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David Paulides Contiguous Q & A Posts Archive RE: Big Foot & National Park Disappearances

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posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 11:36 PM

= = =

84. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 19:51

84. reply to post by winnar

84. " We interviewed the ranger that found this man, 13 mile back in the wilderness under very, very unusual circumstances."

84. Starting to hate all the buzzwords. Heres the story for everyone else. Seems pretty clearcut.

84. October 14

84. While inventorying the contents of a nearly empty, dirty, ripped and torn backpack, Rangers Larry Smith and Marion Jack discover a Volkswagen key in a zippered side pocket. A suggestion is made to compare the VW key with a Xerox copy of a VW key from the Charles McCullar file, who was thought to have disappeared somewhere in the Park a year and half earlier.

84. An “electric charge” went through the two rangers as the overlaid key made a perfect fit. A horse patrol, lead by Marion and Dave Lange set out immediately to search the area where the backpack had been found. At 1:30 p.m. the radio call came that McCullar’s remains had been found, scattered over and down a steep bank of the Bybee Creek drainage, four miles from Lightning Springs. The FBI is called in to complete the investigation.

84. McCullar’s cause of death is ruled by natural causes, but the mystery remains how it was possible for McCullar to have walked from the North Entrance, on top of 105 inches of new snow, 14 miles into Bybee Creek, especially considering that the young man was not prepared for winter survival. One theory is that McCullar may have followed snowmobile tracks, but the machines are not allowed into remote areas of the Park and secondly, the new snow was so fresh and deep, it would have been impossible for snowmobiles to have traveled the distance.

84. So, just how McCullar was able to get into the Bybee Creek drainage remains conjecture, as does his exact cause of death. The boy’s father remains convinced that his son was the victim of foul play because none of McCullar’s expensive camera equipment was ever found.

84. With camera equipment missing and the place where the body was found known it seems he was robbed and dumped by a person or people.

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DAVID PAULIDES: 84. No way he was robbed and dumped.

84. He was found 14 miles into the woods across 20' deep snow drifts with over 105" of new snow on the ground. The NPS was completely stymied for an explanation about he he got to where his body was found, especially since he disappeared in the middle of winter.

84. The ranger we interviewed stated it was an impossibility for McCullar to walk into that area that time of year and there were no snowmobiles allowed in the park. They searched from air and did not find any tracks leaving the area where McCullar was last seen. How he got into that area is part of the Mystery. Where was his boots, coat and other items? Why were his pants pulled down to his socks? All questions that led the ranger to call for an FBI Evidence Response Team.


= = =

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 11:56 PM

85. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 19:54

85. reply to post by Leonidas

85. What case - if any - has you completely baffled or still hangs with you to this day?


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DAVID PAULIDES: 85. Nearly every case we have documented has us stumped, that's why they are in the books.
85.1 Charles McCullar- Crater Lake

85.2 Derrick Engebretson-Crater Lake

85.3 Samuel Boehlke-Crater Lake

85. Each of these cases has specific elements that baffle the mind how they disappeared and why Engebretson and Boelke were never found.

= = =

86. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 19:57

86. reply to post by Leonidas

DAVID PAULIDES 86. If you are really curious, U2U me and I will give you the story.
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[email protected]

= = =

87. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 20:01

87. reply to post by winnar

87. Well since they rode out on horseback to the place the pack with the key was found I can assume it was no longer winter. From that one can surmise he was killed, and maybe dumped later. Its not that hard.


DAVID PAULIDES: 87. No, that's not what happened. The forensic team determined that the remains were there for one winter, they weren't dumped. Very, very little crime ever happens in that park.

87.1 He probably died within days of when he vanished.

87.2 McCullar vanished in the middle of winter.

87.3 Summer hikers found the body, rangers rode out to investigate.

= = =

88. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 20:32

88. reply to post by GoldenObserver

88. Lately I have been hearing very strange things and getting VERY strange vibes from my woods.

88. I have heard a growl on 1 occasion.

88. I have heard a vicious growl very close to me on 1 occasion, yet when I opened my eyes to look around seen NOTHING near me, nor heard anything. (Yes I am sure it happened. Positive.)

88. I have heard a strange sound akin to a mix between a growling howl and a real life cow's moo. Maybe an animal, but it's a new sound and unlike anything I've ever heard in my entire life on the property.

88. Does this sound like it could be bigfoot? It's really got me on edge

88. I live in the woods of West Virginia

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DAVID PAULIDES: 88. Without knowing exactly what you heard, hard to say.

88. I will say that there have been many strange disappearances in WV.

88. As I stated earlier,don't go into the woods alone, carry a personal transponder and carry a firearm.

88. Be safe!!

= = =

89. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 20:36

89. reply to post by winnar

89. Again then, what conclusion have you come up with that links these together and makes it so "unusual"? You keep skipping answering this part.


DAVID PAULIDES: 89. As I've stated numerous times on this thread, it's not one element that makes the case, its numerous.

89. When 30 cases are profiled and linkage is made between a handful, it isn't one element that makes the linkage, it's several. This is why I wrote three books on the topic and why I've stated three times on this thread, many readers have commented, "I didn't get it until I was half way threw the books, then lights started flashing."

89. I wish I could stay all night and translate the books to the thread, but that would be ridiculous.


= = =

90. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 20:41

90. reply to post by SteveR

90. Are you infering bigfoot rape?

90. More likely explanation, hypothermia.


DAVID PAULIDES: 90. Hahahaha, good one!!!

90. Please point me in the direction where I inferred that.

90. I only state facts.

90. We have other cases where hikers have been found with their pants pulled down to their ankles and they were dead.

90. Hypothermia causes people to pull their pants down to their knees?

90. Hmm, I've never heard of that happening on Everest....


posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 06:04 AM

91. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 20:45

91. reply to post by Pink Panther

91. How do you determine as an investigator, if a person is missing because they want to disappear? As opposed to someone that is missing for other reasons.


91.1 Wills recently completed.

91.2 Life insurance policies recently taken out

91.3 Friends and relatives stating that a personality change has evolved.

91.4 Significant amounts of money in bank accounts taken out in specific intervals in the weeks prior.

91.5 Computer forensics usually show the state of the mind of the individual, what they were viewing.

91.6 A profile of the individual completed by an FBI profiler.

That is just a few.

= = =

92. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 20:52

92. reply to post by badgerprints

92. In the three 411 books I noticed that you never actually came out and said what you actually think is happening in the majority of these events.

92.1 I got the impression that there is a small portion that are likely human abductions but the majority of the incidents don't suggest this.

92.2 What exactly do you think is behind these incidents?


92.1 We have never theorized what may be occurring, and because of that we have had hundreds of "Thank you's" from readers for allowing them to formulate their own thoughts and not pushing our own ideas. I must also state that as the years have progressed, much more knowledge has come to the table and gave a a much different picture then when we first started.

92.2 Many law enforcement agencies want the case off their books, this is why the NPS places the status, "Missing and presumed dead," wipes the case off their books and the person is not listed on any database as missing. This is one reason why its extremely difficult to determine exactly how many people are missing in the national parks. In an effort to wipe the slate clean, many allegations are made, if they cannot be substantiated, we will challenge.

Thanks for the question.

= = =

93. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 21:03

93. reply to post by TWILITE22

93.1 The quality of guests on ATS has just shot up by tenfold. Thank you for taking time out to answer questions from a very curious group of people.Also my apologies for the few trolls that are dropping by.

93.2. I for one believe the information in both your books on oh-mah,and the 411 books haven't reached their peek. These books will be used by people for many years to come ,in fact it should be a requirement for anyone in law enforcement and nps, as well as the public who assist in locating the lost to read your 411 books, as well as the public at large who spend time in our state and national parks.

93.3 I keep watch out for the latest info on the 411 series and Scott Carpenters research. I have to say the things he has found in the Smokey Mountains gives me nightmares. To think these animals, not only bigfoot but wolfs or human canines are in our forests just blows my mind.

93.4 My question to you is what is your thoughts on the things(for lack of a proper name) that Scott has captured on his back camera, do you believe they are really out there?

93.5 I fear what else he might capture, but again I'm both fascinated and intrigued by the work of you and all of the team members at NABS.

93.6 thanks again for your dedication and inspiration

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93.1 Scott is a man of true honesty and completely trustworthy.
One of the few true researchers in that part of the world that thinks outside the box.

Thanks for the question and kind words.

= = =

94. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 21:05

94. reply to post by badgerprints

94. I agree that is the best way to go. It helps keep legitimacy to avoid conjecture.
I just hoped that maybe you'd give us tin hat folks a hint at what you thought.

94. Can you elaborate any on how the picture has changed?

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94. It only gets more complex, difficult to explain in the time we have here.

= = =

95. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 21:07

95. reply to post by SteveR

95. Were any other items of clothing removed? Is this only observed in winter?

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95. Very difficult to say since there was only one tibia bone and a skull cap found....
His pants and belt buckle had been unbuckled

All the best!!

= = =

96. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 21:11

96. reply to post by ShadeWolf

96. Hey, huge fan here, bought all three Missing 411 books. I'm not sure if this has been asked yet, this thread's enormous already, but what do you think is happening out there?

96. I know you point to a very bizarre incident taken thirdhand from a report in France as potentially being crucial to this whole phenomenon, but you noticeably shy away from presenting your own theories in the books. I feel like the opening hypothesis going into the first (Western US) volume was Bigfoot/sasquatch activity, but it seems like you've moved away from that as you get deeper into this whole thing.

96. Is there any particular case or incident that's leading you towards a more, shall we say "paranormal" explanation for these disappearances?

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96.1. I'm lost when you say "opening hypothesis in the western book." We never proposed a hypothesis, please explain.

96.2. Never moved away from anything because we were never moved into a theory....If we had one, we would definitely state it.

96.3. The case in France is highly unusual as its a victim that actually remembered what happened to her, very rare.

96.4. Many of the elements in that case are present in others we've documented.

Thanks for the contact!!

= = =

97. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 21:14

97. reply to post by shockedonlooker

97. Hi again. Sorry, but I think my question became lost in the BF dustup. Thanks for your time!

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97. I don't know the exact stats, but there are people who worked in the parks that were victims, at several locations. Many were visitors and a few were actually rangers.

All the best!!

= = =


posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 06:05 AM
= = =

98. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 21:16

98. reply to post by BO XIAN

98. I would dearly love to know . . . do you have a guesstimate of when your latest 411 book will be available on Kindle?

98. Thx in advance and for your candid, straightforward responses.

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98. We have no plans to place the books on any electronic media. We have had requests for 6 different ebook formats. We aren't a publishing house and barely have the time to write books. The additional time to get the books in 6 different formats seems a distraction to our main purpose, more research.

Thanks a million for the question!!

= = =


posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 06:34 AM

99. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 21:51

99. reply to post by Komodo

99. Interesting to note on the missing persons case, there is a thread on here about i highway in Canada that is notorious for travelers on that highway becoming missing; I don't have the link right now, but, not sure if you've investigated that at all. If not, it's a good read.

99. My question: Is there any correlation to those people missing in Alaska as well?

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99. We know about the Highway of Tears cases in BC in detail. Those cases have nothing to do with our research. But, we have found other cases in BC that do match our criteria and they are in the books.

99. We have found cases in Alaska that match our criteria and they are documented in the books.

Thanks for the question.

= = =

100. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 21:55

100. reply to post by PamelaBritton2U

100. It's a SJPD 'stash! You look just like my BIL, Mike Mattocks, LOL. Must be in the water there, although he's since retired, sort of.

100. You commented that Northern California is one place to avoid. That scared the bejeezus out of me since I live near Redding and have a little girl and we go camping on a regular basis. Excuse me while I go take a sedative...

100. My question: When you say don't go into the forest alone do you mean have someone with you at ALL times? Narrowing the field further, which park in Northern Cali would you avoid?

100. BTW, I am an author of 30+ mainstream published books (romance) and I really want to konk people over the head for thinking you should give your findings away for free. It's like asking a contractor to build a house for free because that would PROVE they're a legit contractor. Am I the only one that doesn't get that kind of thinking? (Scratches head.)


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100.1 The area around the McCloud River and MT Shasta has several people that have vanished.

100.2 The Marble Mountain Wilderness Area has a few people that have permanently disappeared under highly, highly unusual conditions.

100.3 The region near Burney and south to Lassen has three highly unusual disappearances, all involving kids.

100.4 Keep your child in your hand when your in the woods.

Thanks for the question and kind words!!

= = =

101. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 21:58

101. reply to post by BO XIAN


101. Have any spiritually sensitive folks with a proven track record given you any good insights on your cases which proved out? If so, do you have an example?

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101. Many of the freedom of information act requests have revealed psychics that have contributed to a variety of cases. Many of there responses were chilling.

101. While we believe that some psychics are worthy and valuable, the majority are not.
We would be open to working with the right one, someone with a long and successful history working with law enforcement.

Thanks for the contact.

[BO XIAN editorial note: I make a clear distinction between occult associated “psychics” and genuine Christians who AUTHENTICALLY [many are not] who get their information from Holy Spirit. Imho, one is a trap with contaminating false, &/or seductive, spiritual consequences of a destructive nature. The other is freeing and redemptive]
= = =

102. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 22:00

reply to post by Komodo

102. a government trained remote viewer!!!!!! (emphasis mine)

102. stop .. wait. .. wait .. !

102. seriously .. please elaborate !!!!!

102.1. The majority of the trainers in this field have come from the government.

102.2. The government developed this arena and these individuals have the longest successful track record.

102.3. We don't want to spend time vetting the credibility of someone, we'd rather work with an individual who is a trainer, someone who has been there done that 100X.

= = =

103. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 22:24

reply to post by TWILITE22

103. will you be writing another book on missing 411?


103. Don't know

= = =

104. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 22:33

reply to post by BO XIAN

104 What are your first 3, strongest

. . . impressions, hunches, curiosities re the missing persons cases, phenomena?

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104.1 Incidents occur very, very quickly.
104.2 Without warning.

= = =

105. posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 22:44

reply to post by BO XIAN

105.1. Given all you've learned; all your impressions; all your intuitions; all your training and experiences; all the weirdness of a lot of impressive cases . . .

105.2. assume you are in deep wilderness.

105.3. Your associates are around the bend 50-100 feet behind you on the trail.

105.4. Situation A)

105.5. you have your gun . . . you sense some sort of weird, very strange, maybe even paranormal phenomena about to occur right 'in your lap.'

105.6. What are your first 3-5 actions?

105.7. Situation B) Ditto above . . . but your gun simply will not work. Nothing you do will make it work. What are your first 3-5 actions?

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105.1. Gun not operating, never happened, hard to imagine that...

105.2. Grab the gun, let the world know you have it.

105.3. Grab the people near you, get your back next to a boulder or tree, wait for the incident to pass.

105.4. Get the emergency locator beacon and hold it in your hand ready to activate.

105.5. Call out to your friends.

105.6. Stay still and get your senses working...

105.7. If your a religious person, pray.

= = =


posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 06:36 AM

continued next post with page 20.

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 07:01 AM

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:14

106. reply to post by ilian51378

106.1. I will admit that I had never heard of you before this thread, but the more I read your responses, the more respect I have for you! This website has a lot of members that are masters in cornering people with a different view about things then their own. So much so, that in many cases, even if truth is being shared, the story is being discredited. However, I am still to see even one person, who could shake your foundation. It is possible that this is due to the fact that you do not have an established theory about what is causing the disappearances yet, but whatever it is, I am truly impressed with your composure and maturity.

106.2. Anyway, I would like to have done some more research on this topic, but for whatever reason, I have not. That is why, I do not feel qualified to come to conclusions or have my own opinion on the subject. With that said though,

106.3 I was wondering how many people may have vanished because of other people, who may live as scots in the wilderness, committing crimes for various reasons?

106.4 What made me think of that is a case of a person who lived and survived numerous years in the woods on a mountain in Darrington, Washington. He used to come down the mountain to gather food and medical supplies from vacation homes and was known as The Bulgarian. Many times trackers were hired to find his whereabouts, but it wasn't until a decade had passed and he was at the respectable age of 67, when he was captured. That took some new for the time technological advances that he was not aware of. In any event, he didn't kidnap or kill anyone there, but it made me think about the possibilities of others like him, who may not be as harmless...

106.5. I got to find out about this by watching a documentary on Bulgarian TV (I am a Bulgarian myself) where this person was interviewed. What made him successful in that environment was the fact that he was a shepherd before he left Bulgaria.

106.6. Here is a link to some of the story (some things about him are unknown according to the article, but I have the answers, because I heard them from him):

106.7 Link to the mentioned documentary (in Bulgarian):


Great question, but impossible to answer with any level of credibility

All the best!!

= = =

107. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:21

107. reply to post by Swing80s

107.1. Wow I wish I could have noticed this earlier. I recently bought your book and am enjoying it thoroughly. Mr. Paulides, I live in the NW around Auburn, and have gone all over the NW including Green Water, where friends and I go shooting, believe it or not but on Joe Rogan Questions Everything, the first episode was about Sasquatch and I was astounded that they went to the gas station I stop by EVERYTIME I go shooting there, and Joe Rogan interviewed the lady I bought my gas from EVERYTIME as well, and she was telling him about her personal stories and the creepy (chatter) if you ever hear them communicate.

107.2. I have a couple questions for you. I've been meaning to hit up some hot spots (not alone) with my gf or a friend (definitely armed) that are kind of off the beaten trail, where people have had experiences before. Either Around Mt St Helens Ape Canyon area, or a certain area off of I-90. I mean of course if I did something like this I would let family and friends know where I'd be going ahead of time, but in your experience, would it be something smart to do? And would bringing firearms possibly make it worse?

107.3. Also my family does remember the search for that boy in the 70s that disappeared during hide-and-seek and my one of the reasons my parents bought it for me is because they still remember the special forces coming in to help. I heard that it was because the grandfather still had some friends in Delta Force or whatever Special Forces group it was and called them in as a favor.

107.4. If I was to go to a "hotspot" would you have any advice for me? Or maybe clues I could look for? I know you don't want to mention BF necessarily, but would there be any type of precautions I could take to make sure my friend and I didn't just disappear with our clothes stacked in a neat piles some place where searchers have already combed over 3-4 times?

107.5. Also I have an additional question... but I'll PM it to you.

107.6. I really wish I knew you would have been on and could have read some more so I wasn't so redundant but I've been sucked into your book, and I believe I might have some more insight into some things considering I was just in Moclipse this summer, as well as having been all over WA. --Matt

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107.1 I've gone into many of the locations where victims of "Missing 411" have vanished and into hot spots. I usually go off trail as those are the locations to get a great nature experience.

107.2 **One thing I would ALWAYS carry, a personal locator transponder, ALWAYS. There is only one case where we documented where a hiker was carrying one and vanished, never a case where someone was armed and carrying a transponder.

Thanks for the question. My email is at the back of the book.

= = =

108. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:27

108. reply to post by maryhinge

108. my question is do you think that these sightings of bigfoot are linked with ufos
or maybe even tears in the fabric of spacetime.where people vanish into and bigfoot emerges from?

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108.1. We are a group that is big on listening to the Native American perspective as they are the ones who have lived in the same environment for thousands of years, to ignore this is negligent. Many groups completely discount there views and refuse to document their beliefs.

108.2. Every Native American Tribe believes bgft is a human. Not one tribe states its an ape or gorilla, not one. They call them another tribe with special abilities, speed and stealth. Outsiders are told not to try to intimidate or bother them.

108.3. Many Native American tribes have the belief that they came from the Star People. Many reservations have a long history of UFO's.

108.4. Again, to ignore the Native American beliefs, beliefs held by every tribe, foolishness

Good Question.

= = =


posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 07:02 AM
= = =

108. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:27

108. reply to post by maryhinge

108. my question is do you think that these sightings of bigfoot are linked with ufos
or maybe even tears in the fabric of spacetime.where people vanish into and bigfoot emerges from?

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108.1. We are a group that is big on listening to the Native American perspective as they are the ones who have lived in the same environment for thousands of years, to ignore this is negligent. Many groups completely discount there views and refuse to document their beliefs.

108.2. Every Native American Tribe believes bgft is a human. Not one tribe states its an ape or gorilla, not one. They call them another tribe with special abilities, speed and stealth. Outsiders are told not to try to intimidate or bother them.

108.3. Many Native American tribes have the belief that they came from the Star People. Many reservations have a long history of UFO's.

108.4. Again, to ignore the Native American beliefs, beliefs held by every tribe, foolishness

Good Question.

= = =

109. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:33

109. reply to post by nakiel

109.1 I'm from Norway; we have trolls, -but the only forest creature I've encountered is the huldra.

109.2 Haven't read your books (yet), but I wonder if there has been any game hunters missing, and eventually if they disappearances are more probable to have natural causes than that of missing hikers and others.

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109.1. Yes, there are hunters that have disappeared. Some are never found, some are found under highly, highly unusual conditions. One man disappeared in New Mexico bow hunting for elk. He also had a pistol with him. He told his friends he was going to walk just a short distance down the trail and setup there. He had an injured knee and couldn't go far. He never came back to camp, canines brought to the scene couldn't locate a scent. His vehicle was left at the scene. SAR teams were baffled about the case because they never found any of his equipment, couldn't find his tracks any longer past a specific point on the trail, he was somewhat disabled, they were very deep into the woods, too deep to walk out, etc. This is just one of many cases

Thanks for asking!!

= = =

110. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:38

110. reply to post by Philippines

110.1. Would you say that these strange missing persons cases you have investigated are mostly in places where the Westerners have moved in and taken over? After going through the thread the cases seem to involve either in the New World or the Old World where Westerners have invaded the lands... All imho.

110.2. Are there any "old world" places where similar odd missing persons cases have happen and are still ongoing? (And none of the West is present)

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110.1. We have identified 34 geographical clusters of missing people. Many of these clusters have historical cases. These cases would not be readily identified because there are sometimes 2025 years between events, just far enough apart to not draw suspicion.

110.2. The Great Smoky Mountains (TN) have had many disappearances for the last 100 years.

110.3. Crater Lake (OR) has had a history of disappearances going back 100 years.

110.4. The Northern Cascades in Washington have had highly strange disappearances going back over 100 years.

110.5. Pennsylvania has had disappearances going back over 100 years.

There are more.

Thanks for the question.


posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 11:27 AM
= = =

Note: I occasionally correct spelling, “you’re” vs “your,” typo’s. If you want an absolutely 100% faithful quote—errors and all, please—refer to the original post. My changes also typically include omitting the greetings, hello’s etc.

111. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:41

111. reply to post by AbleEndangered

111.1 I have came across interesting stories of the Huwawa also humbaba. A humbaba is a Guardian Giant. Enkidu is referenced in the Epic of Glgamesh as being a Huwawa.

111.2 Gilgamesh and Huwawa, version A: translation

111.3 Gilgamesh und Huwawa, Version B: translation

111.4 Humbaba wikipedia entry

111.5 I know this has been touched on in the Ancient Alien Bigfoot episode but it has some credence. Another poster brought up Dyatlov pass. Like the hikers intruded on guarded or protected land.

111.6 In the Alexander Romance, Alexander the Great encountered a wildman as well. The Alexander Romance is most likely fictional since it says Alexander the Great had a Flying ship. hehe..

111.7 If you google images:
Enkidu carvings
Enkidu Seals

111.8 In the Enkidu carvings he kinda looks like the "Hairy family of Burma" or similar cases of Hypertrichosis.

111.9 On the Enkidu seals he is portrayed battling a Heavenly Bull, Lamassu or Cherubim.

111.0.1. Question: Has your research lead you in these directions, or is it just ancient aliens mind warping?

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111. We have not centered on any specific possibility but have looked at many beliefs such as what you described.

Thanks for asking

= = =

112. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:43

112. reply to post by missvicky

112. Never heard the story about wearing green on a beach, just wearing bright colors in the jungle make you more likely to going missing.

Thanks for the question

= = =

113. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:51

113. reply to post by Xterrain

113.1. David, I have to say, I started reading your Western US volume right before I had a business trip to Lake Tahoe and Salt Lake City. I couldn't put it down, much less leave it behind when I traveled. So I took it with me and read it during my flights and in the car after my driver picked me up for the conference. While I was in Lake Tahoe, I wanted to stretch my nerves a bit, so I took an afternoon to hike up an old fire road alone. After a couple hours, my nerves got the best of me and I found myself atop a 100' cliff overlooking Lake Tahoe with my back to an empty meadow surrounded by pine...I swear I wasn't alone up there...but it could have just been my nerves.

113.2. The following day I left Lake Tahoe and headed to Salt Lake City, where once again, after a meeting, I hiked up about a mile to an old reservoir alone. This time it was dead still...the snow started to fall in almost straight lines, and oddly enough just as I pulled into the parking lot the other two cars parked there turned around and drove off, as did the chopper overhead as it flew to lower altitudes and towards the city. I was literally the only person up there and I was nervous as all hell during the mile up.

113.3. However, after an hour or so, I was collected and feeling comfortable in my new surroundings...then a stick went flying by as I was peering over a cliffs edge to have a look at a small waterfall running down the mountain. I couldn't have made that snow covered and muddy walk back to my car fast enough. No idea where that stick came from, but there definitely wasn't wind, no one else around...thanks for spooking the # out of me sir.

113.4. David. It's an honor. I've read your books and am eagerly anticipating a volume about my home state of Texas. Your books and your insight into the world of both criminology and state department protocols are highly valued by myself, friends of mine who I've managed to obtain copies of your book for, and family members who have an open mind. Thank you for presenting the evidence in a non-biased way and for spreading some light on such a taboo subject. Who know what is out there, but I've often wondered why specific areas of our nation are cordoned off as 'wilderness preserves' while others are national parks; Your books definitely further my thought process.

113.5. Everyone. If you haven't read David's books, whether you’re a sceptic or not, I implore you to buy one or barrow one and read it. They're incredibly detailed and will make you respect the woods all over again...and possibly even make you rethink being in the wilderness alone. Watch your kids. Watch your dogs. Bears definitely don't seem to be the only large animals in our national forests.

113.6. So when might a Texas book come out? I heard you on C2C where you said that Texas could be it's own volume...I'm very interested as are other people I've been able to track down who've had experiences like the one my dad had a year ago and the one I had in the same area of the Texas hIll country about 10 years ago.
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113.1. Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated!!

113.2 There are stories from Texas in the new book; "Missing 411-North America and Beyond."

Thanks again for the polite contact.

= = =


posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 11:33 AM
= = =

114. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 08:57

114. reply to post by Kratos40

114.1 After seeing going through databases that are collecting sightings of this strange creature, I already have an informed shape and dimensions on this. On average, they stand as tall 8 feet tall, due to their girth, weigh around 500 to 800 pounds. The arm length always seem to be below the knees. No neck is observed. Pointed cranium is observed. A muscular V-shaped upper body is observed. Deep set eyes with a pronounced brow ridge. Either matty/oily long hair is observed. Footprints analyzed by Dr. Jeff Meldrum indicate a different pibed suitable for the terrain. One third of sightings indicate a fowl glandular smell. Powerfull, gutteral sound emitted towards trespassers....

114.2. This being said, do you think there is a creature that may be taking these individuals? Do you think there is a correlation to the feet found in tennis shoes in the Pacific Northwest? (Aside from Fukushima victiims).

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114.1. We don't know if something is taking the people or some other action is happening in the woods.
114.2. Something very, very unusual is happening that is not readily identifiable.

114.3. We've had readers contact us with many, many theories including:

114.4. A Rogue park service employee that is a serial killer.

114.5. Reptoids

114.6. Aliens

114.7. Our government stealing people for test purposes

114.8. Worm holes

114.9. bgft

etc, etc, etc

114.0.1 This is how complex the facts surrounding the disappearances are. The stories don't make for an easy answer, it's complex.

= = =

115. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 09:05

reply to post by BO XIAN

115.1 I realize that this might require wild guesses on your part . . . but given all you know . . . from whatever meager reports from some few returnees . . .

115.2 What 3 things might be the first sensory or conscious awarenesses that something like the phenomena was about to occur and quickly?

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115.1. I remember when I was on the SWAT team and we were searching buildings/lots for armed individuals. Every once in awhile the hair on the back of my neck would stand up and I'd have a hunch that something bad was imminent, sometimes it would cause me to look in a specific direction, many times that is where the suspect was located.

115.2. I think that humans had other senses years ago that we don't understand and we may have lost. I don't think a hunch is always just a hunch, there is something to it.

115.3. When you get an unusual feeling, may be we should listen to it, I know I did and I think it saved me from serious injury a few times.

Thanks for the question.

= = =

116. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 09:11

116. reply to post by interupt42

116.1. 1. Does your research and evidence suggest any commonalities that may be of significance between the cases besides a missing person? age, race, background, family traits, mental issues, social problems, timing,etc?

116.2. 2. Are there any cases that occurred approximately around the same time but vast distance away from each other to indicate more than one entity or group may be involved?

116.3. 3. What is the most recent case.

116.4. 4. Did any of the people that disappeared have a cell phone and where the authorities able to triangulate or use their cell phone to point their last location?

116.5. 5. Have any of the missing persons bodies been found? if so anything weird or suspect about the corpse?

116.6. thanks again and my apologies if you answered some of those already since I'm not all caught up with the thread.

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Great questions

116.1 1. There are very, very few black people that have disappeared that fit our criteria, less then 1%. People with disabilities have disappeared at an unusually high level.

116.2. 2. Yes, there have been multiple disappearances at the same time.

116.3. 3. Most recent case, really don't like to comment on that because too many issues are not released on most cases until after one year. Law enforcement holds the facts close and doesn't like to release pertinent details, too much guess work. If I had to pick one case that mimics what we know, to this point, Hildegard Hendrickson, mushroom picker missing in Washington.

116.4. 5. Many, many cases about people being found under strange circumstances, too long to describe here. Some of this has been answered on this thread.

Thanks for the contact.

= = =

117. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 09:42

117. reply to post by wishes

117.1. Mr. Paulides~ thank you for you valuable time and willingness to discuss this. I am familiar with some of your work and totally appreciate the time, effort and energy it takes to get anywhere with this type of research. I've grown up in the Rocky Mountains in Canada near the US border and have done lots of hiking/camping without incidence other than a few bear encounters.

117.2 I have spent decades myself researching researchers and is very easy today for people to be armchair critics and not have the slightest clue what it takes to put credible work together in the field, literally. Some people who haven't been able to spend any time in the wilderness cannot fathom why disappearing or being found 'x' distance away is most implausible in "some" circumstances which is what your work is about - the 'unexplainable' disappearances. Obviously there is an explanation because it happened, but it is way beyond our/your grasp to know or comprehend what that is - yet. All we have is at best speculation (which is opinion, not fact) until something concrete comes is discovered or revealed.

117.3. Out of all the people who were found and could recall the events – was there any commonalities/similarities to their experiences even in a few instances? And what recollection stands out the most for you as recounted by someone later found as to what happened to them, like the case in France you mentioned?

Thanks kindly for all your work ~ I totally appreciate every minute of it!

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Thanks for the kind words!!

117.1. The France incident is one of the most detailed explanation that exists for anyone under similar conditions.

117.2. Women have described being followed by "men", they usually cannot describe them but they have said that the men stare at them, don't communicate and hide behind bushes. Some women on the Appalachian Trail have reported being chased by men of similar descriptions.

117.3. Another case involves a girl hanging closes at her very rural farm. Her dad and mom are in the house when she disappears. A huge search, the following day a helicopter finds her walking the perimeter of a lake miles away. She states that a "man" approached her in the yard and she ran, nobody heard a scream. As she was being chased she remember blacking out, the next thing she remembers is walking around the lake.

Thanks for the question.


posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 11:36 AM
= = =

118. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 09:43

118. reply to post by six67seven

118.1. The following video is a June 5, 2001 interview of "Bugs" by Art Bell. Bugs tells his story of a (1970s?) hunting trip with his two pals (Birddog and Jim) in Texas. They hunted bobcats and coyotes for their pelts, as that's how they made a living. It was evening/night and they came across eye-shine and they fired upon it, knocked it down at least a couple times and tracked it. This whole time they thought it was a bear until they came to its tracks, which he says looks human.

118.2. They came to some plum thickets where they heard a growl and killed the first one there. To make it short, they killed another which Bugs described as a couple (male & female). They didn't really know if they shot humans or what so they buried them and haven't been back to the location since.

118.3. Bugs describes the features of both beings in detail and describes what they did in detail and have a map to the location of their buried bodies.

118.4. David, I'm sure you've heard of Bugs story. With that said, do you know if anyone has used the map to confirm the story or if anyone has plans to do so?


I do know the story.
I have no idea if anyone has tried to pursue it.

All the best!

= = =

119. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 09:56

reply to post by Swing80s

119. I have an additional question but I think you would probably feel more comfortable if I asked you privately. And some interesting stories I've heard since I've lived around here. Especially from Pre-volcanic Mt. St. Helens since it had bottomless lakes and all kinds of caves.


Contact me at:
[email protected]

= = =

120. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 10:04

120. reply to post by wulff

120. I love the study of unexplained phenomena but I don't find Bigfoot the least bit interesting and the shows on them I find very boring.

120.1. I would however, like to know what strange happenings seem to take place in our wildernesses.

120.2. I live in Arizona and love the wilderness but there was one time when I was living in rural Michigan (it never happened but once) I was out in some woods shooting my Luger and I suddenly had this 'feeling' that 'something' was coming towards me through the woods!

120.3. I don't get scared easily or ever have 'feelings' but I felt that if I stayed there this unseen force was coming for me. I ran towards our house about 2 miles away, I had to cross some fences and a railroad track, then there was a field of high corn that had like 20 foot wide paths cut through it with paths about 10 feet wide by 10 foot long connecting to this long path (not sure why the farmer did that though)

120.4. I thought when I got to the wide path I would feel safe but I didn't, it felt like this unseen force was gaining on me!, I stopped, turned around and fired into the ground about 100 feet behind me, I had a feeling it stopped temporarily, I ran about 1/4 mile and it seemed like it was there again (totally unseen) and I did the same thing again, shooting into the ground, again the same thing happened and it felt like it was coming again. I did this song and dance till I reached a small plowed field directly behind our house, it was when I was in this field about 500 feet from our land I had a feeling it had stopped!

120.5. I was shook up and told my brother and the only thing he was worried about was making sure I aimed low so the shot would hit the ground (we were taught gun safety from a young age).

120.6. About a week later I went back into the same woods and it felt fine, I spent most the day just walking along a creek that winds through the woods and a slow walk back how as it was getting dark. I couldn't even comprehend why I didn't feel any fear on this jaunt as I would have thought it would have spooked me away from those mysterious woods for years!

120.7. Like I said, I never get 'feelings' but on that cloudy dark autumn day I swear to God in heaven (I am a Christian too) that I experienced this if this makes any sense I felt it was large and about 10 feet wide and I also had the feeling that the noise from the handgun seemed to make it stop almost like it was maybe fearful and concerned about the weapon.

120.8. I have said several times that I never get feelings (only on this occasion) and it seemed like beyond a doubt the feeling I had about this invisible 'force or thing' was real, was evil and did intend to reach me.

120.9. Oh, also those on here know me as being one of the most skeptical people on ATS and usually won't believe something if it bit me on the butt!
If you or any readers are still reading thanks!

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120.1. Thanks for the great story.

120.2. I have received one similar story.

120.3. This was a hunter in the Rockies, on a ridge 11000 feet up and around a lot of boulders. He heard something coming from his right about 100 yards away. He said he could feel it in the ground and a low humm in the air. He said he turned and watched as the waist high grass parted as it passed in front of him, probably 100 feet away, right to left. He said he had his rifle ready. Whatever it was could not be seen but obviously had mass as it moved the grass. He said it scarred the crap out of him. He lost sight of it as it moved down a hill.

Thanks again for the contact.

= = =

121. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 10:25

121. reply to post by hopper2684

121.1 For the few bodies and people that are recovered - other scratch marks sometimes – are there any consistent marks left on their bodies? Examples - puncture marks, bite marks, rashes etc?

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121.1. All have scratch marks, some they cannot explain.

121.2. An unusual note, some have fevers that doctors cannot explain.

Thanks for the question.

= = =


posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 11:38 AM
= = =

121. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 10:25

121. reply to post by hopper2684

121.1 For the few bodies and people that are recovered - other scratch marks sometimes – are there any consistent marks left on their bodies? Examples - puncture marks, bite marks, rashes etc?

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121.1. All have scratch marks, some they cannot explain.

121.2. An unusual note, some have fevers that doctors cannot explain.

Thanks for the question.

= = =

122. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 10:29

122. reply to post by Ravidtux

122.1. Thankyou for coming onto ATS and answering some of the questions put to you (I have actually created an account just for this!) Having read both your earlier books, and intending to read the third, the case which stood out to me the most is the one of the child going missing and returning with the farmer whose land it was after asking the SARS team not to follow him.

122.2. Do you think that residents of these particular areas actually know what is happening and are too scared to say?

122.3. Have you ever had any inclination when meeting them that they may not be telling the truth?
It is also odd that the park service are not as helpful as you would expect them to be. What I find interesting is that the people who return do not know what has happened to them, and are in a delusional state on being found.

122.4. I hope that one day you will find out exactly what is happening.


122.1 The case you refer dealt with a very rural incident. Ranchers and farmers know what is happening on and around there property and many are very private about that activity. It was obvious in that Canadian case, the person knew something very unusual was happening by stating that he might not come back but that he was going out to get the girl. As I stated in that article, I would love to get my hands on the RCMP report and their interview of the person, it would be fascinating, but it was an old case.

122.2. Nearly every case where a person is found, they are as you stated "delusional" or groggy or semi-conscious.

Thanks for the contact and your support of our work.
Much appreciated!!

= = =


posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 06:24 PM

123. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 11:21

123. reply to post by bastion

123. David, there's currently big cases of slavery going on in the UK. Isn't this or similar 'taken by criminals for whatever reason' a far more likely explanation than invoking supernatural stuff?

123. Also I noticed you mentioned using psychics during finds, please could you provide your reasoning for this given there's no proof of psychic abilities?

123. You're obviously far more experienced than myself in the field, but this all seems too far-fetched.

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123. I never said we used psychics, but I would. I've taken law enforcement classes that explain their use. I actually know detectives that used a psychic and found the body. I believe that a small percentage of them probably have some ability that we don't understand.
123. As an example, if 99% of the psychics are frauds, that's only what you hear about. Law enforcement is historically very quiet and does not want to be made fun of, especially if they fail. So, you will rarely hear detectives going public with their positive thoughts on psychics, as that appearance would be used by the frauds to bolster their credibility.

Thanks for the question

123. Slavery has nothing to do with the disappearances we research. The people disappear in areas and under conditions that would discount human interaction.

= = =

124. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 11:23

124. reply to post by NowanKenubi

124. Here I go; In your OP, you talk of some 34 clusters where people disappear "en masse", in Canada and in the US. My question is where are those 34 clusters? I'd like to know if there is one close to my home.

Thanks for your time, and congratulations for your work.


124. Google- "Missing 411 cluster map."

= = =

125. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 11:25

125. reply to post by JRCrowley

125. Hello David! I just finished reading Missing 411 (Western U.S. and Canada) and it's a fantastic book.

125. What are your thoughts on using RC aircraft to search for Bigfoot?

125. I'm always on the look out for your interviews because the subject of missing people in parks is extremely fascinating (in a disturbing way) and I've always loved hiking and camping, so it's an area that's very close to home for me.

125. One more thing. After the recent righting of the Costa Concordia I took a look at some interesting facts around cruises. I've never taken one so I was interested in researching a few details, including the possible negative aspects of cruises. It led me to a site that lists the missing people from cruises.

125. Go to cruisejunkie and take a look at the list of Cruise and Ferry Passengers and Crew Overboard

125. 1995 - 2013.


Do a little research about suicides on cruise ships, the numbers are huge. I know this because several years ago someone asked me to look into it.

125. RC aircraft, balloons, etc, will find nothing.

Thanks for the kind words on the books, much appreciated!!

= = =

126. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 11:31

126. reply to post by palmalBlue2

126.1. Thank you for coming here to ATS. It has been difficult to read as my friend has been missing for quite some time and we are no closer to finding anything out than the day he dissapeared.

126.2. Dealing with LEO was frustrating overall for reasons you pretty much mentioned here. They have done a great job, but I realize their time and resources are limited.

126.3. I feel there is more info out there and more resources but I am not sure where to look. [PNW, specifically Oregon/Washington area]

126.4. Im not sure what I am trying to say except THANK YOU for what you are doing!!

126.5. Any words of wisdom for a family/friend of a missing person who has hit the brick wall? it hasn't been a year yet.


126.1. If your friend has disappeared in a rural area, don't give up looking for their remains.

126.2. In an abnormal amount of missing cases, the body is found in areas that were previously searched, sometimes found on a trail that was walked 100X. Sometimes the body arrive days or weeks after the formal search was terminated. If you are looking for closure, keep the effort going and keep looking in areas that were previously searched.

My prayers are with you.

= = =

127. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 12:26

127. reply to post by arosebyanyothername

127.1. I live in the woods on the Boston Mountain Range/Ozarks. Can't tell from the cluster map a lot of detail. The Ozark National Forest is not far from moi as the crow flies. The other close park is Devil's Den which is simply beautiful. I've been here 30 years (transplant from the city) and no stories that I know of re strange disappearances.
127.2. Before settling into my place I did look at one cabin right on the boarder of the Ozark Nat F and it deff felt 'off' but that could be explained by a number of things (including local families that prefer not to be seen and do watch from the woods).

127.3. Was just curious if you have any info on the two locations?

127. 4. Do I dare get your book and be afraid to go into the woods at night here where I live *grin*. I've never been afraid here and lived solo for my first 10 years. Then again I'm now seeing the benefit that I have neighbors not too far way so the area is inhabited for the most part. West of my property is a large stretch of land uninhabited that I've walked countless times day and night and never felt anything but peace.

127.5. Don't have a weapon to carry/don't plan on getting one unless things started feeling really off.

127.6. Thanks again for your responses. I agree that to offer a hypothesis immediately locks in a viewpoint and from that point on all information is sorted to support the bias. Critical thinking and analysis demands as much as possible the neutral viewpoint/which you support.



127. Rose
Thanks for the question, and you hit the lottery on Devils Den State Park. One of the more unusual cases I've written about, "Missing 411-Eastern U.S. pg 82-85

127. This case happened in 1946 with an 8 year old girl. She was swimming in a creek with a small dam and vanished. There was a HUGE search. Many in law enforcement stated their belief that she was kidnapped. I won't ruin the story for you, but she was eventually found in one of the most unusual locations you would imagine.

Have a great day Rose!!

= = =


posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 06:27 PM
= = =

128. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 12:27

128. reply to post by merkaba93

128. 1. Weird as I had never heard of your books until a few days ago and a neighbor started telling my wife about them.

128. 2. Are there any cases where those carrying a firearm have disappeared?

128. 3. This has freaked me out! I have spent a lot of time in the woods alone hunting, and with deer season and elk season around the corner...


128. Yes, several.

= = =

129. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 12:30

129. reply to post by NOrrTH

129. What do the natives think is going on? Surely they have some theories or legends.


Great question.

129.1. First, there is a long history of native americans that have disappeared and thought to the tribe have been taken. In an earlier thread I explained how most tribes believe they came from the "Star People", from the sky. When they leave the Earth many believe they go back to the sky.

129.2. I would say that there is not a uniform belief about what is happening across the board to everyone.

129.3. Many different theories, but the star people aspect continues to pop up.

Thanks for the contact!!!

= = =

130. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 12:33

130. reply to post by Philippines

130. Thank you for the fast response, I wish I was home earlier to reply a bit faster, but timezones can be to an advantage if one stays up a bit late

130. It is interesting that the history goes back that far in those areas indeed. Do you know about any similar occurrences outside of the New World like in Asia/Europe/Mideast/wherever where the reports are nearly identical?

130. I am curious if this is isolated to an area of the world or has "hotspots" around the world.

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130. This is a cumbersome process, not easy to get the reports and detail necessary to establish linkage in some remote areas. Borneo is a country we have been researching for several weeks and it appears to have several cases that qualify, there are others


posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 06:50 PM

131. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 12:36

131. reply to post by Restricted

131. David, can you point us to a definitive source for the Native American myths you discussed earlier in the thread? Thanks.



131.1. Giants, Cannibals and Monsters, by Kathy Strain.

131.2. She is an archeologist for the Department of the Interior and a good friend.
She spent years developing the book, its good!

= = =

132. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 12:40

132. reply to post by Scorchio

132.1. I must admit that i hadn't previously heard of any of these disappearances. Living in the UK, we have nothing as interesting as this to break up the daily routine, tragic though it appears to be. Having found this thread, i must say that your work is fascinating and i'm quickly becoming addicted to this subject.

132.2. Can you answer a couple more questions for me please:

132.3. 1. How would i, being in the UK and with no previous experience, get involved in your line of work?

132.4. 2. I'm going to order one of your books. Which would you recommend as my first purchase?

132.5. Thanks for answering my previous questions and i hope you don't mind if i continue to ask.


132.1. I really don't know the UK landscape well enough or understand your laws for mandatory release of info by the govt. You may have quite an uphill battle getting relevant documents. I would probably go to an area with a history of people going missing and speak to reporters from the local paper, get their opinion on what is happening, some of them are quite bright.

132.2. I would start with "Missing 411-North America and Beyond.

Thanks for the contact and keep me informed if you dig up any info matching the list you find in the book.

= = =

133. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 15:08

133. reply to post by ANNED

133.1. I know from a couple retired officers i know that a number of sheriffs departments in calif check the criminal records of people reported missing.

133.2. If the missing person has a record for certain crimes the departments never actively look for the missing person.

133.3. these crimes are meth use, burglary, criminal trespass.

133.4. The department believe that if these missing persons were killed by other criminals/drug users they would have been dumped and found shortly.

133.5. But if shot by a property owner or home owner while committing a theft or burglary and not reported would have been buried deeply and unlikely to be found.

133.6. With the missing in National Parks the unknown is how many of the missing were really in the National Park.

133.7. or was it just that there car or other items was dumped in the park to throw off the search.

133.8. Most park police departments are not very big or will trained in missing persons investigations.

133.9. Most of the time they do a few days search around where they believe the person went missing and then wait for the remains to show up. they seldom do a investigation into if the person was really in the park if something like a car is found.

133.0.1. The thing about a National Park is its rural and few people know each other.

133.0.2. If someone wanted to get rid if someone they get rid of the body and bury it deep and then dump the persons ID, car. ECT 50 to 100(one to two hour drive) miles away in a National Park where there will be no big investigation.

133.0.3. National park police are unlikely to have a CSI team so a outside team has to be brought in and does not have the priority for the park police.

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133.1. A couple of your points are completely incorrect.

133.2. A police chief or sheriff would be fried by their administration if they arbitrarily decided to not take a missing persons case or work a case just because the person had a record, that is 100% irrelevant. I know that missing motorcycle gang members are on the national website (NCIC) and listed as missing. In this day and age, it may happen at some 2 horse town, not in any city or county of moderate size. The reason for this, many of those cases turn in homicides...

133.3. How many of the missing were in the national park, 100%. How do we know this, their property, cars, etc were left behind and found by the National Park police and noted in their report. Many times their relatives were in their rooms waiting for their return.

133.4. Your statement that National park Rangers are poorly train is 100% incorrect, they are better trained then most county sheriffs. These officer go to the Federal Law Enforcement training center and get the most advanced training in the U.S. They are HIGHLY trained officers and special agents (Their detectives). The park police do not have a CSI team, all advanced forensics are relegated to an FBI Evidence Response team.

All the best!!

= = =

134. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 15:09

134. reply to post by Personicles

134.1. Hi...I have NOT read all of the posts to this thread but have read many...I notice there are some questions regarding the Ketchum DNA papers...although this is not a link to the papers, it is a site where SOME questions may be answered in relation to these can find the relevant articles etc on the site...I hope it helps...

Thanks, Personicles...

134.1. The site you have noted is the most factual source related to the paper.

= = =

135. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 15:11

135. reply to post by randyvs

135.1. I'll try a different question Dave. How much evidence out of 100%, would you say is compiled in your research alone.

135.2. That bigfoot is responsible for what I deem, is truly a massive amount of disappearences.

135.3. People disappearing by getting lost in my mind, should be found
whether dead or alive. They should be found with the massive searches that are always
employed and to come up completely empty, time after time, is truly bazaar.

135.4. Sorry if the question is repetitive. I haven't read every reply of this,
what is becoming, a massive thread. Your time is greatly appreciated.

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135.5. For the 5th time stated on this forum, Myself, my team members and all of our research, we have NEVER stated that bgft is involved in ANY of the missing people research.


edit on 28/9/2013 by BO XIAN because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 07:16 PM
136. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 15:16

136. reply to post by Thorneblood

136.1. Do you think the energy released by earthquakes is related to these disappearances?]

136. 2. If that energy is strong enough to vibrate and create sound, even an undetectable one, could that resulting sonic vibration temporarily disrupt the normal flow of space/time?

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136.1. I know absolutely nothing about sound being related to disappearances, claim ignorance on that!!

All the best.

= = =

137. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 15:15

137. reply to post by Swing80s

137.1. Since everybody has been so open I figured I might as well tell you about some of the stories I've heard as well as the question or 2 that I had.

137.2. So a couple of years ago I was talking to my uncles boss' husband (my uncle is an Engineer at Boeing and so is his boss, so I'd imagine her husband would be somewhat educated and analytical as well). At first we were talking about hunting and then he was telling me about how he used to work in the timber industry around Mt. St. Helens pre-eruption.

137.3. He said that before the mountain blew there was this bottomless lake, along with a string of caves going throughout the mountain, which made sense to me because I always figured if BF was a nocturnal animal, interconnecting caves would be the best habitat for it. Anyways he said that this certain lake would freeze over during the winter and people would go out on the ice.

137.4. He said one-time some "French dude" came with some type of submersible to measure the depth but could never find the bottom. During a winter when it was frozen over apparently there were 3 teens that took their truck out on the ice but after driving around they hit a patch that couldn't hold their weight, and the truck along with the 3 teens fell through. He said their bodies were located sometime like a year later along some offshoot of the Snake or Columbia River. Almost like the got sucked in through some underground river and shot out.

137.5. He also told me that before the mountain blew during the summers helicopters would drop him into untouched wilderness that nobody would have access to unless you reached the area by helicopter and waited for some of the snow to recede. He told me that he had sightings there and heard things when I got the courage to bring BF up. And he took the topic seriously.

137.6. He was working when the mountain blew and told me the story of how he escaped. But almost all of his strange stories and sightings took place before the eruption. That made me believe that maybe Mt. St. Helens was a BF hotspot because of the caves, untouched wilderness etc... and I wonder if after the eruption it all got erased. He offered to take me up there however he insisted that we wear skunk urine while we hunt because that masks the smell apparently to animals and possibly BF as well.

137.7. Now the questions that I had were, do you believe that Sasquatch, or whatever (maybe hominid) or whatever you would like to call it is predatory and violent then some people's stories would have you believe? Or do you think just like how there's criminal elements in human society, that maybe whatever tribe lives out there may have their own type of criminal outcasts while on the other hand some can be quite benevolent?


137.1. Great story, thanks for sharing.

137.2. The DNA says that bgft is human based, if so it would follow that it would have behaviors similar to humans, good-bad, small-large, brown hair-blonde hair, etc.


[i THINK the sequence is corrected. I made a sequential error somehow in my copying and pasting here but I *THINK* it's corrected. Sorry, if not.]

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 07:51 PM
= = =

138. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 15:16

138. reply to post by Thorneblood

138. Do you think the energy released by earthquakes is related to these disappearances?

138. If that energy is strong enough to vibrate and create sound, even an undetectable one, could that resulting sonic vibration temporarily disrupt the normal flow of space/time?

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138. I know absolutely nothing about sound being related to disappearances, claim ignorance on that!!

All the best.

= = =

139. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 15:19

139. reply to post by SonoftheSun

139.1. Amazing AMA !! I was really unaware of this fact that so many people go missing in the woods...just wow...

139.2. Thank you Mr Paulides for sharing well...quite frankly...some heavy duty scary stuff !! I am the type to go on strolls in the woods, National Parks or otherwise, alone and unarmed.

139. 3. Never really thought of the danger - except for bears that is.

139.4. Staying urnarmed (Canada and not a hunter), what would be your recommendations for future excursions?

139.5 I understood the "not alone part" , the "transponder part" and the "start praying if an incident happens part" but any other advice?

Thank you Sir. Great thread !!!


139. Personally, I would never go into any woods unarmed.

139. You noted some of the other issues.

139. The last, don't go into the woods when there is any threat of bad weather.

All the best..

= = =

140. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 15:29

140. reply to post by schuyler

140. Let’s take a closer look at this DeNovo Journal. . . .

[BO XIAN NOTE: This post was soooo offensive to my sensibilities and respect for all DAVID PAULIDES had already said on the thread to this point, I just could not, in good conscience give it additional air time on this thread. For starters, Dave covered the issues abundantly already, imho. I found this rant cheeky, insulting and demeaning to our guest—in addition to being grossly uninformed, imperceptive and unwarranted. I will post David’s answer to it.]

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140.1. I'll try to be as patient as possible, but this strategy has been used too many times, its old and not innovative.

140.2. I sincerely doubt this person read the paper or, if they understood the science....

140.3. **If you can't attack the white paper (science), attack something on its periphery.
Again, no mention of bad science.

140.4. No mention that all 8 Phd's are wrong on their strategies and testing.

140.5. No mention that 10+ labs, including a university lab all came to the same result.

140. 6. No mention that every other DNA test ever completed on a bgft sample came back human based.

140.7. No mention that not one university was willing to tackle this topic until Dr. Ketchum and her team did something that was revolutionary, extract the DNA at a nuclear level of a bgft sample where it HAD NEVER been done before.

140.8. If you want truthful, non-hyped and a sensitive response to the issues drawn above, go to this site:

140.9. There is a reason why mainstream journals lied to Dr. Ketchum, yes they lied. The emails are on the site I noted.

140.0.1 The journals never found an issue with the science and testing-NONE.

140.0.2 Please go to that site, go deep and read about the issues Dr. Ketchum faced, it was truly unbelievable.

All the best.

= = =

141. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 15:30

141. reply to post by Mrmur

141.1. First and foremost thank you for your time spent on ATS! Your knowledge and this thread has got me hooked!

141.2. Q. Has there been any evidence or idea tossed around that these disappearances could be the result of someone self conscious awakening or being "activated" for the lack of a better word. Almost like a zombie state or hypnosis like. And if so what do you think could be the trigger of this remote control of the missing.

best, Mur


141. Mur
Thanks for the question.

141 I have never heard of this theory or had it brought up in any meeting.

Thanks for the contact!

= = =

142. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 16:13

142. reply to post by ArcAngel

142. One case in particular always stuck with me. It was the hunter they found across the lake from his camp where I believe they found his skull only. His pants were folded and the belt was rolled up and placed upon the pants.

142. In the realm of your research, could it be possible that people are being eaten by whatever is taking them? I am not alluding to animals such as bear either.

Thanks you

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I won't discount anything at this point

= = =

143. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 16:14

143. reply to post by Personicles

143. Yes,thanks...I ought to have made clear the link was proffered for those who have not read the analysis`s a fairly easy read and comprehensible for those with queries...I have to say,you are very patient with your answers etc.

Keep up the good fight.


143. Thanks for the kind thoughts

= = =

144. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 16:18

144. reply to post by wishes

144. I heard you mention in an interview strange incidents or reports from/about people in fire watch towers – could you elaborate on what people have reported/experienced? Thanks again!


144.1 There is a 70+ year old woman that worked a fire lookout for many years. One day she didn't check in.

144.2. It is a very lonely road with a single destination that gets you to the tower.

144.3. Stop here for a second, criminals always like escape routes and don't like to be seen. The idea that a criminal drove this road up and back and could be seen by anyone visiting the lookout, and thus allowing law enforcement to get tread marks from their car, does not seem reasonable or prudent.

144.4. Back to the story.
Supervisors went to the lookout and found the woman and her bed blanket both missing.
There was a 2 week search with Bloodhouds and helicopters and planes with FLIR. The dogs never picked up a scent and the aircrafts never saw anything with FLIR.

144.5. The woman has never been found.

144.6. A very, very strange case.

= = =


posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 07:52 PM
= = =

145. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 16:43

145. reply to post by 38181

145. Have you investigated any members of the U.S. Military gone missing during a training mission as per the outline of your books?

145. Without being too specific, in my type of work we do 4-5 man squad recon training missions and many times we spread out by ourselves deep in the woods, we will post one man security and stay several days at a time. We are armed but with blanks, to simulate the weight, and we don't carry personal locators. Many U.S military bases have thousands of square miles of woods and are usually not inhabited by civilians.

145. Any clusters in which include military bases?

Thank you, I'm on my way to ordering your books.


145.1. Never have investigated a missing person while on duty in the military.

145.2. We have several cases on military institutions where children vanished and were later found under very, very strange circumstances.

Thanks for asking.

= = =

146. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 16:44

146. reply to post by Sportbominable

146. My kids and I love this topic. I just had one question: What percentage of disappearances do you think could be attributed to serial killers, which themselves are a mystery? Or at least, do you believe some of these disappearances can be linked to serial killers?


146.1. ZERO

146.2. If we can loosely tie the case to a possible human predator, it's excluded.

= = =

147. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 17:39

147. reply to post by graceunderpressure

147.1 I've been trail-walking in the High Sierra many times, accompanied only by my 100-lb. dog. I always felt fairly safe doing so, but after reading your posts, now, I'm not so sure. Do you believe that a big guard dog is protection enough in lieu of a gun? Also, have there been any strange cases of people hiking with dogs going missing?


147.1. Congratulations, you have hit on one of the elements in many of the cases we've investigated, "People disappear with a canine." The number of people who have vanished with a dog is staggering. The cases are almost cookie cutter in type. Many times the canine comes back without the owner and the relatives will state that the dog would never leave the owners side....

147.2. The other issue with canines, in the vast, vast majority of these cases, the canine cannot pickup a scent or won't track. Sometimes they will be brought to the point last seen, they will walk in a circle and lay down, seemingly uninterested, sometimes almost scarred.

147.3. Canines and missing people is an issue we don't quite understand.

Great question!!!!!

= = =

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 08:24 PM

148. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 17:59

148. reply to post by combatmaster

148.1. If bigfoot is found and validated to be real. What do you think would be the greatest implication of such a discovery to our race? and is that the reason he still "hasn't been found"??

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148.1. It will change the way we view human evolution and will cause the feds to change their thinking on how they manage their lands. I sincerely doubt that mainstream science will ever accept this reality in our lifetimes.

148.2. I think the discovery has a profound effect on the established science and academic community who have refused to participate along any of these lines, until Dr. Ketchums paper was released. Why the sudden change of policy? Think about it.

148.3. Many of the so called "researchers" in the bgft community have an attack-gang mentality, it's an embarrassment. Many of these individuals do zero research and sit on the sidelines attacking people who have new and different ideas that conflict with the old guard.

148.4. One of the largest bgft groups in the U.S. was fully funded by a very wealthy man, that funding lasted years. Their goal was to obtain bgft DNA. Do you know how many samples they recovered in 7+ years, zero.

148.5. Our study obtained 100+ samples, blood, saliva, hair and more.

148.6. Think about this, you are a scientist at a major university and have an interest in bigfoot/sasqquatch. You see the constant attacks, bickering and slanderous behavior in that arena, ask yourself, would you want to step into that mess and bring conflict into your career and tenure?

148.7. If you conduct yourself in an honorable way, get other labs to do the testing, you don't do it yourself, you utilize university labs, you organize a team of brilliant Phd's to assist in writing and formulating the paper, you wouldn't expect an attack like we've seen.

148.8. The issue, the attack/bully mentality proliferates in that space and now has proven and shown to others, stay away, let us muddle in our own beliefs.

148.9. When we first looked for a scientist to tackle this topic and identify the DNA, there was NOT ONE university that wanted to touch the subject, NOT ONE.

148.0.1. Journals are supported in many ways by academic institutions. The professors from those institutions sit on their boards and accept papers. Who submits papers, academic types mainly. Very, very few outside the academic world ever get papers approve that substantiate a major scientific break through, why?

148.0.2. The professors from that academic world control what papers pass, it is completely 100% arbitrary. Once you submit your paper, you must sign an NDA stating that all communications (emails) are the property via copyright of that journal, so, if you leak what the emails state, you are violating the copyright. The journal does not want their communications, their politics, their arbitrary ways viewed by the outside world. It was a complete shock that esteem members of the scientific world exhibit behavior that is so compromised.

Sorry for the long diatribe.

Thanks for the question.

BO XIAN NOTE: I totally agree. The high priests of scientism at the university levels are VERY FIERCELY protective of the status quo—including the status quo of whatever propaganda is their turf. It is essentially impossible to get published unless one does the proper dance to the Pied Pipers/ Bishops/ Popes of that particular “scientific” discipline.

= = =

149. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 18:33

149. reply to post by oldetimehockey4

149. You said bigfoot hair looks different from any other hair in the world. Are there other samples from different parts of the world matching the North America samples that don't resemble anything else? As well with the DNA?

Thanks for being here.

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149.1. I know that when we submitted the samples, the hair and fiber expert had never seen anything close.

149.2. I don't think he had examined any possible Yeren hairs, what we had was unique. The expert would testify that this was an entirely new species based on the hair.

Thanks for the question.

= = =

150. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 18:36

150. reply to post by southbeach

150.1. I first heard you on Dreamland on with Whitley Strieber and also on coast to coast am.

150.1. I found what you had to say deeply disturbing, there was a lady on this website that started a thread of something similar to what you are investigating.

150.2. She was a grandmother whose Grandson disappeared for a few days in the woods but luckily they found him alive and the boys story was most bizarre.If i recall she mentioned something about the boy saying he was taken to a cave by some kind of robot and there was clothes and human belongings in there, and if i'm right i'm sure he said there were swords in there.

150.3. He said this thing that took him impersonated his Grandmother but wasn't.

A really really strange story.

150.4. I've read your book reviews on Amazon and there's a total mental patient on there that is absolutely rabid and frothing at the mouth to discredit you and your work, my first question would be what do you think his real agenda is in trying to discredit you?

150.5. And my second question would be what in the world do you think is going on in the woods? A stab in the dark if any?

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150.1. If you read that link, there is a response that says that the person may be dangerous and might harm me.

150.2. I don't want to inflate the situation, rather ignore it.

150.3. I wish we had answers right now as to what is happening.

150.4. It is very complex.

Thanks for your kind question.

= = =

151. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 18:38

151. reply to post by graceunderpressure

151.1. Thank you so much. You may have just saved me from becoming one of the future statistics. Your work is so important, if for no other reason than to educate people like me who take such risks without a second thought. Kudos and keep it up!

151.2. A follow-on question, if I those many cases where the canines return without the owners, do you find any signs of a struggle, as if the canine tried to protect the owner? I can't imagine my dog just standing there while someone or something assaulted or abducted me! Except maybe if he was really scared?



151.1. No struggle is ever documented.

151.2. There have been notes where it has been raining outside and the dog returns dry and fed, this condition is noted by law enforcement, it has happened multiple times.

Be safe!!

= = =


posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 08:26 PM
= = =

151. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 18:38

151. reply to post by graceunderpressure

151.1. Thank you so much. You may have just saved me from becoming one of the future statistics. Your work is so important, if for no other reason than to educate people like me who take such risks without a second thought. Kudos and keep it up!

151.2. A follow-on question, if I those many cases where the canines return without the owners, do you find any signs of a struggle, as if the canine tried to protect the owner? I can't imagine my dog just standing there while someone or something assaulted or abducted me! Except maybe if he was really scared?



151.1. No struggle is ever documented.

151.2. There have been notes where it has been raining outside and the dog returns dry and fed, this condition is noted by law enforcement, it has happened multiple times.

Be safe!!

= = =

152. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 18:44

152. reply to post by Mrmur

152. Q. Have you ever checked a compass or the amount of ambient electricity levels where the persons have gone missing? Maybe a rift in our dimension that opens and closes or something that lives in these areas that can access these rifts? A little far fetched but when people literally vanish with out a trace in such strange circumstances your left with only outlandish possibilities.

Thanks! Mur

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152.1. What you are explaining may be a fluid/changing condition.

152.2. The times I have been on the site where someone has vanished, it has usually been several years that they've been gone.

152.3. What you are describing is one of a many conditions that could be monitored, but there are so many.

152.4. How do you center yourself and slowly work through all of the variables? If something does not exist on one site, that does not mean its not at another.

152.5. Disappearances have happened from sea level to 12,500 feet. Weather conditions have varied from warm and sunny to -15 degrees. Ages have ranged from 15 months to 80 years old. The reason Amazon reviews have been so strong is that they have read the books and understand the complexity that I can't explain on these pages.

Thanks for the question.

= = =

153. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 18:46

153. reply to post by liveandlearn

153.1 No questions David. Just want to say that while I have had a passing interest in this subject, reading your work has certainly peaked my interest because it seems to have such a high degree of credibility. Your ability to speak to the subject without sensationalizing or needing to posit a theory adds to your credibility.

153.2. BTW, you have, imo, been the best AMA guest we have had thus far. I will be purchasing your 'Missing' books.

153. I sincerely want to thank you for those words, it's important to know others appreciate the work.

Thanks for taking the time to write.

Be safe!!

= = =

154. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 18:50

154. reply to post by Guyfriday

I have another question.

154. Within the discussions around disappearing people I can't get away from the so-called "Shaver Mysteries". Given your time investigating these mystery vanishings, I would like to get your take on Richard Shaver's stories.

thank you



154.1 If the stories of inner Earth beings are true, how mind boggling!!

154.2. I've never met anyone who has made the trip and returned, for that, apparently not a good outcome.

154.3. As I've stated on this forum many times, I won't exclude anything at this point.
If you know any sane person that has been there and returned, I'd like to meet them

Thanks for the question!!!!

= = =

155. posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 18:51

155. reply to post by combatmaster


155. Here is our website where we have a thorough explanation of the books and research.

All the best!!!


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