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This is for people in their 30's and beyond, It is about Trust and Betrayal.

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posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

In the face of so much betrayal one should learn to research more before they move on something, you know the old adage "learn from others mistakes".

I also believe that parents of the last 20 years don't seem to care as much about what there kids know or learn. People have lost a lot of humanity, civility and out and out caring which would explain all the hate and division.

Another old adage comes to mind which might be more to your train of thought" get away kid, you bother me". In order for parents to parent there has to be discipline and strict discipline has all but been abolished by the government and political loose or have not been taught respect , you loose, its that simple.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 04:32 PM
Well, I'm in my early 30s and I can determine from your post that my upbringing was much different than yours. But I understand the betrayal question you put forth. Now that we know how our lives have been shaped by the powers that be. Scripted. Programmed towards a nefarious end. I've spent most of my adulthood not really knowing who I am or if I have a purpose. Ive just let life play out, with the assumption that society is some kind of sick joke. Sports, women and religion, the venues I have used to feel happy throughout the years, have often ended up corrupting me further.
Four months ago, I quit my job, sold everything I owned and left Canada for the 3rd world. Had to get out of the "program." Obviously there is a "program" here as well, but it has less of a hold on me. I still have no idea where I'm headed. Right now I just try to love my girl, pray, and remain positive in a world that's full of sh#t.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 06:15 PM
I'm with you brother. Your OP is like the over-arching theme of my life. Being a young, gullible girl and growing up trusting my family and my parents. Only to find out in my teens they were totally full of crap, and not trustworthy at all. Going through my teens and finding out that what I was being programmed for was not genuine or authentic. Going through my twenties and thinking I'm getting a handle on things, only to realize that was just the next layer of the crap onion.

I'll be 35 this year and what I do know is a grain of sand in the ocean of what I do not. The only thing that can give comfort in this situation is looking around at all the other people in the same exact boat I am, if not a leakier one. At least I won't capsize alone.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 07:42 PM

reply to post by MyHappyDogShiner

Yes, you are correct, if i were some 20-year old on a powertrip.

But, i am not.

Do you think that i actually go around telling people how i perceive them?

No, knowledge is power.

It is never wise to let others know how smart you are,
better to play the part of a FOOL.




(a bit melodramatic, i know, but that´s just the Brandy talking)

edit on 19-9-2013 by LionOfGOD because: (no reason given)

Well you are certainly (at least from what I can see) trying to prove to the rest of the people in this thread how much smarter you are than the rest by your ability to read and manipulate the system.

Look I get it I was there once. but its something you need to work through. Anyway as long as your happy thats the most important thing. Being truthful to ourselves is the greatest gift we can give ourselves. it help us better understand the world and how it effects us.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by BigBrotherDarkness

Spot on with the monkey experiment, I have indeed seen this video and others like it. I have heard tell that it might be fake or that the experiment was never done but I didnt care enough to actually validate the claim by looking into if the experiment was real or not.

I think the most important part about it was the though experiment that this makes people think how they react to social conditioning and how external pressure from peers can lead to changes in behavior.

Lets be honest we have all succumbed to this at least once in our lives and so people cant live without it. So lost and used to living in the comfort of other peoples approval.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

I think it even goes beyond an age,its more like people like deceiving themselves to be comfortable rather than step back and say ' now what do we really have here'?

I won't go into it, but I've always identified with the little boy in the 'Emperors new clothes'. People around me get mad when I dare to point out what I really see. 'How dare you tell a conflicting story to ours'. Is mainly the response I get.

I've decided that my epithet will be 'Reality is an illusion of the masses to nullify them into a false sense of security'.Its all I've ever seen around me. I know people that are perfectly smart and are older than me that refuse to see what the gov. is doing. THEY DON'T WANT TO KNOW. You can't make people wake up,they see what they want to see. Once its in they're face with no way to deny any longer, then they have a mental crisis trying to deal with it.Pretty sure those are going to be the ones that will freeze and go out first.

But these are just my own ramblings.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

How about this world is just deceptive, and many people just believe the lie? I think there comes a point in your 30's where you do indeed begin to realize this deception is rampant throughout society. However, you then have a choice whether to confront these deceptions or conform to them, giving power to the lie.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 08:09 PM

I'm with you brother. Your OP is like the over-arching theme of my life. Being a young, gullible girl and growing up trusting my family and my parents. Only to find out in my teens they were totally full of crap, and not trustworthy at all. Going through my teens and finding out that what I was being programmed for was not genuine or authentic. Going through my twenties and thinking I'm getting a handle on things, only to realize that was just the next layer of the crap onion.

I'll be 35 this year and what I do know is a grain of sand in the ocean of what I do not. The only thing that can give comfort in this situation is looking around at all the other people in the same exact boat I am, if not a leakier one. At least I won't capsize alone.

Oh man, this relevent, how " crux of the biscuit".
Don't get me started on this huge problem we have seemingly inherited.
I jump off at the poor university students and their careers.....I have to stop right there, that's howcritical this subject is. Only God of the Bible can help this life catastophe.....
You know, when the young generation discovers that they owe 80 thousand in loans from school...and there's no career.......

edit on 19-9-2013 by GBP/JPY because: Yahuweh...the coolest of names, I swear

edit on 19-9-2013 by GBP/JPY because: Yahuweh...the coolest of names, I swear

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 08:19 PM

reply to post by TiM3LoRd


The only reason I seem to have "succeeded" in life while retaining any semblance of morality is because I (through no obvious conscious skill or intent of my own) rejected the standard story of "how to get somewhere in life"... yet still learned how to "perform" within the "play" that was in progress. So on one hand I know that it is all a facade, a charade, an act... and on the other I know that right NOW... it is deadly serious that I be capable of participating in the "play" if I wish to continue to affect the "play".

The other actors yearn for someone to introduce new lines into the "play". Which lines you introduce... that's you.

Do we see?
edit on 19-9-2013 by BardingTheBard because: (no reason given)

Dont get me wrong I didnt make this thread lightly. I have been thinking about this since I was 15 or so in bits and pieces. So do I see? Well that depends on what you mean by see. I see what I see and you see what you see, sometimes they might be the same and sometimes not. And realistically there is no way to determine who sees what and if anything we each see is that same. I would surmise that since we all share relatively similar DNA that for the most part our shared reality is similar but that would simply be an assumption.

Long story short yes I know what you mean and what you are trying to say.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 08:29 PM

I'm with you brother. Your OP is like the over-arching theme of my life. Being a young, gullible girl and growing up trusting my family and my parents. Only to find out in my teens they were totally full of crap, and not trustworthy at all. Going through my teens and finding out that what I was being programmed for was not genuine or authentic. Going through my twenties and thinking I'm getting a handle on things, only to realize that was just the next layer of the crap onion.

I'll be 35 this year and what I do know is a grain of sand in the ocean of what I do not. The only thing that can give comfort in this situation is looking around at all the other people in the same exact boat I am, if not a leakier one. At least I won't capsize alone.

Ahh safety in numbers eh

Yeah growing up honest is a dishonest world can be testing at the best of times, yeah being betrayed by family the very people you have the most trust in can be a very harsh lesson indeed and my commiserations for you having to go through that. But I bet that thought you an invaluable lesson that no amount of money could buy.

Hang in there sis, you belong to a much larger family that understands and supports you even if you dont know their names. We are all in this crazy boat together have solace in that.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

Yes I can understand this, and in fact understood this far before my 30's. For me it really hit home when I finished college and had been promised a great career and so on, only to find myself literally working the same kind of job I had before I went to college, only this time I have 5 digits worth of students loans to go with it because the market for my major is so awful. (architecture)

Most of my bitterness comes from the fact that my biggest regret is going to college in the first place, because I have to work 40 plus hours a week like most Americans with college degrees do, to pay off this bull# loan. And I see many other guys my age who didn't go to college, and have no loans, and they only have to work half of what I do. I feel like I got sucked into a machine that took out my heart and I have to now pay this machine with my life just to keep living if that makes sense.

I also feel that way about most products in today's market as well. I feel like there is so much junk out there too. I feel it with even people all around us, myself included. Like you talk to some people they have no personality or and dreams, they are just programmed humanoids programmed via the media and so on. In many ways I have clocked out of life and no longer care, and just want to die. Each day becomes more and more difficult to look at myself in the mirror and realize that who I am is who I have to be for the rest of my life, and life seems to never end. I have many a times contemplated suicide but I don't want to hurt my loved ones. Yes I know many of you strong individuals who so easily have overcome life and have real life hard ships look at me and see me as weak and a coward, but I do know this for sure: The insecurities and lies about life being measured only by money creep in from an early age, and take great hold in your life later on. I hate that I know no better with what to do with my life now, than I did when I was 18.

So yes I am a Christian and believe I am going to Heaven when I die, which is why I would much rather die than go on in life. There you can all see me being painfully honest so take it for what it is, but criticize me on your own time as I wont be reading any replies as it is too embarrassing and yet I feel like this complete honesty has more merit than some lie. Its one of those days for me.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 08:37 PM
You expect too much.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 08:45 PM

reply to post by TiM3LoRd

Yes I can understand this, and in fact understood this far before my 30's. For me it really hit home when I finished college and had been promised a great career and so on, only to find myself literally working the same kind of job I had before I went to college, only this time I have 5 digits worth of students loans to go with it because the market for my major is so awful. (architecture)

Most of my bitterness comes from the fact that my biggest regret is going to college in the first place, because I have to work 40 plus hours a week like most Americans with college degrees do, to pay off this bull# loan. And I see many other guys my age who didn't go to college, and have no loans, and they only have to work half of what I do. I feel like I got sucked into a machine that took out my heart and I have to now pay this machine with my life just to keep living if that makes sense.

I also feel that way about most products in today's market as well. I feel like there is so much junk out there too. I feel it with even people all around us, myself included. Like you talk to some people they have no personality or and dreams, they are just programmed humanoids programmed via the media and so on. In many ways I have clocked out of life and no longer care, and just want to die. Each day becomes more and more difficult to look at myself in the mirror and realize that who I am is who I have to be for the rest of my life, and life seems to never end. I have many a times contemplated suicide but I don't want to hurt my loved ones. Yes I know many of you strong individuals who so easily have overcome life and have real life hard ships look at me and see me as weak and a coward, but I do know this for sure: The insecurities and lies about life being measured only by money creep in from an early age, and take great hold in your life later on. I hate that I know no better with what to do with my life now, than I did when I was 18.

So yes I am a Christian and believe I am going to Heaven when I die, which is why I would much rather die than go on in life. There you can all see me being painfully honest so take it for what it is, but criticize me on your own time as I wont be reading any replies as it is too embarrassing and yet I feel like this complete honesty has more merit than some lie. Its one of those days for me.

No critique here, just a word of advice.

This reality you experience is temporary so dont seek out its end, it will seek you out BELIEVE that.

Have fun with it and dont take it so seriously. yeah we have been lied to but at least now we know that we can mould our own futures. Dont let the macro get in the way of the micro because all we have are slices of micro that turn into macro.

Enjoy the moment and remember if you dont like where you are move.

Life can be as complex or simple as you allow it all it takes is to stand back and ask yourself what you want and where you can get it from.

Hope that helps. keep your chin up you are not alone.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 08:47 PM

You expect too much.

And you dont demand enough.

See how easy that is

posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 12:49 AM


But I bet that taught you a lesson no amount of money could buy.

Makes me think of the lead off lyrics in the Beatles' tune Money: "The best things in life are free."

This has been a great thread so far!!


posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 01:14 AM

... one who believes themselves to know everything just won't listen to anyone who actually knows more than they do.

I am now having a hard time dealing/working with someone like that.....and he's in his 50's!

So I am giving up. Can't teach an old dog....

posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 01:15 AM
I agree... but I also think we have more hope than many past generations. The problems are all full of mental dynamics that are really exhausting to sort out, because thinking can take up the most it's easier to not think and just do, just follow, just go with the flow... and so it's get's done very very slowly, facing these eventually and begrudgingly realized disappointments... but at the same time racing forward into all sorts of new problems that makes us want to slam the brakes even harder.

I want to say something about excuses, but I'm not sure how to say it. maybe it will come to me.
Although it is not a philosophical issue, take the problem with oil for example. I'm sure you've heard all the excuses before. The trouble we go to, to give ourselves the trouble with something that only causes more trouble for us.... it manages to perpetuate obviously for greed and control, but for the average person who has no stake in that claim other than using it.... it is simply too hard to think about it being any different, so even the ones who benefit the least will make excuse after excuse after excuse of why oil is like the blood of society. Someone on here recently used the term inertia. It's easier to just keep stepping in the same ruts than to make a new path... especially if that path is across the fertile and untamed wilderness of mind.

that's why many of the ones thinking of infinite better ways...are still sitting and thinking.

It's hard to get a new path started, especially when you're not really certain where to begin... so you just stay in your familiar maze as time slips away.

If you know something is right, I believe you should never make an excuse against it.
No matter what it is... right is right. Life just passes right on by, but principle will remain, from one generation to the next. Right or wrong will outlive us all over and over again.
With some things, there really are no excuses. The sooner one realizes and stops thinking about it, the sooner they can do something about whatever it is before too much more time passes by.

posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by TiM3LoRd

The experiment did take place just not in the usual context; the same effect took place just not in the video conditions, it was just rewritten naming the object and settings more defined to make a point when it showed up in business literature; never the less, it does show the same behavoir the origional experiment did:

I personally have always felt apart from peers, and basically everyone else I have ever encountered; it's not that I wasn't accepted, I have had many healthy relationships as well as dysfunctional ones. I just never shared the same enthusiasm for what could be termed banal pursuits. Trend chasing was a head scratcher, first day on the school bus in the 4th grade a kid asked me what kind of jeans I had on... I didn't know, looked and said Wrangler why? He said because "Levis are cool." I said "Ok?..." to me they were just pants no different than any other pants in function. Of course many years later; it was determined that I was a very high functioning autistic... whatever that means, still the same thing as pants comment in the 4th grade as far as I was concerned... a good excuse for being different if I needed one I guess? Labels only change perceptions based on what someone thinks of them; the sun doesn't change or cease functioning, if we call it a moon or even spareribs.

But it seems people like to identify with something, be it a labeled genetic variance, mental illness, belief group, lifestyle or whatever. I could have been labeled vegetarian for over a decade, but it wasn't on the count of animals... I just got tired of eating meat. Then after 10 years or so I got tired of lettuce, rice and pasta to the point where I could barely look at it years after resuming meat.

I suppose I feel more of an observer if I were to label myself, I study experience and the human condition, too many creative hobbies and ideas to ever get time for them all, but that's ok all of those pursuits are for me anyway, wealth and status isn't a priority at all, but both are easily attainable with effort.

But personally, I don't really see any difference in all the posters here; whether part of the group at one time, still part of the group, feigning to be part of the group, or wanting to be part of the group... alienation of the world at large or better put a peep behind the veil to see the world as it is seems to have happened, I would term this the initial enlightenment... how we handle that experience of glimpsing the world as it is, seems to be the crux that either joins or divides humanity as that enlightenment grows and deepens, at times dipping into one extreme or another along the way.

How I deal with all of this thing called life; is to maintain balance tempered with tolerance and understanding in any situation I may be in at that moment. I only change and control myself, and have no expectation of others... if I cannot live up to my own expectations for myself, it is even more unreasonable to expect someone else to live up to expectations of them I could impose, so I simply have two relationship based ones, don't lie to me and don't cheat on me... out of respect, they do either of those then respect is non existent, so whats the point of being in a partnership? Otherwise as an adult my partner does whatever they feel like, and I encourage and support the goals they set for themselves. Outside a relationship zero expectation or desire to control anyone, watching myself in that manner is a full time job, and I don't work over time.

posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 04:57 AM
reply to post by Kurius

I have heard this put forth as..."My way may not be the only way, or even the right way, but it is the only way you're going to get from me."

posted on Sep, 20 2013 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by NotAnAspie

Very nice post, seems I do more sitting than doing since the announcement Johnny Cash death was 10 years ago and I could have sworn out of ignorance it was only 3 that had passed. At this rate my birthday will be tomorrow, next week I'll have a grand child, next month be purchasing a hover round, and next year ashes to ashes.

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