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ObamaCare - Could search your house without a warrant if you are known to buy cigarettes

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posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 03:46 PM
Just when I thought I was safe in the peace and comfort of my own living room. Might be time to move into the closet.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by darkbake

I always think about how the NAZI party was known for being adamantly anti-tobacco....among other things. I don't smoke cigarettes, I think only stupid people smoke them, but Id never come between a person and a plant, not even tobacco. that's rude and nobody wants that level of interference thrust upon them.
at least with Bush we knew we were getting corn-holioed, but with this guy Obama it seems like everything is draped with a happy-face curtain, hiding the ugly truths.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 04:09 PM
The most worrying aspect of all this aside from the government poking its nose far too deep into everyone's business is, the reasons for not seeing any medical specialists, whether a doctor, therapist, psychologist, etc, are increasing quickly as the doctor/patient privacy rule continues to become more and more blurred.

Nothing is a secret anymore. Your medical records and what you use your credit cards for will now be used against you. You will now become a victim for seeking any kind of help. Heck, break you leg, take a little more vicodin than you should and you could be labelled a substance abuser for the rest of your life. We already know if you tell you're doctor you're a bit depressed at any given time that can be held against you down the road. Add the all that the issue of doctors together with schools forcing medication on our children and the doctors office and similar destinations are quickly turning into something you should avoid.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by darkbake
Better make sure that you have a bible on every end table, posters of Obama on the walls and copies of the affordable health care act in plain site to avoid persecution too!! Welcome to the U.S.S.A!! I dare,,,no I double dare ANYONE to try to search my home without a warrant or probable cause!!! Just try it and see how many broken necks you end up with. You actually think people are going to allow this? I am getting sick and tired of my rights being threatened by these government thugs. I bet I'll be on there hit list too just because I'm unemployed. Hey,, better watch out Mr Obama,,,, I hear you smoke to!!!

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 04:14 PM

reply to post by darkbake

I always think about how the NAZI party was known for being adamantly anti-tobacco....among other things. I don't smoke cigarettes, I think only stupid people smoke them, but Id never come between a person and a plant, not even tobacco. that's rude and nobody wants that level of interference thrust upon them.
at least with Bush we knew we were getting corn-holioed, but with this guy Obama it seems like everything is draped with a happy-face curtain, hiding the ugly truths.

Only stupid people smoke? So, do only stupid people drink alcohol? Only stupid people eat fastfood? Only stupid people not exercise? Only stupid people sit on their butts for more than two hours per day watching tv? Only stupid people drink soda? Only stupid people take medications known for addiction problems? Only stupid people smoke cigars?

People do things which put their health at risk every minute of every day, and it's their choice. At least it should be. But if you think only stupid people smoke cigs, I'd hope while sitting upon your high horse that you have a ripped six pack, exercise five days per week, only eat organic and not processed foods, haven't eaten a pizza or fastfood in over a decade, haven't had a sip of alcohol in over a decade, have never driven over the speed limit, and on and on. Somehow I imagine you're just a hypocrite and you personally decide your vices are fine for you but label another's as stupid.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by darkbake

Throw in having indoor pets.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by darkbake

yeah im going to call BS on this.A friend of a friend that knows a 1000 people who knows a guy said his mothers neighbor..BS
He didn't get his house searched because hes "a known cigarette user"
Dont fall for silly lies

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by indy0725

Sorry for the threats N.S.A Please don't send the troops. I realize they might not be able to do this yet, but with all of our other rights being violated I feel that they would eventually try something like this sooner or later. And for the trolls out there trying to set this site up with false information,,F O !!!

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 05:11 PM
You know,I could say a lot about this-but I will cut to the heart of the matter to save time-if you are looking to emigrate,South Africa,Botswana,Namibia and Swaziland are viable options,the Congo welcomes white farmers.Your ship is sinking,how long will you survive in your air pockets? Sorry for coming across as negative+fatalistic-but I see the walls closing in on you US citizens,sometimes something happens too fast to see-sometimes too slow to see-but from watching over decades+from half a world away-it is imppossible to ignore the train wreck rhat is America now.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 05:18 PM

This video takes a look. It seems like someone comes for a home visit without announcing it first - no phone call, just a knock. However, it is optional. You won't be told it is, though.

This is a problem if the person lets them in the door, and then the people doing the home visits find probable cause after being let in without a warrant that could be used for a warrant later, or an "intervention" later as described below.

This video also talks about how Obama Care is not just about health care, the home visits also include a Community Needs Assessment that is not just used for Obama Care, but for other government agencies and agendas - a lot of them focusing on children.

So you can see,this is subtle - but subtle still works and avoids detection and controversy easier.

So - the home visit is voluntary, but for example, if they see a kid eating fatty foods, that is reason to start an intervention process that is not optional.


There is going to be an issue here, more than likely, with liberals saying something along the lines of "If you aren't doing anything wrong, why worry about it?" (remember that was the Republican line during the Patriot Act?)


The real issue is a privacy issue, and in the extreme case, an indoctrination issue.


That's another two cents I'm throwing in there. It seems like a pretty "thorough" healthcare program to me.
edit on 27-9-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by IandEye

Yeah I agree - there is a difference between freedom and being forced to become the Master Race with supreme health.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by darkbake

I don't know if anyone else has experienced this or not, but every time I buy cigarettes at Wawa they ask to scan my license. I respond, you may see my license to verify my age, I am 31 years old, but you may not scan my I.D.. Then, they call a manager over every time and they try to convince me it is no big deal and they do it to everyone who purchases cigarettes, regardless of age, so it's fine. I tell them it is absolutely not fine and they sell me the cigarettes without scanning my identification, however, they always let me know that soon it will be a law that I have to let them scan it or I may not purchase them. Scares the *&#@ out of me.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 07:07 PM
I don't disbelieve the OP.

It's all being made up and it goes,shoved down our throats,and being modified before we even have a chance to swallow!

So under this premise,sex without protection,food that is not deemed healthy, at risk recreational pleasures or hobbies or whatever else "they" deem unacceptable might also be subject to this overt physical invasion of privacy?

I would consider anyone who would be on my privately-owned and securely gated property guilty of wanting to do me " imminent bodily harm" and would immediately feel that my life was in extreme danger by anyone that I did not know first hand...

I will say it again: the farce that is "Obamacare" and all of the BS attached to it will be the last straw.

It is not in anyway intended as " Healthcare."

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 07:19 PM

i'm fairly certain i have never heard anyone say health care for all is bad. what's bad is taxation without representation, that's bad and that's the ACA and our entire legislative branch these days.

Oh please! How can you even state that you have "taxation without representation" in the same sentence that ends with "our entire legislative branch?" Oxymoron anyone?

The only way you could possibly have no representation would be if you made the conscious choice not to vote.

The real problem here is that this is a democratic republic, a vote was taken, (which you may or may not have participated in) your side lost and you don't know how to handle it other than acting like preschoolers and threatening to shut down the government unless you get your way.

Fear mongering and the propagation of lies, like the one demonstrated in this thread's title & OP, are nothing more than a pathetic attempt to convince the ignorant that they should be afraid of the A.C.A..

what you have to realize is that none of the bill was written to fix anything nor give everyone health care, it was designed to increase insurance industry profits. hence the reason why they wrote it, the insurance industry that is.

And you can thank The Heritage Foundation along with the GOP for their tireless efforts representing and/or looking out for those private healthcare industry profit margins you speak of. If you remember correctly, the very people who wanted a not-for-profit universal health care system, were denied a seat at the table.

Now, as soon as the TP/GOP get over losing the last election and quit wasting our time with fear mongering propaganda, filibusters, 21 hour long "green eggs & ham" renditions and endless votes to repeal the very thing that american voters overwhelmingly voted to support, maybe we can get about the business of fixing it.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by Flatfish

it's funny you know, when i read your statements it sounded like blah blah blah but anyway i'm glad you got that out sheesh.

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by darkbake

"Visit" is synonym to "Search", in this thread at least.

I can see govt wasting money on a bureaucratic system for putting well-meaning but vague or meddlesome or ill-planned new social program into action (eg:. possible political posturing by the sponsors of bills in the House & Senate which somehow gets approved), but I can't see visits by what may be home-health care aids, EBT caseworkers, & etc turning into "searches".

I think this is a case of exagerration, & out-of-context selective reporting.
edit on 28-9-2013 by kkrattiger because: Had a dangling point vanish into thin air. Fixed.

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 06:36 AM

reply to post by darkbake

"Visit" is synonym to "Search", in this thread at least.

I can see govt wasting money on a bureaucratic system for putting well-meaning but vague or meddlesome or ill-planned new social program into action (eg:. possible political posturing by the sponsors of bills in the House & Senate which somehow gets approved), but I can't see visits by what may be home-health care aids, EBT caseworkers, & etc turning into "searches".

I think this is a case of exagerration, & out-of-context selective reporting.
edit on 28-9-2013 by kkrattiger because: Had a dangling point vanish into thin air. Fixed.

it's funny how so many "conspiracy theories" have turned out to be true this past decade. you know they are watching us and all and guess what, they are watching us. when one take view on the overall accomplishments of the fed govt. and see's their track record, it's just not a very pretty picture.

when i meet someone and get to know them, it doesn't matter how many nice words they use over the course of years, it's what they do which gives me measure.

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by darkbake

Regardless of whether the story presented by the OP is true or not the commentary made in my earlier post still holds true. This remains so even if things actually did happen, in this particular instance, in the manner stated by the author, but the important thing to understand is that this kind of severe intrusion into the life and liberty of the American people (whether they use the non- ACA or not) is real, and is just now being felt to the point of becoming realizable. And this is only the beginning, and that's the true significance of the article referred to by the OP.

In those earlier remarks of mine I also made reference to the fact that the primary thrust of the ACA, and such, as interpreted and promulgated by DHS, could have been taken right from the Nazi Gestapo playbook, alluding to the notion that the Department of Homeland Security could actually be Obama’s modern day Gestapo, and that the implementation of the ACA (in conjunction with DHS) plays a large part in the takeover of the Unites States of America inasmuch as the Bill of Rights will have been abrogated - if not suspended in total.

Please recall, if you will, that in the midst of his campaign it was barack hussein obama who daringly proclaimed - up front and in your face - that he was going to form a "Citizen Police Force" modeled after the Nazi Youth Brigades." He was telling everyone precisely what he was going to do by way of increasing the power of the state by means of an escalation of the DHS in the direction of restricting the freedom of American citizens.

The American people voted him onto office anyway, primarily on the basis of these kinds of declarations regarding the formation of a 'Police State' modeled after the Nazi's much feared Gestapo right here in the United States.

I came upon this article after having posted here on the very same possibility:
Please read it for more of an elaboration regarding the points I have made here:
Is the Department of Homeland Security Obama’s Gestapo?
Opening paragraphs of the 'Gestapo' article:

When Adolf Hitler made his rise to power, he established the Secret State Police in 1934, headed by Heinrich Himmler. The German name for them is Geheime Staatspolizei. Taking the bolded letters from the newly formed entity you get the more familiar term, Gestapo.

The role of the Gestapo was to spy on the German people and identify any and all opposition to Hitler’s Third Reich. They were given full authority to investigate and report or suspect cases of criminal attacks against the Nazi Party along with cases of sabotage, espionage and treason. What made them so deadly and sinister was that they were also given authority to act without any judicial oversight. They became the prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner of anyone that stood in Hitler’s way.

The Gestapo was given a sizeable budget and access to all the weapons, ammunitions and spying devices they wanted. Once they established their dark reputation, they used all of those devices and weapons far too frequently. Within a few years, no one dared to say or do anything that might be considered critical of the Nazi Party and its leaders. If they did, the Gestapo or its sister agency, the SS (Security Service) moved in and took care of the alleged problem.

Eighty years later, Barack Obama talks about creating a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, strong and as well-funded as the US military. In 2008, Obama talked about his desire to create his civilian army, but many of the references to that speech have mysteriously disappeared.


edit on 28-9-2013 by YodHeVauHe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 08:04 AM
WHO is going to search my home????

The cops have better things to do.

And if its not cops and they have no warrant there home invaders.

Any one that tries a home invasion on me will need medical care or a body bag.

I have had cops knock on my door and wanted to come in to talk and i have told them we can talk outside.
found out they had nothing real important to talk about.

They wanted to protect me from any retaliation from the local drug dealers for talking to the cops.

I am not afraid of any drug dealers or anyone else.

edit on 28-9-2013 by ANNED because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by MysticPearl

yes to all those thing about me, and more that you could never comprehend....
with all the data available about nicotine and health, there is no intelligent person who smokes- only people who claim to be,
still, I wouldn't make a universal law to infringe upon their freedom to be stupid.

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