reply to post by Dianec
I believe that your observations and perspective are quite accurate.
Except that I think he can type quite fast enough. He just seemed to have a VERY STRONG aversion to getting into very much meat on ATS. That was
frustrating for most ATSers, imho.
I wonder if Springer would do well to emphasize to each potential guest that ATSers are a tough audience who expect lots of meat and who tend to
respond with great frustration when they feel they aren't connecting at a meaty level.
I think David is quite a high class guy . . . it was just mystifying to observe his seeming to dance around on the surface while tenaciously resisting
deeper or more extensive comments.
Sometimes the questions and comments he avoided were about as interesting as those he responded to.
It's hard to form reliable conclusions from that but it was interesting. I emailed him twice relative to ATS thread posts without a shred of a
response in either format. I was surprised as I assessed his personality as one which would likely have responded--first at ATS and certainly in
email. He did seem to misunderstand and ascribe to me a negative comment or tone when the negative post was from someone else RESPONDING to one of my
posts. I plan to email him about that and see if he responds to that.
Now he's talking about seeing orbs and then humanoids on the ground examining a fire pit . . . . 16 miles west of Roseburough [sp] "A vibrational
tremor came over the house . . . Dad went out the door, dog ran into the woods . . . MUFON sent out investigators . . . hypnosis . . . polygraph . . .
Father was abducted from the river site setting. He's abducted . . . specifics a bit unclear . . . We deal with rural disappearances with a set of
criteria . . . lists some of his criteria--which he did NOT DO MUCH OF on ATS.
ON C2C he's going right down the criteria list. He did mention berries' inexplicable connection on ATS.
On C2C he's connected alien critters with such an abduction according to their criteria.
IIRC, He REFUSED to make such a
connection on ATS.
He mentions the case with paratroopers etc. . . . Bruce's Dad was a specialist in the Army . . . is there a military connection or a religious
connection . . . long story . . . never any evidence of him found . . . Feb 27 1976 . . . 24 years later another case 2 miles apart from the earlier
one. Tripton Buddy Myers . . . kid with a very rough life. . . . the son of the exotic dancer.
David did relate a fair amount of tantalizing details about that case on ATS.
He disappeared when living with his aunt who really took care of kids and worried about him--had an alarm installed on the doors so she'd know if he
opened a door to go outside. Buddy laid down on the floor; watched them go to sleep. She took a 10-15 min nap. About 10 min after she falls asleep,
she looks at the floor--Buddy and dog were gone. The buzzer had not gone off. Outside puppy was gone. Chihuahua that was with Buddy in the house, came
into the yard--was fed and clean. Did not have the appearance of being out doors.
. . .
David also had shared a fair amount about that case on ATS.
A lot of kids disappear with canines.
2 disappearances 24 years 8 months . . .
Cape Fear river . . . 13 years after Buddy disappeared. Separation by time is important . . . 3 disappearances within 7 years . . . would have raised
the ire of local law enforcement.
Don't know of another case like this in such a locality. Nothing found in these cases . . .
The dogs came back clean, healthy and fed.
16 miles away . . . the MUFON case . . . they father passes the polygraph . . . about an abduction.
[I don't know if the MUFON case was not quite releasable when David was on ATS. Maybe the 24 hours made a difference on that score.]
. . . It's hard to be an expert in all those areas . . . [listed possible types of abductors including a lot of crypto creatures] . . . 100 years, 120
years between disappearances in some cases . . . .
George Knapp . . . it's as if something from the sky plucks folks . . .
The majority of the cases we work blow typical statistics of 'normal' disappearance cases out of the water. Books, manuals will tell you that 95% of
the time, toddlers will be found within 2.5 miles of where they disappeared.
In our kinds of cases . . . One 75 miles away. One 15 miles away.
boy climbed one mountain; down the other side; climbed another mountain . . . normally kids would take the path of least resistance.
Listed more specifics about cases they DO NOT work. Mentioned wanting to take away the ambiguity for their cases.
Mentions blood etc. if there's mountain lion etc. as he did on ATS.
100's maybe 1000's of people combing the woods etc.
Would be a high risk maneuver to abduct in a National Forest with likely armed law enforcement; tracking canines etc.
One of the things that is a criteria on ours--a canine CAN'T track our cases 99.5% of the time . . . they walk in a circle and lay down. Dog acts
afraid. Dog acts uninterested. These tracking dogs live for this stuff--they are excited--not in these cases.
90-95% of the time, the dogs come back. A lot of the times, if the child is found, the dog is found with the child. Many times parents will say that
the child and the dogs are inseparable. Many times like that, the dogs will NOT go back. Sometimes they'll take folks back to where the child
disappeared but the child is not there.
creeks, water ways help hide tracks . . .
Just across the river from Phily . . . Mom comes out and looks at the girl playing with dog . . . checks again 5 min later--child and dog disappeared.
neighbors immediately. Call police quickly . . . they think they see some tracks of a large man, child and dog--6th day . . . area not really
developed . . .
A mile has been searched 5-6 times . . . a house is being built . . . a mom and daughter are in their new house looking at it . . . little girl opens
up closet door . . . dog jumps out at child . . . child deceased in the closet . . .police assert that the house had been searched 5-6 times . . .
workers were in there daily. Autopsy showed child hadn't eaten for 6 days . . . no poop in the closet . . . dog had not been trained where to poop.
Victims taken away and then brought back and dumped.
George Knapp . . . you've presented a lot of evidence . . . National Park service hostile . . . How about local police?
DP: many are more sympathetic. . . . the unique pattern is not going to jump out at a law enforcement with 1-3 cases. May take 10-15 cases to see the
pattern that's starkly different.
edit on 2/10/2013 by BO XIAN because: (tags)
edit on 2/10/2013 by BO XIAN because: tags