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Who Are These People And What Are They Doing?

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posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 06:00 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Is this new to you or something? I thought this was old hat. The CIA running drugs has been well exposed by people like Mike Ruppert.

Do you really think that the U.S. military would even be in afghanistan if their number one export was cauliflower? Or if they weren't located where they are?

I have personally patroled around the poppy fields. They stretch out as far as you can see to the horizon. I was there for over a year. I also served a year in Bosnia shortly after the war there.

would it not also make those soldiers monitoring and allowing the cultivation terrorists as well?

Your video shows the same soldier in the last frame as it does in the first. Its not like theres a whole company there.

You have no idea what that soldier is doing there. He looks to me like he is waiting *(which is something that you do alot of in the military.) I was taken from a line unit and placed in Battalion headquarters as the XO's PSD. (personal security detachment) Once we sat outside a poppy field all day, not becasue we were helping them pick poppies, but because we had to take the major there to go and meet with the mayor of a local village to do a radio broadcast. Most people there have radios and not TVs, so getting out information by radio is the way to go in most cases. Maybe they were doing a cordon search of the area looking for explosives/weapons/contraband. Maybe their humvee broke down and they're waiting for recovery. Hell, maybe anything. The fact is, you are only speculating as to any reason that soldier is there.

I never participated in any terrorism. You seem to think soldiers have a choice when it comes to doing as you're told. I have a news flash for you, soldiers do not get to voice their opinions. There is no free speech when you wear a uniform.There is a reason you will only see a few soldiers speaking out against getting deployed to afghanistan, (or any other place for that matter) it is because they literally can't without facing prosecution under UCMJ. I'm sure if that was not the case, the vast majority of soldiers would rather be at home with their families and not in a foreign country where people like to shoot at you and try to blow you up.

When I was going through pre-deployment training, one of the classes was "how to talk to the media". I remember the training Seargeant saying this, "You will not even talk to reporters if you can help it, and if you do, you will not say anything detrimental about the mission, the unit, or the U.S. Army. If you do say anything negative, then you will face punishment under UCMJ."

Blaming the soldiers is beyond idiotic, blame the people who sent them there.

edit on 19-9-2013 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Nice thread! S+F!

I was asking a smililar question a few days ago in this thread:
So you are telling me that drones cannot spot poppyfields in Afghanistan?

IMHO, its obvious that the fields are protected by the troops there, whether they are CIA or agents belonging to another sick branch of the US-army.

If they REALLY wanted to get rid of the fields, it could be done in less than a week? But holy smokes! Who on earth would burn of billions in annual income?

Found another video on this subject...

Video Description:
U.S. Marines, sponsored by the U.S. taxpayer, stand vigilant watch over poppy fields in Afghanistan ensuring that the world is supplied with plenty of smack. Just don't get caught with any of the poppy derivatives that your tax dollars paid for or you will get a visit from your friendly neighborhood S.W.A.T.and a required stay in a gray bar hotel.

Doesn't this just make your chest swell up with patriotic pride? Good job Marines! Semper Fi to the N.W.O.!

edit on 19/9/2013 by kloejen because: (no reason given)

edit on 19/9/2013 by kloejen because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 06:28 AM

reply to post by Corruption Exposed

The opium poppies are not exclusively used for the production of heroin, they are also used to manufacture morphine and various other opiate analgesics.US and UK/NATO troops have been used to oversee the poppy harvests, and to ensure that the product is transported safely to enable it to be passed on to legitimate licensed morphine and opiate analgesic manufacturers.

i wish I could be that naive. Ignorance is bliss.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 06:31 AM
Ohh and on a side note, it's recommended to read about the first Opium Wars:

Wiki: First opium war
Wiki: Second opium war

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by Cancerwarrior

LOL...this is not new to me!

I have written other threads on US government involvement in the drug trade. PerhapsI will link some of them once I am near a computer. For most people It's a well known fact that this happens.

I think some of you may have missed the point ...there was some sarcasm in my title and OP.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

The way I took your OP is that soldiers are guarding the poppy fields and helping the farmers harvest their crop.

It's a pretty one sided and innacurate view of things IMO. Your thread title should read, "Who is this guy, and what is he doing?" Unless you're talking about the farmers, in which case its obvious they are tending to their crop.
edit on 19-9-2013 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by Cancerwarrior

There was more than one "guy" on guard...

Thanks for the title suggestion though.

Your posts are one sided as well IMO so pot meet kettle.
edit on 9/19/2013 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Look closely, the video shows THE SAME soldier. There is just one guy there.

You conveniently ignoring the fact that there is any number of reasons why he's there, does'nt mean he is helping pick the poppies or whatever.

You can continue demonizing the troops as drug harvesters if you like, no skin off my back. I don't ever remember guarding farmers crops or helping them pick poppies. I'm proud of my military service, even though I did not agree with many of the missions I was sent on.

There is a strong military tradition in my family that goes back to the civil war. I had an uncle and a grandad pay the ultimate price in WWII. So you keep on exercising that first amendment right!

edit on 19-9-2013 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 09:12 AM

To generate/maintain some type of economy for Afghanistan?

It is really bizarre that the Taliban in 2001 tried to ban opium production and sslaes claiming "it was a unIslamic thing to take drug and sell drugs" and then record poppy production occurred thereafter.
It sounds like(from one side) if production stopped, the farmers would blame US for poverty and return to the Taliban's rule.

November 2009, the Afghan Minister of Counter Narcotics General Khodaidad Khodaidad stated that the majority of drugs are stockpiled in two provinces controlled by troops from the US, the UK, and Canada. He also said that NATO forces are taxing the production of opium in the regions under their control and that foreign troops are earning money from drug production in Afghanistan.

What a surreal image, considering...
edit on 18-9-2013 by speculativeoptimist because: (no reason given)

Exactly, that's why we went over there, the Taliban was actually destroying the fields, so we had to find a reason to get over there to protect the money it generates for the black budget projects. Really in reality everything is quite simple when you think about it. It's always about money in the end. We also found a huge deposit of Lithium, but that's another whole topic.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 10:22 AM
Natural opiates are industrially extracted from poppy hay, combines separate seed and hay on a field, seeds are used in food production, because its minimal content of opiates, and hay in drug production. It is much cheaper than manual harvest of juice from living plants. There is some small need of raw opium for research, but really small. So Afghanistan poppy production is almost solely for illegal drug production. Or is there some factory for opiates extraction from poppy hay in Afghanistan?

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 10:51 AM
@OP They're not "giving them TLC" as you would your tomato plants. That is, unless you're growing some tomacco crops, or otherwise figured out how to make your fruits narcotic.

What they're actually doing is scoring the opium pods. They have a little tool that you can see if you look carefully, that they drag across the surface of the pod, which makes a series of shallow vertical slashes. Just deep enough so the latex will begin to seep out of the pod, from where it can be collected. This latex is simply dried, and this is raw opium.

And yes, I saw what you saw. It looked like standing guard. I thought it was well known that we were aiding the poppy growers over there. Certain segments of our government are some of the biggest aids to massive scale drug importation, in the world. The CIA is notorious for it. Hence the "joke":

CIA = Cocaine Importation Agency

Do a little digging on this subject, and I think you'll be surprised at what you find. Yet another of the many reasons the war on drugs is a lie, and a failure.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 10:53 AM
There should be a Fundamentals test that you have to pass to be able to post here.

LOOK people, countries do NOT send their armies around the world to "help" other people.

They invade (which is what it is called when you send an army to someone elses country) to take treasure and to conquer.


Full stop.

Stop again.

No. Don't think.

Just stop.

Stop there.

Armies are for gathering treasure and forcing your will on others.



That's it.

That's what they do.

They don't "bring democracy" or anything like that.

How the hell can they?

If you don't grok that simple, inescapable truth, and it's not a spercial "conspiracy-truth" or anything like that. It's simple, historical reading.

If you don't grok that, then you are not qualified to comment on world events, or to even have an opinion.

edit on 19-9-2013 by MarsSentinel because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Why are armed soldiers standing there watching farmers tend to illegal crops?

Is it illegal or are you basing this on another countries laws?

Common sense tells me that I am not the only one who believes that opium is one of the MANY reasons why Afghanistan is still, and most likely will always be occupied by Western forces.

Its a fact, no beliefs required only some experience in the availability of illicit substances.

If memory serves me right Afghanistan produces around 80% of the world demand and supply of poppy.

In 96 when the Taliban gained power in Afghanistan is when there was a start of a world wide shortage of opiates hitting the streets due to the Taliban taking over and beginning to limit production and cultivation of the poppy fields to strike a blow to the western powers controlling the illicit world drug trade.

The shortage hit hard in about 98-99 and in turn created a increase in the popularity of Crystal meth.

Things got better in terms of opiates and distribution in around 2002/3 when production was able to increase drastically due to the peace keepers keeping an eye on the prize.

Was that one main reason 9/11 happened and the sh.. ever since, were the some ruling powers that could consist of the Clinton and Bush families being heavily involved in the drug trade
and with the Taliban in power in 96 they began loosing millions in profit so a plan that was already in the works to destabilize the middle east just had another reason to push forth and it was full steam ahead.

Before the invasion, the Taliban had the opium trade in check, so once they were settled in the invaders dipped into the Afghan heroin trade...the government hates competition!

In check, is saying it lightly,

there was a world shortage except I believe for Russia where it was pandemic when the rest of westernized world had a shortage and users were forced to use other substances.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

No one who has served in a war theater should be surprised by this. These same people have been hauling drugs into this country, and the rest of the world, since Viet Nam at least. I saw it then, it may have been going on much longer.
The "drug busts" which you hear about on the MSM are the small time competitors, or some one who wants to go independant.
Everytime I hear some politician talk about defunding some program and making government cost less, I think how nice it would be to "defund" the CIA, the DHS, the ATFB, and about half ot the FBI. This would save billions and maybe we could get our society back on track.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by Cancerwarrior

Look closely, the video shows THE SAME soldier. There is just one guy there.

Now you are just making things up. I clearly see at least two different soldiers. It's quite obvious in my opinion that the soldier in the beginning is not the same as the one seen near the end. Their skull and facial features are much different, and their skin tone.

It also appears that there are soldiers in the field with the farmers mid way through but it is tough to tell due to the distance.

Do you disagree?

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by solongandgoodnight

Nothing naïve about it, I guess that you would obviously prefer that the poppies were harvested clandestinely by the evil CIA(or whatever other alphabet agency you want to conjure up),to be refined into pure heroin in order to support some black budget/covert agenda. But sometimes, just maybe, there is a simpler more rational explanation, hmm?.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

The hypocrisy is beyond belief.

How many people got arrested yesterday for pot?

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 12:57 PM

reply to post by nake13

Except we can synthesize it; no need to grow it halfway around the world. I think the soldiers are being told they are guarding it for medical (legal) purposes.

True. But the goal of the invasion of Afghanistan was try and preserve the government and the 10 million city dwellers in Karachi.

Another goal was to give the farmers a legitimate source of income. Growing poppies is just about the only legal source of income given the terrain and climate.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 02:14 PM
Something tells me the US and China have an agreement going on in the opium trade. As we all know, opium is huge in the chinese black market.

It could explain why China agrees to continue borrowing money to the US that they know damn well they'll never see back.

The US scratches China's back so that China will continue to scratch the US's.

I bet you guys haven't thought of that aspect of this whole thing, eh ?

Me so smart.

posted on Sep, 19 2013 @ 02:26 PM
Wow.... It blows my mind how much control over every aspect of society those orchastrating wars and the drug trade have.

It blows my f*ing mind even more that we just sit around with EVIDENCE everyday, accumulated over tehe years and let it happen more and more.. While more and more lives are destrroyed, people struggle just to hold on to a house and feed their families.. But you have these jerks called "patriots" combing in billions off opium and marijuana, coc aine in the south (mexican drug trade) .

Sigh.... *hits reply and goes to lay down..*
edit on 19-9-2013 by covertpanther because: (no reason given)

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