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Obamacare Insurance Premiums By 99% For Men, 62% For Women

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posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 06:24 AM

Am I reading some of these replies correctly? Pissed that sick people might be able to go to the doctor and you might have to wait an extra few days? That's low. I have rarely ever had an issue scheduling a doctors appointment within a few hours of my call, and more rarely ever had to wait a full day.

There are a lot of things to be mad about with Obamacare, but treating your neighbors and friends shouldn't be one of them.

Domo... The financial burden is crushing and painful in very very serious ways. Employers have been cutting people and hours since last Spring and 29 hours is the new full time work week. That number is 100% solely due to Obamacare. Now 2nd jobs aren't optional...they are survival. 2 jobs to make the wage of one before this.

Oh.... Seeing sick people get care would be no problem if it wasn't making the whole nation terminal to accomplish it.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 06:52 AM
I know firsthand what the cost is going to be. My company already enacted Obamacare. I am paying slightly higher insurance premiums and receiving little/to no coverage.

Basically I have a major medical now. Because I have to pay every medical bill until the deductable is met. $4500 later, the insurance will kick in and still it will only be an 80/20 split. We don’t go to the doctor unless something major occurs, or for our annual checkup. So, I will never meet the deductable.

Before this coverage I had 80/20 copay right out the door, $5 prescription, 2 free annual checkups per year, free preventative checkups (pap smears, diabetes, etc..)
None of that is covered until after I meet the deductable now.

Good luck going to the doctor for every little thing, I don’t think most people realize that you’re still not going to be able to afford it. Unless you want to pay your whole paycheck for health insurance, but even then, I didn’t see anything even close to what I had before being offered…. At least not by my company.


Just read some of the other posts. Please don’t tell me that people not paying for their coverage are going to have better coverage then what I’m paying for… I just can’t believe that the people paying for their insurance would be provided with less coverage then the people who don’t…. seems wrong to me.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 06:57 AM

What happens to people that can't afford insurance?

edit on 26-9-2013 by Elliot because: (no reason given)

You get Medicaid just like you did before Obamacare. Which no one takes anyhow. So basically its like you're getting nothing. Obama did this for you though don't forget that! ;p

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 06:58 AM
Could someone post some actual numbers about his/her own job? Or about the job of anyone else?

Because, all I hear are relative numbers, like "up to about 279% more than before!" - which means about nothing as long as we don't know what "up to" means, what are the borders of "about" and how does someone come to a precise number of "279%" in association with "up to about"..

I would like to see something like this (with actual numbers, of course, that is the prerequisite):

Employee: Income before taxes per year 28.000$ (2010), 23.000$ (2014), worktime: 43 hr/week (2010), 28 hr/week (2014).
Employer: Cost per above mentioned employee to taxes/etc: 14.000$ (2010), 23.000$ (2014) - share to obamacare on this employee 9.000$ (2014).

These numbers are made up, of course. Could you bring up some real numbers, please?

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by ManFromEurope

I am technically considered a State Employee .. sort of ... but I have access to the State Insurance plan. I pay the same this year as I do every year, about $1150 a year, $48 bi-weekly.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by blend57

you`re right and that`s the 800 pound gorrilla that nobody is talking about, deductibles.

a person making the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour will make about $15,000 a year.
A $5,000 deductible means that they will have to spend 1/3 of their annual salary on medical bills before the insurance company will even start to pay any medical bills.
most low income people will be paying for insurance that they won`t be able to afford to even use.
well actually since the government is going to be sending them tax credit checks for their monthly premiums,the tax payers are going to be paying for insurance for low income people who won`t be able to afford to use the insurance.

The deductible will be even higher for couples and families.The insurance companies are going to be the big winners, they will be collecting monthly premiums from tens of millions of people who will never be able to use the insurance because they can`t afford the deductibles.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 07:57 AM

What happens to people that can't afford insurance?

If they don't pay their obamacare 'TAX' ??.... don't pay taxes, then go to jail.
But of course, all the inner city folks will default and not pay.
Then there will be a massive 'amnesty' for those who can't/won't pay.
And the middle class will end up picking up the cost for those who won't pay.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 07:58 AM
reply to post by Elliot

Actually, you will be fined for not having some type of healthcare. As of 2014, your employer is suppose to the amount of money you pay for health insurance right on you W-2, so the IRS can keep track of who has insurance, and who does not.

Fun Fun huh?

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by Tardacus

But, But, that person can get subsidies from the government to help pay for the mandatory insurance, so everything will be ok still!!!!

Where in the heck is the subsidy money coming from?

What a damn nightmare this whole thing is.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:04 AM

Am I reading some of these replies correctly? Pissed that sick people might be able to go to the doctor and you might have to wait an extra few days? That's low. I have rarely ever had an issue scheduling a doctors appointment within a few hours of my call, and more rarely ever had to wait a full day.

There are a lot of things to be mad about with Obamacare, but treating your neighbors and friends shouldn't be one of them.

I have no problem with more people getting healthcare if they can afford it.
In my state we have 350+ fewer hospital beds than we did just 5 years ago. adding more people to the healthcare system means adding more healthcare resources like hospital beds and nurses etc,more resources means higher costs(premiums,deductibles etc),higher costs means fewer people will be able to afford healthcare,we`ll be right back where we started except that the insurance companies will be a lot richer.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:12 AM

What happens to people that can't afford insurance?

edit on 26-9-2013 by Elliot because: (no reason given)

if you can`t afford insurance then you`ll have to pay a penalty tax/fine to the government,the tax/fine can be up to several thousand dollars.
if you can`t afford to pay the tax/fine don`t worry the IRS has legal means to collect taxes from tax evaders such as confiscating your property and auctioning it off as well as bringing criminal charges against you for tax evasion.

you may qualify for a tax credit that will cover up to 98% of the cost of your monthly premiums but you will always have to spend at least 2% of your annual income on insurance premiums.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by Tardacus

You seem pretty knowledgeable about the current health care debacle, will there be any better coverage on the market once this thing gets rolling or is what I have going to be the standard?

I only ask because it seems as though you have done extensive research on this matter, or are in the insurance field.

I need to make a decision on whether keeping with my current coverage is best, or looking for coverage on the market when it becomes available will be better.

If you have any insight, that would be great.


posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:39 AM
Here's some reality just for shrips-and-giggles. Hospitals have substantial, fixed costs associated with supporting a set amount of beds and services. The ER is one of the more expensive departments in the hospital as they usually run around the clock and have to provide not only a broad range of medical services but administrative ones as well. Back in 'the day', if you're old enough to remember that, employers typically paid for most, if not all, of employees medical coverage. As jobs went overseas, the population increased and the number of un/under-employed swelled, medical insurance costs soared. Employers scaled-back their contribution and coverage, fewer people had coverage, and hospitals began to see an increasing use of the ER as a sole-source of medical care for non-emergent medical issues. Hospitals saw more and more unpaid services piling-up.

To make-up the difference they increased the fees for services. This forced the insurance companies to do the same and that led to even more employers cutting or scaling back medical insurance. Hospitals were in financial trouble. Many scaled back services, closed departments, or closed altogether. The same situation spilled-over to private practices. Obscene increases in liability insurance exacerbated both fronts. As the number of uninsured increased geometrically the problem exploded. More and more people were using the ER as the PCP and not paying. This resulted in higher fees from the hospitals to offset the loss... which was passed on to the insurance companies... which was passed on to the insured. So basically, the burden of those that cannot pay was shouldered by the insured since the employers were paying less and less of the coverage.

Imperfect as it may be, the ACA is trying to spread the cost of providing healthcare across a broader population. Yes, some people are going to have to pay where they didn't before. But the spiraling costs were forcing more and more people to drop coverage and result in fewer and fewer shoulders to bear the cost of the uninsured. If this pattern is not stopped and reversed quickly, the healthcare system will fail. No ifs ands or buts. That's the financial reality of the situation. We either save the healthcare system or only the 1% will have access to healthcare. I've yet to see a viable alternative presented. Opponents just want to kick the can down the road (as usual) and hope a solution falls out of the sky.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by marg6043

marge to me this is a very scary situation, I have battled with elder care for my Great Aunt with Alzheimer's and then my elderly Grandparents. I know how awful this can be for them as it is and I cannot imagine what the situation is going to be for all the baby boomers who are in failing health and just plain ole aging, as my Grandma used to say , "They don't give out pamphlets on aging " It is a real slap in the face when reality meets the grey hairs on the inside, we all see the affects of aging on the outside but it does not compare to those which are telling internally.

We have all heard of the little old lady who was forced to eat catfood (no longer affordable) and healthcare has declined since those days. Also when the pharmaceutical companies hold the elderly over a barrel to take their poison or risk being deemed incompetent, it is an even more confusing and complicated situation.

healthcare generally comes straight out of their SSI checks, so whatever is left is never enough to survive in todays economy. The little old man who was murdered at 107 is just one example of how life is turning for our elderly. When they are forced out of their lifetime American dream homes because they can no longer afford the maintenance without being ripped off by workers not to mention the cost, they are forced to live with others .

Even people who own their homes are at risk because of the rising cost of utilities, insurance and taxes. I am more than concerned, as the government encroaches more and more into their supposed well being on one hand and then charge them more than they could ever afford for everything.

What was once a really sizable savings for the elderly has become poverty levels! In the best case scenario, they have loving and competent family who treats them to the end life care they so richly deserve, but that is the exception not the norm today.

Man I could go on, but if people today don't rise up and demand a different direction, these elderly are going to be drugged and held captive in concentration homes until they die broke and alone. The system needs for them to die, they do not need healthy retirement age citizens milking the country for the promised and paid into funds they are entitled to, have paid into all of their lives.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by jtma508

Best Healthcare, Best Healthcare Countries, Best Healthcare Systems, Healthcare, Healthcare Around The World, Most Efficient Healthcare, Most Efficient Healthcare Countries, Most Efficient Healthcare Systems, Obamacare, World News

As supporters and opponents of the Affordable Care Act debate the best way to overhaul a clearly broken health care system, it's perhaps helpful to put American medicine in a global perspective.

The infographic below is based on a recent Bloomberg ranking of the most efficient countries for health care, and highlights enormous gap between the soaring cost of treatment in the U.S. and its quality and effectiveness. To paraphrase Ricky Ricardo, the American health care system has a lot of 'splainin' to do.


It's remarkable how low America places in health care efficiency: among the 48 countries included in the Bloomberg study, the U.S. ranks 46th, outpacing just Serbia and Brazil. Once that sinks in, try this one on for size: the U.S. ranks worse than China, Algeria, and Iran.

But the sheer numbers are really what's humbling about this list: the U.S. ranks second in health care cost per capita ($8,608), only to be outspent by Switzerland ($9,121) -- which, for the record, boasts a top-10 health care system in terms of efficiency. Furthermore, the U.S. is tops in terms of health care cost relative to GDP, with 17.2 percent of the country's wealth spent on medical care for every American.

In other words, the world's richest country spends more of its money on health care while getting less than almost every other nation in return.

These Are The 36 Countries That Have Better Healthcare Systems Than The US
Adam Taylor and Samuel Blackstone Jun. 29, 2012, 2:44 PM 1,446,088 26

12 years ago, the World Health Organization released the World Health Report 2000. Inside the report there was an ambitious task — to rank the world's best healthcare systems.

So controversial were the results that the WHO declined to rank countries in their World Health Report 2010, but the debate has raged on. In that same year, a report from the Commonwealth Fund ranked seven developed countries on their health care performance — the US came dead last.

edit on 26-9-2013 by antar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by Pimpintology

That is the bottom line. As we move towards a socialized type medicine. Gives the Gov more intrusive powers and control over your life and the choices are made for you rather than you making them for yourself and your family. If you refuse, then you accept the consequences. Mental health will become the number one industry in America and no one will be deemed well.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by antar

wow, what a great find and post.

Really does put things into perspective. Spend the most, get the least. where does the money go, to the corporations that make health insurance and drug company's for making pills - but at least some comes back in the form of tax right? nope, not much what so ever.

Top notch health care with a top price to go with it, turns out that means bad health care for the majority that cant afford it. Think its unfair? dont get sick.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 09:13 AM

Why is Obamacare -- the "Affordable Care Act" -- so unaffordable? Why is it causing jobs, hours and insurance policies to be gutted all across America? Because it was designed as a political weapon to destroy private sector jobs so that more people would become dependent on government entitlements, food stamps and welfare programs.

Ensnaring people in a cycle of poverty and dependence is the democrats' long-term re-election strategy. The more people who live in poverty, in other words, the more powerful the Democrats become.

Ensnaring people in a cycle of poverty and dependence is the democrats' long-term re-election strategy. The more people who live in poverty, in other words, the more powerful the Democrats become.

Just how bad is Obamacare, really? It's so bad that Congress recently conspired with the White House to make sure all members of Congress are exempted from its core mandates. This means Congress won't be using the same health care system they have forced upon everyone else. How's that for integrity?

Just an insightful article.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by antar

I am interested to see how this goes over in a bad economy where a lot of people aren't even able to afford adequate housing or a new car.

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Employers have been cutting people and hours since last Spring and 29 hours is the new full time work week. That number is 100% solely due to Obamacare.

No this is due to the greed of the employers and the insurance companies. Both of these started screwing over the employees before Obamacare even started.

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