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Chinese Scientist Proves The First Inhabitants Of China Were Black

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posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by Spider879

The afrocentrics who were displaying that board clearly were ashamed of their ancestors, after all isn't that why they have made up this rubbish about Egyptians being their true ancestors lol...its plain for anyone to see!

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 12:48 PM

reply to post by Spider879

The afrocentrics who were displaying that board clearly were ashamed of their ancestors, after all isn't that why they have made up this rubbish about Egyptians being their true ancestors lol...its plain for anyone to see!

Luxus BHI's or (Black Hebrew Israelites ) are in no way Afrocentrist call one an Afrocentrist and expect a barrage of verbal assults..they cannot be Afrocentrist by definition because they hate Africans they hate Kemetians aka Egyptians who they regard as Africans and oppressors of their supposedly Hebrew ancestors , they like nothing about Africa and Africans and think they are Hebrews,In their belief system there was no trans-Atlantic slave trade but those Blacks living in the America's are in fact some lost tribes of Israel, cargo manifest be damned ,I had many a battles with these idiots both in person and on the net they frequently like you mistake Blacks from other parts of the world as either Africans if they looked to you like primitives or Hebrews to them depending on what mode of living they adopt.. high walls and architecture Hebrews, simple huts and scant clothing Africans, hence they called New Guineans Africans just like you do and for the same reasons.

Afro-centrist and even Afro-eccentrist looked at the world from the perspective of an African and while an Afro-eccentrist will claim every Black population in the world as an African a true Afrocentrist will look at the world from a more narrow geographical POV. ex: lets say the subject is about math history a true Afrocentrist will not deny the contribution of Euclid and others in the influence of math but add to the conversation the Ishango bones the Rhind Papyrus,Al-Fulani or African Fractals in everyday life or their system of doubling.

A true Afro-centrist do not lay claim to every stone building in the world his or her ancestors had nothing to do with but will insist on what is African including the formation of Nile Valley civilizations not be carted off to others with their own spurious claims.

edit on 25-9-2013 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by Spider879

Funny how you present the black Hebrew Israelite as confused and deluded people yet you claim that subsaharan's are the ones who built the pyramids which is equally ridiculous, something which would be called pseudohistory by any professor of Egyptology in any university!

Afrocentrists and black Hebrew Israelite can be bunched together in that they both share a hatred for the white man which is clear to anyone who will take the time to view their videos on you tube and read comments beneath.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 01:13 PM

reply to post by Spider879

Funny how you present the black Hebrew Israelite as confused and deluded people yet you claim that subsaharan's are the ones who built the pyramids which is equally ridiculous, something which would be called pseudohistory by any professor of Egyptology in any university!

Afrocentrists and black Hebrew Israelite can be bunched together in that they both share a hatred for the white man which is clear to anyone who will take the time to view their videos on you tube and read comments beneath.

I agree in one respect i do see Afrocentrism as racist its trying to alter history because of those white people. But its a subtle form its almost self deprecating in a way they have so little pride in themselves they feel the need to look elsewhere kinda sad when you think about it carefully.But you see this in the black population they are continually trying to separate themselves from whites. Heck just the term afican american is a separation why cant they just be americans. I think in the end them trying desparately to separate instead of join defeats the message of Dr Martin Luther King. He didnt want blacks to separate but join with society well i guess we still have a long way to go. It will happen when blacks finally come to the realization that most whites dont really care what color they are or what they do.For them they make racism an issue and a crutch. If they dont get a job the man is putting them down. Funny thing is when you think this way your simply enslaving yourself arent you?

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 05:32 PM

reply to post by Spider879

Funny how you present the black Hebrew Israelite as confused and deluded people yet you claim that subsaharan's are the ones who built the pyramids which is equally ridiculous, something which would be called pseudohistory by any professor of Egyptology in any university!

Afrocentrists and black Hebrew Israelite can be bunched together in that they both share a hatred for the white man which is clear to anyone who will take the time to view their videos on you tube and read comments beneath.

Nabta Playa Black-topped pottery: Technological
innovation and social change
Kit Nelson & Eman Khalifa
British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan 16 (2010): 133–48

The Neolithic at Nabta Playa
At approximately 11,000 to 10,000 years BP (uncalibrated), the globe witnessed the major
climatic change known as the Younger Dryas (Rosen 2003). Nabta Playa in the Western
Desert of Egypt was affected by these changes (Figs. 1 and 2). Today this area is known to be
among the most arid parts of the Sahara Desert, receiving only an estimated 1 mm of rain per
year (Wendorf and Schild 1980) or less (Haynes 1996). It has not always been such a hostile
environment. Indeed, between 11,000 and 3,860 bp, the Nabta Playa area witnessed seven
humid interphases that were interrupted by five arid phases (Wendorf and Schild 2001a).
Excavations of the Holocene settlements at Nabta Playa revealed that between 9500 and
5000 radiocarbon years ago, the area received 100 to 200 mm of rainfall per year, making
it more suitable for human occupation. The rainfall gathered in a series of lakes, including
Nabta Playa, one of the largest in the region, with an estimated catchment area of 1500 km2
(Wendorf and Schild 2001b). The earliest sites were located, as were many Palaeolithic sites
in Egypt, around these large water resources (Brewer 2005). The lakes attracted humans and
other animals and supported a subsistence base of hunting, gathering and in some cases,
fishing (Smith 1984; Hassan 1998). During the last part of the Neolithic sequence at Nabta
Playa, beginning around 4,500 bp, the climate began shifting towards the modern hyperaridity (Hill 2001; Wendorf and Schild 2001a).

Dear Lurkers it is unlikely Luxus will grasp the above as he is a thick headed one trick pony.."Sub-Saharans can't built pyramids"!!! so goes his mantra he is convinced that current studies of the peopling of the Nile Valley is at a stand still since circa 1787..he and his backers are unable to back-up any claims of what was to become ancient Egypt or Kemet was peopled from Eurasia biologically and especially culturally,I had asked them to find an expert in the field who made such a conclusion, usually the limit for quoting a peer reviewed study is generally 10yrs I gave them a handicap of 20..since then I have been holding my breath my eyes are beginning to bleed my skin is now a deep purple,below is a PBS vid by an expert in the field showing the wet phase of what was to become the Sahara above is a link to the find at Nabta Plalya

Full Episode
My apologies to the thread creator as this is somewhat off topic .


I agree in one respect i do see Afrocentrism as racist its trying to alter history because of those white people. But its a subtle form its almost self deprecating in a way they have so little pride in themselves they feel the need to look elsewhere kinda sad when you think about it carefully.But you see this in the black population they are continually trying to separate themselves from whites. Heck just the term afican american is a separation why cant they just be americans. I think in the end them trying desparately to separate instead of join defeats the message of Dr Martin Luther King. He didnt want blacks to separate but join with society well i guess we still have a long way to go. It will happen when blacks finally come to the realization that most whites dont really care what color they are or what they do.For them they make racism an issue and a crutch. If they dont get a job the man is putting them down. Funny thing is when you think this way your simply enslaving yourself arent you?

All the above got Jack! do with you taking an African based culture of an African folk on African soil and ascribing it to far off Persians and other Mesopotamians.
Again my apologizes to the Op's creator for side tracking.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by dragonridr

I know, its tragic...instead of them walking around with a gold anhk around their neck and people thinking "oh he must be wearing that because his ancestors have something to do with the Egyptian civilization" instead they think "oh look another afrocentric looser trying to present himself as an ancient Egyptian"


edit on 27-9-2013 by LUXUS because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by LUXUS

I was gonna respond in kind with equally ridiculous vids and pics of some white folks fantasy Egyptomania but my spidie senses kicked in and said why bother you a grown ahazz man!!...
.. all I can say is show us a peer reviewed study within the last 20yrs by a bonafide expert in their respective fields of.

That places the origin of Kemetic civilization out side the confines of the continent we call Africa all else is a pathetic diversion to avoid doing so.. again I gave you a handicap of 10 extra years..we are waiting....
edit on 28-9-2013 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 02:44 AM

reply to post by LUXUS

I was gonna respond in kind with equally ridiculous vids and pics of some white folks fantasy Egyptomania but my spidie senses kicked in and said why bother you a grown ahazz man!!...
.. all I can say is show us a peer reviewed study within the last 20yrs by a bonafide expert in their respective fields of.

That places the origin of Kemetic civilization out side the confines of the continent we call Africa all else is a pathetic diversion to avoid doing so.. again I gave you a handicap of 10 extra years..we are waiting....
edit on 28-9-2013 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

Ok i really dont care if Egyptians were black brown or green.But at this point your being intellectually dishonest im not saying your doing it on purpose so i wont accuse you of lying.The last archaeological site of predynastic egypt was in 1988.So your asking for something which not only doesnt exist but cant exist. Im not sure if your aware of this but very few sites have been found most of them were just a couple of graves. Now the other thing there were two tribes that are considered the basis for Egyptians. There were two separate cultures and they developed right there in the nile valley they didnt come from anywhere.There was no influx from nigeria like your video they were a completely different tribe. there was the madi and nagada cultures.The nagada group wins out in the end even worshiped seth. However both these tribes dont exist prior to the neolithic so we truly have no idea before that because there is no archaeological evidence.

Egypt has all ways been a a melting pot the nagada culture traded with Mesopotamia and was capable of building boats so there race would obviously be mixed. Egyptians had made contact in the 4th millennium B.C. with SW Asia is undeniable, but the effect of this contact on state formation in Egypt is unclear.So what does this mean your asking for proof which doesnt exist but along those same lines there is no proof that Egyptians came from anywhere other then the nile vallly. Bottom line they would have developed the skin color based off the area they live because this is a protection mechanism of evolution.So unless you have a time machine this is a stupid argument because in the end they are one of the cultures that developed in Africa doesnt matter to anyone then because there wasnt this race garbage.

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 03:41 AM

Ok i really dont care if Egyptians were black brown or green.But at this point your being intellectually dishonest im not saying your doing it on purpose so i wont accuse you of lying.The last archaeological site of predynastic egypt was in 1988.So your asking for something which not only doesnt exist but cant exist. Im not sure if your aware of this but very few sites have been found most of them were just a couple of graves. Now the other thing there were two tribes that are considered the basis for Egyptians. There were two separate cultures and they developed right there in the nile valley they didnt come from anywhere.There was no influx from nigeria like your video they were a completely different tribe. there was the madi and nagada cultures.The nagada group wins out in the end even worshiped seth. However both these tribes dont exist prior to the neolithic so we truly have no idea before that because there is no archaeological evidence.

Egypt has all ways been a a melting pot the nagada culture traded with Mesopotamia and was capable of building boats so there race would obviously be mixed. Egyptians had made contact in the 4th millennium B.C. with SW Asia is undeniable, but the effect of this contact on state formation in Egypt is unclear.So what does this mean your asking for proof which doesnt exist but along those same lines there is no proof that Egyptians came from anywhere other then the nile vallly. Bottom line they would have developed the skin color based off the area they live because this is a protection mechanism of evolution.So unless you have a time machine this is a stupid argument because in the end they are one of the cultures that developed in Africa doesnt matter to anyone then because there wasnt this race garbage.
reply to post by dragonridr

I posted no vid that said there were influx from Nigeria but evidence combined to show that they came from the west and south west all the way to the great lakes region and the horn, but you joined forces with that loon Luxus instead of checking out those areas more recent studies.

Qualitative and quantitative methods are employed to describe and compare up to 36 dental morphological variants in 15 Neolithic through Roman-period Egyptian samples. Trait frequencies are determined, and phenetic affinities are calculated using the mean measure of divergence and Mahalanobis D2 statistics for discrete traits; the most important traits in generating this intersample variation are identified with correspondence analysis. Assuming that the samples are representative of the populations from which they derive, and that phenetic similarity provides an estimate of genetic relatedness, these affinities are suggestive of overall population continuity. That is, other than a few outliers exhibiting extreme frequencies of nine influential traits, the dental samples appear to be largely homogenous and can be characterized as having morphologically simple, mass-reduced teeth. These findings are contrasted with those resulting from previous skeletal and other studies, and are used to appraise the viability of five Egyptian peopling scenarios. Specifically, affinities among the 15 time-successive samples suggest that: 1) there may be a connection between Neolithic and subsequent predynastic Egyptians, 2) predynastic Badarian and Naqada peoples may be closely related, 3) the dynastic period is likely an indigenous continuation of the Naqada culture, 4) there is support for overall biological uniformity through the dynastic period, and 5) this uniformity may continue into postdynastic times. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2006. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

The question of the genetic origins of ancient Egyp-tians, particularly those during the Dynastic period, isrelevant to the current study. Modern interpretations of Egyptian state formation propose an indigenous origin of the Dynastic civilization (Hassan, 1988). Early Egyptolo-gists considered Upper and Lower Egyptians to be genet-ically distinct populations, and viewed the Dynastic pe-riod as characterized by a conquest of Upper Egypt bythe Lower Egyptians. More recent interpretations con-tend that Egyptians from the south actually expandedinto the northern regions during the Dynastic state uni-fication (Hassan, 1988; Savage, 2001), and that the Pre-dynastic populations of Upper and Lower Egypt are mor-phologically distinct from one another, but not suffi-ciently distinct to consider either non indigenous(Zakrzewski, 2007). The Predynastic populations studied here, from Naqada and Badari, are both Upper Egyptian samples, while the Dynastic Egyptian sample (Tarkhan)is from Lower Egypt. The Dynastic Nubian sample isfrom Upper Nubia (Kerma). Previous analyses of cranial variation found the Badari and Early Predynastic Egyp-tians to be more similar to other African groups than toMediterranean or European populations (Keita, 1990;Zakrzewski, 2002). In addition, the Badarians have been described as near the centroid of cranial and dental vari-ation among Predynastic and Dynastic populations stud-ied (Irish, 2006; Zakrzewski, 2007). This suggests that,at least through the Early Dynastic period, the inhabi-tants of the Nile valley were a continuous population of local origin, and no major migration or re placement events occurred during this time.Studies of cranial morphology also support the use of a Nubian (Kerma) population for a comparison of the Dynastic period, as this group is likely to be more closely genetically related to the early Nile valley inhabitants than would be the Late Dynastic Egyptians, who likely experienced significant mixing with other Mediterranean
populations (Zakrzewski, 2002

That's just the bio anthropology stuff I won't post more but you would do a lot better without Luxus.
edit on 28-9-2013 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 03:58 AM
reply to post by Spider879

You do realize you posted evidence of exactly what i said they were of local origin. They started in Egypt they were egyptian there culture started there the tribes started there. Reread your post as i said they were the color they were because the location they were in. As far as DNA of course there is they were in contact with everyone. There would be interbreeding between tribes so it proves nothing for example look at the US population even most blacks in the US now have some caucasian DNA traits and its only been a couple of hundred years.So we cant say DNA says this without knowing who these neolithic cultures met and of course integrated. What we can say id they originated in egypt nothing more everything else is just speculation

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 07:31 AM

reply to post by LUXUS

I was gonna respond in kind with equally ridiculous vids

And yet everything he is saying you are saying without exception, in fact if you met him you would probably be best pals

all I can say is show us a peer reviewed study within the last 20yrs by a bonafide expert in their respective fields of.

That places the origin of Kemetic civilization out side the confines of the continent we call Africa

Egyptians are not Arab invaders who kicked the real black Egyptians out of town and into the south, your whole theory hinges on Modern Egyptians being Arab invaders which is not true, they were there at the time of the building of the pyramids.

The Egyptians are not Arabs, and both they and the Arabs are aware of this fact. They are Arabic-speaking, and they are Muslim indeed religion plays a greater part in their lives than it does in those either of the Syrians or the Iraqi. But the Egyptian, during the first thirty years of the [twentieth] century, was not aware of any particular bond with the Arab East... Egypt sees in the Arab cause a worthy object of real and active sympathy and, at the same time, a great and proper opportunity for the exercise of leadership, as well as for the enjoyment of its fruits. But she is still Egyptian first and Arab only in consequence, and her main interests are still domestic.

Deighton, H. S.

Egyptians have been in place since back in the Pleistocene and have been largely unaffected by either invasions or migrations

C. Loring Brace University of Michigan's Department of Anthropology

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 02:12 PM


reply to post by LUXUS

I was gonna respond in kind with equally ridiculous vids

And yet everything he is saying you are saying without exception, in fact if you met him you would probably be best pals

all I can say is show us a peer reviewed study within the last 20yrs by a bonafide expert in their respective fields of.

That places the origin of Kemetic civilization out side the confines of the continent we call Africa

Egyptians are not Arab invaders who kicked the real black Egyptians out of town and into the south, your whole theory hinges on Modern Egyptians being Arab invaders which is not true, they were there at the time of the building of the pyramids.

The Egyptians are not Arabs, and both they and the Arabs are aware of this fact. They are Arabic-speaking, and they are Muslim indeed religion plays a greater part in their lives than it does in those either of the Syrians or the Iraqi. But the Egyptian, during the first thirty years of the [twentieth] century, was not aware of any particular bond with the Arab East... Egypt sees in the Arab cause a worthy object of real and active sympathy and, at the same time, a great and proper opportunity for the exercise of leadership, as well as for the enjoyment of its fruits. But she is still Egyptian first and Arab only in consequence, and her main interests are still domestic.

Deighton, H. S.

Egyptians have been in place since back in the Pleistocene and have been largely unaffected by either invasions or migrations

C. Loring Brace University of Michigan's Department of Anthropology

Thou art a distortion junkie of the first order.. never said any thing about A..rabs kicking anybody out however to deny late west Eurasian genetic input is nonsense ..see study above.
Then again what do a very ancient Arab looked like or self describe.. you might be surprised...

Studies of cranial morphology also support the use of a Nubian (Kerma) population for a comparison of the Dynastic period, as this group is likely to be more closely genetically related to the early Nile valley inhabitants than would be the Late Dynastic Egyptians, who likely experienced significant mixing with other Mediterranean populations (Zakrzewski, 2002

Not clear enough??.. at-least we are getting somewhere for it's good enough if local Nile Valley origins is recognized than you guys proclaiming Mesopotamian founders..based on nothing but pure imagination.

And yes if anyone met me in person I am quite pleasant and make friends easily..

edit on 28-9-2013 by Spider879 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by Spider879

Excellent!!! so you don't believe that rubbish about the Egyptian civilization coming from the great lakes region and travailing northwards along the Nile passing dinka tribe territory in Sudan, Kush (Nubia) and finally lower/upper Egypt

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 01:09 PM

reply to post by Spider879

Excellent!!! so you don't believe that rubbish about the Egyptian civilization coming from the great lakes region and travailing northwards along the Nile passing dinka tribe territory in Sudan, Kush (Nubia) and finally lower/upper Egypt

Errr the Nile or one branch of it started in the Great Lakes ?? you know where God Bes came from, however I said It was one of the cultural incubators the other two is the Horn and the Sahara in other post/threads I showed the symbols of kingly paraphernalia in those areas that predates it's arrival in ancient kemet proper.

The following is a "North Saharan" — from "Kargur Talh" in particular — rendition dating to ca. 6ky to 7ky BP; it notably sports a male figure holding what appears to be a staff, reminiscent of the Was scepter

we have an early and a rather simple rendition dating back to ca. 3500 BC, found in the Hierakonpolis tomb 100, sporting several individuals holding what appear to be Was scepter

Kemetian with Was scepter

The Hangool or Wako stick from Ethiopia and Somalia.
Funny that you mentioned the Dinka.. yes those dusty cattlemen on the Nile like their earlier Kemetian and Ku#es Nile Valley dwellers were into Cattle cults and deforming the Horns just like the ancients did and they are not alone in this as other East African cow pokes do the yes elements from those areas traveled to ancient Kemet and took root along with pottery and other tool kit.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 02:19 PM
Luxus and Spider I think it's time for you guys to agree to disagree. It'd obvious that neither of you are going to bring the other to your side.
How many posts has this lunge/parry/riposte gone on for , over the origins of Egypt , in a thread about ancient modern humans in China.
This whole time you could have been discussing the actual subject at hand, the make up of ancient peoples in north east Asia.

So back to the original question, who were those early people north east Asia and where did they come from, the dention should clear up the story.
I believe they were characterized as tauradonts, which is more frequent in western Eurasian and European populations, and is different from afrodonty or sinodonty.
If they were taurodonts then they, are for sure, not related to earlier homo erectus derived populations, that would have shown inscisor shoveling which is found in he.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 06:28 PM
reply to post by Spider879

You used the picture from the painted tomb to prove your point? You do realize that was an early map of the Mediterranean and those were cattle herders. On the map they gave representations of people in the different areas. Much like china's first emperor who built a representation in his tomb of the known world. So all it tells us is they were aware there were cattle herders in Africa. And every staff in the entire world originated from staffs to heard animals this isnt just a saharan invention. So all you did was confuse the issue as i said egyptians were from the nile valley they didnt come from anywhere else.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 08:52 PM

So back to the original question, who were those early people north east Asia and where did they come from, the dention should clear up the story.
I believe they were characterized as tauradonts, which is more frequent in western Eurasian and European populations, and is different from afrodonty or sinodonty.
If they were taurodonts then they, are for sure, not related to earlier homo erectus derived populations, that would have shown inscisor shoveling which is found in he.

Yes, this thread has gotten totally derailed.

I am guessing from the word roots that you have insight into this that I hadn't heard of before based on dental difference in various homo sapien sub-lineages. Mind sharing some links?

Chances are, the earliest settlers of China were related to the earliest group of Homo Sapiens which came to America from Asia. This would be a direct descendent of the first wave which either left Africa-- or descended from the first group that left Africa after some time spent in India depending on the model.

This can be traced to Haplo Group C in the Y-DNA studies and probably to Group A in the mtDNA studies:

I have a sneaking suspicion that just as the victor writes what we call history, genocide probably was business as usual through out the human drama. I wouldn't be surprised if the reality of the situation is that these studies only reveal the genes that were allowed to continue continue propagation and that haplo groups we only see inside of Africa today, made their way out of Africa to be totally replaced, a la Neanderthal in Europe and Denisovans before them.

But even with that being said, Ydna group C and mtDNA group A are not a majority linage in China by any stretch of the imagination. So even these groups were systematically replaced in the region by later peoples.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 09:30 PM

Luxus and Spider I think it's time for you guys to agree to disagree. It'd obvious that neither of you are going to bring the other to your side.
How many posts has this lunge/parry/riposte gone on for , over the origins of Egypt , in a thread about ancient modern humans in China.
This whole time you could have been discussing the actual subject at hand, the make up of ancient peoples in north east Asia.

So back to the original question, who were those early people north east Asia and where did they come from, the dention should clear up the story.
I believe they were characterized as tauradonts, which is more frequent in western Eurasian and European populations, and is different from afrodonty or sinodonty.
If they were taurodonts then they, are for sure, not related to earlier homo erectus derived populations, that would have shown inscisor shoveling which is found in he.

You are correct no more on this subject from me back to the O.P

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by punkinworks10

In response to your question, I would wait for further information on this before jumping to conclusions. Also the way this "scientist" writes is very unprofessional and clearly reveals his bias ie

But the DNA is the DNA and that shows that all modern human orginated in some part of the African continent.

Believe It Or Not Or read em and weep

If you get to the stage where you can persuade people on the evidence, that it's solid, that we are all African, that color is superficial, that stages of development of culture are all interactive, then I think we have a chance of a world that will respond better to global challenges.

Richard Leaky, Paleoanthropologist

Read it and weep yeah...who's the one weeping exactly, another afrocentric clown!


you were joking that the Dinka have anything to do with the ancient Egyptians, that's just hilarious that you think these (below) people have anything to do with pyramids!!!

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by LUXUS

I can't believe people live like that. Pyramids? I don't think so.

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