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Well I think I'm in the right forum.
I just wanted to briefly talk about the theology of Martin Luther. His theology has heavily influenced Christianity since the conception of the King James Bible. The bible itself was written mostly by William Tyndale under the direct guidance of Martin Luther. If Martin Luther introduced his own theology to the bible, then how authentic can we presume the texts to be? There are of course conspiracy theories about Martin Luther being an illuminati, but I ask this question also because of my own experience with the church. I always has difficulty grasping Luther's concept of "you are saved by faith alone," and that my best and worst deeds mean absolutely nothing to God, or that I'm worse than I know, but am washed clean by the blood of Jesus. These concepts confused me. I recall questioning my youth pastor about bible content, and after awhile he said it was just something I had to "wrestle with." This, of course, confused me even more. One might think that God would channel down manuscripts that were clear and concise.
I also wanted to mention the famous conspiracy theory about the Council of Nicea. Naysayers disregard it as garbage, claiming that the council was created to simply "affirm what was already known." But I remain suspicious. We get the gist of what happens today when the douche bags gather together for their councils, meetings, summits etc... it would've been different back then?
On that day when Jesus magically fed 5000 people, its to bad he couldn't also have magically created 5000 indestructible bibles for the peasants as well.
The Just , ..Shall live ,..By faith ...Its not by any works we have done ..It really is hard for us to get our minds around and keep it there ..If the blood of Jesus Christ was not sufficient enough to redeem us to God then what kind of works would be ..Some think that prayer beads are needed but wouldn't that mean that Jesus is not enough ..
I am putting my trust in the Son of God and what He accomplished on the cross ..My best is like filthy rags before a righteous God .....peace
If you can wholeheartedly believe in Jesus Christ, and be the most bigoted, racist, vile, cruel person alive but still gain admittance to Heaven, why not be evil?
Your real problem is you don't even understand that this is impossible.
No one can serve two masters. What's you're next excuse?
And the thread is about Martin Luther.
Back to the topic.
It is impossible to be evil and believe in God?
Martin Luther said your works don't matter.