything.

If anything your post goes against your stance even more as it seems to me that when faced with someone who wishes to challenge your assertions you seem to realise how sparse your arguments are and retreat.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Please, please reply back to Truth_Hz with your evidence, I am also waiting.
The fact is, and the majority of people on here know YOU WON'T, because YOU CAN'T.

All you do in all your posts, is avoid answering valid questions and FAIL to back up your false claims with evidence.

Fair play to the likes of Truth_Hz, Winofriend, Krazyshot & others for trying to debate with you. But I personally don't have the patience as I know your agenda . Which is;

Spout drivel, avoid questions, and fail to back up your false claims with any evidence.

Your lack of stars in this thread tells me even your Christian brothers are probably saying; "please shut up Bo, you're not making this any easier for us"

I don't wish you to reply to this post, but I do (like everyone else) want you to provide the evidence to back up your claims.


posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 04:50 AM
I was planning to donate my body to science, but then I realised science has plenty of bodies already, so now I'm donating my brain to religion instead.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by rupertg

Every little helps

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 05:54 AM

O Maybe they list a few facts like dinosaurs and humans did not live at the same time.

Is that really taught in USA schools ?

edit on 27-11-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by crazyewok

Not sure I have heard stories about Texas. In private schools or home school… well let’s just say there are a few posters on here you can easily identify. I will not name names.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 07:01 AM

reply to post by Truth_Hz

I'm increasingly trying to limit my time and efforts to

1. authentic dialogues

2. responding primarily to only to folks who are CAPABLE of, interested in and earnest about engaging in authentic dialogue

3. responding primarily to only to folks who have at least a shred of fair-mindedness.

4. responding primarily to only to folks who have demonstrated at least a minimal level of informed awareness of the basic evidence on all sides of the issues.

I have yet to observe that you qualify on any of the above points on the issues related to Christianity and to Intelligent Design . . . in schools or otherwise.


edit on 27/11/2013 by BO XIAN because: accuracy

edit on 27/11/2013 by BO XIAN because: ditto


I only want to talk to people who agree with me.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

That made me lol

So so true.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by OpenEars123

Perhaps you are unaware of the






The difference can be considerable.

There aren't that many of us on ATS. And often enough, a chunk of us who are here realize very quickly that another absurdly futile thread has appeared and steer much clearer of it than I sometimes do.

However, fantasize however you choose to. Rationalizing is a pretty functional defensive mechanism . . . to a point.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Perhaps you are unaware of the






The difference can be considerable.

There aren't that many of us on ATS. And often enough, a chunk of us who are here realize very quickly that another absurdly futile thread has appeared and steer much clearer of it than I sometimes do.

So, then....

you WON'T. Wonderbar.
If you CAN, then you owe us all the gracious gesture of providing it, so that we can have a tiny taste of your sagacity and absolute knowledge.

If you CAN'T, then you can't. I'd think you'd have the info at your fingertips, Bo, for as much as you focus on this subject.

And this is NOT a futile thread. It is critically important for the future of this nation - indeed, the WORLD - for people to be abreast of SCIENCE (not "scientism" as you so cutely like to phrase it), and to soundly REJECT nonsense.

You really frighten me. You really, truly do.
Especially seeing as how you see yourself as 'schooling' young people as an authority figure. Scary indeed.

So, cough it up. The time it takes you to make color sentences would be the same amount of time it would take to copy and paste actual "sources." Like someone else said: SERIOUSLY??

It's a mess. It smacks of the Seven Mountain Dominionists, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, and other uber-conservative propaganda machines. It was even sued by the L.A. Times.

It's ultra-right-wing conservative ranting. Another reason (if you're a member) you might legitimately be called on the carpet to explain just what you are teaching the emerging adults in your classes. Unless, of course, you are teaching at a private Bible-thumping university.


posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

Thanks for such a grand example of hate speech.


When do you plan to kick off your new INQUISITION?

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by wildtimes

BTW, Your response to FR is an excellent demonstration of why it's useless to even pretend a dialogue with you is remotely possible.

BTW, I no longer go there much.

However, I have been active enough in the past to KNOW that some of the finest minds around post very knowledgeably on the topic of this thread.

And, the evolution/creation threads were always some of the most fierce exchanges on FR.

Sooooo ANYONE SERIOUSLY wanting such info could easily find it on that website.

Of course, someone merely wanting to throw rocks and poke sleeping or other dogs will not be informed regardless of where they go or what they look at or read. Their minds . . . such as they are . . . are obviously rigidly closed, sealed and encased in concrete many feet thick.

so to speak.

Soooooooo THANKS for DEMONSTRATING sooooo quickly and dramatically how stupid and idiotic it would be for any rational organism to attempt a meaningful dialogue with you on these topics.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

OK you're embarrassing yourself now.

Just provide the sources and evidence to back up your claims. It REALLY IS that simple.

There's no hate here, as much as you'd like to think there is (as you think it helps your stance, pffft..)
People are just getting frustrated with your continuous bull$hit.

Edit: Everyone here knows you CAN'T, so don't even try with that "I can't/won't bull$hit"

Just because you're over 60, doesn't give you the right to assume you're more intelligent than everyone else.

Most intelligent people are able to think outside the box.

edit on 27/11/13 by OpenEars123 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27/11/13 by OpenEars123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by OpenEars123

Do you REALLY pretend, want

me and everyone else to think that


to see NO HATE on this thread toward folks of my perspective . . . and me particularly?


It doesn't take a psychologist to see the hate. It's pretty brazen, haughty, arrogant, rigid, narrow, parochial, exclusive, and prissy.

BTW, I don't recall asking any of you to be my


Soooooooooooooo, IF y'all think I'm going to go down such paths with you in such a role regarding me . . . you can label such notions . . . utterly delusional.

In terms of thinking outside the box . . . LOLOLOLOLOL

Your lack of awareness about me on that score is mind boggling.

Y'all seem to think that y'all have the right, authority, sanction, call, mandate

to COMMAND me to march to your drum to your song to your destination in your ways.

You seem to think you have the right and the mandate that I play your absurd little farces in futility--to joust with your windmills, straw dogs and swim with your red herrings.

Nonsense. No thanks.

I'm not that stupid.

But by all means screech away.

Rant and rave about how thoroughly and exhaustively convinced you are about how stupid Christians and Christianity are, in your exalted views. Demonstrate for all and sundry and God Almighty yet more about how you sit in haughty judgment of Him and His Kids on such issues as the OP.

I'm sure He'll be quite impressed. /sarc

It is somewhat amusing to see how much my personhood and personality seem to have gotten under y'all's skin . . . evidently for a long time.

FWIW . . . that has never happened absent serious RAD . . . never in more than 60 years. Never. Not once.

But hey . . . maybe it's a first time. LOLOLOLOL . . . besides . . . denial is suuuuuchhhhh a wonderful defense mechanism.

It's kind of akin to the denial of the evidences regarding Intelligent Design; Almighty God; spiritual forces, facts and events . . .

Trouble is . . . when the dust settles . . . denial is a lie . . . it falls flat, useless and ineffective on the ground. . . . while the denied truths still stand in all their starkness.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by Grimpachi

God Bless America! No really the movie, I hope somebody gets the right idea and decides to make life follow art.

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Omg. You really spent all that time, just to spew MORE DRIVEL.

How about just providing us all with some evidence to back up all your claims??
That's all that is needed. NO MORE DRIVEL, just evidence and sources please.

How many times do you need to be asked???

This is (for the most part) an intelligent site with intelligent people. How much longer do you really think you're going to get away with avoiding the issue, and not backing up your false claims???

You are transparent.

Please just answer the questions and stop talking $hit.

edit on 27/11/13 by OpenEars123 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27/11/13 by OpenEars123 because: My phone is rubbish

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Oh dear...

There is no hate towards you or christians on this thread, more incredulity at the incoherent drivel that you have continued to spout, the "facts" that it seems you cannot back up and the crumbling credence of your arguments

I have already stated I am happy to change my mind if you can provide me with evidence of Intelligent Design.

As of yet though you have failed to provide evidence to any of your claims and I am therefore led to presume that you have none which in turn makes you lose any kind of credibility in this thread and, as I am now led to believe, this website..

If you truly wish to Deny Ignorance then you had better come to the table with the tools to do so. Unfortunately a book filled with "metaphorical" fairy tales and a few internet opinions does not count as evidence and certainly has no Scientific Method which leads to the conclusion, and relating to the OP, that there is absolutely no way that Creationism should be taught as a Science in science classes.

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